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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    November Reign Idea

    I skimmed and picked up the words 'future contenders' and 'shot'. Whether I'd have come to the natural conclusion I did this time last year, I don't know. It's a decent idea, but let's not forget we have Zack and PRL both with guaranteed World Title contracts already.
  2. King Cucaracha

    SWF Lockdown Card - 11/30/06

    I won't quote it, but you get the point. So, consider my objections dropped. Not that it's a major concern, I just thought I'd try and correct somebody to feul my ego. This is the internet, after all.
  3. King Cucaracha

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread: 11/27/2006

    Count me in as one of them. Not just as a Spirit Squad mark (yeah, I know), but because it had everything but Vince Russo's signature on the bottom. Either shoots that 25% of the audience at most get are good or they're bad, simple as that. And that was bad. The same people laughing it up at that are the same people that'll bitch out TNA and Russo for running shoot segments and have been bitching forever about DX squashing the tag division. It's pure double standards. That and the crap with Cryme Tyme was enough to make me wonder why I bothered this week. Well, that and the fact you went from Flair in action to Jim Duggan in action to Jerry Lawler in action. I'm surprised they didn't wheel Moolah out for the Diva battle royal. The sole plus point was MNM reforming and even that had a 'for one night only' tag on it.
  4. King Cucaracha

    2006 Angle Awards

    Is November 26th a little early to end nominees? I mean, I can understand from a logistics point of view, but you're missing out a whole month of the year. It'd be better ending mid-December (not neccessarily the 19th), so long as it still gives you time.
  5. King Cucaracha

    SWF Lockdown Card - 11/30/06

    Maybe I'm dumb, but, isn't it supposed to be me versus Tom and Spike versus JJ? Or, did the brackets change yet again while I was away?
  6. King Cucaracha

    New Year's Spectacular: Mainframe Monday

    No problemo. Non wrestling segments, always welcome.
  7. King Cucaracha

    NR: Enterprise/Rescue NueveUnoUno

    SCHIAVONE Hello everyone, Tony Schiavone positioned high up in the crowd alongside Jesse "The Body" Ventura and we have the privilege of calling this next contest here at November Reign 2006! Jess, how the Thanksgiving season been treating you this year? VENTURA Great, until a few days ago. Why we have to keep having November Reign in Canada is beyond me. November's cold enough in Florida, but [i]Vancouver[/i]? SCHIAVONE Well, you'll have to take that up with head office. Meanwhile, we continue on with even more traditional Survivor Series action as The Enterprise, captained by CEO Theodore Moneymaker, take on two of their recent rival teams, in Los Diablos De Fuego and Rescue 911. VENTURA I'll tell ya what Schiavone, what you've got here is a gulf in class. Theodore Moneymaker's still a rookie, but he's got the best training and lifestyle money can buy. Being related to Tony Brannigan doesn't hurt either. Then you've got The Beverly Hills Blonds, three-time OAOAST World Tag Team Champions, former HI-YAH Tag Team Champions, led by Mackenzie DeCenzo's business accument. And you round out the team with a rough diamond like Christian Wright. A true team, all brought together by one common denominator... SCHIAVONE Yeah, money! VENTURA Damn right Schiavone! Money talks, like Teddy says. Now, take a look at the opposition. You've got a cop, you've got an EMT and you've got two unproven masked Mexican fruitcakes, clad from head to toe in pink. SCHIAVONE Now come on Jesse, you wore some pretty adventurous ring attire back in your day. VENTURA Yeah, but I could pull it off! SCHIAVONE Well, I'm sure Los Diablos and Rescue 911 will be pleased to hear your comments Jesse and I'm sure they'll be banking on The Enterprise sharing your point of view. They are the underdogs, but they can't be underestimated here tonight. Especially with these Survivor Series Rules, where one fall could change the entire complexion of the match. Only the STRONG will survive~! Let's send it up to Michael Buffer! *DINGDINGDING!* You break the laws You hustle, you deal, you steal from us all Come on come on, lovin' for the money Come on come on, listen to the Money talk Come on come on, lovin' for the money Come on come on, listen to the Money talk Money talks BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, this following contest is a Traditional Survivor Series Rules Match! On the way to the ring are the team collectively known as THE ENTERPRISE!! Consisting of... "THE NATURAL" CCHHRRIIIISSSSTTIIIIIAAAAANN WWWWRRRRIIIIIGGHHHHTT!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" The Enterprise's Financial Analyst leads the way for the team, briefcase in hand and wearing his highly expensive red polyester jacket. Wright holds up the briefcase for all to see, as the bodies keep on coming behind him. BUFFER His partners... the only former HI-YAH and OAOAST World Tag Team Champions in history, "THE VIDEO VOYEUR" SIMON SINGLETON and "THE HANDSOME HUSTLER" NED BLANCHARD... THE BBEEEVVEERRLLYY HHIIIILLLSSS... BBLLLLLLOOOOOOONNDDSSSSSSS!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Noticing the camera shift from Wright to him, Simon rolls camera. An imaginary one, naturally. Ned flashes a cocky smile straight to camera as The Blonds head on towards the ring, leaving just one body and one accompanying body to bring up the rear. BUFFER And finally, accompanied by MACKENZIE DECENZO! He is the Team Captain of The Enterprise... "THE BILLION DOLLAR HEIR"... TTHHHHEEEEOOOOODDOOOOORRRREEEEE... MMMOOOOOONNEEEEYYYY - MMMMMAAAAAAAAKKEEEEEERRRRR!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Moneymaker is already laughing away, probably because he's got Mackenzie DeCenzo hanging off his arm. Clad in the smoking jacket and tear away pants that most in Vancouver couldn't afford on a year's wage, Moneymaker leads Mackenzie over to the ready set director's chair in The Enterprise corner before climbing the steps to join his team-mates in the ring. "You say its urgent Make it fast, make it urgent Do it quick, do it urgent Gotta rush, make it urgent Want it quick Urgent, urgent, emergency Urgent, urgent, emergency Urgent, urgent, emergency Urgent, urgent, emergency So urgent, emergency Emer... emer... emer... Its urge... IT'S RAININ' MEN! Hallejulah IT'S RAININ' MEN! Amen" "Urgent" by Foreigner morphs into the perhaps the campest song ever, "It's Raining Men" by Geri Halliwell. But the guy in the police uniform and the partner dressed as an EMT, perhaps unsurprisingly, don't seem to be bothered by the choice of theme music as they lead the way, slapping and shaking hands with the fans down the aisle. BUFFER And, introducing the opponents. First, from the OAOAST First Responders Unit! OFFICER BOSLEY and EMT TIM... RESCUE 9 1 1!! "YYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" I'll avoid any puns about 'bringing up the rear' or 'coming up behind', because here are Los Diablos. Unorthodox in an entirely different way to their partners, Los Diablos bump and hump their way down the aisle. Curiously, Mariachi seems to have stolen Officer Bosley's HANDCUFFS, hanging seductively out of his mouth as he eyes up the cameraman. Moracca meanwhile places his sombrero on the head of a fan who, unsurprisingly, is young, male and rarther creeped out. BUFFER And, their partners... MORACCA and MARIACHI... LLLOOOOSSS DDIIIIIIAAAAAABBLLLLLLOOOOOOSSSS DDEEEE FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! "YYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" BUFFER And together, they are TEAM RESCUE NUEVE UNO UUUNNOOOOOOOOOOO!! SCHIAVONE Heh! How about that for a little team unity? VENTURA A personalised cuecard doesn't make a team. Buffer just reads whatever's in his hand, it's not like it matters. Heck, Teddy's got so much money, he could get Buffer to recite the Communist Manifesto in the middle of this ring if he felt like it! Rescue 911 have slid into the ring and sure enough, The Enterprise are content to let them get on with the posing and crowd rallying. In slide Los Diablos do, climbing the ropes behind the seperate members of Rescue 911. And it's a precarious position up on the ropes, so they're thankful they can cling onto the rears of their partners. Oh. Oh dear. VENTURA I can't believe these guys are here. On a Pay Per View, in a high-profile match, taking on four great athletes in the form of The Enterprise. What in the hell is going on? SCHIAVONE It's certainly been a meteoric rise for Rescue 911, who let's not forget hold a pinfall victory over The Beverly Hills Blonds. VENTURA Hey! You can't class that as a victory, you know DAMN well that they won due and only due to outside interference! SCHIAVONE That's not what the record books will say though Jesse. Eventually it looks like we're ready to go. Moneymaker holds an impromptu conference out on the floor with his team, while Rescue 911 assume control in their corner. And it'll be Officer Bosley to start, removing top and hat to some wolf-whistles from the crowd. For The Enterprise it looks like Simon Singleton meanwhile, exchanging high-fives with all before he and his team take up their positions. *DINGDINGDING!* SCHIAVONE Bell has rung and we're underway, with Bosley and Singleton to start. VENTURA Looks like Simon hasn't forgotten about that quote-un-quote 'loss' either! The Video Voyeur has obviously rewatched his tapes, although he doesn't need much reminding about the embarrassing nature of The Blonds' loss. Pointing the finger, Simon really lets Bosley hear it. But he soon finds himself in contradiction of the law, intimidating a police officer, an offence which earns him the punishment of a sudden right hand! And Bosley starts to unload with the rights, backing Singleton off the ropes and sending him for the ride, catching him on the way back with a high BAAAACKbody drop! That's enough for Simon and he rolls to his knees, trying to beg off from the Officer. Bosley doesn't let up though as he wrings out the arm and pulls Simon over to Rescue NueveUnoUno territory, making the exchange with EMT Tim. Up top goes the medic, dropping down with a double axehandle to the shoulder and wringing out the arm to keep Simon under control. SCHIAVONE Solid tag team tactics from the relative newcomers, cutting off the ring and making quick tags. VENTURA That's what you've gotta do in this environment. You've got three fresh partners in your corner to start, you might as well use them. EMT Tim uses that gameplan as he quickly tags back to Bosley. Complaints are coming from The Enterprise's corner but Rescue 911 aren't violating referee Mike Chioda's five count, Bosley quickly in with the axehandle and Tim quickly out to the corner. Another wring of the arm has Simon begging for mercy. And even more so, as Bosley asks the crowd if they want to see Moracca tagged in. "YYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" And they do. SCHIAVONE I think this match just heated up, so to speak. Moracca accepts the tag and heads up top. A good luck kiss (on the ASS!) from Mariachi then sets Moracca, off the top with the axehandle and assuming control of the wristlock. With the arm controlled, Moracca wrings the arm once more before slowly the wristlock gets lower. And lower. And lower yet, as Moracca starts to rub Simon's hand against his genitals!! "YYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" VENTURA Oh, come ON! That's repulsive! The embarrassing predicament prompts Simon to get desperate, going to the eyes with his free hand! Rescue 911 protests but Chioda, due to turning away in disgust from the forced massage, misses the eyepoke and can do nothing as Simon scrambles to his corner and tags in regular partner, Ned Blanchard! Incensed at the treament of his partner, Ned rushes headlong into the ring... ...and into an armdrag, chained into an armbar by Moracca! VENTURA This is ridiculous Schiavone, The Beverly Hills Blonds have been thrown completely off their games by these totally inappropriate tactics by their opponents. And I can't blame them! These men are athletes, they shouldn't have be subjected to this! SCHIAVONE Give credit to Los Diablos for their gameplan Jesse. They're unorthodox, that's for sure, but it seems to be working. Climbing back to his feet in the armbar, Ned doesn't risk his hand becoming uncleansed and quickly goes to the gut with a knee strike. A forearm over the back doubles Moracca over and a second drops him to his knees, Ned taking issue with the opposition corner as he whips Moracca off the ropes. Ned gets too distracted with outside parties though and a lazy duck of the head is punished, Moracca leapfrogging up and over before catching Blanchard turning around with a high dropkick! *SMOOCH!* 'Tag' is made by Los Diablos, Mariachi now legal. In one sense of the word, anyway. A double whip sets Ned up for a double irish whip, Moneymaker furiously demanding that referee Chioda does his job as Los Diablos follow up, Moracca backdropping Mariachi onto Ned for the cover... 1... 2... Quick kickout. Mariachi pulls Ned up again and takes him to the corner. Tag is made to Officer Bosley, O.B assuming control of the situation with a jab to the gut before bringing Ned into the centre of the ring and planting him with a scoop and a slam. Bosley then hits the ropes and gets some height on a big elbow... ...NOBODY HOME! Bosley elbows nothing but unforgiving ring canvas, buying Ned the time to get over to his corner and tag in Theodore Moneymaker. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" VENTURA Here we go, a touch of class in this match finally. SCHIAVONE Moneymaker tagged in for the first time in the match and he seems eager to impress. So far, his Enterprise have been a step off the pace it seems. As Bosley gets to his feet he doesn't realise that Moneymaker is waiting on him, until the CEO of The Enterprise slugs him with a right hand. And another. Rearing back, Moneymaker then measures Bosley... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and nails a big knifedge chop, knocking him right off his feet! VENTURA Oh-ho! What a shot that was Schiavone! I don't know about any police badges, but Bosley's gonna have a badge of honour on his chest when he wakes up tommorrow morning from that chop. Pinning Bosley's upper body to the canvas, Theodore kicks up the legs and comes down with a big kneedrop to the chest. Another kneedrop follows, then a third before Moneymaker tightly cradles the leg and looks for the first elimination of the match... 1... 2... But Bosley has plenty of fight left just yet. So Moneymaker slaps on a rear chinlock. "9 - 1 - 1!" "9 - 1 - 1!" "9 - 1 - 1!" "9 - 1 - 1!" SCHIAVONE The crowd trying to get behind the upstanding Officer! VENTURA That's gonna help a bit in this situation though. This is just a weardown hold, Moneymaker's sapping the strength out of Bosley and at the same time, he's buying his Enterprise time to recollect themselves. Bosley starts to the fight the chinlock and climbs back to his feet, pumping his fist to draw the crowd behind him as he delivers a sharp elbow into the ribs of The Billion Dollar Heir. Another elbow. And another. But Moneymaker thinks quickly and grabs hold of Bosley's flowing locks, hauling him to the canvas by the hair to the disapproval of Bosley's teammates. Teddy protests his innocence though and tag in Christian Wright to take the heat off of himself for the moment. Taking over where his boss left off, Wright catches Bosley with a double axehandle to keep him grounded, at least for the moment. Bosley is fighting still, forcing Wright to allow him up, only to cut him back down with quick knee. Snap Suplex plants O.B near the corner and Christian quickly backs up, hopping to the middle turnbuckle and exposing the point of the elbow. However, on his way down, CW gets more height than distance and instinctively Bosley throws up his right boot, giving Wright something to land on FACE-FIRST! "YYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" SCHIAVONE A miscue from The Natural! VENTURA Bosley's gotta make a tag here, there's no point in staying in the match if you're suffering. The unpleasant landing leaves Wright stunned in the corner, giving Bosley plenty of time to crawl over to his corner... and MAKE THE TAG! SCHIAVONE Officer Bosley has called for backup and EMT Tim is in! In comes EMT Tim, all fired up as Wright groggily looks to meet him coming. A couple of quick jabs keep Wright off balance, Tim then hitting the ropes and dropping CW with a clothesline! Off the ropes goes Tim again and the dropdown from Wright doesn't fool him, Tim going up and over safely. Wright scrambles up and ducks the head, but Tim floats over with a sunset flip... 1... 2... No! Looking to keep the pressure on, Tim hits the ropes again... ...and comes to an abrupt stop, thanks to a sneaky KNEE from Theodore Moneymaker that drills him right in the kidneys! The fans on Teddy's side notice and are quickly up in arms, but the referee didn't see it, leaving him powerless as Tim staggers back into the centre of the ring. Wright is waiting on him, delivering a boot before hoisting Tim up for a suplex... before dropping forwards and planting Tim on his face with the Gordbuster!! VENTURA Stockmarket Crash! That's gonna do it for EMT Tim. Perhaps unaware of what quite happened, Bosley and Diablos just look a little shocked. And they will Tim to kick out, as Wright makes the cover... 1... 2... 3!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Bosley holds his head as the three is counted, prompting a mini-celebration in The Enterprise's corner. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eliminated: EMT Tim Eliminated by: Christian Wright [b]ENTERPRISE 4 RESCUE NUEVEUNOUNO 3[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SCHIAVONE And The Enterprise now have a man advantage, all thanks to a cheapshot from the outside by Theodore Moneymaker! VENTURA Hey, it's survival Tony. You do what you've gotta do to survive. SCHIAVONE And it's only cheating if you're caught, right? VENTURA Exactly. Teddy's still in this match, EMT Tim ain't, that's all that really matters right now. EMT Tim is helped from the ring and second referee Nick Patrick is ready to send him to the back. But meanwhile, the action continues, as Moracca enters for his team and takes the fight to Christian Wright with a flurry of right hands! With Wright dazed, Moracca hits the ropes, making sure to deviate away from any Enterprise members as he springs back with a high crossbody... and gets caught! Wright catches Moracca in his arms, a position the fruity Mexican probably doesn't mind too much. What's coming next won't be so pleasant though, which Mariachi is fully aware of, so he quickly climbs up top and soars with a missile dropkick, knocking his partner over on top of The Natural... 1... 2... Kickout! Back up, Wright swings at Moracca with a clothesline. And misses, Moracca ducking underneath and levering his opponent down with a backslide... 1... 2... Kickout! Again Wright rolls back to his feet and charges. Again it doesn't work though, as Moracca swipes him down with a drop toehold, causing Wright's jaw to bounce off the canvas. Leaving him dazed on all fours as Mariachi tags himself in, intrigued by this 'prone' position his opponent is in. VENTURA This isn't good. Ned Blanchard agrees, much more familiar with Los Diablos and not about to let Mariachi get his cheap thrills off of his partner. However, he takes a front dropkick that sends him tumbling from the ring. Blanchard may just have done his job though, as when Mariachi turns around, the recovered Wright hooks him to the canvas with a clothesline! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" VENTURA Why are these fans booing? Surely they didn't wanna see somebody get violated live on Pay Per View, did they? SCHIAVONE I think they're more worried about the cheating. VENTURA What cheating? Ned's got a five to get in and out, he did nothing wrong. Tag is made and in comes Simon Singleton, letting Mariachi have a brief moment of hope in his attempt to make the tag before cutting him off with a boot to the back of the head. Simon then taunts Bosley and draws the inexperienced cop turned professional wrestler into the ring, allowing himself time to split Mariachi's legs and drop a knee right to the [i]tésticulos[/i]! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" VENTURA Haha! That oughta make him think twice about his choice in lifestyle! Grinning from ear to ear, the 'innocent' Singleton backs off from Mariachi. And when prompted by the referee to explain why Mariachi is fondling his nether regions, Simon's answer... well, it could be [i]anything[/i] and be believable, lets face it. Chioda thinks nothing of it then, while Simon exits the ring and heads up top. SCHIAVONE High-risk coming up from Singleton! VENTURA I'm not so sure about this. He doesn't need to be taking risks with a man advantage. Unless Simon hits whatever he's going for here, it could be a different story. Singleton reaches the top and Mackenzie is out of her chair, signalling for Simon to "roll film". Simon makes a clapboard type gesture before he turns to Mariachi... ...and wibbles... ...and wobbles... ...and gets CROTCHED on the top turnbuckle, as Moracca shakes the ropes and knocks his balance off! "YYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" VENTURA Now that's not right! The referee's gotta get in there and throw one of those two in the corner out! SCHIAVONE For what? VENTURA Don't play dumb with me Schiavone, they shook the ropes on Singleton! You can't possibly condone that. SCHIAVONE Hey, you said it yourself, it's survival Jesse. And if Moneymaker can get away with a knee from the outside then I don't see why Moracca can't get away with making Simon's life a little unsteady up on the top rope. Apparantly The Enterprise don't agree and enter the ring to protest. But that just draws in Bosley and Moracca, leading to a PIER-SIX BRAWL erupting as it's breaking down in Vancouver! Moneymaker and Bosley go at it as Wright and Moracca do the same, the brawl spilling across the ring. Meanwhile, Mariachi is back up. And despite a slight limp he makes his way over to the corner and looks to climb the turnbuckles in front of the crotched Singleton. However, he doesn't reckon on Ned Blanchard peeling away from the brawl and sneaking up from behind, lifting Mariachi off the ropes and planting him with a back suplex! SCHIAVONE The referee has lost all control here, they both have! VENTURA And that's let The Beverly Hills Blonds in! Ned shows little compassion for his partner. There's no time for that right now, as he helps Simon to his feet on the top rope. And with Mariachi down, Blanchard quickly reaches up and presses Singleton off the top, firing him onto the Mexican with the trusty ROCKET LAUNCHER!! VENTURA They got it! They got him with the Rocket Launcher Tony, nobody gets up from that! Alerting the referee to the pinfall, Ned quickly weighs in and helps out Moneymaker, while Choida rushes over to count the fall... 1... 2... 3!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" VENTURA There goes another one! And boy, are Bosley and Moracca in trouble now! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eliminated: Mariachi Eliminated by: Simon Singleton [b]ENTERPRISE 4 RESCUE NUEVEUNOUNO 2[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Officer Bosley's save is just a second short and as the three goes down, he comes to the quick realisation. His team are now at a two-man disadvantage, a bad position to be in, especially considering they were underdogs at even odds. Let alone now. However, he doesn't have much time to sum up the problem before Moneymaker attacks, hitting him from behind with a knee that sends him sprawling out to the arena floor. That gives the signal for Wright to pitch Moracca back into the ring, now deemed the legal man by referee Chioda as Simon crawls to the corner, where Ned is in position to make the tag. SCHIAVONE We're left with four on two odds now and even worse for Rescue Nueve Uno Uno, one member of each duo has been eliminated. Officer Bosley and Moracca have never teamed before and they're up against four men, four talented men, four crafty men... VENTURA A TEAM of four men! They might as well throw in the towel now, there's no way back in this situation. SCHIAVONE Never say never. Blanchard takes his time now, soaking up the chance to finally get some personal revenge on one half of the thorn in The Blonds' side, Los Diablos. Stomp after stomp lands on Moracca before Ned turns to the crowd and flashes the money fingers. "LOS DI - AB - LOS!" *clap clap clapclapclap!* "LOS DI - AB - LOS!" *clap clap clapclapclap!* Undettered by the chants, Ned pulls Moracca back up. A headlock goes on as he makes the exchange with Singleton. A double whip then sets Moracca up, The Beverly Hills Blonds taking Moracca up and down with the DOUBLE FEATURE FLAPJACK! A sense of dread hits the Vancouver crowd, as Simon makes a confident cover, counting along with Chioda... 1... 2... SIMON THREEEEEE!! NO! Only Singleton believes it to be three, everyone else trusting Chioda to count it as two. Climbing back up, Simon brings Ned back in with the tag. VENTURA Here we go, quick tags on The Enterprise side, keeping a fresh man in the ring at all times. SCHIAVONE And meanwhile, Moracca has no-one to tag right now as Officer Bosley is still pulling himself up on the outside of the ring. Another double-team is executed by the three-time OAOAST World Tag Team Champions as Singleton whips Moracca into the ropes, taking him down with a drop toehold, setting up an elbow drive to the back of the head by Blanchard. Switch is made and so is the cover... 1... 2... No, kickout! Blanchard scowls at the referee, a scowl which increases as he looks down at the masked face of Moracca and clamps on a blatant choke! "ONE!" "TWO!" "THREE!" "FOUR!" "FI..." Preventing a disqualification by breaking on four, barely, Ned pulls Moracca back up. Dragging his opponent towards the corner, there's plenty of offers coming The Handsome Hustler's way. The most inticing being the raised knee of Theodore Moneymaker, which Moracca's head is soon thrown into. It's Christian Wright who accepts the tag though, laying into Moracca with forearms to the back before pulling him from the corner. European uppercuts then soften Moracca up, the third knocking him off his feet for a pin... 1... 2... No! Bosley is finally up in the corner now, but can only watch on as Wright whips Moracca into a neutral corner. In follows The Natural with a crushing elbow, causing Moracca to stagger aimlessly out into the centre of the ring where he's swept down with an STO! Leg is hooked... 1... 2... Kickout! VENTURA Moracca's showing some heart, but it's only going to be a matter of time unless he can get the tag soon. And even then, you've still got four men on two. Another exchange is made and back in comes Ned. A forearm puts the already flagging Moracca down to his knees before Ned measures Moracca, delivering a big right hand that earns him a reprimand from the referee. Ned pitches Moracca to the outside then, allowing him to take up issue with Chioda. And, also, allowing Singleton and Wright to sneak to the floor to attack... but Nick Patrick catches them before they can pounce, ordering them back to the corner. VENTURA Now, that's not Patrick's job. SCHIAVONE He's a referee, it certainly seems like his job. VENTURA Nick Patrick is purely out there to make sure when you're eliminated, you're thrown out of here. That's his only duty tonight and he's overstepping the mark in my opinion by getting actively involved. Moracca crawls under the ring to try and get away, as Patrick continues to hold back the illegal men in the match. Noticing that his plans haven't come to fruition, Ned angrily exits the ring and goes after Moracca himself. Of course, Moracca is nowhere to be seen. But Mackenzie is able to point out where he went and Ned doesn't have a problem dragging the helpless Moracca back up and back into the ring. "LOS DI - AB - LOS!" *clap clap clapclapclap!* "LOS DI - AB - LOS!" *clap clap clapclapclap!* Back inside, Ned hits a back suplex on Moracca and tries the pin... 1... 2... Kickout! In his frustration, Ned tries again... 1... 2... Kickout! And now Ned is really getting frustrated. He pitches Moracca to the floor again and again goes into consultation with Chioda. Bosley takes exception, but Ned quickly runs him off the apron before resuming his talk with Chioda. And this time, Mackenzie DeCenzo has something to say to Nick Patrick. Which, conveniently, allows Singleton, Wright and Moneymaker to ambush Moracca on the floor! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" SCHIAVONE Look at this, even with four on two odds, The Enterprise see fit to break the rules! VENTURA Wait a minute! Wait a minute Schiavone, that's not Moracca! SCHIAVONE ...what? What are you... VENTURA THAT'S NOT MORACCA! Look, where'd those tassles on his arm come from!? Moracca doesn't wear those, Mariachi does! SCHIAVONE But if that's Mariachi, then... where's... Sure enough, Jesse is right. While the three on one attack continues unabated on the outside on 'Moracca', a second masked Mexican slides into the ring behind Blanchard's back! Nobody seems to realise what's going on but they're cheering anyway, as the unsuspecting Blanchard is taken over with a schoolboy by the REAL Moracca... 1... 2... 3!!!! "YYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" VENTURA NO! SCHIAVONE Yes! Yes! Blanchard's gone, he's out of here! And we are down to three on two!! VENTURA No no no! You've got to be kidding me!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eliminated: Ned Blanchard Eliminated by: Moracca (honest) [b]ENTERPRISE 3 RESCUE NUEVEUNOUNO 2[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blanchard is throwing a fit in the ring as finally the pieces of the puzzle seem to fit into place. Mackenzie alerts Moneymaker, who alerts his partners, who all collectively go nuts at what's just happened! "LOS DI - AB - LOS!" *clap clap clapclapclap!* "LOS DI - AB - LOS!" *clap clap clapclapclap!* VENTURA This is an injustice! Los Diablos made an illegal switch, one of them shouldn't even be out here! When you're eliminated you're supposed to go straight to the back! Those are the rules! SCHIAVONE But Jesse... VENTURA THOSE are the rules Schiavone and Los Diablos broke them! They oughta be thrown out of here right now, no questions asked! SCHIAVONE What happened to 'survival'. VENTURA Mariachi failed to survive and there aren't no second chances in the Survivor Series! This is a travesty! Despite being pinned one, two, three in the centre of the ring, Blanchard is understandably refusing to leave and his Team Captain is sticking by him. Both Patrick and Chioda are coming under fire from all sides as Simon protests that the referee should watch a replay. But Chioda claims that no wrong was done, Moracca pinned Ned and that it was The Enterprise's mistake that cost them. Which doesn't sit well with anyone. Especially Simon, as he SHOVES Chioda in the chest! "OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" VENTURA Okay, Simon's gotta cool it here. Doing just the opposite, Simon ignores the finger being pointed in his face and SHOVES Chioda, sending him CLEAN across the ring! Big mistake. *DINGDINGDING!* VENTURA Aw no! SCHIAVONE I think Simon may have overstepped the mark! All of a sudden Simon comes over all apologetic and he tries to calm the situation. Moneymaker tries to calm it in a different way, flashing the money fingers to Chioda and imploring him not to do what he's thinking of doing. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, Simon Singleton has been DISQUALIFIED!! "YYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" VENTURA This is going from bad to worse! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eliminated: Simon Singleton Eliminated by: DQ [b]ENTERPRISE 2 RESCUE NUEVEUNOUNO 2[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chioda signals for Simon and Ned, who's still protesting his case, to get out. And quickly Theodore steps in, flashing the money fingers to his Blonds. The Blonds are much more receptive to the prospective of cash than the referee and listen to Moneymaker as he tells them not to worry and go, before they cause any more disqualifications. This time The BHB do leave and Vancouver are happy to watch them leave. SCHIAVONE This Survivor Series Match has spun on it's head, we're back to even stevens, two on two. Wright and Moneymaker versus Moracca and Officer Bosley. The Enterprise's numbers advantage has gone and now, they've got to get their heads back in the game. VENTURA Gone? It's been stolen, don't you mean? This is daylight robbery on a public scale. When Moneymaker's lawyers get on the case, there's gonna be hell to pay, I can tell you that much. On their way back, The Blonds stalk away, presumably after Mariachi who's since been taken away by another set of referees, intent on some revenge. Back in the ring meanwhile and Moneymaker has finally got his head in the game and takes it to Moracca with some mounted right hands. Moneymaker only gets up when he sees Officer Bosley back on the apron, running him off with a knee that sends him flying off the apron and into the ring barrier! "OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" With Bosley taken out, Moneymaker quickly makes the tag to Christian Wright and sets up a double-team. An irish whip by Moneymaker sends Moracca shooting off the ropes and they rebound him, back into the Enterprise trap. Wright with the boot to the gut, Moneymaker with a [i]B[/i]illion $ Kneelift, setting Moracca up for a German Suplex by Wright, complete with a bridging pin... 1... 2... NO! "YYEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" SCHIAVONE You've got to admire Moracca's heart here Jesse. He's taken a lot of punishment, but refuses to give in. VENTURA He also had about a 5 minute rest underneath the ring after he switched places with his eliminated partner! I ain't giving him nothing! Wright just shakes his head, the ultimate intellectual lost for words with how the situation of this match has changed. Grabbing hold of Moracca's mask, Wright pulls the Mexican back up. But, he gets him no further than the knees before the Diablos takes action, jacking CW with a Jawbreaker! SCHIAVONE Moracca's fighting! But he needs the tag! The Financial Analyst is stunned, looking like an Elvis impersonator after nine or ten pints of Guinness as he tries to keep his balance in the middle of the ring. Moracca takes a quick glance to his corner and realises that there's nobody to tag, so runs the ropes, where Moneymaker is waiting... ...but Moracca avoids the knee and meets Moneymaker between the eyes with a big KISS!! "YYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Moneymaker, simply put, LOSES it and collapses to the floor, flailing around like a madman as Mackenzie tries to calm The Billion Dollar Heir down. The fans are lapping it up and it seems like Mackenzie can't calm Teddy down, prompting THE BEVERLY HILLS BLONDS to come jogging back down to ringside. SCHIAVONE Wait a minute, what the hell are they doing back out here!? They're gone, they're done for tonight! VENTURA So was Mariachi! All hell has broken loose as Patrick and Chioda try to prevent The Blonds from getting involved in the match again. Moracca is unaware of all this and takes it to Wright with some quick jabs, ducking underneath a clothesline and hitting the ropes again. A wheelbarrow is the plan for Moracca, one he seems all too comfortable with initiating as he dives at Wright. Flustered by the innuendo that goes with the move, Wright quickly pulls Moracca up off the canvas, but gets stunned by a quesadora armdrag, sending him across the ring. As he lands in the corner though, his hands find their way to the briefcase, The Natural noticing the referees are both indisposed and grabbing the steel impliment. *THUD!* "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" VENTURA And it looks like the other Mexican's done for the night! SCHIAVONE No! This isn't right! VENTURA Since when did that matter? Christian's just fighting fire with fire, that's all. Mackenzie calms Teddy down long enough to catch the briefcase as it is sent skidding out of the ring by CW. The cover is made and sure enough, The Beverly Hills Blonds decide to listen to the referees and leave. That allows Chioda to come back to the ring and as soon as he sees the pinfall, he dutifily slides into the ring to make the count... 1... 2... 3!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eliminated: Moracca Eliminated by: Christian Wright [b]ENTERPRISE 2 RESCUE NUEVEUNOUNO 1[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Blonds seem satisfied with their work as they leave, again, dusting their hands and yelling at Moracca that that was 'payback'. Moracca, of course, can't hear them. One of the conditions of being completely unconscious. SCHIAVONE I suppose you think that was fair? VENTURA Certainly. After what Los Diablos pulled, they deserved that and much more besides! Having shaken off the kiss, Moneymaker has stormed around the ring and collects Officer Bosley, throwing him back into the ring. The fact is it's now two on one and Officer Bosley is hurting, nursing his right shoulder from the collision with the barricade earlier. Wright zeroes in on the injured bodypart with a series of kicks before extending the arm on the canvas and dropping a knee across the bicep. And another. Make it three. "9 - 1 - 1!" "9 - 1 - 1!" "9 - 1 - 1!" "9 - 1 - 1!" Wright makes the tag to Moneymaker now, The Billion Dollar Heir pinning down the head and STOMPING down, with a quick jump beforehand for added authority, right into the ear. Reaching into his tights, Moneymaker then pulls out A FISTFUL OF (imaginary) DOLLARS and drops it, with pinpoint accuracy, on the cop. And, on the mat, the fans are treated to the money fingers pose once more and a roaring laugh from Teddy. VENTURA Haha, I love it! Back up comes Moneymaker, with a second FISTFUL OF DOLLARS~! before making the cover... 1... 2... NO! On goes a top wristlock as Moneymaker tries to put the focus back on the arm. The Vancouver crowd are getting behind Bosley though and he pumps the fist, firing the crowd even more as he reaches back and grabs a handful of Moneymaker's hair. A cheap move, especially for a cop. But desperate times call for desperate measures, Bosley bridging up to his feet and taking Moneymaker over with a hiptoss! As Teddy reels back around, Bosley rears back for a punch... before immediately having to nurse the arm! MONEYMAKER BWAHAHAHA... *SMACK!* "YYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" But his subsequent Roundhouse Kick proves less painful. Except in the case of Theodore Moneymaker that is! SCHIAVONE Bosley is stuck two on one, one arm and in the most high-profile match of his career. But this could be the making of him tonight! Both men are down and it's gutcheck time, as Chioda begins his count. "ONE!" "TWO!" "THREE!" "FOUR!" Despite the arm, Bosley begins to climb back up. Moneymaker though isn't moving. "FIVE!" "SIX!" But Wright is alert and begins to sneak into the ring, waiting as Bosley stops on one knee, trying to loosen up his shoulder. "SEVEN!" "E.." Bosley is back up, but Wright is in from behind with a double axehandle, connecting right to the shoulder which causes Bosley to wilt like an unwatered house plant. Ignoring the protests of the referee, Wright then locks on a front facelock and sets Bosley up. VENTURA He's going for the Stockmarket Crash again! Gripping the pants, Wright lifts... ...but he can't get the 265 Bosley up! A second attempt, but again Bosley isn't budging. And as Wright looks for a third, unwise attempt, a quick reversal by Bosley sends The Natural up and DOWN, gut-first across the top rope to the despair of Mackenzie on the floor. Not as much despair as CW must be feeling, as Bosley follows up with a standing dropkick, that and the ropes launching Wright to the floor with a thud! Bosley, still nursing the shoulder, backs up and points the finger down at Wright. And falls right into the Bank Vault! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" VENTURA He's got it slapped on! Nobody's escaped the Bank Vault and Bosley ain't gonna be any different. SCHIAVONE And there's no-one to make the save. VENTURA Not unless those sneaky Mexicans are still out here! Moneymaker has the hold in tight and declines to go for the 3 Code Combination that this move usually begins, instead taking Bosley to the canvas with a body-scissors applied. The Vancouver crowd get set to rally behind Bosley for one last push. But, with the injured right shoulder, Bosley isnt hanging around. *TAPTAPTAPTAP!* "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" VENTURA That's it, it's all over. Justice has been served. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eliminated: Officer Bosley Eliminated by: Theodore Moneymaker SURVIVORS: THEODORE MONEYMAKER and CHRISTIAN WRIGHT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUFFER Your winners of the match and SOLE SURVIVORS... "THE BILLION DOLLAR HEIR" THEODORE MONEYMAKER and "THE NATURAL" CHRISTIAN WRIGHT!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Moneymaker unlocks Bosley from the Bank Vault, refusing the raising of the arm from referee Chioda who's still in the bad books it would seem. Mackenzie meanwhile helps Christian to his feet on the floor, helping to drag him towards the back as Moneymaker leaves the crowd with one last fingers full of money pose and a booming laugh. SCHIAVONE Well, in the end The Enterprise get the win, but not without controversy... VENTURA You'd better be talking about Diablos. SCHIAVONE Partly, yes. But The Enterprise pulled a few hostile business moves, if you will, to get the victory. In the end it's Moneymaker and Christian Wright who survive though and I have to wonder Jesse, are we seeing a new tag team in the making with these two? VENTURA Well hey, you've got The Beverly Hills Blonds as a formidable team, that gives Teddy and Wright plenty of reason to tag with each other, rather than split the Blonds. And technically, that's two outta two for them as a team. Anderson Cup's on the horizon, maybe Teddy should think about getting involved in that himself. SCHIAVONE Well, November Reign continues and we'll send it back to Coach and Michael Cole right now. It's been a pleasure Jesse. VENTURA I'm sure it has.
  8. [b]This New Year's Day, there won't be a GM in control...[/b] [i]COLE AXEL SLAM! AXEL SLAM![/i] [b]...no authority figure in control...[/b] [i]IT'S ANGLESAULT~?!?!??! ANGLESAULT IS HERE ON HELDDOWN~![/i] [b]...no recently divorced pseudo celebrities in control...[/b] [i]**THIS ANNECDOTE REMOVED FOR LEGAL REASONS**[/i] [b]...because, this New Year... [COLOR=red]ANGLE[/COLOR][COLOR=blue]SAULT[/COLOR] YOU'RE gonna be in control! It's the first ever, completely interactive event in OAOAST history, where YOU decide the challengers, the challenges and the stipulations! [COLOR=red]ANGLE[/COLOR][COLOR=blue]SAULT[/COLOR] All with the power of your interweb machines! [COLOR=purple]*NEW YEAR'S SPECTACULAR: MAINFRAME MONDAY!*[/COLOR] [i]January 1st, 2007; Daytona Beach, Florida[/b][/i] COLE Wow! How about that for an announcement Coach! New Year's Spectacular: Mainframe Monday! And the fans get to vote on the matches, the stipulations, the colour of the ring ropes... Anglesault has shaken New Year's up already! COACH Do I get a laptop? COLE We'll work on that. COACH Awesome!
  9. King Cucaracha

    NR: Bruce/Landon vs. The GPX

    MICHAEL BUFFER The following contest for November Reign is a tag-team match set for one fall with a one hour time limit! Introducing first… [i]”in a world full of posers, phonies, and pure wannabees, There finally emerges a group Which has come to set the record straight.”[/i] YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH GPX!! GPX!! GPX!! MICHAEL BUFFER At a combined weight of 437 pounds former OAOAST 6 Man and World Heavyweight tag-team champions, Johnny Jax!! Scotty Static!! The GOBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL PARTY EXCHANGE!!! [i]”So, all you suckers better recognize, ya heard Can you say uhhh na na na na”[/i] GPX!! GPX!! GPX!! GPX!! GPX!! GPX!! COLE Listen to the fans, these guys have gone from being despised by the fans to being loved by almost everyone of them, it’s incredible Coach COACH One word Cole – “Wildcards”, that’s all the explanation you need to explain that. Despite the entire arena chanting their names neither Scotty nor Johnny look particularly happy or cheerful right now, in fact they look like a couple of men with a very serious mission to carry out. [i]”Wanna make her say UHHH na na na na Wanna make her say UHHH na na na na”[/i] The two youngsters get up on the apron and then leap over the top rope into the ring before Scotty asks Michael Buffer to hand over the microphone [i]”Wanna make her say uh uh uh uh na na na na Wanna make her say UuUuUhhh na n….”[/i] The music fades out as Scotty Static obviously has something on his mind SCOTTY STATIC I want to make one thing clear to everyone! We’ve already proven that we’re better than the Wildcards. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! SCOTTY STATIC We took their six man tag-team titles! We beat them at War Games! So we’re not out here because *WE* need to prove anything here, we are here for one reason and for one reason only... JOHNNY JAX TO MAKE BRUCE BLANK EAT HIS DAMN OAOAST CONTRACT!!! GOOD-BYE BRUCE!! GOOD-BYE BRUCE!! GOOD-BYE BRUCE!! COACH That’s a little premature isn’t it? I mean Bruce hasn’t been pinned yet COLE You some kind of Wildcard backer Coach? COACH What? COLE If you like the Wildcards then you don’t love the OAOAST, so you can just get the hell out! COACH Whoa now calm down Cole! I just said that the fans are a bit premature. You're familiar with that word, I'm sure. MICHAEL BUFFER And their opponents... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Michael Buffer has to stop his introductions as he’s drowned out by the crowd booing the impending introduction of Bruce Blank and Landon Maddix. The crowd is so loud and so hostile that whatever music Landon and Bruce are coming out to is drowned out as well. COLE I can’t even hear myself think. COACH What? The crowd is so loud I can’t even hear myself think. GOOD-BYE BRUCE!! GOOD-BYE BRUCE!! GOOD-BYE BRUCE!! If the crowd was hot before, it turns positively nuclear when Bruce Blank steps into the arena wearing an OAOAST t-shirt, holding a sign that says “This one is for Angle-sault” while grinning from ear to ear. Landon pops through the curtains next with Megan Skye by his side. While Landon isn’t wearing an OAOAST t-shirt he does point to Bruce sign and nod in agreement before trying to high five some of the closest fans. COACH These two guys have lost it, I mean do they SERIOUSLY think anyone is buying their phony “We love the OAOAST” bull? COLE The Wildcards are just trying to get under Zack Malibu’s skin. COACH Well they’re getting under my skin!! FUCK YOU WILDCARDS *CLAP*CLAP*CLAP-CLAP-CLAP* FUCK YOU WILDCARDS *CLAP*CLAP*CLAP-CLAP-CLAP* After the invading duo makes their way to ringside Bruce heads over to the commentators table where he grabs the house mic. BRUCE BLANK I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again – YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST DAMN WRESTLING FANS IN THE WORLD!! FUCK YOU WILDCARDS *CLAP*CLAP*CLAP-CLAP-CLAP* FUCK YOU WILDCARDS *CLAP*CLAP*CLAP-CLAP-CLAP* BRUCE BLANK Man I love the OAOAST and the OAOAST loves me. Bruce grins as he turns around to say something to Landon but instead he gets knocked down by Scott Static as the GPX’er leaps off the top rope onto the floor. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! COLE Scotty is tired of waiting! COACH Good! Never give those SWF bastards a chance! Scotty grabs Bruce by the t-shirt and jeans and then tosses the Redneck Superman into the ring where Johnny Jax is waiting for him. Bruce doesn’t even get a moment to regain his bearings before Johnny jumps him and starts to tear at the T-shirt, ripping the shirt clean off Bruce’s back. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! COLE He doesn’t deserve to wear that shirt, he doesn’t deserve to even be in an OAOAST ring. COACH If we’re lucky this will be his last night here Cole! Don’t worry I got all the confidence in my boys. Bruce throws a back elbow at Johnny’s midsection and then backs off into the corner stunned at the onslaught he’s already endured. The big man gets to his feet, tears off the remnants of the t-shirt and then starts to jaw with Johnny Jax. BRUCE BLANK Oh so that’s how you want it? I’ve been trying to keep this a clean match! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Bruce’s declarations of good intentions don’t seem to go over well with the crowd at all. JOHNNY JAX You couldn’t keep it clean if you were wrestling a bar of soap! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH JOHNNY!! JOHNNY!! In an attempt to show that he’s serious about the clean match Blank locks up with Jax in a collar and elbow tie up, something that Bruce quickly turns into a sideheadlock on Jax due to his superior strength. Bruce grins from ear to ear as he grinds his wrist bones into the side of Johnny’s head to actually do something useful with the side headlock instead of just the traditional time wasting. COACH Man when you’re as powerful as Bruce Blank even a side headlock can hurt an opponent At first Johnny tries to elbow Bruce in the kidneys to get him to release the hold but Johnny Jam just can’t get a good angle to really hit Bruce where it hurts. Instead he changes tactics and drives his knee into the back of Bruce’s leg, then the moment Bruce loosens up his grip Johnny clutches Bruce’s wrist and pulls backwards turning the side headlock into a standing hammer lock on Bruce to show that Bruce isn’t the only one who can keep it clean. COACH Beautiful, my dawg is just so smooth in the ring it’s a beautiful thing to watch COLE If Bruce thinks he can keep up with Johnny or Scotty in a clean match then he’s sorely mistaken Coach. Bruce tries to break out of the painful hammerlock by throwing a back elbow with his free arm, but the elbow is something that Johnny anticipated and easily ducks under it. Bruce tries his best to spin out of the Hammerlock some how but fails, he’s also not able to power out of the hold since the Hammerlock is more about leverage than power. COLE See he’s not even able to get out of a simple hammer lock COACH Any second now Bruce will start to cheat, mark my words After being unable to figure out any other means of escape Bruce pushes backwards with his massive legs pushing Johnny Jax into the corner forcing a rope break. ONE!! Johnny releases the Hammerlock at 1 and then quickly slides under Bruce’s arm as the big man continues to press backwards. Two seconds later Bruce finds himself with his back against the corner looking at the Hooligan. *CHOP!!* WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Johnny lands a knife edge chop with so much force that even the fans in the cheap seats could hear it. The chop stings Bruce but he quickly fires back with a right fist to the side of Jax’s head. Johnny shakes the blow off and then fires back with another chop aimed at Bruce's chest *CHOP!!* WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Johnny takes a moment to shake his fists as he looks to be in total control, but he soon gets other things to worry about as Bruce comes out of the corner swinging, hitting Johnny on the left side of his head with a massive forearm shot that knocks the Hooligan down on his ass. COACH I got to admit that Bruce is a tough bas… COLE Watch it, we don’t take kindly to people liking the Wildcards. Bruce can't help but smirk as he rushes in and knees Johnny in the side of the head to keep him on the ground. A vicious boot to the chest draws a lot of boos from the crowd and Bruce scraping the bottom of his sole across Johnny’s eyes only amplifies their dissatisfaction. WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! COACH I knew he would start to cheat! COLE That’s like saying a donkey smells, he don’t know any other way. Bruce’s mouth doesn’t stop running as he pulls Johnny up from the ground, talking trash to the one of the men that won the six man tag titles from him like it was going out of style. Johnny is unable to resist as Bruce hurls him into the corner with authority and then follows up with a series of shoulder thrusts to the mid-section. BRUCE BLANK You’re not so tough now are you? You ain’t man enough to put me down!! *SLAP!* The slap wakes Johhny up a bit as he lashes out with a short, sharp elbow to the side of Bruce’s face. Johnny’s elbow gets repaid by a punch to the face by Bruce as he easily shakes off the impact. After driving the tip of his boot into Jax’s midsection Bruce grabs his bent over opponent and flips him up on his shoulders in a power bomb position. The only problem with that move is that Johnny keeps going with the momentum and flips over Bruce's back into a Sunset flip position So technically it's only really a problem for Bruce Blank A problem that sees him rolled up for a pin ONE!! TWOO!!! KICKOUT!! the referee has hardly raised his hand after the 2nd count before Bruce kicks out and kicks out hard. Bruce is back on his feet only moments later but he’s too slow to prevent Johnny from tagging in Scotty Static COLE OH YES!! Scotty leaps up on the top rope ready to pounce on Bruce, but the big man quickly backs off back into his own corner out of Scotty’s range. Bruce and Landon discuss a bit of strategy as Scotty leaps into the ring and then just waits for Bruce with his arms wide open. SCOTTY STATIC Come on Bruce you’re not afraid are you?? Bruce looks pissed off, shakes off a tag offer from Landon and then steps into the center of the ring. When Scotty goes for a lock up though, Bruce pokes his opponent in the eye and then nails him in the mid section with a massive knee. Instead of pounding away on Static, Bruce wraps his massive arm around Static’s head and squeezes tight, so tight that it threatens to cut off Static’s blood circulation. Scotty knows he has to act fast or run the risk of loosing consciousness in the vice like grip so he pushes Bruce into the ropes and then throws him forward hoping to push the big man off. DENIED!! Instead of pushing Bruce off Static ends up hurting even more as Bruce clamps the sideheadlock on even harder pulling Static off his feet and wrenching his neck in the process. Static gets back on his feet and then begins to push Bruce forward once more, going round and round in circles like before. COACH Just give it up Bruce, no one is buying your act! COLE Headlocks won’t beat GPX, no way, no how. Unlike last time Bruce doesn’t just go with the flow, he throws himself down to the mat while releasing his hold on Static. Static’s forward momentum is so great that he can’t stop himself from falling forward through the ropes and onto the floor. BRUCE BLANK YOU AIN’T NEVER GETTING RID OF ME! WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! The referee raises three fingers in the air as Static gets back to his feet on the outside of the ring. Static doesn’t look like he’s in a tremendous amount of physical pain but the frustration and the anger is clearly written on his face as he got suckered in by Bruce’s act. Static jumps up on the apron as the referee holds up 8 fingers in the air, but he doesn’t get a chance to step through the ropes before Bruce is on him like a nerd on an inconsistency in the latest Star Wars movie. Bruce grabs Static by the head and drapes him backwards over the top rope, holding him in a very vulnerable position as he raises his massive right hand. *WHAP!!* Bruce drops a massive Hammer like forearm across Static’s chest that flips the Hooligan back inside the ring. Feeling in complete control of the match Bruce turns his attention away from Static for a moment to flip off Johnny Jax and the crowd. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! BRUCE BLANK SUCKS!! BRUCE BLANK SUCKS!! BRUCE BLANK SUCKS!! Bruce can’t help but grin as he turns around, he is fully expecting to be looking at Static on the ground thinking he’d be in control of the match this stage. When he sees Static on his feet ready to fight he’s understandably surprised and upset. Although not as upset as he gets after Static lands a Roundhouse kick that knocks the big man down to his knees. Static takes a moment to threaten Landon to make him back off before turning his attention back towards his opponent. COACH This is your time to capitalize Static! COLE I’m not so sure he’s got Bruce in enough of a compromised situation. Static proves Michael Cole wrong as he leaps on Bruce to control the big man by getting him in the dreaded front headlock! He even smiles to the camera as he tightens his grip to control the big man, Static’s going to pay Bruce back for suckering him in earlier on. Obviously Static is using the front headlock to control Bruce, the only problem with it is that it’s not very effective on opponents that haven’t really been worn down yet, opponents like Bruce Blank. The Wildcarder takes a moment to regain his breath, then he grabs Static by the tights and stands up straight lifting him off the ground. Bruce holds Static up for a moment but the Hooligan is a wily character who uses his speed and balance to flip over Bruce’s head, landing on his feet behind the big man’s back NECKBREAKER!! Static wastes no time in grabbing Bruce from behind and then taking the big man down with a snapping neckbreaker. The move does a lot of damage to Bruce who was caught totally unprepared by it. Static quickly capitalizes on this opportunity by landing a leg drop right across Bruce’s throat. After leaping back to a vertical base Static punishes Bruce once more with another leg drop to the throat. COACH Now we’re going to school!! COLE Come on Scotty you can do it! Static pulls Bruce to his feet but then does something very uncharacteristic for him, he makes an error in judgement as he wraps his arms around Bruce’s waist trying to suplex him. Bruce plans his big feet firmly on the canvas and stands his ground blocking the belly to back attempt. COLE I can’t believe Static did that! COACH Blank has managed to frustrate Static big time in the early portions of this match by sticking with wrestling instead of his usual ground and pound attack. Maybe that’s why he’s been thrown off. Bruce tries to catch Static with a back elbow but Static sees it coming and backs off before it can connect. Static is cursing himself for making such a blunder but quickly forgets about it as he eyes an opening. The Hooligan knows that using his speed is the best chance he’ll have against a big guy like Bruce Blank which is why he runs at Bruce before the big man is completely turned around. Bruce catches Scotty, stands up straight and throws him up over his head with a backdrop… SCOTTY LANDS ON HIS FEET!! Bruce turns around only to be looking down the business end of a Superkick BRUCE DUCKS!! With Bruce ducked down Scotty leaps over the top of the big man, grabs his tights and then rolls him up with a Sunset flip. ONE!! TWOO!!! KICKOUT!!!! COLE Bruce almost got caught napping there! COACH Damn it that was SO close, we could have gotten rid of Bruce! Static rolls back up on his feet after Bruce kicked out of the sunset flip, waiting for his opponent to get back up. The moment Bruce is on his feet Scotty Static rushes in, takes advantage of the fact that Bruce is still off balance as he grabs him by the head and the leg to roll him into a small package... ONE!! TWOO!!! FLIPPED OVER!!!! The more powerful Blank manages to flip over on top of Static, so that HE is in control of the small package... ONE!! TWOO!!! NO!!! Scotty Static gets a foot on the rope at the last moment, opting for the easy way out of the pinfall instead of breaking the small package. Static is the first one back on his feet ready to pounce on his opponent. His plans are interrupted by Bruce as he suddenly explodes out of the crouching position he was in and clobbers Static with a teeth rattling Lariat. *POW!!* BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You can tell that Bruce really enjoyed cutting loose on Scotty with that move knocking the much smaller man for a loop. Bruce grabs Static by the hair, drags him over to his corner and then tags in Landon. La Cucaracha jumps up on the top rope, then comes down with a drop kick to the chest of Scotty Static as Bruce holds him in place. COLE Here comes Landon Maddix, former OAOAST 24/7 Champion. COACH I’m surprised that Bruce didn’t tag out earlier, after all he only promised to tear up his contract if HE got pinned, not Landon. COLE Maybe that’s why GPX jumped Bruce to start the match? The supposed Saviour of the OAOAST takes over where his partner left off as he flashes a quick thumbs up to the outside and to Megan Skye, before lounging into a cover... ONE!! TWOO!! NO!! Maddix tries to play down the kickout and casually climbs back to his feet. He brings Static up with him and palms him back a step, locking eyes with Jax for a moment... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...as he connects with a knifedge chop on his partner. *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and another. Making sure the referee knows that he's using an open hand and therefore playing by the rules, Landon then rears back... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...connecting with a third knifedge to the chest of Scotty Static. Still the two hundred, two pounder stays on his feet and shows his street upbringing by asking for more, even despite his stinging red chest. So Landon quickly grabs him around the head with a cravat to keep him quiet. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Well, so far Blank and Maddix have kept it clean. I can't see that lasting too much longer though, this is clearly designed to mess with everyone. The fans, their opponents, Anglesault, everyone. COACH Either that, or they really want to beat The GPX fair and square. That'd really show them up, and us, if they beat our former World Tag Champions by the book. COLE The GPX aren't out of this one yet though. COACH Oh, no doubt. I was just being hypothetical, s'all. The hold is at least keeping the speedy Static at bay, buy aside from that it's not [i]that[/i] damaging a hold. And it's none too dynamic either. Bruce seems a little unimpressed in the corner and almost on the verge of using the top turnbuckle as a pillow to catch a quick nap. Something which isn't lost on Maddix, as he quickly snapmares Static over onto his seat... *SMACK!* ...and PUNTS him in the spine with a Dragon kick! And that gets a smile from Bruce. COLE It looks like Maddix is almost trying to... to prove himself to Bruce Blank here. Landon is a former two-time World Champion. What does he have to prove himself to somebody like Blank? COACH I guess he's feeling a little guilty about War Games still. Maddix asks his partner if he wants to see one more and sure enough, the sadistic 'Redneck Superman' holds up one finger, asking for the approval of the fans which obviously he isn't going to get. Not that they care, of course. With a handful of hair, Landon holds Static steady. However, Landon makes a typically big song and dance over actually delivering the kick and buys his opponent time, rolling backwards and locking on a bodyscissors before tumbling back forward and cradling Maddix into a modified victory roll... ONE!! TWOO!! NO!! As La Cucaracha kicks out Static rolls back, hoping to find his corner. But he doesn't, coming up in front of a neutral corner, wheeling around quickly only to be met by a lunging Landon Maddix with a flying forearm that cuts Static down!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Looking mighty relieved to have gotten out of that predicament, Landon quickly tags Bruce back in and gives his partner an encouraging pat on the back. Bruce just gives him a sideways look though as he steps in and corners the fallen Static, putting his massive frame in between him and his impatient partner. Bruce then almost toys with Static as he keeps him at bay with kicks. "SCO - TTY!" "SCO - TTY!" "SCO - TTY!" "SCO - TTY!" Static is rallied by the crowd and tries to pull himself up in the corner. But Bruce slugs him with a mighty haymaker and puts pay to all of his fight, Static left hung up defenselessly against the turnbuckles, both figuratively and literally on the ropes. Taking a quick look behind him, Blank now grabs Scotty by the wrist and whips him coast to coast, hard into the turnbuckles on the opposite side. With enough force that Static comes stumbling back out, right into the arms of Blank, who presses The GPXer over his head like he was a mere toddler!! COLE Wow! That's just scary power strength there. The strength is to be expected. The brains, maybe not so much. But Bruce remembers back to three nights ago when he didn't put an exclamation point on this very move, not risking any time pressing Static around this time as he quickly dumps Scotty with the Gorilla Press Slam! *THUD!* Probably still feeling the effects of Thursday night, Static remains motionless after the slam and Bruce looks set to make the cover. But as he goes to one knee he notices Static's position in the ring and climbs back up, instead tagging Maddix back in and signalling for him to go up top. COLE What's this all about? Bruce obviously thinks Static isn't done yet. Either that or he wants Maddix to get the fall, but either way, this is a bit of a risk. COACH It's always a risk when you go up top. This is an avoidable risk. Maddix doesn't waste any time in scaling the turnbuckles, under his partner's encouragement, reaching the top and steadying himself. With a quick shimmy of the shoulders, Landon then soars off, pumping the arms and the legs in mid-air... ...and CONNECTING with the Frog Splash!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Oh, he got him! Scotty wasn't playing possum, he was down and hurting and that might have been the coup de gras right there! After a moment tending to the ribs, Landon takes the advice of manager and partner, hooking the leg tight with the pin... ONE!! TWOOO!! TH- NO, JAX BREAKS THE COUNT!! "YYYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COACH There we go! That's the mark of a real team, always watching each others backs! COLE Jax sensed his partner was in trouble and made the save. But unfortunately, that doesn't end the trouble. Both Bruce and Landon are furious with the intervention of Jax, Bruce hollering across the ring at Jax to 'play by the damn rules'. Ironic, really, as Maddix chooses that exact moment to take advantage of the turned back of the referee and lay a blatant choke on Static!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE HEY! HEY! COACH Turn around ref, JJ ain't doing nothin' wrong! COLE So much for playing by the rules! Noticing his partner cheating, Bruce inconspicuously turns his head and whistles a merry tune to himself, making out that it has nothing to do with him what tactics his [i]partner[/i] uses. Jax disagrees and tries to get the referee to turn around, but only does more harm than good. By the time Jax leaves, Maddix has broken the hold and innocently locked on a rear chinlock, giving a good reason for Static to be coughing and spluttering for air. "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" Pulling Static up with the chinlock, Landon abandons the hold and connects with a forearm strike. And a second, the already weakened Static putting up little defence. Wringing out the arm, Maddix then sends Static into a neutral corner with an irish whip and backs into the opposite corner, for as long of a run-up as possible. COLE He's measuring Static now. COACH Fine if you're a tailor, not a wrestler. Maddix is already proclaiming victory as he backs off the turnbuckles, riling the crowd before charging out. Static is still slumped against the buckles and shows no signs of movement, as Maddix approaches, soaring off his feet from a couple of feet short and drawing the forearm... ...but Static MOVES... *CLANG!* ...AND MADDIX'S HEAD BOUNCES OFF OF THE TURNBUCKLE!!! "YYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" COACH Told ya! COLE Static moves out of the way! And now he has to make the tag, because he's been in the ring for one hell of a long time! As his forehead hits the unprotected steel bar behind the turnbuckle pad, Maddix rebounds back into the ring. And with his brains scrambled, it's all he can do to just stay on his feet. So as Static tumbles past him, the despairing lunge from Landon is nothing but a token effort, as he swipes at thin air... ...WHILE THE TAG IS MADE!!! "YYYEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE Heeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny!! In comes Jax and sure enough, he's a house of Hooligan fire! A clothesline mows down the doolally Landon! And again! And again, Bruce taking his time to get in and help. But he gets there eventually and there's a clothesline waiting for him too, only staggering the big Alabama native but setting him up for a running dropkick, that and Bruce's altered balance combining to send him over the top and out of the ring! That leaves Jax and Landon in the ring and it's clear who that favours, Jax spotting the still woozy Landon's double sledge attempt coming from a mile away even without the Canadian crowd's calls and booting him in the gut. COLE So much for that idea. On the outside Bruce has collected himself and tries to re-enter the ring, earning him a dropkick from Jax to send him back to the arena floor. The GPXer now turns his attention back to Landon as he retreats into a corner and looks for a timeout to collect his thoughts. Whether he actually expected one or not is anyone's guess. Either way, he's not getting it. *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" Knifedge chop finds the mark. *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" And a second, before Jax mounts the turnbuckles... "ONE!" "TWO!" "THREE!" "FOUR!" "FIVE!" "SIX!" "SEVEN!" "EIGHT!" "NINE!" "TEN!!!" "ELEVEN!" "TWELVE!" "THIRTEEN!" COLE TEN COUNT BE DAMNED, JAX IS UNLEASHING EVERYTHING HE'S GOT!! "FOURTEENFIFTEENSIXTEENSEVENTEENEIGHTE... ....YYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" COACH And these Canucks have lost count! Finally the rapid-fire punches stop as the referee eventually coaxes Jax down off the ropes, prompting the fired up Hooligan to threaten him with a taste of knuckle sandwich too. Maddix is punch-drunk in the corner meanwhile, putting up a guard against any more punches... before promptly falling on his ass against the bottom turnbuckle. However, before Jax can capitalise on his prone opponent, here comes Bruce Blank from behind, looking for his trusty Lariat... ...but he doesn't find it, as Jax ducks... ...Bruce's momentum taking him into the corner, where he connects sternum first with the turnbuckles. And, for good measure, his knee strikes Maddix right in the face! "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" BLANK Aw crap! Blank apologies are cut short, by a schoolboy rollup from Jax... ONE!! TWOOO!! KICKOUT!! COLE I don't think Bruce is the legal man. COACH And I don't think it matters. Back up and swinging, Bruce tries to take Johnny's head off with a overhand right. Jax ducks underneath and hits the ropes in front of him, charging back... face-first into a big, BIG Boot!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE OH! Johnny might have gotten a little too fired up there I'm afraid and that adrenaline caused him to run flatout into Bruce's big right boot! Jax is down and there's no hanging around this time, Bruce making the cover... ONE!! COACH He's not the legal man! TWOOO!! NOOO!!! "YYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Cussing up a storm, back to his feet climbs Bruce. And he is POed! Just for a change. COACH Uh-oh, he's losing it! Nail down the lighttubes! No need, as Bruce drags Johnny Jax off the canvas by the hair and signals that it's over, without the need for any weapons. Placing Jax in a standing headscissors, Blank reaches down and hauls The GPXer skywards, up onto his shoulders ready for a Powerbomb! Unfortunately for Bruce, Jax isn't co-operating though and starts to fire off some right hands, desperately trying to block the bomb. Blank keeps Jax up, but Jax keeps throwing fists and the bigman is losing his balance! COLE Johnny's fighting it! He's fighting it for all he's worth! COACH C'mon J! Blank is wobbling across the ring now in a weak attempt to stay on his feet and Jax sees his chance. Leaning back, Jax falls with the Hurricanra... NO! HURRICANRA-NO! Blank grips onto the legs and blocks the takeover, leaving Jax hanging helplessly upside down! There's nothing Jax can do in this position, especially as Maddix jogs over and dropkicks him in the chest! Blank holds onto Jax still and Maddix scrambles up again, signalling for Bruce to lift him back up. Which is easier said than done. But Blank does manage to deadlift Jax's 235 pounds back up, with a little assistance from Landon, who hangs onto Jax on the way up... ...before pulling him back down, tucking in his legs... ...AND BRINGING JAX DOWN ACROSS RAISED KNEES!!!! "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE Powerbomb/Lungblower combination!! COACH It's over. Away rolls Maddix, out under the bottom rope. And although technically he's not the legal man, that's long forgotten, allowing Bruce to make the cover... ONE!! TWOOOO!! NOOOO!! SCOTTY STATIC WITH THE SAVE!! "YYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE NO! It's not over Coach, not yet! You gave up on your boys a little too soon! COACH I di... I mean... you sa... c'mon Scotty!! Belatedly Landon arrives on the scene. Scotty is quick to meet him though and tries to fend the South Dakotan off with some body shots. But in comes Bruce from behind with an old-school double sledge, wiping out Static. With a new focus, Bruce grabs Jax and nonchalantly pitches him out of the ring and to the floor before directing traffic in Static's direction. "G - P - X!" "G - P - X!" "G - P - X!" "G - P - X!" The Vancouver crowd try to get behind The GPX, sensing trouble for their home-promotion's team. With good reason too. Left two on one in the ring, Static is sent off the ropes with an irish whip. As Static bounces back Blank then ducks his head, which confuses Landon long enough for Scotty to connect with a clothesline! Static isn't done there though, continuing his run as Bruce turns around. His distraction with Landon then costs him, as he ducks his head without really paying attention, Static coming to a stop and DRILLING him with a DDT!! "YYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE What a DDT! Cover him Scotty!! As if by magic, Scotty does just that... ONE!! COACH This is it, goodbye Bruce! TWOOO!! SHOULDER UP!! COLE Not quite. Quickly to his feet, or at least as quickly as his punished body will allow, Static heads straight for the top rope. The Canadian crowd rise as one as Static scales the turnbuckles and sets up top, waiting for Bruce to get back up. It's Landon who finds his feet first though, so Scotty detours and soars at the (half) Spaniard... ...NOBODY HOME!! "OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COACH Aw man. COLE There goes The GPX's momentum. Static writhes on the canvas for a few seconds before struggling back towards his feet. By now Bruce is up and waiting on him, winding up the arm and calling for the Lariat! Bruce clearly means business too, as he prepares to run the ropes for extra momentum. Which'd be easier if the ropes hadn't moved. "YYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Bruce goes tumbling over the top rope, pulled down by Johnny Jax, landing with a thud on the arena floor to the collective satisfaction of everyone in attendance. Everyone except Megan Skye, who panickily yells at Landon to pick up where Bruce was planning to leave off. Which he does, swinging at Static with a Superki... ...DUCKED! Maddix whiffs the kick and hurriedly comes to a skidding halt, as Static tumbles and connects with a spinning heel kick on his way back around! Quick as a flash, Static rolls back and grabs the leg, as the referee dives into position, Jax pouncing on Bruce on the floor to keep him at bay... ONE!! TWOOO!! NO, TWO! STATIC SPIKED PUNCH!! "YYEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Knowing his partner might not be able to hold Bruce back much longer, Static pulls Landon back up and looks for the double underhook. The main setback to calling out your movename is that your opponent, unless deaf, can hear what's coming. Landon is not deaf. The Next Generation goes deadweight on one knee and tries to block. Static gets one arm hooked but the second is being kept close to the chest by Landon, forcing Static into some forearms to soften him up and release the arm. Double underhook is on. Maddix continues to block though and only comes up when he's good and ready to counter, twisting out of the butterfly position and into an irish whip on Static. Off the ropes The Hooligan comes, but not far after, as his foot becomes tangled in Megan Skye's hands! COLE HEY! Megan hasn't bet on Static's low morality and hot temper though and once provoked, he doesn't hesitate to reach outside the ring and GRAB A HANDFUL OF MEGAN'S HAIR!! COACH HEY! COLE YEAH, GO AHEAD! "YYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH... *ching!* "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COACH What the hell... COLE Oh, come on! Behind the referee's back, lowblow! Unfortunately, the referee's attempts to play the hero and save the damsel in distress divert his attention from the most BLATANT of blatant lowblows, Maddix punting Static between the legs! Megan slips from Scotty's grasp as his hands instictively go to his groin. Meanwhile, as the referee turns around, Maddix whips Scotty around and tries to cover for the lowblow, hoisting Static up onto his shoulders with a fireman's carry. Manoeuvring into the centre of the ring, Maddix then parades The GPXer for the firey crowd before throwing Static forward... *SMACK!* ...AND KNEEING HIM CLEAN IN THE FACE ON THE WAY DOWN!! "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE Oh, MY! Goodnight Scotty Static! COACH Surely that should be ¡Buenas Noches! Completely out on one knee, Static is a sitting duck. And Landon isn't going to miss an opportunity, diving in and stepping off the knee... and driving his own knee into Static's skull for a second time in quick succession, rendering whatever consciousness was left null and void! COLE Shining Wizard! No way Scotty can kick out after that. Cole's resigned tone is shared by the crowd, desperately hoping on Johnny Jax to come to the rescue as Landon makes the pin... ONE!! TWOOO!! In dives Jax... THREEEEE!!! ...coming up just a few inches short of the save! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" *DINGDINGDING!* Maddix isn't going hang around any longer and quickly scrambles out of the ring, aided by Bruce as Jax is in hot pursuit. Again he can't quite get to La Cucaracha in time and he gives up on chasing the two of them to tend to his tag partner, leaving the SWF duo (of sorts) to escape up the aisle, all smiles and hugs. Megan too, which is a relief for all. BUFFER Your winners... BRUCE BLANK and LANDON MADDIX! "FUCK YOU LAN - DON!" *clap clap clapclapclap* "FUCK YOU LAN - DON!" *clap clap clapclapclap* COLE My sentiments exactly. Bruce can talk about playing fair all he wants, but the fact is Landon stole that victory for him with that lowblow! COACH No doubt. He had something to prove after War Games, but all he proved to me is that he's a cheapshort artist! COLE You're not alone Coach. Maddix isn't bothered though and makes sure to soak up every bit of his victory on his way back to the back. In the ring, Johnny Jax leans over the ropes and ensures Blank and Maddix that "this ain't over", but for tonight it is. A point which Landon illustrates perfectly with his hands. Wildcards (+1) 1, OAOAST 0.
  10. King Cucaracha

    HD: Enterprise Promo

    COLE Right now, we've got some footage sent to us from SMN Productions, although I guess after their merger with Moneymaker Enterprises that SMN doesn't actually exist anymore. I don't know, business isn't my fortay. Anyway, it's courtesy of Mackenzie DeCenzo and Theodore Moneymaker and we are, apparantly, under a great privilege to showing this video. COACH What do you mean apparantly? COLE Well, technically it's their privilege to get TV time on HeldDOWN. COACH Mikey, Theodore Moneymaker is heir to the entire TV station! He's giving us the privilege of even having a TV show, technically. COLE I don't think that's strictly true. But in any event, Theodore Moneymaker called together his Enterprise cohorts for a Thanksgiving feast at his grandious Money Manor on Wednesday night ahead of his Thanksgiving edition of HeldDOWN. And, I guess we're going to see what happened right about now. COACH Awesome. Makes up for me not being able to attend. [i]Presenting...[/i] [color=green][b]*$*An Enterprise Production*$*[b][/color] The luxurious grounds of STATELY MONEY MANOR greet us on a typically cold, crisp November evening. Outside the grounds, the vast swimming pool and patio complexes are all covered up. Unwelcoming conditions for rich visitors now. But not so inside the halls of Money Manor. In the grand hall, the large mahogany banquet table has been stacked to it's limits with a grand feast. The biggest, most succulent turkey you've ever seen in your life takes centre stage on the table, as the real wood fire roars away in the background. Making very cosy surroundings for the host of this feast, Theodore Moneymaker, sat at the head of the table with a full glass of red wine in hand. Around the table for this Thanksgiving get together are The Beverly Hills Blonds, Simon hawking down a spoonful of sweet yams while Ned kicks back, one of Theodore's many attendants refilling his glass. Mackenzie DeCenzo is dressed to the nines in a luxurious and more importantly expensive evening gown and sharing a private joke with Christian Wright, who's also dressed for the occasion. *CLINKCLINKCLINK* Suddenly, attention is gained by Moneymaker as he clangs a fork against his glass. MONEYMAKER A moment please. Let's take a moment on this holiday of thanks, to thank my chef Rosarita for this fantastic meal. A typically apathetic murmur goes up. MONEYMAKER Okay, that'll do. SIMON (with mouth full of food) Mmmfmf... is gd grb... mmm. MONEYMAKER Good grub indeed, Simon. And most importantly I want to thank you, my fellow Enterprise patrons, for sharing this meal with me here at my humble abode. I'd like you to consider this a token of my thanks, to you, for your work this past few weeks in getting this Enterprise off the ground. So eat, drink and be merry because tonight, the party's on me! HAHAHAHAHA! The Blonds, Mackie and CW all join in with their associate's laugh. MONEYMAKER Now, obviously our work so far has been just the groundwork. Very good groundwork. But groundwork nonetheless. The key to success is to stay one step ahead of your competition. Just like myself and Christian stayed a step ahead last Thursday night on HeldDOWN~! So, as much as I feel the need to celebrate tonight, I want to put out an air of caution to you, Ned, Simon. Mouthful of turkey leg, Simon glances up. Ned's glass is charged now and he takes a swig of the fine vintage wine. MONEYMAKER Tommorrow night, you will be representing The Enterprise in the 10-Man Survivor Series Match. And I trust that your class and style will lead your less-upmarket team-mates into victory, in the name of The Enterprise. MACKENZIE Don't worry Teddy. I intend on making sure our partners know in no uncertain terms who the true CAPTAINS of the team are. MONEYMAKER HAHA! That's what I like about you Mackie, you're a woman in charge and you know it! Mackenzie winks at Moneymaker. MONEYMAKER Well, myself and Christian wish you the best of the luck tommorrow night. BLANCHARD Much obliged. MONEYMAKER But as you all know, we have some more pressing matters to discuss. And seeing as you're all here, we're going to do just that. Because as you all know, the OAOAST top brass have seen fit to push us into another Survivor Series Rules Match at November Reign. This is going to be our first time teaming together as a foursome and obviously, we're going to have to rely on our fine business understanding to translate into the world of professional wrestling. But I've no doubt we'll do just that. Especially on the heels of mine and Christian's successful tag team debut last week. And, especially considering our... *ahem*... 'competition'. Los Diablos De Fuego and Rescue 911. Another murmur from the four seated members of The Enterprise goes up, this one a lot more amused. A very sarcastic "Oh no!" goes up from Ned in particular, while Christian seems very unconcerned with the threat of the names mentioned. Meanwhile, Simon is loading up with some more cranberry sauce. Moneymaker sees fit to call them all to order though. MONEYMAKER Obviously, these four nickel and dimers are gonna be no match for The Enterprise. But, it seems like these four have been a thorn in our sides for a while now. Far too long, really. Nods of approval go up around the table. MONEYMAKER We've gone at Los Diablos with barbed wire, with coal minor's gloves, with Conqusitadors. And still those pesky little cockroaches are standing! And now we've got two fifths of the OAOAST YMCA tribute band comin' at us as well! Two common, working-class public servants. No match for me and my wealth. No match for us. I see bright futures for The Enterprise. More success. More money. But we can't achieve any of these goals, concentrate on titles and big money matches, when we've got these irritations to deal with week in and week out. In business, you can't waste time on the minor issues when you have big aspirations and gentleman I have big aspirations for us all! So, this Sunday, I'm asking for you to be at your most ruthless! WRIGHT Pray tell Theodore, what contrivance shall The Enterprise heed upon? MONEYMAKER No plan, Christian. Just a goal. A business goal. At November Reign, I don't just want a victory. I want to deal with those four for GOOD and put them out of our business for GOOD. Bill Gates style. MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! The Enterprise share in a group laugh before resuming the expensive meal with wide smiles on their faces.
  11. King Cucaracha

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    Well, I finished a season with Kennedy (once through Smackdown, once through Raw) and I've seen at least 4 or 5 storylines mentioned in this thread that I haven't had yet. The Legends story and the Rumble story repeated, but besides that, all different. So there's a few more than last year at least. I'm actually quite happy with the game. I very quickly dropped the stamina mode (although you still get tired if you do the environmental moves for too long, which is acceptable) and I altered the controls so circle is grapple and what have you, so it was easier to get into. The improvements to the Ladder and Table Matches are welcome and the actual feel of the game is better than last year. The only real problems I've found are the commentary (which is easily solved), the lack of CAW moves and the fact that despite improving it for 06 on PSP, they haven't improved the Rumble to make it harder to throw people out. Rumbles still last 20 minutes at most.
  12. King Cucaracha

    SD Spoilers for the 11/24 Airing

    That was completely my reaction, although I fully expect it to be his regular running knee to the head.
  13. To be fair, that's partly because half the roster work ROH and the other half were fired from WWE.
  14. And even if he was, why risk it? What would Joe/Angle going 30/35 minutes for the sake of going 30/35 minutes have actually accomplished? Since when did matchtime even matter anyway? Would Joe vs. Angle ever have lived up to the inane hype some people had in their minds even if they'd gone 45 plus? Was there ANY match outcome that would have been greeted with complete approval?
  15. King Cucaracha

    CZW "Cage of Death VIII" Line-Up Revealed for Dec. 9th

    Come On. You really expect me to believe that one of these 3 will retire forever? The loser and his children and his children's children. For 3 months.
  16. King Cucaracha

    PWG Presents All Star Weekend IV November 17 & 18!

    Thought as much. Good for him. I'd expect ROH to start booking him early next year.
  17. King Cucaracha

    New Year's Show

    I was so going to suggest that! Yes, yes, that'd be great. EDIT: And PK, yeah, I'm happy to deal with the New Year's Show. I might call on Tony to actually post it, depending on how things are fixed, but the busywork I'm fine with. I'm fine with you doing the Awards show too. If you need someone to run the ballot by then I can volunteer, I'm sure I asked someone for a second opinion last year.
  18. King Cucaracha

    New Year's Show

    Okay, last year the New Year show was basically the Angle Awards bash plus a couple of matches. Which was good, granted. But with there being no actual PPV in December we're going to have more matches this time around, surely. Now, the New Year's show isn't a 'regular PPV' and we've already got Syndicated as the non-PPV, non-HD straight show. So it seems stupid to have just another big show, especially when people have other stuff going on around holidays. So, what I'm proposing is, we make it a concept show. Something a little 'different' to make it a little more special. And maybe even give it a different name than "New Year's Extravaganza". We'd (and by 'we' I mean whoever's taking control of it this year, which I'm willing to hand off if anyone's interested) write up the Angle Awards as a seperate show for a Saturday and do the New Year's show on the Sunday. *INTERACTIVE SHOW* Like Taboo Tuesday or now Cyber Sunday. The card would need to be checked off and finalised a couple of extra weeks in advance, with each match having some sort of ineractive element with three options on it. And we'd have to work it out so we don't have 8 different "Wrestler vs. one of 3 opponent" scenarios, to mix it up. We then put it to a public vote on the board, so anyone can vote, active or not. Probably by PM. That way, we can put a deadline on the vote a week before the show, but not announce the results to everyone before the show actually goes up. *KING OF THE RING* A one night, eight man tournament. Again it'd need to be all worked out in advance, so we know who's in, who's winning and who's writing which match. The tournament would take up 7 matches, so we could let people with other feuds carry on freely, so long as the show doesn't get too crammed. And, with this, we could have easily have eight Qualifying Matches on HDs in the run-up to the show, which'd boost the weekly shows as well. Only downside is that it maybe de-values The Anderson Cup when that starts. *SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST* As above, except it would be six first round matches, leading into a six-way final. It would be the same amount of matches, but with a more 'unique' ending (or, as unique as something ripped from ROH can be). And without the King gimmick to fall back on, maybe the prize could be #1 Contendership at AnglePalooza, depending on what Drek has planned. Any other suggestions, gratefully welcomed. So, thoughts?
  19. King Cucaracha

    Booking for Thanksgiving HeldDOWN~!

    Well, I've got Dance Dance Dragon (who's got a storyline reason for wanting at Drek, I guess). You can stick Christian Wright in as well.
  20. King Cucaracha

    SWF Smarkdown Card, 11/20/06!

    You know, this November 20th due-date is giving me precisely... uhm... five hours at best to write, seeing as I've just seen the card. Then again, I guess I should have known I was likely writing Cross this show. But still, bugger.
  21. King Cucaracha

    New Year's Show

    Okay. So I'll put up the booking thread later in the week, give everybody time to take it all in. The reason I pitched the New Year's Show as the interactive show was because if people don't bite the bait, it doesn't matter, because we only had three matches last year anyway so it's not like we need a full ten match card. But, we'll see.
  22. King Cucaracha

    PWG Presents All Star Weekend IV November 17 & 18!

    Tyler Black! ROAR~!
  23. King Cucaracha

    Monty Brown's WWE debut

    The obvious route is to bring up his footballing background, shove him on RAW (away from Lashley) and let JR hype him up. As for what the best route would be, they could tag him up with Shelton. Shelton could cover up for Monty's weaknesses and it'd give Shelton something more meaningful to do than 'IC Division Player #5'. Or Monty could play bodyguard for him for a while, limit his ring time. To be fair, Monty's only real redeeming quality is The Po(oooooooooo)unce. Just give him a role where he can hit that a lot and not do much else.
  24. King Cucaracha

    New Year's Show

    Okay everyone, are we agreed on making the New Year's show a Cyber Sunday/Taboo Tuesday show? If so, we need to get it out there ASAP so everyone has time to plan. Also I've just realised we've got a Syndicated scheduled 9 days before this show. I'm not sure we can get away with running both successfully, so would anyone object if we took Syndicated off the schedule? Anyone who can't come up with anything Cyber Sundayey can easily write any big matches they had planned on a HD instead. I'll get the wheels in motion, assuming there's no objections.
  25. King Cucaracha

    Feedback for 11/16

    Two more segments from EWC are in which make the show make more sense. And therefore even better. Yay.