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Secret Agent

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Everything posted by Secret Agent

  1. Secret Agent

    SJL Crimson Losing Match...

    Well you didn't pick me either ::Shakes fist at Judge::
  2. Secret Agent

    SJL Crimson Losing Match...

    Jesus. The likeness of our two matches is rather ~Psychic~ of us, eh? At any rate you kicked my ass good in that one, and it would of been a damn fine match to loose to. If you didn't get struck with the word limit thing, i think you would of beat me down good. Plus you handled my charater better than i've been doing with him latley. **Johnny Dangerous kicks himself back into gear, and reminds himself to stop underestimating these newcomers with half assed matches. ** I better go read another Clancy novel for inspiration. All in all i see nothing wrong with it, you are growing with each match that you do. Keep it up and you will be in good shape, man.
  3. Secret Agent

    Wrath Predictions

    Hey now don't strip Wildchild of his win against Blank. TRIPLE THREAT MATCH Ejiro vs. Wildchild vs. Johnny Dangerous Sweet a triple threat! Now as much as i would like to see Wildchild score a win against someone who writes back, and as much as i don't want to have the Suicide King win another one for me against Ejiro. Johnny Dangerous can not afford another loss. I have a good idea though. How about me and Ejiro go double team that Vanilla Hoss Leon? EUROPEAN TITLE MATCH TRIPLE THREAT MATCH TIMES SQUARE STREET FIGHT Jack the Ripper © vs. Tim Dillon vs. Leon Sharpe European title? Triple threat? Times Square? AND A STREET FIGHT! Whoever wins this should do this one up good as one could take this match anywhere! I'm going to be the one to go with the unexpected here. Jack with the brutal retain! NO-DQ MATCH Matt Myers vs. Logan Logan WORLD TITLE #1 CONTENDERSHIP SPECIAL STIPULATIONS MATCH Kamikaze v. Mike Van Siclen Hrmm. Well Kamikaze's on going feud with Mental got pushed to the world title when Judge Mental won that strap, so MVS should win here just so everyone gets a chance to shake Mental down! WORLD TITLE MATCH 3 OUT OF 5 FALLS MATCH Judge Mental © vs. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins Spike could really use a win here, and i wouldn't mind seeing one myself. However logic indicates that this is Judge he is facing so Judge with the retain.
  4. Yeah post it Wildone. I want to see how someone else other than Leon and kaze does Johnny Dangerous.
  5. Secret Agent

    A Sacrfice must be made...

    Well if Triple H's backstage politics were so bad, than i think someone would say something. Someone other than Internet Journalist. Plus Bu Buh has been unstopable latley, does that mean he's got some mega pull too? Or maybe he's dipping into Stephanie's panties too. The assumptions people make are unreal around here sometimes.
  6. Secret Agent

    OK, I'll post it

    Well you have two different angles of stuff that happened in the past. So victoria will probably turn out to be Katie Fick/Vick. The one who tried to get closer to Kane by posing as a hooker, and Trish probably called her a whore so there's your angle.
  7. Well with Steph writting Raw it might get more thought than it's really needed. I have to admit though the womens division looks to finally be shaping up a bit.
  8. Secret Agent

    Sub-Name Request Thread

    Can i have mine say "Simply Dangerous" all would be cool and greatly appreaciated.
  9. Secret Agent

    So.. who is the next third man on the JL shows?

    That sucks...
  10. Secret Agent

    SJL Crimson for October 8th!

    Ok. I'm not trying to question your judgement, so sorry if you felt that way. Yesterday just wasn't the greatest of day's to begin with and when i saw that i over reacted. So King, sorry to make a big fuss or nothing, it was uncalled for.
  11. Secret Agent

    So.. who is the next third man on the JL shows?

    Hey where is my cool ass XF9 banner?
  12. Secret Agent

    SJL Crimson for October 8th!

    Yeah, but those RVd openers have some kind of reasoning behind it. And RVD didn't beat Jerico then have Jerico get the title shot. I.E. Jack? Now not that there is anything wrong with having a match against WildChild as i'm sure it would be a ood one, but how long do i have to go from match to match with no point. No one wants to feud so i'm stuck on that one, and no matter how many times i win, the others get ahead of me. I haven't no showed once, but i guess i will never live down that. Like i said i loose 1 singles match finally, and get slapped down to jobber. Grrrr, King, Grrrr.
  13. Secret Agent

    SJL Crimson for October 8th!

    Well geeze win a few and loose one and i'm curtian jerking? Thanks King.
  14. Secret Agent

    So.. who is the next third man on the JL shows?

    Well in that case, Mike. How about Pat Benatard?
  15. Secret Agent

    So.. who is the next third man on the JL shows?

    *Tries to hold back a horrendous fit of laughter* There would be an Ass whoping on Ash in every single match. At least I'm looking on the bright side of things.
  16. Secret Agent

    SJL Historian's Rankings

    Hey I'm Johnny 5!! Just don't paint me gold after getting beat up by Leon.
  17. Secret Agent

    Last Minute Metal Predictions!

    OPENING PROMO - Judge Mental informs us of how it feels to win the World title! Judge falls to the might of the promo. SINGLES MATCH Wildchild vs. Blank Why is Blank still being booked? He's ran off into the sunset quite a few shows ago. None the less Wildchild has a chance to leave a lasting impression by squashing what could of been a pretty damn good writer if he had stayed. Winner: Wildchild SINGLES MATCH Jack The Ripper vs. Ejiro Fasaki Ejiro vs Jack: The rematch. I think Ejiro is startig to get the hang of this and starts on a sucessful career with this match. Winner: Ejiro SINGLES MATCH Leon Sharpe vs. Johnny Dangerous Leon is MAD!!! Johnny is Dangerous!!! I don't predict my own match, it would just seem like i'm way to over confident if i did. Not that there is anything wrong with confidence, however. NO DQ MATCH Flexxx vs. Broomstick Winner:Broomstick with the upset. SINGLES MATCH Fugue vs. Tim Dillon Well this match seems to have no history that i know of, so i'll just flip the mighty coin and say.. Winner: Tim Dillon's 7,000 word writting Irish ass. NO ROPES MATCH Spike Jenkins vs. Thor Winner: Thor CHAIR ON A POLE #1 CONTENDERS MATCH Manson vs. Matt Myers vs. Mike Van Siclen This is one that i don't even want to try and predict with a twenty foot pole, so i'll just be surprised here.
  18. Secret Agent

    So.. who is the next third man on the JL shows?

    I don't think a figure head is all that necessary, but it adds to things. But if a new comish is named a heel is a must. The evil stables vs the good comish has already been played out, so a nice change of pace would be good. Or we could have a General Manager. I think we just need someone to blame for booking us against certian people.
  19. (Y) @ the Quad tear!!!! Now you have to make a video with Beautiful day playing in the background while doctors rehab your neck and quad.
  20. Secret Agent

    So.. who is the next third man on the JL shows?

    Why not just leave it at Axis and King? I mean two is fine and all but if you must have a third, ELM would be fun to add in. Although i can't speak or write a lick of spanish so it might be hard. And while were at it, why not have Axis as comish? I mean a man with a broken leg needs something to do, right?
  21. Secret Agent

    So.. who is the next third man on the JL shows?

    Thugg would be fun to write for commentary. He would take up two chairs at the announcers table, however.
  22. Secret Agent


  23. Secret Agent

    Countdown Comments

    Sorry Raynor, I won't let you down again. My alternator decided that it wanted to be changed when i was supose to be writting so i only had 2 hours left to whip out a real clusterfuck. Trust me it was, just ask Judge he saw it. However congrats to Kamikaze, that was a well done match. At least he saved me to be eliminated last. Myers, damn man. Thats all i can say on that one Judge Mental, who would of thunk it, eh? Congrats and may you have a sucessful run with the belt. Good show from all, i was well entertained.
  24. Secret Agent

    the incomplete Countdown match that I had to do

    Not too bad at all Leon, too bad you didn't have time to finish it. I feel your complaints on the four ways and royal matches. I too felt the 6 man royal rumble was kind of ackward to write until i cleared a few people out of the ring. Mine lost too though so don't feel too bad, man. Johnny D can't whip out 7g in words to keep up with that leprachaun.
  25. Secret Agent


    I wrote roughly 4000 words on mine. I figured i better do what Thugg said on having the opener not quite so long. Plus i had an alternator that decided it needed changing, cutting my writting time down a bunch. By the way, Royals are borring to write.