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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha


    Uhm, just for the record...I'm not leaving just yet. Never fear. While Toxx is right about the idea and while I do have some admitedly intriguing stuff awaiting if and when I decide to do that, I don't want to take away another established character while this place desperatly needs them. I just don't want the World Title after last time. That and the fact I have no desire to write against Toxxic's character after Slay Ride.
  2. King Cucaracha

    Feedback for the 3/3 HeldDown!

    It's my life long ambition for Patty to give me feedback. *continues waiting*
  3. King Cucaracha

    Matt Hardy speaks on he and Lita splitting

    "It was ME Hardy, it was me all along!" EDIT: In all seriousness, I don't see Edge being 'punished'. Maybe they'll make an example out of him in the back, to try and discourage other wrestlers from doing what he did. I'm sure they'll then consider sending Edge to the 'B' show in the draft, assuming that will be punishment enough. Other than that, a fine? I'm no legal beagle, but I'm sure they can't fire them for sleeping with each other, so I doubt Edge'll be making plans to become NWA Champ just yet and I doubt they'll fire Lita.
  4. King Cucaracha

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Adult Film Star will only work if your promotion's risk level is at a certain level. That's the main reason for some gimmicks not working. So if you have gimmicks that don't work and you're able to without annoying TV networks, try raising the risk level of your promotion.
  5. King Cucaracha


    Nope. More that I have no desire to be World Champion again.
  6. King Cucaracha

    WWE to Produce Montreal Screwjob DVD

    Agreed. If I'm thinking of the same match, it was released on CHV...World Tour 89/90 I think. Also, they should put on the Warrior/Savage vs. Money Inc match from the last SNME.
  7. King Cucaracha


    Don't expect anything from me. At least matchwise. I'm sure Toxxic has a good idea why and seeing as he's about the only person who reads these boards nowadays, I'll leave it at that.
  8. King Cucaracha

    A Few Good Men WM Promo

    Almost as good as "Suckbag" Orton.
  9. King Cucaracha

    A Few Good Men WM Promo

    I'm not the only one who noticed then. I'd estimate 9/10 of his posts are bitching about Bradshaw or praising RVD. Which isn't wrong. Until it becomes more of a gimmick than Anglesault was. Hell, at least Anglesault gave reasons for what he posted. You never get that with humongous.
  10. King Cucaracha

    Former WWE star booked for IWA:MS

    To be honest, I'm half expecting/fearing that he'll pull out of the show. Hopefully he'll prove me wrong. Because, this'll be interesting to say the least.
  11. King Cucaracha

    AM IV booking thread

    Uhm, WM IV didn't have the little rings. Probably because the entrance aisle consisted of steps. Lots of steps. And I assumed that's the setup we were using, since it was ME who suggested Trump Plaza in the first place. Or course, I stole the idea from (I think) Cal. But still.
  12. King Cucaracha

    Booking for the 3/10 show

    Maybe you'd like the match where Rando won the X-Title from my first original character The Purist at SCHOOL'S OUT 2003. It's rather short though. As for HD... NNMX & Black T vs. COD & GPX Works for me. Nobody else read it till HD though!
  13. "He's Chavo Classic, so that makes me Chavo Lite. All the taste, half the fat." Not exactly a catchphrase, but Chavo Jr used it on commentary when his dad was wrestling.
  14. King Cucaracha

    Looking ahead to SummerSlam in D.C. . . .

    You know, Hassan isn't the first person to mess up an irish whip. It's not exactly on Jackie Gayda levels of poor work. I've seen dozens of irish whips go wrong someway or another.
  15. King Cucaracha

    Let's be sincere and non-self-referential

    when I first read this sentence I saw " Post Vaginal Fatigue". I have been trying to figure out how the fuck my mind came up with that for the rest of the time after that. In short, I might be illiterate. See, that sounds a much more appealing illness.
  16. King Cucaracha

    Let's be sincere and non-self-referential

    I'm bitter about having caught Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome, which has stopped me from playing soccer and ruined my chances of passing the English course I'm doing.
  17. King Cucaracha

    Booking for the 3/10 show

    Rodez will be in the house. Plus, if I can, I'll dig up an old Amazing Rando match for some AM hype. Anyone with any ideas on that, let me know, because the guy is before my era.
  18. King Cucaracha

    RoH Third Anniversery Week

    Yeah. I doubt Rave would ever be a believable ROH Champion. I'm not one of his big critics, but he's no Joe...or Aries...or, maybe even Xavier. Oh, and Punk needs the shorts back.
  19. King Cucaracha

    WWE to Produce Montreal Screwjob DVD

    Warrior? Hopefully they put some rarer matches on there (ie non PPV matches), because people I don't see there being a disk long story behind it, youre not gonna fill it with great promos and interviews and people aren't going to buy it for Hogan vs. Warrior. The LOD DVD should be great though. Here's hoping they bung War Games on there. I'd imagine they would.
  20. King Cucaracha

    Feedback for the 3/3 HeldDown!

    Seeing as everyone did Zero Hour feedback before me (and said what I was going to say)... - Well, the Happy Couple are no more. But apparantly, Drek loves Chris Stevens, so maybe they'll become the replacement. It'd certainly be character development. Anyway, here comes Hoff. And of course, here comes Josie, who will likely appear in 2/3 segments tonight. Drek vs. Hoff...winner faces Axel. It's a WM X flashback! And, as such, I'm calling an Axel v. Crystal match to open the show, ala Bret/Owen. You heard it here first. Hoff and Stevens in a Cage Match next week? Erm...deja vĂș anyone? - Who the hell throws European uppercuts in a fight? Seriously. It's like when my friend got in a legit fight and tried to Rock Bottom the other guy. He was twelve. TWELVE! Hey look, it's JOSIE! Again. You know...PRL reminds me of someone. Erm, anyway, Steel Cage Match at Anglepalooza. And already, the heat for my AM announcement has been stolen twice. - Oh look, my stuff. Big cool stuff. - Josie sure got back to her office quick. 4 for 4 for the GM! Head Of Security? Makes me wonder what his duty will be. Then, it makes me laugh because I said duty. Heh heh...duty. - This Killings stuff looks interesting. Apart from the fact he implied wrestling was fake, like, 3 times. UNACCEPTABLE! Also, it loses points for the lack of Josie. - PRL/Panther in a Bra And Panties Match? I'd be morbidly interested in seeing that, just to see how you pull it off. So to speak. Err, yeah, heated promo with a rather odd ending. - MAH BABY GUUURRLL~! This should be good. Interesting to see that Crystal's playing the 'misunderstood heel' more than the 'bitchy heel'. Which is good. I like bitchy characters like Trish don't get me wrong, but it wouldn't make sense for Crystal to turn bitchy instantly. It looks, from this, like Crystal could be a very good heel. Although, I'm a little saddened there were no little dick jokes. All female/male conflicts should include jokes about dick size. It's protocol. - Is this the first OAOAST segment to feature suggested sadomasochistic activity? Because I can't remember Zack getting whipped by 6 foot women in leather either? And tension with the Love Doctors? Interesting. - Man, it just isn't Axel's month, huh? All hell breaking loose again? Where's Carl Winslow when you need him? Very intense promo between Axel, Hoff and Drek here, which just makes AngleMania so much more intriguing. - Was I the only one to write a match? Another promo, this time with the reunited Cornette and The Midnights. Cornette is written down to a tee, seemingly, as always. And, yeah, I stand by my last feedback and say Ned can be a breakout star if it ever came down to it. Cornette owning The Saints and Synth Esizer's names. Awesome. And again, another heated beatdown segment. It's almost a pity there's a lot of them on this show, because they kinda lose their edge a little. - I'm one of the biggest GPX marks there is. You don't need to ask my thoughts. And with the COD, of course, it becomes pun city. Puns are fun. And so is this promo. It's a good job I'm not drinking at the moment (although from my writing, you'd figure I was), because my screen would be getting sprayed from the hilarity. Black T and the NNMX? Hmm, the tag division gets confusing again. - Hey! It's SpongeBob SzechsteinPants! Short and sweet, it seems the Dude isn't dead yet. "I Will Survive" indeed. That was 70's, right? - Ooh, another match. I'm beginning to worry about Josie. I haven't seen her for a few segments, and...we might need to call a search team out or something. Are Blonde and Faqu a reference to anything? Should I remember them? Because I don't. Nice match, with Zack getting pinned again by a female. Continuity good. JOSIE IS ALIVE!! Man, I was worried for a moment there. Black T turning on Zack...I guess I knew it was coming, but I didn't expect it all the same. Again, redhot beatdown segment that would have been even hotter if it hadn't been preceeded by 5 or 6 others. I like the touch of nobody coming to help Zack. Very nice.
  21. King Cucaracha

    Things in wrestling that were never explained

    "How did Flair get out of the desert?", obviously.
  22. King Cucaracha

    Things in wrestling that were never explained

    How did Flair get out of the dessert?
  23. King Cucaracha

    The From The Fire wordcount thread

  24. King Cucaracha


    "My Hero", Foo Fighters "You Sexy Thing", Hot Chocolate "Jungle Boogie", Kool And The Gang
  25. King Cucaracha

    Post-Mania Draft!!!

    If they switch Luther and Tomko, they can have a new Evolution of HHH, Flair, Christian and Reigns. That'd do for me.