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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    SWF Clusterfuck Card! Live, January 31!

    You mean 'trawl through a show with twice as many active writers and about three times the content the 'Fuck'll have', surely? Because, if you didn't, you maybe should have. Does anyone have a copy of the 02 and 01 Fucks? Or at least can tell me what number Sarp and Grand Slam were when they won? I was more referring to the fact that I can't work out where the hell anything is in that folder. But if you want to bring the subject up no, I don't want to trawl through a show that big either. And twice as many active writers means nothing if they're all Chance Silver-esque (and bear in mind I've seen the stats thread now before you start denying anything too hard) Oh, don't worry. My comment was on how arduously long the show is too. A double knock on SWF and OAOAST, which as someone who's spent far too long in both I am most entitled to make, even if the only person who'll get it is Bruce. And maybe Zack, if he ever comes near here. Now, seeing as Zyon has already asked, is there any chance of that extension? I'm down to the final two entrants and it's looking quite good, but I'm not going to have the internet much longer because I'm tired as fuck. I should only need until 4 or 5 Eastern, although extra would be magnificent. Otherwise, nothing. The show's going up Thursday as it is, so I don't see as it should be a huge problem. Especially if no-one is showing. Make it happen someone, I'll wake up early just incase. Ta!
  2. King Cucaracha

    SWF Clusterfuck Card! Live, January 31!

    You mean 'trawl through a show with twice as many active writers and about three times the content the 'Fuck'll have', surely? Because, if you didn't, you maybe should have. Does anyone have a copy of the 02 and 01 Fucks? Or at least can tell me what number Sarp and Grand Slam were when they won?
  3. King Cucaracha

    Anglepalooza After Party

    Jesus, this is going to take forever to read. For now, massive props to Papacita for the graphics, which are awesome. Beyond awesome even.
  4. King Cucaracha

    OAO 2007 Royal Rumble Thread.

    Why do people think anyone will get a rub from 'the streak'? The only person getting anything from it is Taker while it's still in effect. All that'll happen if they decide to end it is whoever ends it will get a short-term rub, fall back into their original position and spend the next 5 years talking about how they ended the Undertaker's streak, with it being just as meaningless as Chris 'First Undisputed Champion In History~!' Jericho.
  5. King Cucaracha

    ROH DVD's

    I had the Rumble on my to get list, simply because I'm a Rumble mark. Heartbreak Express vs. Cabana and Rinauro sounds like a winner too. A Heartbreak Express/Larry Sweeney stable in ROH would be so unbelievably good. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll pick some up and see how it catches me. The basic atmosphere seems a lot like IWA:Mid South used to be (ie when it could afford big names a lot of the time and still had Prazak on board), which is the first indy I really got into.
  6. King Cucaracha

    AP: Jade/Stacey

    The AngleTron lights up with the words PRINCESS STACEY in pink cursive font as "Maneater" by Nelly Furtado starts playing. Which can only mean one thing. And if you don't know what that is after that opening line, you might as well stop reading now because you're an idiot. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COACH Woo-hoo! COLE Well, it looks like Stacey actually going to go through with this. Not that she has much choice with a contract signed and sealed, but still. COACH Oh, I wish we had a contract signed and sealed together. COLE Try to control yourself would you? The last thing you need is another restraining order filed against you. Princess Stacey comes out with a look of disgust on her face. With her left hand on her left hip and a sneer on her face, Stacey points to the tiara on the top of her head, and then walks to the ring, jawing with the fans along the way. She's not alone though, as The Lightning Crew's other female member, Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez, follows Stacey out. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the following women's match is scheduled for one fall! On the way to the ring, being accompanied by Ms. LINDSAY GONZALEZ! From Tampa, Florida... she represents THE LIGHTNING CREW... PPRRRRIIIIIIINNCCEEEEEEESSSSSS... SSSSSTTAAAAAAAAAACCCEEEEEEEYYYYYYY!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Princess Stacey climbs the ring steps, wipes her shoes on the ring apron, and then enters the ring under the second rope. Stacey stretches her arms out and walks around the ring, an arrogant smirk on her gorgeous face. Which isn't enough to prevent the boos, Lindsay about the only one in the arena applauding The Princess in the entire state of Rhode Island right about now. To her credit, Stacey has come dressed to compete, actually wearing a blue sports bra and customized black short tights with PRINCESS written on the rear in pink cursive font, with a small diamond used to dot the I. Not bad for a non-wrestler, huh? COACH Alright, Stacey looks ready! COLE I wouldn't go that far. Stacey... COACH That's [i]Princess[/i] Stacey to you! I don't have to use the prefix because we're close friends, you however do. COLE Okay, [i]Princess[/i] Stacey, has never wrestled in her lifetime. That we know of. I heard some rumours from Colombian Heat about something she got up to in her college days, but at the risk of a lawsuit I'll steer clear of them. On a completely unrelated note, I happened to bring some Jello out here with me. Just incase, you know. COACH :O As Stacey goes through some very half-hearted looking warm-ups in the centre of the ring, Daft Punk's "One More Time" starts up. To a much warmer reception than her opponent's music, as the pigtailed Jade Rodez storms out, already pointing fingers and making threats to The Princess as she stomps down the aisle! BUFFER And, her opponent! From Grand Rapids, Michigan... JJAAAAAAADDEEEE RRRRROOOOOOODDEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZ!!! "YYYEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Jade doesn't take so much as a backwards step, rolling into the ring and sending Princess Stacey ducking for cover. Referee Charles Robinson is forced to step in and hold Jade at bay, as Lindsay rushes around ringside, pretending to hold back Princess Stacey, who looks on wide-eyed. COLE Well, unlike Princess Stacey, Jade Rodez at least has some professional wrestling experience. She's got a couple of matches under her belt, but progressed into a managerial role once the Women's Division mysteriously disappeared. COACH Yeah, did we ever find them girls? COLE Missing Presumed Dead. COACH Oh. To go with the purple and black boxing shorts, Jade also has some mad boxing skills, shadow-boxing as she looks down at Princess Stacey. Suddenly The Princess doesn't look quite so confident with life, Lindsay trying to give her a pep-talk, but struggling to be heard over the chants of "JADE!", "JADE!", "JADE!". COLE Well folks, first time we've had women's action on Pay Per View in a long time. Don't expect this to be a catch-as-catch-can classic. This going to be more of a catfight than a wrestling match, but it should be entertaining nonetheless. Jade Rodez, looking to give Princess Stacey a little of what she's got coming after her turning of coat and dumping of Colombian Heat to join The Lightning Crew. COACH What the hell does 'catch-as-catch-can' mean anyway? COLE *groans* Cautious to say the least, Princess Stacey climbs the steps into the ring, Lindsay yelling at the referee to keep the firey Rodez sibling back. Once Stacey is finally in the ring, the referee then calls for the bell... *DINGDINGDING!* ...and as soon as Jade moves in, Princess Stacey moves out, scrambling out of the ring before any physical contact can be made! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Oh come on! COACH Hey, don't rush her! You wouldn't rush Picasso in mid-painting, you wouldn't rush Beethoven in the middle of one of his pieces, why rush Princess Stacey? As Lindsay and The Princess go into a conference on the floor, Jade sits back and waits, arms folded. Eventually the girls high-five and Princess Stacey is ready to go. Stacey even goes so far as do dare Jade on as she climbs back into the ring, putting up an unconvincing fighting stance. In moves Jade, her fighting stance a little more threatening. And seeing the two balled up fists ready to pound the good looks out of her, Stacey freaks out again and scrambles back out of the ring! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE We could be here all day at this rate. COACH What's wrong with that? The sofa's comfortable enough, we've got Mountain Dew on tap and one thing's for sure, the view is EXCELLENT! COLE You do know that Jade's brother Leon is watching on PPV tonight, right? COACH I wasn't talking about her, idiot. Another team conference starts up between Stacey and Lindsay, who seems to be guiding The Princess point by point through what she should do. Unfortunately, her plan doesn't reason for the chance of Jade Rodez exiting the ring on the two Lightning Crew ladies' blindsides, grabbing them both by the hair... *CLUNK!* ...AND THROWING THEM TOGETHER WITH A DOUBLE NOGGIN' KNOCKER!!! "YYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" COACH HEY! No fair! As both girls go down, Jade finally has her hands on Princess Stacey and throws her back into the ring. Despite being clearly groggy already, begging off is Stacey's first instinct. Of course, it won't work as Jade climbs to the apron and heads after The Princess. But as Stacey fears for her life and clings onto referee Robinson, Lindsay does some clinging of her own, grabbing Jade's ankle before she can get fully into the ring! Jade tries to kick Ms. Lindsay off, but can't do so, before Stacey runs over and boots Jade in the head! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Well, so far Lindsay has been as involved in this match as Stacey is. COACH And she's got a legally binding manager's license, so she's got every right to be out here tonight. COLE If she keeps this up, she might not last long. If Robinson catches her, no manager's license is going to stop him from throwing her BUTT out of here. COACH He'd better not do. Her BUTT is the only thing keeping me sane with you jabbering on next to me! Princess Stacey almost looks stunned that she's even on the attack. She boots Jade in the head again, but after that she looks lost, asking Lindsay for advice on what to do next. Lindsay tells her to make the cover and she does just that... 1... ...getting hardly any body-to-body on the shoulders and allowing an easy kickout. COLE I'm not sure how much work Princess Stacey has done in preparation for this match. Her fundamentals look like they need some work. COACH They look fine from where I'm sitting. Beginning to pull herself up, a scowl has formed on Jade's face. She came in POed and now she's even angrier. Again Princess Stacey seems to panic, but Lindsay encourages her to stay on the offence. So Stacey measures Jade, making a big deal out of dropping the big elbow... ...and missing, hopelessly! COLE Oh dear. The Providence crowd laugh it up at Stacey's expense, as she comes back up holding her right arm. Jade is waiting on her and rears back, landing a big elbow strike that knocks The Princess back off of her feet! Going back into retreat, Princess Stacey tries to crawl on her hands and knees to get away. Jade drags her back up though, rearing back and popping 'poor' Stacey with another elbow to the jaWii COACH Come on, show some mercy! She's not a wrestler! COLE Then she's kinda in the wrong business. It's looking bad for Stacey now, which prompts Lindsay to climb to the apron, complaining about the use of the elbow. That distraction seems to work, as Jade turns her attention to Lindsay. Allowing Princess Stacey a window back into the match, sneaking up behind Jade and grabbing hold of her by the pigtails, dragging her to the canvas hard! Off the apron jumps Lindsay, the plan taken care of, leaving Princess Stacey to pick up the offence with some blatant choking! "ONE!" "TWO!" "THREE!" "FOU..." Princess Stacey knows just about enough to break before five, still earning herself a warning from Robinson. "GOLD - DIG - GER!" "GOLD - DIG - GER!" "GOLD - DIG - GER!" "GOLD - DIG - GER!" Ignoring the chants, the suddenly confident Princess drags Jade back up by the hair. And with the pigtails in hand, she throws Jade forward, turning her inside out with the ever popular Hairmare! Stacey holds out her arms and laughs maniacally as she sees Jade writhing on the canvas, nursing her scalp. COACH The Princess is taking over now. Maybe little Jade bit off a little more than she could chew, daring to challenge The Princess. COLE Maybe she didn't think she'd be getting into a Handicap Match. COACH What are you talking about!? COLE Oh, please. With the hair again, Stacey sets Jade up once more, performing the Hairmare for a second time. Jade ends up hurt by the ropes as Stacey pulls the left-over strands of hair from between her fingers. Another warning is coming from Robinson. And Lindsay Gonzalez takes complete advantage, as she grabs Jade's head and begins to choke her across the bottom ring rope!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Come on Coach, what about that!? Do you not see that!? COACH I'm looking at Princess Stacey and so should you be! COLE You're too much, really. Lindsay breaks the choke just before she can be caught by the referee. Leaving Princess Stacey to dot the Is and cross the Ts on the situation with a cover... 1... 2... No! With Jade still down, Stacey quickly leaps up and hits a Kneedrop! The crowd boo react like she just Pedigreed someone. COACH Oh yes! Perfect execution! Princess Stacey pulls Jade up now and Lindsay tells her to 'go for it'. Nodding in agreement, Stacey reaches down, managing to muscle Jade up and down with a Bodyslam!! "OOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!" COACH YES! COLE Scoop and a slam from Princess Stacey. COACH Oh boy, this is great! The Princess is making you and everyone moron in this arena eat their words right about now, she's out-wrestling Jade Rodez. COLE I wouldn't go that far. COACH I would! Go for the IntenseZone Elbow next Stacey!! Princess Stacey sneers out at the crowd now and laps it up. After the mocking she's recieved so far, she's going to soak up every moment of this dominance. Unfortunately though, she gets a little too arrogant. With Stacey's back turned, Jade begins to pull herself back up on the ropes. Lindsay sees another opening and jumps to the apron to try and interfere. She pays for it though, as Jade catches her by the hair and pulls her up on the apron, firing off an elbow strike that knocks Lindsay back to the arena floor BUTT first!! "YYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE There goes the first line of defence! COACH Turn around Stacey! Please turn around! Hearing the cheers of the Rhode Island natives, Princess Stacey knows that something must be up. As she turns around, she finds herself confronted with Jade Rodez, fists clenched and ready to kick some royal ass! Princess Stacey's lip quivers as she tries to beg off. But it's not going to work, as Jade grabs her around the neck and drives her into the corner, Stacey trying to claw her away, to no avail... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...as Jade lands a knifedge chop! Princess Stacey's eyes bug out and she screams in pain, as Jade pins her back again... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and lands a second knifedge to the chest! Stacey obviously isn't used to the stinging effects of getting chopped in the chest and doesn't cope with it well, jumping around in the corner, flapping her hands like a maniac as she complains about the pain! COACH Stop it! Why, of all the things in the world you could to to a young woman like Stacey, would you do that!? COLE Probably for the enjoyment of the Grade A hissy fit she's throwing now. The Princess looks close to tears right now, a bit of a pathetic sight. One which every fan in the arena is enjoying right now. Hey, let's face it, she had it coming. As Stacey still tries to stop the stinging, actually trying to fan her own chest in a lame attempt to quell the pain. Jade drags her out of the corner with an irish whip, Princess Stacey going coast to coast into the opposite turnbuckles. As Stacey lays hurt in the corner, Rodez then runs in and lands two knees in the already hurting chest! COLE Double Kneeeees! The end is in sight! Curled up against the bottom turnbuckle, Stacey looks like a stroppy child who doesn't want to play anymore. A stroppy shild with a possible bust sternum. Her defence doesn't work, about to be taken to the naughty step by Jade Rodez as she's pulled up by the hair. There's only one thing left for Princess Stacey. The eyes. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Ugh, she clawed her right in the eyes! Those fingernails might have blinded Jade right there! For a moment Princess Stacey is too hurt to follow up. But as the stinging begins to subside a little in her chest, Stacey finally realises she's in a fight. And if she's going to survive, she's going to have to fight back. Stacey goes to the eyes once more with another cruel rake of the face, now talking trash to the youngest Rodez sibling. Letting out an evil laugh, Stacey then pulls back... *SLAP!* ...and slaps Jade right across the cheek! Biiig mistake. "YYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE Uh-oh. COACH Uh-oh? What do you mean uh-o... uh-oh! Uh-oh! RUN STACEY! The slap doesn't put Jade down. It doesn't even put her on the backfoot. It hurts, don't get that wrong. But it also pisses Jade the hell off!! Princess Stacey's sneer quickly disappears as she sees Jade is still standing and now glaring a hole right through her, panicking and looking for some help from Lindsay Gonzalez. Of course, Lindsay is still down though. So Stacey starts to plead for her li... ...WHAM! Elbow strike ends the pleading! Another elbow! Another! Another! *SLAP!* "YYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" ...and a reciept for the slap, Jade paintbrushing the stunned Stacey right across the face! As Stacey falls back into the ropes, Jade grabs the arm and sends her across the ring with an irish whip. As The Princess comes back, Jade ducks her head and sends her overhead with a hair-raising BAAAAACKbody Drop!! The force of which dislodges Princess Stacey's tiara, which ends up a couple of feet away. Symbolically, Jade walks over and STOMPS ON THE TIARA, BENDING IT IN THE MIDDLE!! COACH (howling) OH NOO! COLE I think The Princess has been dethroned! COACH How dare that fat peasant crush The Princess' crown with her giant manly feet!? How dare she! How dare she!? COLE Calm down Coach! She can probably find the brand of Christmas crackers she found it in cheap now it's January! COACH :O If Stacey knew what just happened, no doubt she'd be furious. It's doubtful she knows anything about much at all right now as she is dazed from the backdrop. As she slowly climbs back to her feet, Stacey does notice something is up though. She glances up, feeling the lack of a tiara, reaching up and checking her head. Nothing. No time to worry about that though. *SMACK!* "YYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE GAMENGIRI!! STACEY JUST GOT KNOCKED OUT!! COACH No! The cover! 1... 2... 3!!!!! "YYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" *DINGDINGDING!* COLE Paybacks are a bitch! COACH Nooo-oh-ho-hoooo! BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match... JJJAAAAAAAAADDEEEE... RRRROOOOOOODDEEEEEZZZZZZ!!! "YYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" Just now sitting up on the outside, Lindsay looks into the ring and is horrified, as Jade Rodez stands over The Princess, victorious. And, to boot, THE TIARA HAS BEEN BROKEN~! I can't put over how serious that is, people, I really can't. Jade looks down at The Princess with a vengeful smile, pointing down at the motionless Stacey and telling her 'that was for Colombian Heat', before working the crowd behind her. COLE In the end, Princess Stacey was out of her depth. And she might need to dip into her boyfriend's wallet after this one. A new tiara and possibly some expensive dental work, Vitamin X better get the cheque book ready. COACH How can you be so heartless!? Poor Stacey got kicked in the face, she shouldn't have to be subjecting to this sort of abuse! This never should of happened! COLE But it did. COACH You're a cruel, cruel man Michael Cole. COLE Don't judge me! COACH ... COLE ...more coming up on AnglePalooza. Jade now leaves the ring and begins to tag hands all the way up the aisle. Meanwhile, Lindsay checks on Stacey, who is still seeing stars. Lindsay picks up the mangled tiara and quickly hides it behind her back as Stacey woozily sitting up, trying to hide the damage from The Princess who's emotional enough as it is right now, close to tears as she looks up the ramp and sees she's been beaten.
  7. King Cucaracha

    SWF Clusterfuck Card! Live, January 31!

    Zack's Stats Sorry, we're going through the task of putting all the stats in another new thread, so the last two got merged. Why? Well, not entirely sure, but we are. Just have him throw some Superkicks and shit.
  8. King Cucaracha

    ROH DVD's

    Hawk (or anyone, really), are you up enough on FIP to recommend any of their shows? I saw the extra match they put on Supercard Of Honor and I know of most of the workers through other smaller indies. I'm looking for something a little less 'high maintenence' than the big ROH shows, Prazak and Bauer mentioned some of the more 'classic' matches but I'm not neccessarily looking for them. They put it over as a more 'relaxed' environment overall and that's my sort of thing. So, any ideas?
  9. King Cucaracha

    Question for HD this week.

    Go with Biff Atlas and Vincent Santana if you like.
  10. King Cucaracha

    HD: Jade/Stacey/Lindsay segment

    Meanwhile, in the backstage area we join Jade Rodez, walking down the corridors of the arena with a PURPOSE~! Taking a left, it's obvious Jade knows exactly where she's going. The Lightning Crew locker room, straight ahead and door ajar as Princess Stacey stands at the door talking on her cellphone. As Jade sees Stacey unguarded she picks up speed, Stacey hearing the footsteps and looking up... STACEY :O ...and scrambling back into the locker room! The door can be heard locking behind her but that doesn't stop Jade, who marches up to the door and starts to pound away with her forearms. *THUDTHUDTHUD!* JADE COME ON, OPEN UP! *THUDTHUD!* JADE I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE STACEY! *THUDTHUDTHUDTHUD!* JADE IF YOU DON'T OPEN UP RIGHT NOW I'LL BREAK THIS DOOR DOWN AND RAM THAT TIARA DOWN YOUR THROAT... Finally the door opens, but at the hands of Cuban Wall which forced Jade to back off. Lindsay Gonzalez appears next though, stepping in front of Cuban Wall and calling The Lightning Crew's muscle off. As the big Cuban leaves, we finally see Stacey, nervously poking her head around the side of the door frame. LINDSAY Okay okay, what the HELL is going on!? JADE Where's Stacey? LINDSAY I don't see as that's any of your business little girl. JADE (looking pasty Lindsay) Stacey! Come on out and face the music... LINDSAY Oh, yeah, I get it. The boyband thing. JADE I wasn't making a pun. LINDSAY ...look, who put you up to this!? JADE Krist... Jade stops and shakes her head. JADE That's not important! What's important is what I wanna say to her, so seeing as she's not woman enough to come out here and face me then you can pass on the message that she's got a lot coming to her and I'm gonna be the one to give it to her, which is why I'm challenging her to a match at AnglePalooza! There! ... LINDSAY :D Obviously Lindsay finds that idea pretty amusing, unlike Stacey, who's eyes have widened all of a sudden. LINDSAY You? Wrestle Princess Stacey? I don't know what ideas Krista has put into your head, or what narcotics she's put into your body, but you cannot be serious. JADE I'm deadly serious. I'm gonna kick her golddigging BUTT for what she did to Heat... LINDSAY What do you care? Are you his new squeeze now, is that it? JADE No! I'm just doing what's right. And Krista told me to tell you that if you said that, I should say 'your mother' and then run away, but I don't see why I should run away because I'm not scared of you and besides I don't have an answer yet. Waiting for a chance to speak, Lindsay holds her head. LINDSAY You talk way too fast. JADE Sorry. LINDSAY Look, you want an answer? I'll give you your answer, because I know Stacey... and I know that she'd LOVE to kick your ass at AnglePalooza. STACEY :O Emerging from behind the door frame, Stacey looks stunned as she tries to motion to Lindsay to backtrack. Lindsay doesn't understand the frantic handsignals though and wraps an arm around her new pal, showing some solidarity and trying to intimidate Jade. It doesn't seem to work though, as Jade points a finger at the Princess and snarls. JADE I'll see YOU this Sunday! Stacey kinda whimpers to herself, as Jade strides back off. Still Lindsay doesn't seem to get it though, until she turns to go back into the locker room and Stacey doesn't, frozen in shock. LINDSAY What's the matter with you? STACEY Wha... what's the matter with ME!? What have you done!? I can't wrestle!! LINDSAY Oh please! She's just some brat, you'll beat her no problem. Now come on, PRL's gonna be going out soon and I need to get changed again. As Lindsay goes back into the locker room though, Princess Stacey still looks shaken, checking that Jade has really left before she closes the door to the Lightning Crew locker room. COLE Did I just hear that right? Princess Stacey versus Jade Rodez, one on one at AnglePalooza!? COACH Thank God we've got the Rumble and Survive Or Surrender to sell the show.
  11. King Cucaracha

    From: Character Specs

    Name: Jamie O'Hara Nicknames: The Birmingham Bad Boy, SuperJay, J-OH Age: 22 Height: 5ft. 9 Weight: 176 lbs Hometown: Birmingham, England Alignment: Babyface Stable Affiliation: None (technically, The Hooligans (w/ The GPX), who are semi-active at best) Wrestling style: Spotz over Plotz~! Theme music: "Fix Up, Look Sharp", Dizzee Rascal Entrance Style: Comes to the ring, brash as possible...talking back to anyone who badmouths him of course Backstage attire: Burberry brand shirts and baseball caps, baggy jeans (worn back to front, so the back pockets are around the front...don't ask), Reebok trainers, CK boxer shorts, chains around the neck (bling bling) which are obviously removed pre-match. Ring attire: White vest top, baggy Nike tracksuit pants and Nike trainers. To the ring he wears a Dark blue Nike hoodie and Nike baseball cap, then rings, chains and shit. Finishing Move(s): Dime Store High- Shooting Star Legdrop Blaze Out 630- 630 Splash Signature Moves Nothin' But Kneedrop- 450 Kneedrop Oh, SNAP!- Blockbuster Black Russian Legsweep Inverted 450 Springboard Somersault Seated Senton Moonsault Inverted DDT Inverted Hurricanrana Busaiku Knee Kick Basic moveset: Various Kicks (front kicks, spin kicks, heel kicks, flying kicks...pretty much anything you want.), Various Crazy Dives, Springboards and Top Rope-isms, Various Standing Flippy Things, basic wrestling and stuff everyone knows. Manager/valet/sidekick: The GPX, maybe. Catchphrases/Trademark gestures: The "Come An' 'Ave A Go If You Think You're 'Ard Enough" gesture. Arms out spread, inviting someone on for a fight. Talks smack. A lot. Like, all the time. History/Background/Career Highlights: O'Hara debuted as part of the short-lived Birmingham Bad Boyz in mid-2005, a team which spent roughly a month on OAOAST TV before finding themselves demoted to OAOVW to brush up on their skills. Things didn't work out too great and O'Hara's partner Ryan Burgess eventually packed in and returned to England. O'Hara decided to stay and try his luck again in America though and after a few more months of development, O'Hara started to shine. out on his own, O'Hara's dynamic high-flying came to the forefront and OAOVW officials recommended he be given another shot. On his return, O'Hara became a fully fledged Upstart and forged a lasting alliance with The GPX. Titles Held OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championships - June 26th, 2006 - October 5th, 2006 (w/The GPX) OAOAST X-Division Championship - January 28th, 2007 - February 1st, 2007
  12. King Cucaracha

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    She's got a point. Amen Amy, Amen!
  13. King Cucaracha

    HD: The long-awaited Landon segment!

    "REACH OUT AND TOUCH FAITH!" Marilyn Manson's take on "Personal Jesus" powers through the arena and for the first time in three and a half weeks it brings LANDON MADDIX to an OAOAST arena! Like so many of the company's fans, Landon is coming alone tonight, Megan-less as he steps through the sliding entrance doors with microphone in hand. Maddix signals for production to cut the music and they oblige. "DREK STONE BEAT YOU!" *clap clap clapclapclap!* "DREK STONE BEAT YOU!" *clap clap clapclapclap!* Unfortunately for him, another bout of noise replaces it though. COLE Landon Maddix making his first appearance since New Year's Spectacular, where indeed Drek Stone did pin him to retain his OAOAST World Championship in the impromptu triple threat main-event. Of course, Tony Brannigan did the damage, Drek picked the bones. Either way Landon doesn't seem to happy about being reminded about it on his 'triumphant' return. MADDIX (sarcastic) Oh, it's sure good to be back! Landon rolls his eyes, to make sure everyone gets the point. MADDIX So, your Saviour has returned! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" MADDIX And not a moment too soon. The question on everybody's lips since New Year's Spectacular has been 'where is Landon'? 'Where is Landon'? I'm like the OAOAST's answer to Poochie. Only, you know, popular. And not just ironically popular. Well OAOAST fans, wonder no more. You see, over the past few weeks, I've been in strict, regimental training for both The Lethal Rumble and The Clusterfuck. Oh yeah, and I've been working for the SWF too. But mainly, strict regimental training. This year, I intend on making history. History that no man has so much as dreamt of previously. And I've trained like I've never trained in my life over these past few weeks, ready for my triumphant comeback fight! So, to build some media interest in this landmark event in professional sports, I had a good friend of mine videotape me and mix it into a neat little video package. Take a look! Landon directs everyone in Boston to the AngleTron. They have a choice whether to watch. You? Well... [b]*WHOOSH~!*[/b] MADDIX What makes me... think... I'm gonna win... the Lethal Rumble? Cut to a shot of Landon in the January air, doubled over in exhaustion. Looking back over his shoulder, Maddix surveys the set of steps he's just scaled and smiles to camera. MADDIX Because I've got the Eye... Of The TIGER! .:CUE: "You're The Best", Joe Esposito:. [b]Try to be best[/b] [i]Sat at his breakfast table, Landon cracks a couple of eggs...[/i] [b]‘Cause you’re only a man[/b] [i]...mixing them in a glass and chugging them down...[/i] [b]And a man’s gotta learn to take it[/b] [i]...before suddenly turning violently ill[/i] [b]Try to believe[/b] [i]Now at a non-descript SWF training facility, Landon performs a couple of chin-ups.[/i] [b]Though the going gets rough[/b] [i]Mainly because there a rabid dog pacing underneath him, Landon apparantly unaware of the t-bone steak taped to his right boot[/i] [b]That you gotta hang tough to make it[/b] [i]Not to mention where the dog even came from[/i] [b]History repeats itself Try and you’ll succeed[/b] [i]Footage of Landon competing in and winning the 2005 SWF Clusterfuck[/i] [b]Never doubt that you’re the one And you can have your dreams![/b] [i]Footage which Landon is studying closely. Although, why he needs the half-glasses he's sporting to do so isn't clear[/i] [b]You’re the best! Around! Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down[/b] [i]The iconic image of Landon in his sweats, jogging up a set of gruelling steps[/i] [b]You’re the Best! Around! Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down[/b] [i]Landon stops when he reaches what he thinks is the top. Unfortunately, as he looks up, he sees literally hundreds more steps and realises he's at the Cathedrale Notre-dame de Paris[/i] [b]You’re the Best! Around! Nothing’s gonna ever keep you dow-ow-ow-ow-own[/b] [i]Luckily, Megan Skye is on hand with a megaphone, her 'encouragement' convincing Landon to keep on jogging towards the summit[/i] [b]Fight ‘til the end[/b] [i]Back in the gym, Landon practices his shadow-boxing skills next to a punchbag[/i] [b]Cause your life will depend[/b] [i]Before testing out his kicks on the same punchbag[/i] [b]On the strength that you have inside you[/b] [i]And for no real reason at all, testing his strength at the Carnival. :MALLETSHOT:[/i] [b]Ah you gotta be proud[/b] [i]Landon looks through the window of the gym complex, staring out at the night sky...[/i] [b]starin’ out in the cloud[/b] [i]...and Megan Skye, dangling the keys to the padlock she's used to lock the door tantalising towards Landon's gaze[/i] [b]When the odds in the game defy you[/b] [i]So Landon shadowboxes some more, periodically checking his watch and the padlocked door[/i] [b]Try your best to win them all and one day time will tell[/b] [i]Having eventually been freed, Landon now interrupts another training session. Resident SWF scrubs Martin 'Big Country' Hunt and Ced Ordonez are the unlucky parties[/i] [b]when you’re the one that’s standing there you’ll reach the final bell![/b] [i]Clips of Landon hurling both men over the top rope follow, dusting his hands successfully as they lay possibly injured outside of the ring[/i] [b]You’re the best! Around! Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down[/b] [i]A group of tourists are looking out off of Santa Monica Pier, admiring the view. Into shot runs Landon, grabbing one of the tourists by the head and pitching him up and over the railing, into the water below![/i] [b]You’re the Best! Around! Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down[/b] [i]Landon leaps around celebrating like he just won the Rumble. And some more shadow boxing[/i] [b]You’re the Best! Around! Nothing’s gonna ever keep you dow-ow-ow-ho-how-ho-own[/b] [i]Landon's celebrations slow down though, as he sees the rest of the tourist group glaring at him[/i] [b]INSPIRING GUITAR SOLO~![/b] [i]Cue the ever-popular slow-motion sequence, Landon running down Santa Monica Boulevard. Behind him, twelve angry tourists and a state patrol car. As he begins to tire, Landon ducks into a video arcade, evading the mob as they inexplicably miss him turning off and keep on running[/i] [b]You’re the best! Around! Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down[/b] [i]Landon, now a little better recovered, stand playing the Royal Rumble Arcade Game (hard to find, too)[/i] [b]You’re the Best! Around! Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down[/b] [i]Annoyed, Landon wrenches at the joystick a little before grumpily reaching for some more quarters[/i] [b]You’re the Best! Around! Nothing’s gonna ever keep you dow-ow-ow-ow-own[/b] [i]Into the arcade arrives Megan though and she resumes shouting at Landon through the megaphone, causing him to go back to his jogging from earlier[/i] [b]Fight ‘til you drop[/b] [i]Jogging![/i] [b]never stop can’t give up[/b] [i]Shadow boxing![/i] [b]Til you reach the top (FIGHT!)[/b] [i]Cat skinning![/i] [b]you’re the best in town (FIGHT!)[/b] [i]More jogging![/i] [b]Listen to that sound[/b] [i]Kickbag pounding! A bunch of sit-ups![/i] [b]A little bit of all you got Can never bring you down[/b] [i]Neck bridges! Chin-ups! Hindu squats! MORE SHADOW-BOXING! This man is READY![/i] [b]You’re the best! Around! Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down You’re the best! Around! Nothing’s gonna ever bring you down You’re the best! Around! Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down[/b]... "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Back in the arena, Landon applauds as the video fades away. COACH Wow. COLE What the hell was that? He didn't even get his movie references right! COACH Who cares, I love that song! MADDIX Yes I am, Joe Esposito. Yes. I. Am. And nothing's gonna ever keep me from winning the Lethal Rumble, this Sunday night at AnglePalooza. Not nothing, not nobody. People might claim that having one eye on 29 men this Sunday and the other eye on 19 men this Wednesday is putting a little too much on my plate in one go. That's just regular routine for Paris Hilton though and she seems to be doing pretty well for herself. Landon licks his index finger, scoring 'one zinger' for himself on his imaginary scoreboard. MADDIX Lethal Rumble, Clusterfuck. SWF World Title, OAOAST World Title. Nobody has achieved either of those pairs of accolades. Nothing less than all four is going to be good enough for me. This is my chance at history. Yes, I've already won the Cluster' and the SWF World Title in my past, but achieving them all in the same year would be the historical cherry on my cake of wrestling history. Which is why I've trained those extra hours, studied those extra tapes, minimised those extra bookings. All for a one week spurt at glory and immortality! Certainly not all for nought. Smiling, Landon fiddles with the microphone a little. MADDIX Right now, everybody's talking about Zack Malibu. Everybody's talking about Survive Or Surrender. They're talking about Drek Stone in Ocean's Thirteen. They're talking about the Anderson Cup. But soon, pretty soon, the entire wrestling world is going to have something of REAL importance to concern themselves with. A REAL, true, once in a lifetime achievement. History, meaningful history. And to those twenty nine other guys in the Lethal Rumble, dreaming of seeing their name up in lights on the Skydome marquee as Number One Contender... I've got one warning to you all. You might not be right now, but one way or another, by the time AnglePalooza is in the books I guarantee you that everybody will be talking about one man and one man only. Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix! Landon and microphone disappear back through the entrance doors, leaving the fans to muse over what they've just heard. COLE Well, a statement of intent from Landon Maddix. Was it me, or did that sound a little... well, ominous. COACH A little, yeah. COLE We'll see if he delivers on that promise, this Sunday night.
  14. King Cucaracha

    HD: AD- Mardi Gras/Rockers

    SCHIAVONE Alright folks, Tony Schiavone and Jesse "The Body" Ventura back with you for this week's installment of the 2007 Anderson Cup. A much shorter installment than we were expected of course, because of the impromptu Sooner Bruisers/Rescue 911 clash last week. That was between number one and number eight seeds in the Miracle Weirdness Connection Conference and this week in the final first round match, we have the other top versus bottom seeding clash, from the Los Infernales Conference. The Heavenly Rockers, number one seeds and former OAOAST World Tag Team Champions taking on the most in-experienced team in the competition, the number eight seeds The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew. VENTURA If the Homewrecking Crew can pull off the victory tonight Tony, it'd go down without question as one of the biggest upsets in Anderson Cup history. Maybe [i]the[/i] biggest. SCHIAVONE I'd say so. We saw one match go against the seedings last week as Los Diablos De Fuego advanced from number five spot. And they await the winners of this match in the next round. VENTURA I've gotta say, on paper The Heavenly Rockers really lucked out this year. They get the rookie team in the tournament first round and now, assuming they advance tonight, they avoid the Tag Team World Cup Champions, thanks in-part to a fluke injury. SCHIAVONE So, any chance at all of the upset Jesse? VENTURA Of course. Anything can happen in this business, you know that as well as I do. How are they gonna do it? As a team, they've had one match on OAOAST TV and they knocked off NRG. So, they have the advantage of being an unknown quantity. There's tons and tons of footage on The Heavenly Rockers they could have studied, not to mention a lot of well-documented injuries. The Heavenly Rockers don't have that on Rico and Soul. SCHIAVONE Well, some encouragement for the rookies... CUE: "Heart-Shaped Box", Nirvana "YYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" SCHIAVONE ...but listen to THAT encouragement! What a reaction! To the roars of the Boston crowd, The Heavenly Rockers and Holly-Wood appear on the multi-colored lit stage. The fired up Synth plays to the fans as Logan and Holly share an adorable kiss. Only adorable because they're married, of course. The trio then march to the ring, Synth playing air-drums along with his team's entrance music. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a first-round match in the Los Infernales Conference of the 2007 Anderson Cup! Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by HOLLY-WOOD! Hailing from Sin City... at a total combined weight of four hundred, thirty two pounds... the GREATEST Rock 'n Wrestling Band of AAAAALLLL time... THE HHHEEEEEAAAAAAVVVEEEEEEEENNLLLLLLYYYYYYYYY RRRRRROOOOOOOOOCCKKEEEEEEERRRRRRRSSSSSSS!!!! "YYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" On opposite turnbuckles The Heavenly Rockers pose it up for the Massachu... Mas... bloody hell that's a hard word to spell, the Massachus... the Boston natives! And they lap the number one seeds up. SCHIAVONE Last week, we saw Logan and Synth thankfully coming to the rescue of Krista Isadora Duncan as she was being annihilated at the hands of The Sooner Bruisers. What irony then that should they ultimately succeed in winning this year's Anderson Cup, as it stands, it'll be The Chicks Over Dicks who's titles they'll be gunning for. The Rockers continue to pose away, as their music fades out. And even as the oh-so-cool 70s stylings of "Easy Lover" begin to play. Some of the crowd pop just because the song is so damn awesome, others preferring to boo the accompaniment to the music as the song swings into gear. "Easy lover She'll get a hold on you believe it Like no other Before you know it you'll be on your knees" Rico de Janeiro, swaggers through the curtains first in a green Hawaiian print shirt and his gaudy collection of Mardi Gras beads around his neck. Rico stops and surveys the crowd as he strokes down his porn 'stache, sneering away and nodding his head. Behind him struts Lucius Soul, busy preening his afro, as if unaware of the fact he's just walked into an arena full of people. In the ring, The Heavenly Rockers and Holly-Wood all look on and all share a look of curious entertainment. "She's an easy lover She'll take your heart but you won't feel it She's like no other And I'm just trying to make you see" BUFFER And the opponents. Weighing in at a total combined weight of four hundred, ten pounds... the number eight seeds in the Los Infernales Conference... the team of RICO DE JANEIRO and "SWEET" LUCIUS SOUL... they are, THE MARDI GRAS HOMEWRECKING CREWii "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Rico stops and points out a young female in the fourth row, but she immediately turns down his offer of Mardi Gras beads. So he's left to climb the steps without the backing of bare breasts. Lucius slides in beside Rico and continues to comb out the 'fro as the two teams square off. SCHIAVONE Jesse, I get the feeling The Heavenly Rockers are more amused than impressed with these two newcomers. VENTURA Appearances can be decieving and I think The Rockers might have been decieved already. That's the way most guys looked at me at the beginning of my career, took one look at the way I dressed and wrote me off before the bell. I get the feeling that's the same treatment Rico and Soul are getting and it never pays to underestimate your opposition. *DINGDINGDING!* The bell sounds and Rico pats his tag partner on the back, allowing him to start. On the other side it'll be Synth to start, looking curiously at "Sweet" Lucius as he continues to comb away at his 'fro. Eventually he's happy with the results and places the 'fro pick' safely in his hair, ready to lock up all of a sudden. Synth holds him up though and takes a moment to compliment the Louisianan on his hair-do. The brief exchange of hair-care tips doesn't last long though, as Synth suckers Soul into an armdrag takeover! Soul rolls right back up, into a second armdrag. And a side headlock, Synth wrenching away for a second before noticing the 'fro pick in his opponent's hair and snatching it away. VENTURA Hey! He can't take that! Confused as to why the headlock was relinquished so quickly, cautiously Soul looks up, half-expecting a cheapshot. But instead he sees The Synthmeister tending to his hair with Soul's own 'fro comb!! "YYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" VENTURA Oh boy, that's just not smart. You don't mess with another man's 'fro combs. SCHIAVONE That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever oh who am I kidding it's professional wrestling nevermind. Soul's eyes bug out as Synth asks his partner for his opinion on the 'do. A thumbs up is the responce from Logan. Turning into a frantically pointing finger, warning Synth as Lucius charges him from behind. Synth gets the message and throws out a mule kick in defence, catching Lucius in the gut, allowing him to replace the 'fro comb back in Lucius' hair and re-apply the headlock. *slap!* Blind tag is made by The Heavenly Rockers, just in time too as Lucius backs Synth up into the ropes and shoots him across the ring. As Synth comes back, Lucius leapfrogs high over top and takes a moment to jaw with the fans, proving a mistake as when he turns around, Logan Mann is waiting on him. *SMACK!* WICKED LEFT JAB~! "YYYYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" VENTURA There's that patented left hook! Logan always lands it so quick, it's virtually impossible to see it coming and by then, it's too late anyway! SCHIAVONE This one might be over in record time! Synth exits the ring with a strut in his step, while Logan makes the pin on the seemingly KOed Soul... 1... 2... Shoulder up! Rico breathes a sigh of relief in his corner, but his partner has no such luck as Logan drags him right back to his feet. The groggy Soul throws a wild haymaker but finds nothing but thin air, leaving himself open for a boot to the gut from Logan and a Million $ Kneelift, turning Lucius inside out! With Soul facedown on the canvas, Logan then backs off the ropes and lands a big legdrop to the back of the head, throwing up a couple of peace signs to the crowd as his leg continues to pin Lucius' face to the mat! SCHIAVONE That one might have flattened the 'fro! VENTURA Don't say 'fro' again Schiavone, you can't pull it off. Back-rolling to his feet, it's all coming up Logan right now. He can afford the time to let Lucius climb back to his feet, positioning himself in between Soul and his corner to prevent any sudden burst for a tag. As he reaches his feet, Lucius is rushed and forced off the ropes again, rebounding back into the fist of Logan Mann, buried down deep in the gut. As Lucius doubles over, Logan then spots an opening, a quick twirl of the FINGER OF DEATH~! the prelude to the front facelock and the PERCUSSI... ...NO! Lucius bottoms out before the facelock can tighten, tripping Logan up with a single leg takedown and keeping a hold of the leg as he reaches one of his own long limbs out, juuuust in reach of Rico De Janeiro who tags himself in. VENTURA See, that's where the scouting advantage comes into play. Soul, as soon as he felt that facelock sink in, had the counter prepped and ready. Do The Heavenly Rockers even know what Lucius and Soul's go to moves are? Let alone have counters for them? I doubt it Tony and that could be key! Rico goes right to work as he comes into the ring, stomping away on the prone Mann as Lucius continues to hold him down. Eventually the referee's five count forces Lucius out. But by now Rico is in full flow, continuing to stomp away on Logan until all the Rockers' lead vocalist's resistance is used up. "RI - CO SUCKS!" "RI - CO SUCKS!" "RI - CO SUCKS!" "RI - CO SUCKS!" The Boston crowd waste no time in letting the Brazilian have it as he scoops Logan up and slams him, centre ring. Turning to the outside, Rico then turns his attentions to Holly-Wood and strokes down his porn 'stache as her husband lays fallen at his feet. To add injury to insult, Rico then backs to the ropes, dropping the Porno 'Stache Legdrop and stroking the facial hair down all through the count... 1... 2... Kickout! Logan instantly looks for the tag, holding his hand out in Synth's direction but unable to quite reach him as Rico drags him away by the head. An elbow to the back of the cranium finds the mark before The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew make the tag. Legal now is Lucius, as Rico drags Logan to the ropes. Double irish whip, Logan coming back to be greeted with a double elbow, knocking him back down to the canvas. As Logan lays looking at the lights trying to collect his bearings, The MGHC then set up another double team, Rico providing a leg-up for "Sweet" Lucius and assisting him with a Standing Moonsault!! SCHIAVONE Nice teamwork from the number eight seeds. Hook of the leg... 1... 2... Kickout! To his feet, Lucius measures Logan and boots him right in the side of the ear. And again. And a third time, Lucius walking over to the corner and setting his foot up on the turnbuckle as he wipes a scuff mark off his toes. VENTURA Haha! You've gotta like that Tony, two men who take pride in their sense of style at all times. SCHIAVONE I don't like it Jess, not when it's at the expense of concentrating on the match at hand. VENTURA Ah, who am I kidding. You wouldn't know style if it was sat right next to you. By the way, Jesse "The Body", I believe we've met. With a little duking and jiving, Soul awaits Logan and pops him with a quick jab. The toes are twinkling and Soul is floating like a butterly, stinging like a bee, using up all the boxing clichés he can as he lands a couple more jabs. Lucius then looks to put the finishing touches to Logan with a 360 and a big Roundhouse Kick. Logan ducks underneath though, catching Lucius from behind and jarring him with the Atomic Drop! Off the ropes now comes Logan, knocking Lucius down with a running double axehandle strike. Another running double axehandle finds the mark. And THERE'S the tag, bringing The Synthmeister back in! "YYEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Straight up top goes Synth, measuring Soul from the top and soaring down with a big Flying Clothesline! Synth is fired up and forgets all about the formalities of making a pinfall attempt, encouraging Lucius back up. SCHIAVONE The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew unable to keep Logan at bay for long and now they've got to deal with a wildfire Synth Esizer! Loading up the Allen Iverson esque arm sleeve, Synth hits the ropes and looks to lay out "Sweet" Lucius with a LARIATOOO... ...but it's more like LARIAT-NO, as Lucius does the SPLITS to avoid it! Tuck and a roll and Lucius tags in Rico now, the Tom Selleck-alike scrambling into the ring before Synth can realise what happened and hitting him on the way back with a Harley Race high knee!! "OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" VENTURA That fire didn't last long either though. Swaggering around the ring, Rico infuriates Logan to the point that he takes a swipe at The King Of The Mardi Gras the moment he gets too near the Heavenly Rocker corner. Rico piefaces Logan in return though, luring in Mann and allowing Lucius to sneak in to put the boots to The Synth-a-nator! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" SCHIAVONE And now, behind referee Mike Chioda's back, the illegal man goes to work. VENTURA Some veteran tag team tactics from these two rookies. I gotta say, I'm impressed. SCHIAVONE You would be. Rico joins in on the boot-fest, Holly-Wood's addition to the protests doing no good at all. The two-on-one continues until finally Chioda gets control of Mr and Mrs. Mann and turns his attention back to the action. By that time, Rico has Synth up, powered up, taking his time before bringing Synth down ribs first across the knee with a simple Backbreaker. Simple, but effective. Synth writhes around, nursing his ribs, while Rico strokes down the porn 'stache yet more and makes some kissy faces in the direction of Holly-Wood. SCHIAVONE That may not be smart, Logan Mann is obviously very protective of Holly. Especially after the actions of the likes of The Sooner Bruisers towards her. VENTURA He's also a hothead when he's angry. And that's gonna lead to mistakes if you're ready for it. Pulling himself up in the corner, Synth doesn't see Rico coming and gets crushed in the corner with a knee to the gut. Rico then rears back and slugs Synth with a big right hand, earning him a warning from Chioda. Rico claims it was an open hand and despite not having an honest face, rather a sleazy face actually, the referee cuts the Brazilian some slack. Tag is made meanwhile, as Lucius Soul rushes in towards the opposite corner of the ring. With little more than a moment's pause Soul then rushes coast to coast, spinning 360 in mid-air and SQUASHING Synth in the corner with a 360 Stinger Splash!! SCHIAVONE Soul Brother Splash! Tremendous agility! Light on his feet, out of the corner jigs Soul ready to strike again. And strike again he does, spinning through the air once more, this time with the heel of his boot cracking off of Synth's skull! On top dives Lucius... 1... 2... No! Keeping on Synth, Soul clubs him over the shoulders with some forearm shots. Leaping in front, Soul then pulls Synh back up to his feet by the hair. A kick from the right side, a kick from the left and a rolling sole BUTT, planting the heel in the stomach. Off the ropes goes Soul now, hooking the head as he comes flying back with a Swinging DDT... ...but Synth throws Soul off! *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" And he then lands a knifedge chop to Soul's bare chest! *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" Make it two! Dropping to all fours, Synth then uses the most basic of basic tactics, the tactic you learn earliest in your life, trying to crawl like a baby through Lucius' legs and to his corner for the tag. Soul manages to block it by closing his legs on Synth though. Turning to the side, Soul then gets Synth stacked in a sunset pin... 1... 2... No! Both men roll back up and it's Soul who lands the boot first, guiding Synth by the head over to the Mardi Gras corner and bringing in Rico to take over for the team. Lucius keeps Synth in place with a facelock while Rico climbs in, the double sledge driven into the lower back of The Synthmeister and dropping him to the mat. *CLAP!* *CLAP!* *CLAP!* *CLAP!* *CLAP!* Holly-Wood gets some rhythm going in Boston Mass, in support of the Drummin' Destroyer, Synth Esizer! Not that it seems to do much good, another double sledge sending Synth slumping throat-first across the middle rope. Rico quickly drapes a knee in the back to choke Synth down further on the ring rope, until referee Mike Chioda drags him away. Rico argues the toss with the referee... ...which is all a distraction, as down the apron and on the blindside runs Lucius Soul... *SMACK!* ...DROPKICKING SYNTH IN THE SIDE OF THE HEAD!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" SCHIAVONE Again behind the referee's back! VENTURA You know, I'm a little surprised. The Heavenly Rockers have been in the OAOAST for years, they're former World Tag Team Champions and yet they're getting caught by every trick in the book. And it's The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew who are showing all the tag team continuity so far tonight. SCHIAVONE Or, in other words, The Homewrecking Crew are cheating and The Heavenly Rockers aren't. VENTURA And they're in the ascendancy. That's all that matters. As Synth slumps back away from the ropes, Soul tries to look nonchalant as possible as he lies on the apron coming his 'fro. Leaving referee Chioda to suspect but have no proof as to what happened. Rico picks Synth back up meanwhile, knowing full-well what happened. Otherwise, his next move wouldn't happen- a snapmare into a pin attempt... 1... 2... Kickout! SCHIAVONE Rico quickly grabs The Synth-a-nator by the head, sinking in an old fashioned Sleeper Hold! As he feels the move going in Synth panics and tries to scramble to his feet, but doesn't stay there long, the hold taking a quick effect and after a few seconds, he finds himself back to one knee. "LET'S GO SYNTH!" "LET'S GO SYNTH!" "LET'S GO SYNTH!" "LET'S GO SYNTH!" SCHIAVONE The crowd trying to get behind the number one seeds, they certainly don't want to see an upset here tonight. VENTURA They might not have a choice Tony. Synth's going out right here! As the arms begin to pump, the crowd get a glimmer of hope for Synth's consciousness. Synth starts to feed off of the fans and tries to climb back to his feet, Rico shaking his head 'no' either in an order to the fans or just in despair that his opponent is fighting back. Reaching his feet, Synth drives the elbow into the gut! And again! And again... and again, the fourth time finally breaking the hold! "YYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Synth celebrates his newfound freedom by going on the run, shooting off into the ropes. Rico aims to meet him on the way back with everything, predominantly the kitchen sink, looking to bury the knee to the gut... but Synth floats through into a sunset flip... 1... 2... No! Rico kicks out, blocking off the tag with a front facelock. But if that deflates the crowd, they're about to witness the wrestling equivalent of a bicycle pump. Synth shocks Rico with a quick Inverted Atomic Drop, shoves him aside and makes the Ricky Morton roll INTO THE TAG!! "YYYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" SCHIAVONE There's the tag! And Logan Mann is in for The Heavenly Rockers, which can only mean bad things for The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew! Logan heads up top from the get-go, waiting for Rico to turn around and coming down from the heavens with a Flying Double Axehandle! Sensing trouble, Lucius comes in to helphis Partner In Partying and takes a running bionic elbow to put him down! A running double axehandle puts Rico down again before Logan rushes Soul, dropkicking him with enough force to send him through the middle and bottom ropes, to the arena floor with a hard *THUD!* That leaves Logan in with de Janeiro, doing as his partner did with the Inverted Atomic Drop, then wiping Rico out with a Roaring Clothesline! Cover! 1... 2... No! Still full of adrenaline, Logan heads up to the top floor again. However, as he reaches the top, something catches the attention of the corner of his eye. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" SCHIAVONE Wait... what the hell are THEY doing out here!? 'They' being THE SOONER BRUISERS, baby brother Uber and Big Frank marching down the aisle and to the ring! Logan points them out to the referee but it's obvious that The Bruisers are out here with intent and no mere referee is going to stop them. So Logan changes positions on the turnbuckles and as The Sooner Bruisers approach, he clasps the hands, diving off the top... ...and MISSING the Double Axehandle, landing on his feet, only for his knees to buckle and jar underneath him!! "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" VENTURA OH MAN! SCHIAVONE Logan might have just blown his knee out! He landed awkwardly from a long way up, Logan is in trouble here... but Holly can't check on him, because those damn Sooners are stalking around her husband! Logan lays on the ringside pads howling in pain, clutching his left legs as The Sooners look to move in for the kill. Here come the referees and the road agents though, surrounding The Sooner Bruisers before they do anything to get physically involved in the match. The damage might have been done though, The Bruisers being moved back by sheer numbers (and Big Frank taking wild swings at anyone who gets too close without guarding their head) but Logan down and hurting. Finally Holly can get across to check on Logan, trying to calm her injured man down. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Synth has been forced to take over control of the match and does so, whipping Rico de Janeiro into a neutral corner. Synth then charges... ...but Rico gets a knee up into the face! Down to one knee sinks The Synthmeister, as a sleazy smile creeps over Rico's face. RICO WHO WANTS A MOUSTACHE RIDE!?! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" VENTURA This is what won them the match with NRG... Tony, we might be about to see the big upset! SCHIAVONE Yeah, thanks to The Sooner Bruisers! Nobody in Boston Mass. apparantly, as the resounding jeers sound out. They matter not though, as Rico pulls Synth into a standing headscissors. Grabbing the waist, Rico then hauls Synth up and over his shoulders, placing the hands in the armpits and lifting him up... ...and losing him! Synth's feet find the middle rope and he manages to escape de Janeiro's clutches! Confused, Rico turns around, right into a boot to the face. Synth then sets himself on the rope a little more sturdily before reaching out and grabbing the head. Front facelock applied, The Synthmeister leaps off the ropes and brings Rico around for the Tornado DDT ride... only to get thrown off! Synth manages to land on his feet safely enough. But he doesn't gain his balance in time to move, before Lucius Soul tackles into him with the POOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNCCEEEEEE!!!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Synth gets thrown through the air from the impact of the move, Lucius leaping to his feet and hitting the pose that goes with the move. Period. VENTURA They're calling for the end! Hit record folks, history's going to be made here! Quickly, Rico retrieves Synth, knowing that they need to strike while the iron is hot. A front facelock and a vertical suplex seems innocuous enough, until Synth's legs gets caught on the way down over Lucius' shoulders. And after a countdown from 3 to 1, The MGHC look to put not just the coup de gras but the Coup de Mardi Gras on proceedings, as they hit a combined Neckbreaker/Sitout Powerbomb!! "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" VENTURA They got him! The referee is in position as Lucius stacks Synth on his shoulders, nodding along as the pin is made... 1... Holly helps Logan up and on one leg he hops to the apron... 2... ...dragging himself in and diving... ...JUST SHORT!! 3!!!!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" VENTURA THEY DID IT!! SCHIAVONE, THEY DID IT!! THE HEAVENLY ROCKERS ARE OUT OF THE ANDERSON CUP!! Logan drops just short of breaking the fall and despairingly goes back to clutching his injured knee. Holly-Wood looks on, head in hands, mouth agape as "Easy Lover" plays over a stunned crowd. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen... your winners of the contest, advancing to the Los Infernales Conference Semi Finals... RICO DE JANEIRO and LUCIUS SOUL... THE MARDI GRAS HOMEWRECKING CREWii! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Just as shocked as everyone else in the arena, Lucius and Rico embrace and begin to celebrate their most unexpected of victories. Rico tries to stay cool as he strokes down the porn 'stache, Lucius preferring instead to celebrate like they just one the entire Anderson Cup, let alone the first round match. SCHIAVONE Against all the odds, The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew are into the next round! Unbelievable! VENTURA One of the biggest upsets in Anderson Cup history Tony. Last year, Black T got dumped out by The Lone Star Gunslingers... but, this is right up there with that. SCHIAVONE And you can give the assist to The Sooner Bruisers. Ever since New Year's Spectacular they've been out of control and now, they've played a heavy part in the number one seeds in the Los Infernales Conference going out in the first round! VENTURA Hey, you can't blame them. They didn't get physically involved, Mann made a mistake in the heat of the moment and it cost the team the match! SCHIAVONE Come on Jesse, they got involved and distracted Logan! Lucius and Rico leave the ring and continue their early Mardi Gras festivities up the ramp, Rico inviting Holly-Wood to join the winning team. She declines though, busy checking on Logan who remains in agony in the ring. VENTURA Nevermind that Schiavone, why aren't you giving credit where it's due right now? You didn't give Rico and Soul a chance in hell of pulling the upset off tonight. Nobody did, except yours truly of course. Forget about how they did it... fact is, they [i]did[/i] it! SCHIAVONE Well, that they did. And, to the amazement of everyone I'm sure, it'll be The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew versus Los Diablos De Fuego in the Los Infernales Conference Semi Finals! One of those two underdog teams will be in the Conference Finals, who would have put money on that when the brackets were announced? VENTURA Not me, that's for sure. SCHIAVONE Well, as we recover from this shocker, we're going to a commercial and we'll see you with more HeldDOWN~! action!
  15. King Cucaracha

    Morishima in ROH

    If they made the match No DQ/Fight Without Honor, then Homicide would have more of a believable chance of winning, seeing as he's much more experienced in those sort of matches than Morishima. But the chances of them doing that is slim. Remember, the winner meets BJ on 2/23, which is six days after he would face Homicide. If you could add anyone to the list of suitable opponents for Morishima, I think Gabe would put BJ high on that list. So, there'd be six days to get the announcement of the title change out and build some interest in Morishima vs. BJ, assuming he wins the title. I can see that happening somehow. I can't decide whether they've booked himself into a corner or done well to come up with a World Title main event where the outcome isn't obvious to everyone.
  16. King Cucaracha

    SWF Clusterfuck Card! Live, January 31!

    On the samke token, the OAOAST's ripoff of the Royal Rumble Lethal Rumble will be the previous Sunday. Chances are, that might affect someone in the field (ie. Landon), if not more, so I'd suggest reading that when it's up.
  17. King Cucaracha

    AnglePalooza booking

    Okay, I take it upon myself to add Christian Wright to make the 30. I've also got a match TBA, which EWC knows about. That should be about the right number of matches.
  18. King Cucaracha

    Morishima in ROH

    So, having only seen Morishima very briefly (about 10 minutes of a tag match against KENTA and Marufuji and a tag match he had in England), I ask dumbly how good is he really? Obviously they're building Joe/Morishima to be one of the biggest matches of the year, but is he capable of that, or is it just going to be one giant strike exchange?
  19. King Cucaracha

    The Annual WWE Mass Firings Thread

    I hope The Bashams end up like Albright and go to ROH. After months of hearing how great they were in OVW, they turned out to be one of the blandest teams in Smackdown history and I can't remember any stand-out matches. But the same goes for Albright (minus the 'tag team part' obviously) and he's already made an impact with them, so I'd give them a chance if they get one.
  20. King Cucaracha

    HD Booking for 1/25/07

    Yeah, have at it. Anderson Cup Conference Quarter Final The Heavenly Rockers vs. The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew PLUS, this week I SWEAR Landon Maddix will be in the building, to talk about AnglePalooza, The Lethal Rumble and getting beat on New Year's Day. He's probably forgot about the last one actually, seeing as this is the third week it's been planned. He had SWF commitments though, or something, I don't know.
  21. King Cucaracha

    Kurt Angle to wrestle for New Japan

    Angle vs. Milano please.
  22. King Cucaracha

    HD: AC- Enterprise/Love Docs

    "You break the laws You hustle, you deal, you steal from us all Come on come on, lovin' for the money Come on come on, listen to the Money talk Come on come on, lovin' for the money Come on come on, listen to the Money talk Money talks" "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a First Round Match in the 2007 Anderson Cup! To the dual noises of AC/DC's "Money Talks" and Charleston, West Virginia's "BOO! Go home scum, we hate you!", Christian Wright and Theodore Moneymaker emerge for some Anderson Cup action. Moneymaker in his white smoking jacket and Wright with his red polyester number look every bit the dapper socialites, accompanied of course by Mackenzie DeCenzo who applauds the duo. BUFFER Coming down the aisle, accompanied to the ring by The Enterprise's Chief Financial Officer, MACKENZIE DECENZO! At a total combined weight of four hundred and sixty two pounds. Representing The Enterprise... the number three seeds in the Miracle Weirdness Connection Conference... "THE NATURAL" CHRISTIAN WRIGHT and "THE BILLION DOLLAR HEIR", THEODORE MMMOOOONNEYMAKER!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Handing his briefcase and jacket to Mackenzie, Wright rolls into the ring and already reads referee Charles Robinson the riot act. Moneymaker pulls away his entrance garb meanwhile and enters. No laugh, no "money fingers", just a look of determination. VENTURA There you are Schiavone, the rightful World Tag Team Champions of the World! SCHIAVONE I think there'd be a few people who'd disagree with that. Like Chicks Over Dicks. And The Sooner Bruisers. But regardless of that, HeldDOWN~! continues and so does the 2007 Anderson Cup. The number three seeds, Moneymaker and Wright, set to take on The Love Doctors with the lure of a spot in the Conference Semi Finals and a match against America's Team for the winners. VENTURA You know, these guys shouldn't even be in this position. First off, they should be the Tag Team Champions right now and would be, if not for that debacle in the Tag Team Turmoil. And secondly, failing that, Moneymaker and Wright would have been the number two seeds, if not for a stupid decision. SCHIAVONE Jesse, they're number three seeds on merit. They tried to buy America's Team off and take their seeding... VENTURA And those apple-pie eating collegiates turned them down. Which was a stupid decision! [COLOR=red]*WHIIIR!* *WHIIIR!*[/COLOR] "Doctor, doctor, give me the news I've got a bad case of lovin' you No pill's gonna cure my ill I've got a bad case of lovin' you" "Bad Case Of Loving You (Doctor, Doctor)" by Robert Palmer set off the sirens in the arena, not to mention playing out The Doctors Of Doctornomics! Clad in their white lab coats and with the stethoscope and clipboard at hand in case of a medical emergency, The Love Doctors make good on the other half of their name as they loving remove the coats and let the ladies in attendance view a full body scan! BUFFER And introducing their opponents! At a total combined weight of four hundred, thirty six pounds! Both hailing from Chicago, Illinois... the number six seeds in the Miracle Weirdness Connection Conference... DR. STEVEN PIGLEY and DR. MAX ANDERSON... THE LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOVVEEEE DDOOOOOCCTTOOOORRRRRSSSSSSS!! "YYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" The Docs make their way to the ring, slapping hands like any good wrestler who cares about their fans should. Watching on from the ring, Moneymaker is clearly unimpressed as he sneers at the crowd pleasing tactics. SCHIAVONE It's The Anderson Cup and I'm sure Dr. Anderson would love more than most to have that accolade on his CV. One of the few Andersons in wrestling not to be an illegitimate member of the Anderson family, but a proud Anderson nonetheless. VENTURA I can't begin to tell you how little that means. In slide The Docs and the fans go wild, Moneymaker and Wright giving their opponents plenty of room to pose as they exit the ring for a quick business meeting with Mackenzie on the floor. After coming up with their business plan The Enterprise trio adjurn, with Christian apparantly the man to start as he rubs his hands at the prospect of action. SCHIAVONE Well, what does mean something is The Love Doctors' ability. Just about a year, their reign as HI-YAH Tag Team Champions lasted and now their sights are set on the OAOAST's tag straps. VENTURA Listen, I'm not gonna take anything away from these guys. They've got a lot going for them. But 'Money Talks' and if these guys are Doctors, chances are they ain't got much of it left! *DINGDINGDING!* Bell sounds and Christian Wright lurks on the apron, biding his time as The Docs finally get themselves together. It'll be Dr. Pigley attending, or beginning the match to strip it of all puns, moved back by referee Robinson as Wright insists on some space before he will enter. Of course, that's all part of the plan, Wright waiting on Pigley to impatiently brush Robinson aside and catching him with a thumb to the eyes behind the referee's back! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" SCHIAVONE No prizes for guessing why you're big fans of The Enterprise. VENTURA Hey, I'm a sucker for the classics, what can I say? Wright goes to work with forearms across the shoulder blades, beating Pigley down as the referee is none the wiser to the shortcut. Pulling Pigley upright, Wright then shoots him into the ropes with an irish whip and cuts him down with a back elbow which lead to a quick pin attempt... 1... ...which doesn't get him too far, Pigley out at one. Wright keeps hold of The Doc though and drags him to the corner, making the tag to Moneymaker before pinning Pigley's arms behind his back. That leaves him helpless as Teddy steps in, driving a bodyshot into Dr. Pigley's unprotected stomach. A couple more bodyshots then find the mark, followed up with an overhand across the back that sends Steven slumping to his knees. VENTURA I tell ya what, one thing Tag Turmoil has done is fired up Teddy and Christian by the looks of things. They've come out of the traps quickly tonight, that's for sure. With Pigley knelt before him like a common peasant, The Billion Dollar Heir rears back and boots him hard in the chest to drop him the rest of the way to the canvas. Almost too easy for Teddy, placing one shiny green boot on Pigley's chest for the cover... 1... ...and again, Pigley is out at one. SCHIAVONE That type of pin simply isn't going to get it done. VENTURA Just a little showmanship, nothing wrong with that Schiavone. Another quick tag is made by The Enterprise duo, Moneymaker bringing Pigley back to his feet while his partner joins him. An irish whip from Theodore sets up the fist to the gut, doubling Dr. Pigley over as Wright comes off the other side with a Million $ Kneelift! A wry smile creeps over Theodore's face as he congratulates CW on the choice of move. Not wise in mid-match though, as Dr. Pigley has tumbled back towards his corner, allowing Dr. Anderson to tag himself in! "YYEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" MONEYMAKER THAT'S RIGHT! IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY BABY! IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MO... Making the most of the opportunity while it's with him, Dr. Anderson storms in like an early HOUSE OF FIRE! Or, should that be Hospital Of Fire? Whatever. Point is he's hot and he's legal and that's always a good combination. Anderson runs in and knocks down Moneymaker with a forearm, before turning in Wright direction and landing a dropkick! SCHIAVONE Well that was dumb. That was showmanship that came back to bite The Enterprise and the early work is undone already! Out of the ring rolls Teddy, leaving his partner to Anderson who puts all his leverage behind an irish whip. Back comes Wright and he goes up towards the lights with a HIGH BAAAACK bodydrop, Dr. Anderson firing up the crowd as CW rolls to his knees and looks for a timeout. Not happening though, as Anderson pulls Wright to his feet and turns him towards the corner he retreated to... "ONE!" "TWO!" "THREE!" "FOUR!" "FIVE!" "SIX!" "SEVEN!" "EIGHT!" "NINE!" ...wait for it... "TEN!" Eyes rolling, Wright collapses back against the turnbuckles as Anderson grabs the arm, giving a quick shoulder to the gut in executing an irish whip corner to corner. CW hits the buckles hard and comes stumbling out as Dr. Anderson comes back off the ropes, a spinning back elbow knocking Wright off his feet once again. Before he can get up this time, he's pinned down by the adrenaline fueled Anderson... 1... 2... Quick kickout! Dr. Anderson helps Wright on the way up to his feet, rocking him with a forearm, a second and a final third. With a quick 360 Anderson then whips a Kobashi Backfist at The Natural... ...narrowly avoided by CW as he ducks low and tackles Anderson down with a double-leg takedown. Crossing over the legs, Wright then turns Dr. Anderson over before he has a chance to realise what's happening, into the Texas Cloverleaf! SCHIAVONE The Wallstreet Cloverleaf applied! What a sudden turning of the tide by Christian Wright! VENTURA That's the mark of a great wrestler right there. Even when he was in trouble, Wright was thinking and he saw an opening and exploited it. Not just that, he's got Anderson in a position where he could submit right here! Walking back with the hold, Wright increases the angle of Anderson's body to put him in even more discomfort. Anderson claws at the canvas and tries to crawl towards the ropes. First he manages to get his body a little flatter to the canvas which at least alieviates some of the pressure. Next is the crawl to the ropes. Wright tries to stand his ground, but the Doctor determinedly carries on crawling... AND REACHES THE ROPES! "YYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" He may have escaped the submission but the effects mean Dr. Anderson is still at The Enterprise's mercy. The ropes Anderson reach happened to be closest to The Enterprise corner, allowing Wright to instantly tag out to Theodore Moneymaker. Moneymaker puts the boots to Anderson as soon as he enters the ring, only stopping to warn referee Robinson to 'back off' as he tries to reprimand The Billion Dollar Heir. "TED - DY SUCKS!" "TED - DY SUCKS!" "TED - DY SUCKS!" "TED - DY SUCKS!" VENTURA Listen to these people, no class what-so-ever. Pulling Anderson to his feet, Moneymaker lands the bodyshots from earlier, this time to the other Doctor. A series of three leave Max slumped against the ropes, a knee to the gut added in for good measure. Moneymaker then measures Anderson up... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...lashing him with a knifedge chop against the ropes! *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and again! Irish whip follows from Teddy, dropping down to one knee as Dr. Anderson bounces back and catching him in the gut with an elbow. With Anderson doubled over, Moneymaker then performs a fancy spin, giving himself room to land the [i]Billion[/i] $ Kneelift!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" After 'treating' the fans to the "money fingers" pose, Moneymaker finally follows up, hooking the leg for the cover... 1... 2... No! Moneymaker quickly latches on a rear chinlock to keep Dr. Anderson under control. SCHIAVONE And now The Enterprise trying to cut the ring in half on Dr. Anderson, as they tried and failed to do with Dr. Pigley. VENTURA Trying? Schiavone, they're not trying, they're succeeding. Look what half of the ring Anderson is in, look how far he is from the tag, Teddy has everything going his way now. On the outside Mackenzie watches on with her head nodding in approval, the trusty briefcase still clutched tightly to her chest. As Anderson is by Moneymaker, beginning to show signs of fight just as Teddy releases him and drops his knee right down the centre of the spine! And a second knee, before re-applying the chinlock, this time with a knee in the back for extra leverage. "LOVE DOC - TORS!" "LOVE DOC - TORS!" "LOVE DOC - TORS!" "LOVE DOC - TORS!" Sensing the crowd behind him, Anderson fights the effects of the hold and starts to pump his fists to try and get some adrenaline flowing. Moneymaker doesn't wait around for the fightback though and drills the knee into the back again, leaving Dr. Anderson behind as he quickly scampers to his corner and lets Christian Wright tag in. Before Max can get off his BUTT, Wright drops behind him with the point of the elbow down across the back of the head. A second time the elbow gets dropped before Wright brings Anderson back up to his feet. Slowly. No need to rush at the moment, CW able to measure the Doctor before landing a European Uppercut that packs enough force to fell Dr. Anderson again! VENTURA Great execution right there. It's amazing, the transformation Christian has made since he joined up with The Enterprise. He's always had the talent, but last year he rarely lived up to his billing until he had Theodore Moneymaker's backing. Financial and personal backing. Wright waits on Anderson now, guiding him to his feet... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and landing a knifedge chop on the Doctor! *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...to which Dr. Anderson responds in kind! *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...chop by Christian! *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...chop by Anderson! *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and another by Anderson, the good Doctor taking over as he flails away with right hands! A succession of them, rocking The Natural, until finally Christian cuts him off with a knee delivered to the gut! Dr. Anderson falls backwards into The Enterprise's corner and Wright tags Moneymaker back in, The Billion Dollar Heir taking over with the knee placed in the throat of the Doc! "ONE!" "TWO!" "THREE!" "FO..." Moneymaker breaks the choke and drags Dr. Anderson out of the corner to his feet. Gutwrench, and a suplex, planting Dr. Anderson centre ring. Teddy follows up with the cover, keeping an eye out for Dr. Pigley... 1... 2... Kickout! Complaining about the count, Moneymaker takes his eye off of Dr. Anderson momentarily and almost allows him to crawl over and make the tag. Almost, but not quite. A kneedrop to the back of the head cuts Anderson short, Moneymaker pulling The Doctor Of Love back to his feet and levelling him with a Short Arm Clothesline! MONEYMAKER MUWAHAHAHAHA!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" SCHIAVONE Theodore Moneymaker liking how this is going at the moment and clearly entitled to. VENTURA No doubt. He's got to keep his focus though, he won't be laughing so hard if he lets Anderson back into the match. Tag is made on The Enterprise side, Wright stepping in for his team now. Wright saunters over to Dr. Anderson and lands a boot to the side of the head. Another boot connects before Wright helps Anderson back to his feet. With a front facelock applied, CW takes Anderson up and over with a vertical suplex. With Dr. Anderson where he wants him, up to the middle rope goes Wright now, lining Max up for an elbow from the second floor... ...MISSES!! "YYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" Christian splatters back-first into the canvas, causing Mackenzie to release the briefcase for the first time, her arms instinctively thrown up towards her head. Moneymaker curses the bad luck for a moment, before his attention turns to calling CW over to tag him back in. "LOVE DOC - TORS!" "LOVE DOC - TORS!" "LOVE DOC - TORS!" "LOVE DOC - TORS!" The crowd drown Teddy out though as they encourage Dr. Anderson on. Anderson is weary but with Wright crawling up behind him, reaching out for an ankle or a foot to cling onto, the Doctor knows he has to make a sudden move and tucks and rolls to his corner... ...AND MAKES THE TAG TO DR. PIGLEY!!! "YYYEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" SCHIAVONE One mistake and now, The Enterprise have allowed the fresh man in! Dr. Pigley, off call and into action! Rushing into the ring, Dr. Pigley deals with the threat of Theodore Moneymaker first as he runs the length of the ring and dropkicks him off the apron! Mackenzie rushes over to check on The Billion Dollar Heir, while Dr. Pigley keeps the foot on the accelerator. Weaving past Wright, the good Doctor springboards up to the middle rope and twists in mid-air, wiping CW out with a crossbody... 1... 2... No! Right back up is Dr. Pigley, waiting on Wright with a kick to the gut. A roundhouse catches Wright in the shoulder and he goes down to a knee, giving Dr. Pigley time to hit the ropes once more. No springboard this time, Pigley simply charging back at The Financial Analyst and knocking him down with a Spin Wheel Kick! PIGLEY PAGING DR. ANDERSON!! "YYEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!" SCHIAVONE Just when The Enterprise must have thought 2007 couldn't have started any worse, they're on the verge of being knocked off right here! VENTURA And what an upset that would be! With Dr. Anderson paged, Pigley waits on The Natural to get back up. A back kick to the gut sets CW up, Dr. Pigley checking on his colleague's position before jarring Christian with an inverted atomic drop. Across the knee Wright stays as Dr. Anderson then rushes into view and NAILS him with a dropkick, completing the Lovematic Grampa and putting Christian in danger as Dr. Pigley floats through with a jacknife pin... 1... 2... NO! The Doctors Of Doctornomics get a second opinion from one another on what to do next. What results is Dr. Anderson spotting Moneymaker uneasily climbing back to his feet on the outside, grabbing the top rope and shooting himself out WITH A PESCADO!! "YYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" Meanwhile, that leaves the legal men in the match in the ring. Dr. Pigley looks to whip Wright into the corner but there's a reversal, sending the Doctor to crash into the turnbuckles instead. With a head of steam The Natural then follows in looking for an avalanche... but there's NOBODY home and Wright takes the turnbuckles hard, chest first! As he staggers out of the corner, Wright falls back into Pigley, who muscles him up and over with a back suplex. Out goes Dr. Pigley now, scaling up to the top rope as Christian re-collects himself and climbs back to his feet, unaware of where his opponent has disappeared to. Until, that is, his opponent comes plummeting out of the air with a front flip... ...and MISSES the target! Dr. Pigley just about catches himself before the landing does too much damage, but the worst is yet to come it seems, as Wright swings for him with a clothesline. The Doctor sees it coming though and catches the arm on his way underneath! An arm wringer keeps CW in check. And it then becomes useful for pulling The Natural in, a trip of the leg causing Wright to FLATLINE!! SCHIAVONE Flatliner! Wright face-first into the canvas and nobody to make the save! Rolling Wright onto his back, Dr. Pigley hooks the leg... 1... 2... KICKOUT! Before Wright can get back up, Pigley leaps to the other side of his body and backflips onto him with a Standing Moonsault!! Another hook of the leg... 1... 2... KICKOUT! VENTURA Christian's gotta mount some offence here. SCHIAVONE That's easier said than done right now, because Dr. Pigley is riding the gurney of momentum right now! With Wright on the rack, Pigley hits the ropes looking for one big shot to put him down. Unfortunately for him, that's just when Mackenzie DeCenzo springs into action, tripping Pigley's leg out from underneath him just as he bounces off the ropes! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" VENTURA I think the gurney just came off the rails. Dr. Pigley just about keeps his footing, wheeling around and pointing the finger at Mackie. Because he's a gentleman and a Doctor Of Love he does no more though, turning back to the action and finally getting his head of steam towards Christian. Who, by now, has recovered enough to scoop Pigley under the armpits and PLANT him with a Rydeen Bomb! VENTURA Wright Off! SCHIAVONE You can give the assist to Mackenzie DeCenzo if this does it... 1... 2... NO! "YYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" SCHIAVONE ...and thankfully, it doesn't. VENTURA What do you mean thankfully? You're supposed to be un-bias out here, no wonder we got bumped out of the D*LUX match last week! SCHIAVONE The Anderson Cup is one of the OAOAST's finest traditions. Excuse me for wanting the team that progresses on and eventually wins the tournament to do so without resorting to cheap tactics like valets running interference for them. On the outside, Moneymaker and Dr. Anderson continue to battle it out, continuing to leave Christian and Dr. Pigley in the ring. Christian has Pigley in hand now though and clubs him over the back a couple of times with some overhand forearms. Another European Uppercut then lands, rolling Pigley inside out. Making it easier for Wright to roll him back up to his feet, sending Pigley across the ring with an irish whip. Wright ducks low and hoists Pigley up on his return, looking to back up for a Stun Gun... ...COUNTERED WITH A DDT!! "YYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" Both Christian and Steven are down, attention turning now to the outside where Moneymaker has the advantage on Dr. Anderson. A couple of right hands rock the Doc. But Anderson fires back, landing a right. Another right. And ano... DUCKED, and Monyemaker LOCKS HIM IN THE BANK VAULT!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" VENTURA He's got him Tony! SCHIAVONE But it's on the outside, so it won't win him the ma... *CLUNK!* "YYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" A sudden burst from Dr. Anderson allows him to escape the Bank Vault however, as he ducks out of the way just in time to send Moneymaker shoulder-first into the ringpost!! Moneymaker collapses to the ringside pads and Dr. Anderson quickly scrambles away, back into the ring. SCHIAVONE ...I think Theodore is OUT! Christian Wright is all alone with both Love Doctors now! VENTURA This isn't right, the referee needs to get Anderson out of the ring! But Charles Robinson doesn't, although he does tell Max he shouldn't be in. To hell with that though, this is the Anderson Cup, serious frikkin' business! And The Love Doctors can smell victory as Dr. Anderson picks Wright up into his arms with a bearhug, positioning himself with his back to the turnbuckles as Dr. Pigley heads up top! SCHIAVONE Christian is about to take a ride on the Gurney To The Centre Of The Earth! Pigley stops on the middle buckle to fire up the crowd. But that could prove a costly mistake, as Mackenzie DeCenzo sees that these are desperate times, calling for desperate measures, scrambling up onto the ring apron to take issue with referee Charles Robinson. SCHIAVONE Mackenzie DeCenzo interfering again, I'm begging referee Robinson to throw her out of here! Just incase the distraction doesn't prove enough, Mackie starts to violently shake the top rope in her protest, making life decidedly unsteady for Dr. Pigley and preventing him from making the final jump. In the meantime, Anderson's bearhug is broken as Wright lands a series of elbows down across the back of the neck. Wrapping his arms around the waist, The Natural then powers backwards and tackles Dr. Anderson into the corner, CROTCHING DR. PIGLEY IN THE PROCESS!! "OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" VENTURA I hope they know someone who specialises in gynocology. Although, on appearances, I'm sure they do. Very well. By the hair, Wright disposes of Dr. Anderson, leaving just Pigley behind. Grabbing the head, Wright quickly pulls him down until just the ankles are draped over the top ring rope. With the arm over the head too, The Natural has Dr. Pigley all set up. And with a sudden twist of the upper body, he brings the Doctor down, the head compressing into the canvas from the elevated neckbreaker!! "OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" SCHIAVONE He calls that The Conversion Rate! 1... 2... 3!!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" *DINGDINGDING!* VENTURA And that's gonna do it! Teddy and Christian advance on to the Conference Semi Finals! BUFFER Your winners of the match, advancing on in the 2007 Anderson Cup... CHRISTIAN WRIGHT and THEODORE MONEYMAKER!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Relieved to have come away with the victory, Christian rolls out of the ring and retrieves his briefcase. Mackenzie meanwhile helps the still shaken Moneymaker to his feet and The Enterprise look to make a quick getaway with the victory in the bag. SCHIAVONE Well, The Enterprise more than a little assistance from Mackenzie DeCenzo pull out the victory. It didn't look like they would for a lot of the match, The Love Doctors impressive here in Charleston, but I guess Money Talked here tonight. VENTURA That it did. And Moneymaker and Wright move on, to take on America's Team in the next round. Number two seeds against the would-be number two seeds, that should really be something in a couple of weeks time. SCHIAVONE For now though, more HeldDOWN~!, right after this!
  23. King Cucaracha

    HD: Jade/Heat segment

    Backstage we swoop, as everybody's favourite boyband manager Jade Rodez is in mid-conversation on her funky-fresh new cellphone. I don't know what make, as I myself am not funky-fresh. But, consider it similiar to one that those funky-fresh Hollywood star people use all the time. Jade's conversation isn't audible, possibly because someone in the sound system flubbed up, possibly because it's not all that important. Especially as it's cut off within the next few seconds... *OOF!* ...as, absent-mindedly, she walks straight into a burly Colombian, dropping the phone. COLOMBIAN HEAT Yo, check yoself foo'! JADE Oh, I'm sorry, I'm... (picks up phone, whic is clearly broken) real sorry... aw man, I just bought this! HEAT Don't be lookin' at me now girl. Ya'll shoulda been watchin' where you were walkin'. After a quick surveyance of the small, mangled phone in her hand, Jade presses the button to hang up. Of course, that actual button is lying by her right foot, but she doesn't want to end up with a ridiculous phone bill now, does she. JADE It's okay. I'm sure it's fixable... Right on cue, another piece falls off the phone. Nothing major, just the keypad. JADE Or... not. HEAT Anyone important? JADE Nah, just some guy I met down in Australia when I was out with Krista and Alix and he bought me a couple of drinks, I must have given him my number, which is odd because I didn't even have the phone then, Krista only bought me it the next morning because I told her I didn't have one and she was all like 'That's crazy, I'm'a Michael J. Fox your ass and bring you Back To The Future' or words to that effect. You know, I thought it was funny when she said Alix ate the reciept, because Alix doesn't tend to eat non-coloured paper... Jade notices that Heat has stopped listening and trails off. JADE But, that's not important. So, uhm... how are you doing? HEAT Wha'? JADE After what happened. HEAT You only bumped into me, not like ya knifed me or nothin'. JADE No, I mean... with Stacey. HEAT Oh! (turns solemn) Aw, yeah, that. Yeah, I'm doin' real... real bad. Despite Heat not seeming that genuinely broken hearted, Jade heart-strings tug a little anyway. Probably due to her boyband connections and long exposure to fake emotions. HEAT Yeah, ya know, coz I'm all alone... n' stuff. On mah own. And it's real whack. Without mah boo. It's like, mah heart... it feels like it's, like... broken inside, ya dig? JADE Yeah, I... I dig. HEAT Sometimes I sit an' I wonder if I'm'a ever love again. JADE Aw, I'm sure you'll find someone else. HEAT Ya reckon? Coz, you know, mah heart. Broken inside, or somethin'. Suddenly, a lightbulb goes off in Jade's head. JADE You know, I think I know exactly what I can do to cheer you up! HEAT (perks up) Really? An' what would dat be then? Heat seems a little happier now... JADE I'll challenge Stacey to a match! ...and, now, not so much. HEAT Say what now? JADE Yeah! I'll challenge her to a match and I'll kick her ass for you! That's what Krista would do. And, she'd do it on Pay Per View so she'd get a bigger payday! Perfect! She needs a little bit of a reality check and that's exactly what I'm going to give her, Stacey that is, not Krista, obviously. Listen, I'm going to go and challenge her right now, while I'm in the zone. And hey, good luck tonight with your match. Thanks for the idea! HEAT Nah, don't mention it... Jade merrily jogs off as Heat scratches his head, watching as she disappears off into the distance with a rather confused look. HEAT Man, what's up wit' bitches round here?
  24. King Cucaracha

    Clusterfuck Discussion

    Is there any restriction at all to who the other, non-mandatory entrants are?
  25. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card for January 17, 2007

    Good to hear. I suck at haikus anyway.