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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. He's doing an interview with PWTorch.com. He knows his audience for the interview is the IWC so he's going to say what he thinks we want to hear. Oh, I know that. It's just odd to see the name 'Nash' in front of a lot of the lines.
  2. King Cucaracha

    WCW New Blood Rising

    Storm vs. Awesome was a pure abomination. That has to be one of the worst booked PPVs in WCW history, which is saying something. And the Awesome/Storm match was the worst offender. Only worth watching for some of Konnan's commentary in the tag match, where he blatantly runs down pretty much everyone in the match, before someone obviously told him to tone it down.
  3. King Cucaracha

    Say Something About the Poster Below You

    Enjoys the taste of Mountain Dew: Code Red VVVVVV
  4. King Cucaracha

    Booking for the 4/7 (4/8?) show!

    Something from me. Although, not actually from ME. I think. The person who knows who they are can tell me different if they're not writing it. If not, then I'll assume they're handling it.
  5. King Cucaracha

    IWA-MS 4/1 News

    'Ugh' to any double pin, ever. I honestly didn't think Jacobs would be winning the World Title. I'm agreed with YNA...I like him, but it's hard to see him as champion. Although they've done a good job booking him since he dropped the 'Barbaric Berzerker' tagline. And I'll be interested in hearing what reaction Gunn got in the end.
  6. Entertaining read. It's odd to see Kevin Nash's views on parallel with most 'smart' fans' views.
  7. King Cucaracha

    30 Man Battle Royal to take place at Wrestlemania

    ^ more likely. Otherwise, it'll have to be shorter than the Gimmick Battle Royal. The Heat match usually only gets the last quarter hour slot of the show. If it's on the show itself, I can't see it getting more than a quarter hour there either. Still, it gives the lower wrestlers some exposure. Plus, this sounds like the perfect opportunity for Puder to get the snot beat (stiffed) out of him again. Gotta pay your dues, kid.
  8. King Cucaracha

    OAOAST AngleMania IV Predictions

    I'm a mark for imaginary prizes. OAOAST Heavyweight Championship Drek Stone© vs. Hoff Logic says Drek goes over, setting up another heel/face match in the main. But then again, since when did we start using logic around here, har har har. So Hoff wins... OAOAST Heavyweight Championship: PART II Drek Stone/Hoff © vs. Axel ...and then drops the belt. Zack Malibu/Caboose/Some Guy vs. CWM/T-Bod/Dan Black Uh, this is a total guess. Black T would benefit most from the win, but storyline wise, it should be Zack's team winning. Axel vs. Crystal Chic(k)anery ensues, Crystal wins and Axel goes on to snatch the belt. Which'd obviously set up Crystal/Axel for the World Title. RAGE IN THE CAGE Tha Puerto Rican vs. Panther Faces usually win the blowoff match. That's all the logic I's got here. TEXAS DEATH MATCH The 70s Dude vs. Calvin Szechstein Cal puts over the 'new guy'. OAOAST Tag Team Titles Chicks Over Dicks© vs. The Global Party XChange GPX representin'. Word. THE JOY OF X Leon Rodez vs. The Superstar vs. The Amazing Rando vs. K-Money Best not predict, eh? Although, to be honest, I doubt I'd be giving much away if I did anyway. I'll just use this as chance to give props to Supes, Rando and CCB for letting me use their peeps for this. STIPULATIONS LIKE CRAZY The New New Midnight Express vs. The Heavenly Rockers The love-slave angle will be too tempting to be passed up here. NNMs with some Cornette chicanery. Prince Killings vs. Brock Ausstin Unless we're going with a 'Killings hates wrestling, but don't worry because he can't wrestle his way out of a paper bag' storyline, it's all about Killings. Alfdogg vs. ??? I never usually bet against the mystery guy. But it's Alf. PREGAME SHOW: HIYAH TAG TEAM TITLES Hell's Hitmen© vs. The Love Doctors Wild guess.
  9. King Cucaracha

    AM IV booking thread

    Wow, I guess I'd better start writing then.
  10. King Cucaracha

    Paul Wight passed away

    April Fools Day has jumped the shark. Somebody needs to make an April Fools Joke on April 14th or something. That's the only way anyone will believe these sorts of April Fools joke anymore.
  11. King Cucaracha

    Paul Wight passed away

    This is why April 2nd is my favourite day of the year.
  12. King Cucaracha

    Someone to buy Wrestlecrap?

    Man, people try WAY too hard to do these April Fools nowadays.
  13. King Cucaracha

    30 Man Battle Royal to take place at Wrestlemania

    Well, if it's legit, at least it fits in a few people.
  14. King Cucaracha

    SWF Smarkdown Card for Monday, April 4!

    Stuff from me, maybe, if people PM ME BACK IN TIME.
  15. King Cucaracha

    Who's going to be at WrestleMania?

    I can't see it. Other than a cameo in Eddie vs. Rey, there's nothing for him to do that'd make much sense. Unless he's, on an off chance, inducting someone into the HOF.
  16. King Cucaracha

    Smarkdown Predictions

    World Championship Toxxic © vs. Todd Cortez 'Stable' pride, bitches. Besides that, Toxxic jumped the shark way back in...oooh...December? Cruiserweight Title “The Critic” Scott Pretzler © vs. Wildchild Pretzler = teh awesome. Wildchild = teh cruiser god. This'll be head-numbingly close but I'll play safe and say WC. World Title Contendership – Pure Rules “Hollywood” Spike Jenkins vs. “The Franchise” Mak Francis Special Referee: Tom Flesher Flesher Yakuza Kicks them both, wins and gets the #1 Contendership. Cruiserweight Match Ejiro Fasaki vs. “The Dean of Professional Wrestling” Jay Hawke Well, it's Ejiro. Tough break for Hawke, but I can't see Ejiro being beat. Singles Match Arch Griffon vs. Li’l Buck I am intrigued. You Jerk That Curtain! Manson vs. JJ Johnson Again, I'm the kid's new fan. He's like the Pretzler to my Flesher.
  17. King Cucaracha

    Jarrett meeting with Viacom

    One major top level star, eh? How long'll Hogan stick around for this time then?
  18. King Cucaracha

    Who Are The Top Five ROH Workers?!

    Samoa Joe AmDrag Austin Aries Homicide CM Punk
  19. King Cucaracha


    While you're chasing up Zack, can you get him to answer my PM please? kthanxbye~!
  20. King Cucaracha

    Lockdown Comments~!

    *dies* I guess some people CAN follow Landon Maddix after all. EDIT: Also, I may try and give more detailed feedback if I have time. But while I think of it, that was a VERY solid opening showing from JJ. I told you the kid has something.
  21. King Cucaracha

    X-Net Icon

    You guys better vote for me to get in the final 14 now.
  22. King Cucaracha

    English Football

    So, Owen's out of the Wales match? Judging from tonight, I really couldn't be happier. Three (at least) golden chances, three misses. On top of the poor miss against N.Ireland. It's funny that Beckham gets all the stick, when Owen's been much more underwhelming since getting regularly benched in Madrid.
  23. King Cucaracha

    Nicknames that never caught on

    While we're talking tag-teams..."The Two Man Power Trip" never seemed right.
  24. King Cucaracha

    Nicknames that never caught on

    I still remember Jericho playing off of his whole "Ayatollah" deal. I think it was before a match with Crash Holly, but he cut a pre-match promo. He said something about bowling, or something and said then said that after tonight he'd be "The Ayatollah Of Rock And Bowl-aaah!" Vitamin C never really stuck for him and Christian, either.
  25. King Cucaracha

    X-Net Icon

    No I haven't. Only one of them's given me a vote. I'm still waiting (patiently, because to be frank I really don't share VanSiclen's care for this thing. And by that I mean I could really give a flying fuck) on the other judges to say something. And from the looks of things, I'll probably have to wait for a good few days, judging from some response times.