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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. Not to offend...but technically, this tiny promotion can't have a World Title really. The NWA World Title, WWE World Title, ROH World Title, FWA World Title etc. have been, you know, defended 'around the world'. Don't get me wrong, I don't understand why it was particularly a problem to the FWA. But I do find it amusing that any tiny little fed can call their title a 'World Title' when clearly, it's not.
  2. King Cucaracha

    WWE to leave Spike TV

    When TNA is good, it's very entertaining. I remember Mike himself saying he thought Final Resolution was decent. But while the PPV shows have been mostly entertaining (IMO at least), the TV product tends to be hard to sit through. The look TNA have is different fromt he WWE. So they MIGHT be able to draw in viewers. But they won't do it with boring squash matches. They need to give an alternative, which would mean less emphasis on the old guys and more on guys like Skipper, Daniels and Dutt. Not gonna happen. EDIT: They might stand a better chance if Spike put Ultimate Fighter on at 8 against Raw. If that's a decent ratings draw, then you pull viewers away from the beginning of Raw. And if people miss the beginning of Raw and then have the choice of Raw Hour 2 or all of TNA, they might just choose the latter.
  3. The FWA is as good as it's been in years right now and has been since about 2003. You can't argue with success. Of course, if you've have problems with Alex Shane, then you're not exactly an objective person are you?
  4. King Cucaracha

    A Few Good Men WM Promo

    Yeah, but not all Hollywood movies are funny. They started off parodying, but just like there's more than one side to Hollywood movies, I guess Vince is trying to show there's more than one side to his wrestlers. Hence, having Cena and JBL do a serious and very impressive skit that didn't need humour to get people interested in it's content.
  5. King Cucaracha

    James E. Cornette

    Cornette hates the garbage style of wrestling, and sees IWA-MS as that. It really started to get going when the Louisville Eccentric Observer, a free weekly newspaper in Louisville, did a piece on covering IWA-MS, and talked in detail about the violent and bloody matches in IWA-MS. Cornette responded with a letter to the paper that basically said what IWA-MS does isn't wrestling, and don't compare what IWA-MS does to wrestling, because they aren't the same. The next week, Jim Fannin replied and took shots at OVW and Cornette, and it ended there, because Cornette didn't want to respond again, feeling that by doing so he was giving IWA-MS publicity that he didn't want to give them. Ah. So I'm guessing that was a while ago, before Ian changed up the company's style a little and dropped the deathmatches.
  6. King Cucaracha

    Smackdown! Spoilers

    They couldn't really do that. A lot of time was needed for Angle to do his promos, so they couldn't devote a lot of time to the actual match. Putting in someone established against Angle would have needed at least another 6-8 minutes to avoid making the established person look weak. Plus, it would have made Angle weak to vow to show up HBK and then struggle.
  7. King Cucaracha

    More new DVD info

    Undertaker "From The Vault" = Possibly awesome.
  8. King Cucaracha

    From the Fire Comments

    Well, I might as well comment on it...I do believe my promo, coupled with the board promo and my upcoming Storm promo, are some of the better that I've done as Maddix. Which isn't saying a whole lot, granted. But still. Also, mad props to Cortez and Toxxic for their matches. And almost as mad props to W&D and Sly who aren't exactly 'mah boys', but still brought the content.
  9. King Cucaracha

    James E. Cornette

    I know Corny's got a long list of people he doesn't like, but is it right that Ian Rotten's on it? What's the situation there?
  10. King Cucaracha

    Smackdown! Spoilers

    Yeah, that report makes a lot more sense with Angle/Michaels. Marty Jannetty? Having just watched his shoot interview, he looked pretty good physically...certainly better than last I saw of him. And that was from last year. So hopefully, he should be in good enough shape for a 3 minute Angle squash. And post match, maybe Michaels can run out to save Jannetty from a beatdown, leading to some Rockers tag spots to run Angle off. And then of course, Michaels superkicks Jannetty for old time's sake. I'd watch Smackdown for that.
  11. King Cucaracha

    English Football

    Agreed. I'm not a big Chelsea fan, but damned if I'm not routing for them here. Hopefully they don't throw it away...
  12. If I could get to Coventry, I would. But sadly not to be. I'm still dissappointed they didn't go for broke on Joe vs. Misawa.
  13. King Cucaracha

    Is the ROH world title

    Not bigger. It's probably more prestigious, but in terms or international standing, the NWA Title is still higher. And it'll stay that way as far as historians are concerned. The only way I can see it becoming 'bigger' is if ROH organise high profile title defences around the world.
  14. King Cucaracha

    A Few Good Men WM Promo

    Obviously it hasn't been acknowledged on screen. But they could just say the General Managers paid them to act in the commercials, just like actors would be paid to appear in movies (or commercials, if you want like for like comparisons.) if they wanted to preserve kayfabé. Or just say Vince told them to. Oh and to nikjohns- As I posted twice, I'm done arguing.
  15. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card, 3-11-05!

    Well, it was certainly better than the Stilts Match. And the Pie Match. Who the hell thought THOSE were a good idea?
  16. King Cucaracha

    A Few Good Men WM Promo

    Learn to read, dickhead.
  17. King Cucaracha

    A Few Good Men WM Promo

    Well, consider me trying to end it then, because you're right...it is pointless trying to argue with you.
  18. King Cucaracha

    A Few Good Men WM Promo

    ...man, this thread is dead, huh?
  19. King Cucaracha

    Matt Hardy speaks on he and Lita splitting

    Tag Team Title win with Kane?
  20. King Cucaracha

    PROMO: Putting Things Into Perspective

    The voice of a man who's been PWNED! Or...not.
  21. King Cucaracha

    Better as face or heel?

    Depends on the criteria. He was MUCH more entertaining as a heel. As a face, from what I've seen, Backlund came across as a little bland character wise. Nice guy. But maybe a little too nice. Of course he was more successful as a face. There's a lot of guys who were more successful in one disposition but more entertaining with another. Luger maybe, Michaels maybe, Backlund certainly. And that's not a knock on Backlund and his face run, because he did a great job with it. He was just more entertaining as a heel.
  22. King Cucaracha

    A Few Good Men WM Promo

    Dare I ask how? By posting in a thread you post in? Last time I checked, we didn't have a block feature.
  23. King Cucaracha

    Former WWE star booked for IWA:MS

    I literally did a doubletake when I read that. Billy Gunn in the IWA? Crazy. So, anyway, am I the only one who thinks he'll get the "Jeff Hardy in ROH" treatment?
  24. King Cucaracha

    Hockey is the most exciting team sport

    Even with soccer? I find that hard to believe. -=Mike Obviously not in American soccer, because it's lightyears behind European and South American soccer in terms of talent and certainly in terms of fan passion. American soccer bores me to tears. In England, it's a lot different.
  25. King Cucaracha

    A Few Good Men WM Promo

    Almost as good as "Suckbag" Orton. You two have way too much free time on your hands, try getting a life instead of spending all day in your computers monitoring everything that I do. Ooh, good one. Don't flatter yourself there RVDSault.