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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    Angle's hometown challenge

    Angle losing to an unknown would kill his career. It's on a slippery slide after SurSer as it is. If it was, say, a 'recognisable' indie star or a guy with history like Puder (UFC) or the Olympic guy, then it'd be okayish. Fact is, no-one will buy Wrestlemania for Angle/some Unknown. Angle/Puder has interest already. Angle/HBK will sell Mania on it's back.
  2. King Cucaracha


    I checked, it is self defense. Some states have rules where if someone points their finger at you and says something you can have them attrested for assault. Throwing something into the face of someone is assault, even if they throw or kick dirt into your face. It's not a high class one, but it is assault. Well, as I say I'm no law expert, especially American law which changes from state to state obviously. Still, I think even claiming self defence won't help the players in this situation. Fact is, the NBA are gonna be under massive pressure to make an example of the players and not look soft.
  3. King Cucaracha

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    Also, the rules must all be defaulted. So if you've got entrances turned off, it may not work. And yeah, best way to do it is to take advantage of shortcuts...like using Big Show in the 3 on 1 match against the Divas.
  4. King Cucaracha


    To everyone claiming self defence, technically wouldn't self defence be only before or during an attack...or if you assumed the attacker was ready to so something else. If someone throws a beer at you but doesn't look like taking the fight on any further, attacking him wouldn't be classed as self defence surely. Admitedly, I'm not up on law, but that's my understanding. Anyway, having not seen it yet (Saturday=soccer for us Brits), I won't comment on whever it was right to go into the crowd or not. The one thing that'll be interesting in all this besides suspensions is the knock on effect. Interest has gone up suddenly, but I'd imagine attendance might suffer from this. Parents watching this are going to be a lot more cautious about getting their kids court-side seats, at least for a year or so until everything completely dies down. As for suspension. The nearest thing to this in soccer that I can remember was a player jumping into the crowd and hitting a fan with a karate kick before continuing the attack with punches...and he got an eight month suspension. NBA wise, I remember Rodman doing something back in the 90's to a ref. How long did he get? The NBA might be wise to use that as some sort of measuring stick.
  5. King Cucaracha

    SWF Smarkdown Card, 11/22!

    Uhm, just for posterity, if me and Spike both win our matches and therefore face each other in the semi finals, then I'm willing to use it for Spike's long overdue ICTV Title shot.
  6. Yeah, it depends on where in the country you are I think. Where I'm at, we have three tiers...with upper being like high school, which you join at 13. But obviously it could differ. As for the kids being stupid, it depends. Obviously they'd have to be naive at the least. If the teacher was convincing and trusted enough though, set up enough of a convincing story and got other teachers to play the assembly up as important...concievably, at 12 to 13, you could see why she'd get the reaction she did. If it happened at most schools in Britain though, you'd be more likely for the kids to riot than cry. It's not like we usually need an excuse.
  7. King Cucaracha

    Angle's hometown challenge

    I find it funny that they had Angle say he wants to prove to the world that he's the greatest wrestler there is by doing this. Isn't that what that belt thingy JBL has is for? So where's this going? Wishful thinking, but here goes. Scenario one would be Puder if he doesn't win TE. Then there's the Olympic wrestler they were rumoured to be talking about a while back, who's name escapes me. And thirdly. Anyone know when Smackdown's next in San Antonio?
  8. King Cucaracha

    PROMO: Car Park Safety

    Well, so much for me struggling to think of a match plan. Thanks Toxx.
  9. King Cucaracha

    Spain face racism inquiry from FIFA

    I dunno. Most of the problems in recent years with English clubs in the UEFA Cup came against teams from Eastern Europe.
  10. King Cucaracha

    Spain face racism inquiry from FIFA

    It doesn't help that the Spanish manager called one of the top players in the world a 'black shit' a few weeks before these matches.
  11. King Cucaracha

    ECW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Wasn't it at Guilty As Charged? Okay, at Hardcore Heaven '97 the Triple Threat were in the ring after Douglas' World Title win. Then, The Dudleyz came down and there was a big brawl at the end of show with if IIRC The Dudleyz destroying some of the 'lesser' wrestlers. What was that all about?
  12. King Cucaracha

    Best of Snitsky DVD

    Wow, the lure of Snitsky in a TLC Match may be too much to resist.
  13. King Cucaracha

    Booking for the 11/25 show from St. Louis!

    Non Title ExtravaGANZA~! Leon Rodez © vs. The Mad Cappa
  14. King Cucaracha

    The OAO Cold Front Classic Gambling Thread!

    Quarters Maddix Spike Sacred King Semis Maddix Sacred Final Sacred
  15. King Cucaracha

    Smarkdown Predictions

    Main Event – SWF World Championship Match Toxxic © vs. Carnage Duh. It's Toxxic. Cruiserweight Rules Match Kaine vs. Ghost Did I mention that I know who it is? Cause I do. Cold Front Classic Quarterfinal Match! #1. Landon Maddix © vs. #9. Christian Fury © n/p Cold Front Classic Quarterfinal Match! #4. Todd Cortez © vs. #5. “Hollywood” Spike Jenkins © Close one, but I say Spike'll edge it. Cold Front Classic Quarterfinal Match! #3. Sacred vs. #6. Manson Looks like he's back, with a bang. HOFer=teh winz. Cold Front Classic Quarterfinal Match! #2. Max King vs. #7. David Cross He won on LDown, so I'll go with him here too. Penn Station Brawl for the Hardcore Gamers #1 Contender Slot Sean Davis vs. Danny Dagda vs. Austin Sly The only one of the three I'd guarantee a show from.
  16. King Cucaracha

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    I managed to beat the Crossface challenge with Rock in about a 5 minute match. What difficulty are you on Show?
  17. King Cucaracha

    SWF Lockdown Card

    Actually, isn't it 'said my piece'? Anyway, I don't blame you for not being particularly fired up to write against the dolt Dagda. Apologies for putting you against him I guess. Fact is, you showed which is more than certain people 'in' the fed. But yeah, if it were me, I'd have probably wrote a Haiku and nothing else...eh Spike? Is the site terminably slow for anyone else, or just me?
  18. King Cucaracha

    Hilary Duff has a reason to be scared of clowns

    Man, it must be hell washing all that paint off your face at a night. Poor girl. Yeah, that's the best I've got.
  19. King Cucaracha

    Scenario for long term angle....

    Not in the WWE. Most fans' attention spans are probably far too short for such a slow-build angle, unless it's carried out between two real stars. Austin/Rock would have worked in the role in 99 maybe. Bear in mind, a year is a LONG time in WWE land. Think of Rock in Jan 99, compared to Rock in Jan '00. Also, so long as it's not played like Austin/HHH. You can't have a year of 'Wrestler A provokes Wrestler B ever week'. It'd be hard to carry out. If it were, for example, a ROH type fed where the shows aren't quite so regular then it may be a little easier and effective.
  20. King Cucaracha

    Favorite Underused WWE Wrestler?

    I'm deadly serious.
  21. King Cucaracha

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    Well, you can put text boxes on if you want...and there may be a way to turn the voiceovers down/off. What else it would affect I don't know. And I guess the voiceovers are the main reason you can't use legends in season mode. Still, as I said earlier...the voiceovers are good for comedy value if nothing else.
  22. King Cucaracha

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    Well, I've finally rented it and it's not all that bad. Not great, certainly. But not bad. Not as bad as some people have made out. Then again, maybe I'm not looking for same things in the game as others. I'm glad they've finally done something about seperating taunts from interference in tag matches and I like how now, whipping your opponent into their corner in a tag amtches causes them to bounce back out rather than sit in the corner and not make the tag for some reason. Also, there's some new counters in the game. The voiceovers are good for comedy value too. I laughed my ass off first time I heard Vince...he hams up ever line beautifully. As for the Rumble...has anyone found out how to do the press slam out yet? I know that after a certain amount of damage you can throw people straight out as the ringout meter is ignored. But, I still haven't used the press slam.
  23. King Cucaracha

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    On the UK coverage subject, was there any truth to the rumour that TNT was planning to show WCW PPVs in some capacity before the buy-out, or was that false. Also... 1) How long did Owen Hart last in the company. I remember him being around in the early 90s and getting a couple of wins. Must have been in the years between The Blue Blazer and The Rocket. 2) Same with Art Barr as The Juicer. And did he ever get used as anything more than enhancement talent. 3) Was the deal with Goldberg injuring himself on the car window down to an arguement with Scott Hall? 4) Did Bischoff's plans of giving away Raw results ever work in WCW's favour in terms of ratings, before Foley vs Rock. 5) Regarding the D-X Invasion of WCW...did anyone ever have the idea to let D-X into the building at any point and what affect do you believe letting them in would have had on WCW?
  24. King Cucaracha

    RVD Mocks WWE hardcore

    Didn't he say the exact same thing on Eddie's DVD, in the commentary for RVD/Eddie. And for the record, he's likely talking about the Crash Holly era of the division...and if so, he has a valid point.
  25. King Cucaracha

    WWE News & Notes from the 11/15 Observer

    LOL You can really see the research that was done here Well, he wrestles in Britain, so he can't be that important.