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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    HD Booking for 4/5/07

    And it doesn't get much bigger than CPA vs. Officer Bosley~! *crickets chirp* Yeah, okay. But trust me, you want it. You just don't know it yet. In amongst shall be comments from The Enterprise, plus hopefully something from the MITB winner Landon Maddix.
  2. King Cucaracha

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Exactly! Orton's chinlock looks more punishing of a submission move because of how it's sold not just by the guy in the hold but the guy applying it. When I compared it to the other submissions, it wasn't neccessarily on how 'good' of a move it is. That's a mute point, The Legdrop Of Doom and The People's Elbow were hardly 'good' moves in that sense. It's about credibility. Cena's been using it for at least a year now and nobody seems to buy it as a finishing move, no matter who he beats with it. There's plenty of reasons. The above is a good one.
  3. King Cucaracha

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    But, we do. It's TSM.
  4. King Cucaracha

    WrestleMania Tournament- Elite Eight

    Pontiac 2 Atlantic City 3 Toronto 2 New York City 1 Houston 1 Seattle 1 Chicago 1 Anaheim 5
  5. King Cucaracha

    25 Years Ago Today

    I've been re-reading Lawler's auto-biography recently and just passed the part regarding Kaufman. I only know of Kaufman by name from this, but the actual angle always intrigued me and I managed to catch footage of the match on one of the Classic Memphis shows they had produced over here for The Wrestling Channel in England. The two moves they actually did looked killer. Something that truly couldn't be pulled off anywhere near as well ever again, since the end of the 'Kayfabe Era'.
  6. King Cucaracha

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Okay, here's my problem with the ending. WrestleMania 12, Michaels faces Bret Hart and gets locked in the Sharpshooter right at the end of the match. The time runs down before he taps out, but he was in the hold for a good 20-30 seconds. WrestleMania 19, Michaels faces Chris Jericho. Jericho got the Walls Of Jericho on at least once after working the back all match and Michaels eventually gets to the ropes. WrestleMania 20, Michaels in the triple threat gets locked in the Crippler Crossface and manages to hang on until HHH makes the save. WrestleMania 21, Michaels faces Angle. As is customary, Angle half gets the Anklelock applied 6-8 times before finally getting a grapevine. Even then, Michaels hangs on for a good two or three minutes before calling it quits. WrestleMania 23, Shawn Michaels taps out to an STF. Sharpshoter, Walls Of Jericho, Crippler Crossface, Angle Lock, STFU. One of these is not like the others. That's my problem with the ending.
  7. King Cucaracha

    SWF STORM CARD - 4-11-2007

    Opening promo plz! Also, good to see Raynor back booking.
  8. King Cucaracha

    Stormftershoxorm comments.

    Not to turn this into the excuses thread, but having wrote 3 (well, 2 and a half) OAOAST matches since FTF and spent the Wednesday realising how woefully out of shape my knee is playing football (the real kind) with my kid cousins kinda pushed the throwaway promo show to the back of my mind.
  9. King Cucaracha

    HD Booking for 4/5/07

    Yeah, I'm fine with pushing it back to Saturday for one week. We've got an excuse if it'd be the 5th Anniversary. Shouldn't damage next week, this week should be mostly promos. As it's the 5 year anniversary, perhaps we can pad the shows with a few select 'feature matches' from the past 5 years? Also, someone should get a schedule up.
  10. King Cucaracha

    Character Shakeups?

    We just need to refine things. New characters is about the last thing we need. There's TONS of characters not doing anything from the active guys alone (half of us have at least 10, me and Tony together probably have pushing 50), then people decide to debut yet another instead of changing up current ones, or come up with someone new to squash instead of using the ones we already have. For a start, we should lay off of Bruce's guys, except maybe the clear jobbers like 'It'. I did suggest the HI-YAH idea to do something with non-active characters and it kinda fell on deaf ears. Anyone who fancies dredging that thread up is welcome to.
  11. King Cucaracha

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    From those spoilers, I don't see how Booker turned face. Makes no sense for a new face to attack The Undertaker. It looks more like Sharmell trying to motivate Booker and causing him to get injured than her turning on him.
  12. King Cucaracha

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    This probably sounds like one of those ridiculous "CM Punk's gonna win the World Title in 6 months coz he's the best wrestler evah~!" claims you get when indy guys get called up, but Cabana's probably as good a talker as 90-5% of the current WWE roster. It's whether he's allowed to show it, that's the problem.
  13. King Cucaracha

    ROH Supercard of Honor 2

    I wouldn't say Cabana was a 'gaping' hole either, but he was a great utility player, in that they could put him anywhere on the card and expect a great reaction regardless of it being one of the multi-man matches or the main event. Plus he was a regular. The Japanese guys aren't. The good thing is, it gives a chance for ROH to test out some new talent now. It's not like there aren't guys around even just the US scene like Generico, Steen, M-Dogg 20 who they've already tried out and the CHIKARA contingent they're going to be trying out. Plus there's PAC if they can get him in from England. Might be a case of going through a 'regeneration period' at the bottom of the card and seeing who clicks while they rely on the Dragon Gate and NOAH stars to fill out the top.
  14. King Cucaracha

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    All I know is that if I could watch any one wrestler in the world right now (or whatever that question was they used to ask in PWI), it'd be Cabana and I dread to think how much he's going to be wasted in WWE/OVW. Sorry to sound negative and all, but as a massive Colt Cabana fan I've been half-dreading him leaving the indies for a while now. Smark cap firmly off, it's good to see he'll be getting a good paycheck and some exposure nationwide. But the chances of him being allowed to work like Colt Cabana worry me. Will they let him work comedy? Maybe. Will they let him work anything other than WWE 'comedy'? Maybe on house shows. Will they let him wrestle with the European style that he's spent the past few years building? Doubtful. Will they acknowledge his relationship with CM Punk? 50/50, IMO. Will they try and turn him into WWE's version of Colt Cabana? Probably and that's what worries me. Size wise, I remember seeing him on Heat against Goldust and he didn't look so out of place.
  15. King Cucaracha

    ROH Supercard of Honor 2

    They've got another hole to plug pretty soon now. Cabana's final date is April 28th. Maybe deserves it's own thread, maybe not. EDIT: n/m, moved the rest to WWE folder since it's more relevant. Still, Cabana's going. Discuss?
  16. King Cucaracha

    AngleMania Feedback

    MITB is now in! It's certainly something. I'll be reading the show when I have a spare month. Meanwhile, I need sleep. Bad.
  17. King Cucaracha


    Send matches/promos to Tony149. This is the final card. If on the off-chance Bruce shows up and gets stuff in, then great, but otherwise consider this the official card. Basically here so Tony can edit what he's recieved when he recieves it. OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship -- RECEIVED "Reckless" Drek Stone © vs. Zack Malibu OAOAST World Tag Team Championships -- RECEIVED Chicks Over Dicks © vs. Christian Wright and Theodore Moneymaker 16 Man Money In The Bank Battle Royal Featuring: SWF World Heavyweight Champion Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix OAOAST 24/7 Champion Bohemoth Scotty Static Johnny Jax Cuban Wall "The Birmingham Bad Boy" Jamie O'Hara Colombian Heat Spanish Fly OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Champion Brock Ausstin Abdullah Abir Nerdly Christopher Patrick Allen "The Ice Heart" Dan Black Tony Brannigan Bloodshed HI-YAH Champion Faqu "After Hours" Felix Strutter Comeback Grudge Match -- RECEIVED "Silky Smooth" Leon Rodez vs. "The Urban Legend" Todd Cortez OAOAST Heartland Championship -- RECEIVED Barbed Wire Ladder Match Thunderkid © vs. Alfdogg X-Division Title Tournament Finals -- RECEIVED Tha Puerto Rican vs. Dance Dance Dragon 3 on 2 Handicap Match -- RECEIVED The Lightning Crew (Vitamin X, Mr. Boricua and The Bone Thug) vs. Caboose and Some Guy Sin City Street Fight -- RECEIVED Losers Leave Town For 90 Days! The Sooner Bruisers vs. The Heavenly Rockers OAOAST Women's Championship -- RECEIVED Ashley Street © vs. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez HI-YAH Tag Team Championships -- RECEIVED D*LUX © vs. The Beverly Hills Blonds Non-Comeback Grudge Match -- RECEIVED James Riggs vs. "The Lone Wolf" James Wolfenstein
  18. King Cucaracha


    Leon/Cortez is in it's designated spot. If there was a graphic, it'll need editing in because I didn't see one. BHB/D*LUX is up in GCF too to be edited in wherever. However, Tony, you're gonna have to put the show up without Money In The Bank. I'll edit it in sometime tommorrow, I hit a family problem and I'm only halfway through and in serious need of some sleep. Who'd have thought writing 3 matches would be such a problem? Sorry everyone.
  19. King Cucaracha

    AM: BHB vs. D*LUX

    BUFFER The following contest, here at AngleMania VI, is scheduled for one fall and is co-sanctioned by HI-YAH Promotions and the OAOAST. And, it is for the HI-YAH WORLD Tag Team Championships, to be contested under HI-YAH Rules. A 20 count will be observed at ringside and throwing an opponent over the top rope will be deemed an automatic disqualification. In the event of the champions being disqualified, the titles will change hands! With the formalaties out of the way, we turn our attentions to the aisleway. Already the ring cart is halfway down the aisle and the fans behind are already booing. It takes the cueing of "Call Me" by Blondie and the spotlight shining down on the cart to alert the rest of the crowd though, to the entrance of the challengers. Leaning over the ropes of the cart, Ned verbally chews out a fan with a large 'Mackenzie De Cenzo = Casting Couch' sign. Simon takes in the massive crowd through his hand-screen, while Mackenzie sits at the back of the cart in his director's chair (as if the cart wasn't a tight enough squeeze for three people to ride in to begin with!) in a regal royal blue evening gown for the event. BUFFER Introducing first, on the way to the ring the challengers! Being accompanied by their manager, MACKENZIE DECENZO... at a total combined weight of four hundred and sixty pounds. They are the former three time OAOAST World Tag Team Champions and the former HI-YAH World Tag Team Champions. Representing THE ENTERPRISE... "THE HANDSOME HUSTLER" NED BLANCHARD... "THE VIDEO VOYEUR" SIMON SINGLETON... THE BEVEEEERRRRLLLYYY HHHIIIIIILLLSSS BLLLLOOOOOOOONDSSSSS!!!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" "Call me (call me) on the line Call me, call me any, anytime CALL ME! (call me)" As the ring cart eventually comes to a stop at ringside, The Blonds open up the ropes to help Mackenzie out. Less gentlemanly are their orders to the ring attendant to bring Mackenzie's director's chair with them as they march up the steps and into the ring. COLE AngleMania, a truly international event and we're set for a match with international ramifications here. D*LUX to defend their HI-YAH Tag Team Championships against these gentlemen, a term I use rather loosely, The Beverly Hills Blonds. Two teams with plenty of history, no question about that. The Blonds and D*LUX have traded the HI-YAH Tag Titles in the past and in the process struck up a heated rivalry. But, that was back in April last year. Apparantly, this time, it's just 'competition'. COACH Exactly. Ned and Simon are competitive fellows and sure, there were some 'mis-understandings' before. COLE Mis-understandings!? Oh, please! I don't quite understand what Ned's angle is or was in getting Jade Rodez to make this match the way he did, but something is certainly up. When Ned is acting like a civilised human being rather than a sleazy pervert, something must be up. COACH Ease up, wouldya! You saw it yourself, Jade had time to sit down and talk with Ned, shoot the breeze as it were. It's all been cleared up now. And now Jade and D*LUX know what kind of human beings Ned and Simon really are, there's no need for any personal grudges. The Blonds talk strategy as the ring cart returns. This time, greeted much more warmly. "JUST ONE ON ONE THAT'S THE WAY WE DO IT BABY! JUST ONE ON ONE, THAT'S THE WAY WE DO IT! JUST ONE ON ONE THAT'S THE WAY WE DO IT BABY! JUST ONE ON ONE, THAT'S THE WAY WE DO IT!" In the cart stand D*LUX, decked out in a much more traditional colour of denim, black, than their usual attires. The duo carry their HI-YAH Tag Team Championships over their shoulders as the ring cart carries them ringwards, reaching out and tagging a few hands, those they can reach. However, what is odd about the scene is that the cart seems rather roomy. Two occupants, not three. No Jade Rodez leading the team. BUFFER And introducing their opponents! At a total combined weight of three hundred and eighty eight pounds. They are the current, reigning and defending, three-time HI-YAH TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD... "TREMENDOUS" TYLER, "SHOWTIME" SHAYNE... they are D*LLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!! "YYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" D*LUX exit the cart and do a quick tour of ringside for some more hand slapping. The Beverly Hills Blonds watch on but neglect to do anything to stop the HI-YAH Champions as they leap into the ring, all fired up to be in their first official AngleMania match. Surprisingly Ned and Simon seem pretty accomodating and watch on as D*LUX remove of their belts and ring jackets. COLE D*LUX have come a long way in the last year and now, they're on the biggest stage of them all, defending those HI-YAH Tag Team Championships which they have held an impressive three times now. They've taken on all comers as championships, admirably. But I'm sure they'd hope to have seen the last of The Blonds long ago. COACH Yeah, because it means they're that much closer to reign number four. COLE That's not what I meant. COACH It was, admit it. *DINGDINGDING!* The bell sounds and after a brief conference, it's decided that Ned will start for the challengers. D*LUX seem a little... well, different, without Jade Rodez at their side. But they try to take it all in their stride and Tyler adopts himself as the leader of the team. "D - LUX!" "D - LUX!" "D - LUX!" "D - LUX!" Surprisingly Ned acknowledges the chants, pointing them out to Tyler. As Tyler looks at Ned a little unsurely, The Handsome Hustler then actually extends his hand looking for a handshake! Shayne immediately yells at Tyler not to fool for it, which annoys the honourable Blanchard (honest) a little, crossing his heart and hoping to die as he offers again. COACH See! It's all about competition, no hard feelings. COLE Yeah right... Right on cue, as Tyler naively accepts the handshake, Ned throws a boot... BUT GETS CAUGHT! COLE ...Ned Blanchard, fooling absolutely nobody with that tactic! Ned begs for mercy as he's left hopping on one foot by "Tremendous" Tyler, even going so far as to offer the handshake again. Not that much of a mug, Tyler quickly spins Ned around by the foot and drops him with an Atomic Drop, to the horror of Mackenzie and Simon! Ned goes stumbling forward... and into a right hand by Shayne from the apron! Right hand from Tyler! Right hand from Shayne! Right hand from Tyler and down goes Ned! "YYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" Quick tag by D*LUX, setting up a double team as the champions collectively whip Ned across the ring and into the ropes. Simon stretches down the apron and gets a blind tag, acknowledged by referee Nick Patrick as Ned is meanwhile taken up HIGH towards the top of the Skydome with a double BAAAACKbody Drop! Out of the ring scurries Ned as Simon stalks behind D*LUX for a second, waiting for them to turn around before striking from behind. However, D*LUX spot him coming out of the corners of their eye and duck the double clothesline. With an arm and a leg each, they then hoist Simon up and bring him DOWN across the knees with the Double Gutbuster!! COLE The Cowell Movement! Seeing his partner in peril Ned quickly rolls back into the ring, catching Shayne Brave from the blindside with a double sledge. Ned follows Shayne into the corner, but before he can strike again Tyler wheels him around and boots him in the gut. A quick vertical suplex takes Ned out of the corner, far enough that Shayne can risk lifting himself up to the top rope. It's all going horribly wrong for The Blonds right now as Ned and Simon climb back up, to be confronted by Tyler rocket launching Shayne off the top. Ned has the presence of mind to duck the Larger Than Life Line... ...but Simon doesn't, getting clotheslined down... *SMACK!* ...AS TYLER CATCHES NED WITH A SUPERKICK!!! "YYYYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE Things are NOT going The Blonds' way. COACH That's okay, call a retake. Back out of the ring rolls Ned, holding his jaw as he falls into Mackenzie's arms. Soon Simon joins him as D*LUX clothesline him up and over the top, The Blonds regrouping on the outside. And Ned takes an executive decision to end the shoot for the night, throwing his hands up in despair and marching right past the ring cart down the aisle. Simon and Mackenzie follow right after him, much to the confusion of the champions. COLE I don't think they're calling a retake Coach. It looks like The Blonds are leaving! They came all the way to Skydome and they're leaving already!? COACH I'm as confused as you are. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" The Blonds continue on down the aisle with no signs of turning back, leaving referee Nick Patrick no choice but to count them out. With a 20 count to get to, he's got quite a way to go. But as The Blonds continue walking he picks the count up a little, figuring there's little point in delaying the inevitable. *DINGDINGDING!* BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, your winners as a result of a count-out... and STILL HI-YAH World Tag Team Champions... D*LLLLUUUUUUUUXXXXXXXXX!!! A muted celebration goes up through the crowd, an equally muted celebration by the Champs who seem more eager to ask questions about what just happened. Patrick doesn't know what to tell them as Shayne and Tyler are handed their title belts, without fanfare. The reason being, instead of music, the arena is filled with the more ambient sounds of a parking lot. Up on the large AngleTron at the top of the entrance, the parking lot itself appears but nothing else, which is a little odd. Until that is Theodore Moneymaker steps into shot, changed back into his 'casual' clothes (if you can call them that) after his match earlier. Smiling from ear to ear, Moneymaker begins to applaud mockingly, as The Blonds and Mackenzie disappear through the curtains. MONEYMAKER Congratulations to you D*LUX, a proud victory! Now, I know what you're all thinking out there in Skydome right now... why? Why would The Beverly Hills Blonds, quite possibly the greatest tag team in wrestling history, abandon a match for the HI-YAH Tag Team Titles so quickly. Why, oh why? HAHAHAHA! Because I TOLD them to, of course! That's how this all works, people! Yes, at first, Ned and Simon were dead-set on becoming HI-YAH Tag Team Champions for a second time. Of course they were, they know they could beat you on your finest day and on their worst. But a few weeks ago, things changed. And they saw sense. The crowd grow silent listening to all this, everyone watching the big screen. Especially D*LUX. MONEYMAKER You see, what you didn't realise boys is that The Enterprise had long won the battle, before we even crossed the border into this second-rate country! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" MONEYMAKER HAHAHAHAHAHA! D*LUX, I'm sorry to say, you became pawns in our little game. I mean, we couldn't just call in and cancel now could we? See, we had to get you out there... Moneymaker glances over his shoulder as The Blonds and Mackenzie appear in the parking lot, breathing heavily from their long walk/jog/run. Ned laughs in relief as he makes it to the parking lot, nodding to Moneymaker. MONEYMAKER ...and I've gotta say, and I'm sure you'll agree Ned, you kids played your parts like pros. All happy go lucky, just honoured to be at AngleMania. A humble accomplishment. Humility I look down upon, because The Enterprise don't care for humble achievements. You've had your moment in the sun. But hey, don't rush anywhere just yet. We've got something to make sure your journey wasn't a completely futile one. We have a lesson for you. A lesson why little men like you will never succeed in a world occupied by Theodore Moneymaker and his Enterprise. A lesson in the power of money. Tell me, did you two nickels n' dimers not wonder why your precious little manager, the woman who guided you to any success you've ever had, neglected to show up to the arena with you tonight? (waves off screen) MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! COLE No way... The crowd, D*LUX, Michael Cole... nobody really wants to believe it. Even as Christian Wright walks into shot... ...WITH JADE RODEZ!!!!!! "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Carrying a non-descript bag no doubt containing some not quite so non-descript dollar bills, Jade's expression is hard to read as she walks in. She's not smiling but she's certainly not there against her will. It's almost... uncaring. In the ring, Tyler and Shayne look utterly stunned, jaws on the floor, as Jade stands side by side with The Enterprise. Ned is grinning from ear to ear, Simon less cheery due to that double gutbuster he took earlier. MONEYMAKER Hey, D*LUX, no hard feelings. It's just like I always say... Money Talks, Bullshit Walks! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! With Moneymaker's laugh ringing through the parking lot, The Enterprise turns their limousine which is conveniently parked ready to speed off into the sunset. The now six Enterprise members, albeit without CPA, begin to pile into the back of the limo. Meanwhile, in the ring, D*LUX stand frozen. The crowd are stunned (legit stunned) like them, before Tyler and Shayne seem to wake from their trance and go sprinting off down the aisle. They'll never hope to catch them though as Moneymaker holds the door open for Jade, before ducking in just in time. [b]"HEY! HEY, STOP!!!"[/b] MONEYMAKER DRIVE! DRIVE! [b]"JADE!!"[/b] Moneymaker pats the roof of the limo and the obedient driver goes speeding off, just as LEON RODEZ comes sprinting through the parking lot. Quick on his feet, Leon is able to slap the side of the limo a couple of times as it's tyres skid into a high gear. But even as he goes running out after it, he can't hope to catch the limo and jogs to a stop, watching on with his hands on his head as The Enterprise drive off into the Toronto night. COLE ... COACH Wow. COLE Uhm... wow, I don't know what to say. Let's... let's just move on.
  20. King Cucaracha

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Technically he would still be unbeaten, but he wouldn't have the winning streak, right?
  21. King Cucaracha

    Impact Spoilers through LockDown

    They saw it already. They didn't care. Well, that's not strictly true. He got that 'Lethal Weapon' chant now and then. But if Lethal were over in the first place as himself, which was what he started out with, they wouldn't have given him this gimmick, surely? Besides, in terms of 'draw' dropping signature moves, he's way down the list in the X-Division. He's not that worker. He's not that special on the mic either (this coming from a fan of his btw, albeit a fan of his in Ring Of Honor). He got over in ROH with a feud with Joe. Despite my hopes, they never did anything in TNA. Limited as his career prospects may be, at least people actually know he's there now, before he was just a faceless X guy. There's a simple way out if they want to take it.
  22. King Cucaracha

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Wait, you're not actually comparing Carlito to Khali and Ashley are you?
  23. King Cucaracha

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    He's just saying what we're all thinking.
  24. King Cucaracha

    From: Character Specs

    Name: Leon Rodez Nicknames: Silky Smooth/The Silky Smooth One, The New-Age Love Machine, The Grand Rapids Golden Child Age: 24 Height: 6ft Weight: 218lbs Hometown: Grand Rapids, Michigan Alignment: Loveable 'fun' babyface Stable Affiliation: Love Generation (w/ D*LUX) Wrestling style: Hybrid Junior Heavyweight. He's a cruiserweight but he doesn't fly a whole lot, although it's through personal choice and not pesky road agents. Still 'speedy' and agile, but previous knee surgery means he reserves nearly all his flying and tumbling to his finisher. Also, likes to have fun. That's the main part of his character and the only thing I really insist on people sticking to. [see Character Notes] Theme music: Trust Company, "Rock The Casbah" Entrance Style: Rodez steps out, walks to the ring, tagging the hands of the fans and paying special attention to the laydeyz~! Maybe the odd jig here and there, something comical, a little fun. As he gets to the ring, Rodez jumps to the apron and holds out his arms triumphantly, before entering the ring and removing his robe, one of the ring crew catching it as it falls from the ring, and removing it from ringside...they're expensive see. What he looks like...: Entrance attire: A long, flowing black robe with purple trim and design. Ring attire: New(!) black singlet (no straps, the upper-half is more of a basketball jersey shape but tighter) with purple trim and design. Black knee and elbow pads, both with silver trim. Purple boots. Black fingerless gloves so he can use his punching skillz without damaging his knuckles. Black kneebrace on his right leg, a result of knee surgery. Finishing Move(s): 450 Splash Liontamer Signature Moves It's Da Boom!- Blue Thunder Bomb Banana Hammock- Backpack Stunner Double Underhook Powerbomb/Tiger Driver Feedback THIS- Shiranui/Sliced Bread #2 Call That Bitch Bojangles- With the opponent throat first on the middle rope, do a little dance, Leon hits the opposite ropes and drives all his body weight across the spine. Mama Said Knock You Out- A four jab combo connects before Rodez turns to the crowd and blows them a kiss. He then turns back to the opponent and hits an Enziguri. The Shack Attack- Rolling Clothesline, Konnan style Tree Of Woe Hesitation Dropkick Basic moveset: Exploder Suplex, Overhead Suplex (Overhead belly to belly on running opponent), Sitout Hiptoss, Superman Spear (Diving shoulder thrust in the corner), Inverted Atomic Drop, Standing Dropkick, Flying Forearm, Ricky Steamboat style Flying Crossbody, Double Knees in the corner, Bionic Elbows, Rolling Sole BUTT (back heelkick to the gut) (Just a 'few' suggestions. I really don't care too much what moves he uses. Just remember his size and remember the fact he isn't very adventurous aside from the 450. I don't want to see him doing Space Flying Tiger Whatsits...) Manager/valet/sidekick: Not usually Catchphrases/Trademark gestures: Not really. Be creative. Character Notes: RODEZ DOES NOT GET ANGRY!!!!!!* All in all, Rodez is a fun loving kinda guy, no matter what's happening in his life. So no angry. He prefers to get 'even' rather than be vengeful. (*- There may be exceptions, in which case, I'll make them) History/Background/Career Highlights: Leon Rodez made his OAOAST debut in mid-2003, around the time of the Underground invasion of the OAOAST. The popular youngster was quickly embroiled in the feud, striking up a tag team with Underground member Jacob Lyne...despite remaining an OAOAST member. But after a few matches, Rodez's career hit the buffers due to a serious knee injury that required surgery. Many moons passed before Rodez, with surgically repaired right knee, returned to OAOAST rings in the summer of 2004. Soon after returning, he got into a conflict with Chris Bryte which lead to Rodez's PPV debut at The Great Angle Bash. In a match which put Rodez somewhat on the map, he made up for the lost year by defeating Bryte. Not long after, Rodez felt what strength in numbers was all about, as The Thrillogy helped Zack Malibu defeat Rodez in a stacked-deck World Title match on HeldDOWN~! Rodez went on from there and concentrated on getting re-focused, ending up making an enemy of Drek Stone after a snide comment made in passing. Drek cost Rodez an X-Division Title Match, leading into a feud and a one on one match at AngleSlam which Drek came out on the winning end of. Soon after, Rodez got his big chance. Entering the Round Robin Challenge Tournament with a World Title shot awaiting the winner, Rodez got off to winning ways against Drek. But after injuring his back in the Gauntlet Match of the tournament, Rodez ended up bottom of the six men involved. However, that led onto a match with The Blurricane at World Without End for the X-Division Championship...a match which Rodez was able to win by making Blurricane tap out. As X-Division Champion, Rodez seemed to find his groove as he overcame the likes of The GPX, The Mad Cappa (in a hard hitting feud in which Cappa broke Rodez's nose) and Panther, Chris Bryte and Zack Malibu (in a fourway at Anglepalooza) to keep his X-Division Title reign ticking over. However, after Anglepalooza, the discovery of Rodez's past looked set to haunt him. See, Rodez was previously employed as a pornstar. That got out into the open and soon, it seemed a witch-hunt was aimed at Rodez by GM Bill Watts. The change at the top to employ Josie Baker as GM saved him though, as Josie was empathetic of Rodez's plight. And soon, with the weight lifted off his shoulder, Rodez started to enjoy his career more. Especially in beating Chris Stevens at Zero Hour. However, the arrival of Christian Wright threatened that. Wright cost Rodez the X-Division Title and put him on the shelf, all part of his campaign to expose and get rid of the 'immoral' superstar. The Silky Smooth One returned and vowed to show everyone that he wasn't a bad person. That got him not only deeper into conflict with Wright, and also caught up with the GPX's crusade to rid the OAOAST of it's founding members, as surprisingly, the young Rodez did what was 'right' and refused to side himself with the youngsters. His reward was a World Tag Title reign with former enemy, sudden friend, Zack Malibu. The two got on surprisingly well and had a near 4 month reign before dropping the titles to the New, New Midnight Express. The turn of the year was a kind one otherwise. Having fully established his talkshow The Love Shack as a firm favourite among the fans and struck up a WACKY~! relationship with Alix Maria Spezia, Rodez earned himself a glut of Angle Awards and lasted until the last 3 of the Royal Rumble. In the process, he eliminated Tha Puerto Rican...which, coupled with his Love Shack segment preventing PRL from having a celebration party for his singles victory at AnglePalooza, earned him the 24/7 Champion's attention. After a time-limit draw at Zero Hour, Rodez ended his heated feud with PRL by defeating him in a Ladder Match at AngleMania V. Leon's 24/7 Title reign didn't last long however, as he lost the belt accidently 4 days later to his girlfriend Alix Maria Spezia, during a make-out session. Leon eventually won the gold back during Run For The Gold 2, although his title hunt saw him and Alix sadly part ways. His second reign didn't last much longer as Crystal, with some help from Gunner Sharps, snatched the gold away and earned herself Leon's...affection. Yep. Rather than go for vengeance and the belt, Leon tried to woo Crystal, vowing not to make the same mistakes he did with Alix. Trouble being, Crystal didn't want to be like Alix. So they ended up fighting at The Great Angle Bash, with Leon retaining the title. After a series of 24/7 Open Challenges against some 'unique characters', Leon was once again ambushed, as SWF star Landon Maddix targetted him upon his debut in the company. Maddix, with the help of The Wildcards, won the 24/7 Title. He then defended successfully at AngleSlam. This conflict eventually led to Leon siding with Zack Malibu in his battle against The Wildcards and Landon. Unfortunately, it also led to Leon being put on the shelf, courtesy of a Riot Act Plus from Todd Cortez between the aprons in War Games. Leon returned to action with a victory over Cortez at AngleMania. However, his night ended sourly as his sister Jade joined forces with The Enterprise. A bitter fallout between the siblings saw Leon fighting to make his sister see the light and leave Moneymaker's side. After months of anguish, seeing Leon's usual jovial mood all but disappear, Leon alongside D*LUX and Chicks Over Dicks, get the better of The Enterprise. With D*LUX he took the 6-Man Tag Titles. And at AngleSlam, Jade finally left the darkside and returned home. For a while, everything was back to normal. That is until it was revealed in early 2008 that Jade was not Leon's little sister, but infact his niece and daughter of Krista Isadora Duncan! Titles Held OAOAST X-Division Championship - October 31st, 2004 - April 25th 2005 OAOAST Tag Team Championships - September 8th, 2005 - January 29th 2006 (w/Zack Malibu) OAOAST 24/7 Championship - April 2nd, 2006 - April 6th 2006 - April 30th, 2006 - May 13th 2006 - June 26th, 2006 - August 10th 2006 OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championships - August 9th, 2007 - February 28th, 2007
  25. Another Foley nomination, 'It's Not Worth It Anymore' the week after the Cage Match with NAO.