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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    Action Figure Wrestling Fed:

    The blue ring that came with the old Hasbro figures and had that add on sound box (with the gold buttons you pressed, getting a ref's two count or something...that was AWESOME back in the day) is a decent-ish size and you can use the weapons that came with the WWF packs like 'Bloodbath Brawl' or whatever the hell they were called, with 6 little plastic figures. I had the dumpster one and the ladder one, both of which were cool weapon sizes. ...wow. I've wasted my life. Cool site.
  2. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card, 12-10-04!

    Never Trust A Student Starring Dace Night as "The Student" Mike Van Siclen as "The Principal" and Danny Dagda as "Guy Who Stands In The Hallway #3"
  3. King Cucaracha

    WWE to promote an ECW Reunion PPV

    It'd be funny to see them explain off Simon Dean appearing on the show. Also, they missed Rosey off the list. Plus, I'm sure Malenko would get himself into wrestling shape for a match. Show itself...wouldn't work. Unless they leave EVERYTHING to Heyman, it won't be authentic. It'd have to be in Viking Hall. The lighting would have to suck. If it's one show, Heyman will look to cram every big ECW type occurence he can think of...the big bumps, emotional storylines, shocking TV...all that stuff in one 3 hour show adds up to a potential car wreck. Even then, he'll probably have limitations on what he can do because with WWE promoting it, McMahon is ultimately responsible if they do something akin to the crucifiction angle. He's also missing a lot of workers, obviously. Forgetting all that, there's no WAY they can live up to non-diehard ECW fans' expectations. You're asking them to cram seven years into 3 hours essentially. Nope. Can't see it.
  4. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card, 12-10-04!

    *paging Thoth* Muzz...did you show in the end, because I really wanted to get on with the next show's promo if I can.
  5. King Cucaracha

    Hilarious Wrestling Moments

    Chavo's dancing in the Hair match against Eddie. Crazy Chavo was such a great character.
  6. King Cucaracha

    What was the feud going into these matches?

    The Andre moment was on one of the talk show segments...I think The Body Shop, not sure. Andre pretty much announces he's with Heenan then, rips off Hogan's chain and walks off laughing. Or something...I haven't watched that show in ages. -Hogan vs. Bundy, Wrestlemania 2: Hogan got attacked by Bundy prior to Mania, held in the corner by two of Heenan's other Family members while Bundy avalanched Hogan in the corner, screwing up his ribs. -Rick Rude vs. Ultimate Warrior, Wrestlemania 5: This had been going for a while. They had the Posedown Challenge at the Royal Rumble, where Rude attacked Warrior. Not sure if the feud started over who had the best body or not though.
  7. King Cucaracha

    Brock Lesnar Ready To Make WWE Return?

    No, no...the You Sold Out chants are good. Besides keeping Brock's feet on the ground obviously, he'll be super over. Give him the same deal as The Rock had...only, football instead of movies. I left, yet a year on I'm still the biggest star on Smackdown sorta deal. Mega heel heat. Assuming of course he is coming back in the first place.
  8. King Cucaracha

    Booking for the 12/16 show from Atlanta

    Glory By Anarchy vs. Los Conquistadors Since this is becoming a running gag, I may actually write it this week too. Maybe some Rodez stuff too, once SOMEONE gets back to me.
  9. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card, 12-10-04!

    No chance! Van Siccy has my match in. 7k plus...
  10. King Cucaracha

    Most impressive wrestling debut.

    Just to be different, Raven. I'm pretty sure it was in Philly, hence the big pop he got as everyone spotted him. Despite him DDTing Lawler, the face
  11. King Cucaracha

    Booking for the 12/9 show

    And the Cage Match is in.
  12. King Cucaracha

    Too much, or just too little effort?

    Which leads to everyone complaining about the lack of importance of the T.V shows. T.V shows in 2000 had the main players facing each other pretty consistantly and buyrates weren't suffering (as far as I remember). They shouldn't be facing each other every week though, that I'd agree with.
  13. King Cucaracha

    Storm predictions~!

    Sacred hasn't had a Cage Match to do for the OAOAST though. For the record, I haven't meaningfully gotten into the match as yet. COLD FRONT CLASSIC FINALS 2 OUT OF 3 FALLS MATCH #1 Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix (SWF Intercontinental-Television Champion) v. #3 Sacred -> Not confident, but whatever. TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Revolution Zero (Toxxic and Sean Davis, SWF Tag Team Champions) v. Hollywood Boulevard (Ghost and "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez) -> Boulevard. We haven't had a ridiculously short title reign recently. HARDCORE MATCH Danny Dagda (accompanied by the Rockettes) v. Carnage -> Dagda, if he writes. HOLY HELL MATCH "The Icon" Max King v. Manson v. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins -> Spike in a slight upset
  14. King Cucaracha

    Injury updates

    Maybe HHH was trying to out-do Orton's chairshot from last week. Or maybe he misjudged them both. If it was someone over than Trips, it would probably have been passed off as an accident by now.
  15. King Cucaracha

    SMarkdown Comments

    If I beat Sacred, I hope they force Dace into marking the spotfest that will be Maddix/Toxxic. That'd be awesome.
  16. King Cucaracha

    SMarkdown Comments

    Dude, I count four plancha variations...one from a REFEREE...right after the bell. I'm no Danny Williams, but if I were I'd say 'that ain't no damn chain wrestling, fool'. Read the first part of the match where there's only two men in the ring together. Cross and Cortez. I'm not saying the chain-wrestling sequence is GOOD, but it's there. Oh, yeah...yeah...very nice... FOUR planchas!?!
  17. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card, 12-10-04!

    We'd appreciate it if you sent it to all three, but if you're in a rush to get off the computer you can probably send it to just one of us and tellwhichever one to pass it along to our marker buddies. Also, Tom already fielded the question, but yes -- we're trying a new format for this main event. Instead of one person's opinion deciding the match, we're going to have all three markers read both matches and then secretly vote for the winner. We're trying to cut down on margin of error in bigger matches -- if this winds up being an effective system, it'll probably be done more often. Right, thanks. Nice idea too. Although, I'm not sure if I'll be able to put Van Siclen, King AND Raynor over in one match.
  18. King Cucaracha

    Final Tough Enough spoiler

    You know, the mention of the Diva Search has given me the horrible idea that they'll do a boxing match...only, with those oversized gimmick gloves the divas used, so no-one gets seriously hurt. Only, minus the selling. Because let's face it, Coach wasn't in a legit fight with the Divas.
  19. King Cucaracha

    WWE DVDs for release next year

    Ok, say if I pre-ordered it for 5.99 and they later adjusted the price to the real thing (which would probably be the 16$ tag they give for most WWE DVDs), would I get charged for the full price or the blatantly obvious pre-order price mistake? Depends how honourable the site is. But if you have a reciept or e-mail confirmation of your order with the 5.99 price, then I'm pretty sure it'd be some sort of offence if they charged you more. Might be a little hassle if they're stubborn, but if the price says 5.99 and you see the price as 5.99 then they can only charge you 5.99.
  20. King Cucaracha

    Clusterfuck Discussion

    Quick notes: Me and Max'll probably be able to do something with our Divas. If Toxxic wanted too, maybe add Jet in...maybe Ebony. That's one extra undercard match for ya. Also, if we're short on bodies and don't have enough old guys to fill in spots, maybe ask a couple of OAOAST guys to enter as a one off shot. Like Dory Funk in the 96 Rumble...guest entrant. It'd be interesting and at least one or two guys could have an outside shot of winning.
  21. King Cucaracha

    The Angle Awards 2004!~

    OAOAST Match of the Year (from memory) Royal Rumble, Anglepalooza Zack Malibu vs. Crystal, School's Out War Games, Great Angle Bash Zack Malibu vs. Crystal, Angleslam Round Robin Gauntlet Match, Dirty Deeds (hey, I have to be nominated for something) Elimination Chamber, Thanksgiving Star Wars Best Writer Panther Displays Most HomoSexual Tendencies Rick Shirley wins. Best HeldDown The HeldDown in Australia. Date escapes me. Best PPV Anglemania III Angleslam World Without End
  22. King Cucaracha

    Possible Jesus Injury

    Smackdown and Raw have completely different fanbases, silly. Don't you listen to Linda?
  23. King Cucaracha

    SMarkdown Comments

    Hmm, yes. Credit to Toxxic for actually doing something involving me, which I probably should have done myself by now. As far as that goes, consider me as suitably feeling the "BURN!" Badass Spike with his badass defacto win. Nifty. Promo one for me. Credit to Stephie Mac for the blatantly borrowed idea. Dagda writes! No wonder my internet caved in briefly this morning. Kudos to him, because the fact is when Dagda writes he's actually quite good. As evidenced here. King is probably one of the more consistant writers in the fed. Another very nice match here with King playing the role of total and utter dick once more. Has King ever won a match cleanly? I promo again! Or since this is the internet, I amz teh promozors~! Or, something. God. Toxxic has another belt. Rev Zero have...another belt. It's all but two now, right? All but three if you count the women's title. Which you probably won't, but should. Dude, I count four plancha variations...one from a REFEREE...right after the bell. I'm no Danny Williams, but if I were I'd say 'that ain't no damn chain wrestling, fool'. Because, Danny Williams likes to impresonate Mr T, apparantly. But, yeah, besides that...sweet and stuff.
  24. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card, 12-10-04!

    Call me stupid, but why does my match have three markers? Have I got to send the match to all three, as I assume...or just one, who'll send it on to the others.
  25. King Cucaracha

    Clusterfuck Discussion

    Yeah, basically it's a 20 Man/Person Royal Rumble that gives you a title shot at the next show. Something which I totally want in on by the way CCers.