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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    At NWO 98, Vader was booked agaisnt Kane in what turned out to be the penultimate match and the only real worthwhile match on the card aside from the main, in terms of booking. But after that, Vader obviously did the injury angle and then never got going. But he got MAJOR pops at NWO, was made to look credible against Kane (v.rare) and was shilled heavily by JR. Now, I know Vader's history in the WWF and all the bad breaks he got. But were there any big plans for him at any time around of just after NWO? It just seemed like it to me.
  2. King Cucaracha

    PROMO: Plans

    Already WAY ahead of ya.
  3. King Cucaracha

    Banned From WWE Forum

    He was, but now, is not. He must have used some form of Amok Time to get back in.
  4. King Cucaracha

    SWF Lockdown Comments

    Just for the record, any of the Rev-0 guys, or the guys feuding with them...you might want to check out the main event if you haven't already, as pretty much everyone's involved somehow.
  5. King Cucaracha

    Buff Bagwell

    Watch Survivor Series 2001, at the end where they show the two locker rooms. The Alliance had much the stronger roster in name and talent. Trouble was, nearly everyone was at the same sort of level in The Alliance. The WWF was mostly made up of the TOP guys (minus 2 and maybe RVD) and the lower level guys like Crash and Funaki. It was all down to booking.
  6. King Cucaracha

    If you were a wrestler...

    Prefer to be given only finish and call everything else in the ring ? Lay the entire match out beforehand ? Somewhere in the middle, leaning towards the first. I have an abysmal memory so I'm not sure I could lay an entire match out and remember enough of it so as not to turn it into some sort of abomination. The finish, key idea of the match and maybe a couple of important spots, but little more. Like to have your promo's scripted ? Or just be given a couple of bullet points, and wing the rest ? Bullets. Again though, to a point. I wouldn't script a promo so to speak, but I'd run through it in my head beforehand to try and avoid rambling. Blade often ? Only on occasion ? Would you rather never blade at all ? Very rarely. What style would you like to wrestle ? Why would you prefer to employ that particular style over others ? I guess the 'European' style as a base...submission wrestling. Build up some sort of submission hold as real deadly and then focus on building a moveset around that. Oh, and Strong Style striking would be a must too. I'm not going to be flip-flopping about the ring, so having a good array of strikes would be the next best way of getting crowd reactions. Of course, that'd probably mean facing other Strong Stylers and getting destroyed, but whatever. So, I guess something kinda like Joe. Only...I'd be much more comedical in character. Refuse to take certain moves ? Only take them when working with certain wrestlers ? Naturally, I wouldn't take anything that'd kill me. Are there any match types you'd like to wrestle in a lot ? Some match types you'd rather never have to work in ? Multi-man matches as you've got more scope, with more wrestlers and styles to go up against at one time. Tag matches counting as multi-man, that'd be the preferred route, for the same reasons as Rudo. Never work in...deathmatches. Not a fan. Certainly not stupid enough to go near them. What style of normal match would you like to do the most ? Would you prefer to sell or to dominate ? Would you like to do long matches ? Prefer to sell, certainly. Length of match wouldn't really matter to me all that much, depending on the match, as I'd have Strong Style (shorter matches) and Submission (longer matches) styles. Would you like to have a manager or valet to work spots with, or would you rather just do it all yourself ? I'd prefer a manager and at the risk of sounding corny, a female valet would be great. And not just for the 'it looks good to have a chick next to you' reasons...with a female manager you can go any number of ways in terms of character. Are there some types of angles that you would refuse to do ? Some types of angles that you'd love to do ? I wouldn't do anything I found 'wrong' or that I thought was ridiculous. I'd be more than willing to play the fool and make myself look an idiot, but if the angle was unrealistic to the point of being just plain stupid, I wouldn't do it. With the female valet, there of COURSE has to be a romance angle, followed up by the female turning on me so I could go from comedy to serious should I want to. What promotion would you like to work for the most ? What promotion would you hate to work for ? Start out in the FWA, obviously. IWA:MS would be the preferred place to work. There seems to be the 'little bit of everything' there, rather than one particular style. Plus, it's obvious that you can have fun there while wrestling very talented workers. I'd certainly be cautious about working for the WWE and I'm not sure if I'd work for CZW either. Dunno why. Any wrestlers today that you'd like to work against ? Any you would avoid working against at all costs ? That wouldn't really bother me much. Part of the challenge would be to adapt to any wrestler and any style. As for not working with, anybody that hates me basically. Oh, and New Jack. He be trippin'. What wrestlers from the past would you like to work against ? What wrestlers from the past would you not want to work against ? Obviously, guys like Dynamite and Bret. Tully and Arn would be fun opponents. Hogan just for the fact you're facing Hogan. Again, pretty much anyone. Not working with...definately Warrior. I value my safety.
  7. King Cucaracha

    Banned From WWE Forum

    Yeah, but if you combine the time it takes to scroll past the folder ever time you visit the board, add that up...and over the course of a year, that's got to be at least a minute.
  8. King Cucaracha

    New John Cena United States Championship

    Remember Bradshaw's customised Hardcore Title? Now that was ugly.
  9. King Cucaracha


    *Looks at all the times I wrote December 19th on Lockdown* *Looks stupid* And pole matches are good.
  10. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Comments

    Thanks guys. Some quick counter-comments. Near but not into. It is that area of positioning though. Well, Landon did land safely, hence me using it. I always read/see that spot as an attempt to throw someone into the corner or maybe crotch them on the top, but I've never really thought it through. Musta wrote that a little awkwardly. Maddix doesn't flip back over. The move is actually AJ Styles's suplex into neckbreaker, so the flip over is Sacred's doing...and then Maddix elbows out of it once he's on his feet. Unless you're talking about another spot I've forgotten. What can I say, I'm a HBK mark. I probably undersold the MFA looking back, yeah. True. I was trying to mix it up slightly I think, as trio moves nearly always go to two. The thing with the LON is that I'm trying to make it a real 'out of nowhere' move. If Maddix had gone for the LON before the backbreaker, then you'd half expect Sacred to half expect another attempt. Which isn't good for Maddix as he doesn't have the strength to apply the hold on a struggling opponent. Yeah, that was the lift rather than the back-drop I think. See above. Yes, that was supposed to be more 'Sacred wouldn't have tapped so quickly' rather than wouldn't have tapped at all. Having Riley say it probably clouded that point slightly. I can't remember seeing the Upright Figure Four actually being used so that was a little sketchy for me to right. To be fair, that actually was my plan and then for Maddix to try again and finally escape. But by then, Muzz wasn't showing and I was running out of time so...you know. See above to an extent, although I really do need to work a lot more on selling. Trouble is, the times that selling really came back into my mind was when Sacred was on the defensive, which contributes to that. Welcome to my JL career. Yep. Well, thanks for taking the time to read it anyway, really. You too Toxx. Hopefully I can use this somehow.
  11. King Cucaracha

    Flair throws punch at Foley backstage

    Man. Foley should have stuck solely with ROH. At least what he was doing there was good for the industry. Instead we get the cheap pop, some political crap with Hassan, a fight with Flair, no doubt a match with Flair somewhere down the road...none of which will do anyone any good in the long-run. All for another book?
  12. King Cucaracha

    Breaking Kayfabe, December 14, 2004!

    Tom Flesher- Putting me over since September 19th. Well, technically since April. Pure awesome. Here's hoping for some more of these. Especially ones where I get put over.
  13. King Cucaracha

    Death for Scott Peterson

    Unfortunately, it seems death is the easy option for the courts. I agree with Kahran on the situation. It should really be used in situatons where it's neccessetated...where there's no chance of rehabilitation and no way he can go near other humans without being a danger. Surely there's some way criminals of this nature can be put into slave labour, where it does someone good...rather than digging holes or breaking up rocks...that'd be more suited for him. In the 'rotting away slowly' type mould.
  14. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Comments

    OK. Dace if you're reading, or anyone else for that matter. Hell, from a purely storyline driven stand-point, Muzz and Toxxic. Could I possibly get some feedback on the 2/3 Falls Match. Specifically the first two falls, as the third was insanely rushed. It's pretty important to know what to adjust ahead of Slay Ride and...to be honest, we could do with some more comments. Hell, Grand Slam said we need more comments. So do it for him.
  15. King Cucaracha

    It's that time of year

    It's as bad here in England too, so it's not just a U.S thing...the whole world's becoming fearful of not being politically correct. And of course, despite the fact that the majority of people think the ideas are stupid, the minority win out. Because the minority can get supported by lawyers should they get a little tetchy. AoO- If I had a pound for every time someone said 'Happy Holidays' while doing Christmas shopping, I'd be...well, moderately wealthy.
  16. King Cucaracha

    One Last Farewell Message

    SOMEBODY MENTIONED ME! I must be getting old. And I agree with all the constructive criticism because it seems the only time people comment in droves anymore is when Rando wins a match. And that's NEVER a cue for positivity. A lot of the time, I tend to wish I'd joined this place a year earlier which is quite a rough thing to say I guess. Besides that, I'd probably have been in the JL until it went under anyway. Not that that's a bad thing. Spike. Anyway...so long Slammer.
  17. King Cucaracha

    The Alan Clark/Landon Maddix Saga

    Uhm, just for the record, I was being tongue in cheek. Reading it back, it looks a little like I'm disrespecting the almighty Eddie Mac. Who owns me. Thank you.
  18. King Cucaracha

    Underrated Match of the Year???

    May 2nd, yeah. Orton/Benoit's probably one of my matches of the year and I agree on JBL/Eddie too. I'm not sure if it's a question of them being underrated, or just painted over by the anti Orton and JBL comments that fill the board.
  19. King Cucaracha

    The Angle Awards 2004

  20. King Cucaracha

    Underrated Match of the Year???

    I prefer the Summerslam match personally. Mania's lacklustre build-up killed what should have been a RED-HOT match. In my opinion, if built right, it could have rivalled Hart/Austin. Instead, it was a good match that had so much more potential. The ending was bad too. Not to sound too anal over attention to detail, but Angle pulling off the boot was unnatural as he really had to pull the boot off in a way not be-fitting the Ankle Lock. If we're talking underrated, then we have to add in the matches like Orton/Val from Heat and Akio/London from Velocity, as so few people saw them. Maybe Noble/London too, even though that gets a lot of love on here. Also, I really liked Kidman/London at No Mercy. VERY good match that proved to me London could work 'WWE style'.
  21. King Cucaracha

    Batista Appreciation Thread

    I'm a Batista supportet, but outside of the tag scene he has big limitations. His matches with Jericho prove it. Every one of them just seemed very awkward and very sketchy. Obviously, he has the support, look, character etc. So, he'd likely be a success as World Champion somewhere down the line. But, I still don't see him becoming a BIG star and having the one, stellar match that puts him over the top. And for the record, Orton's problems may stem from the pointless World Title run he was given maybe? After the Benoit match, a strong reign would have cemented him as a star. Instead, he got cut off at the knees.
  22. King Cucaracha

    The Alan Clark/Landon Maddix Saga

    Edwin who? This ROCKS! And, yeah, there's probably a load of crap from me and Clark missing here and there too. 8 months. Crazy.
  23. King Cucaracha

    IWA-MS 12/12 card and two 12/18 matches

    I'm more interested in Hallowicked/Hero than Morgan/Hero personally...mainly because of Morgan's inconsistancy in America. Does this mean Hero going over? I'd assume so.
  24. King Cucaracha

    SWF Lockdown Card, 12/15/04

    Opening promo shall be stolen by myself... ...zors~!
  25. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card, 12-10-04!

    This Dagda running gag is gonna fall on it's ass if Dagda starts showing.