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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    The OAO Taboo Tuesday thread

    What was up with the computery effect they put on the show? I got halfway through Y2J/Benjamin and couldn't watch anymore without wanting to vomit so ended up recording it...and I still can't sit through more than 10/20 minutes at a time. I know the voting was done on the internet and I don't need reminding in three years by a an odd screen effect, especially with JR and King on commentary.
  2. King Cucaracha

    This year's buzz word

    To be fair, GLC are pretty much a spoof, or at the very least they're joking around and not really serious 'chavs'. It's the serious ones that annoy the fuck out of me.
  3. King Cucaracha

    Vote for Stevie for Taboo Tuesday

    The people deleting cookies and voting Benoit 10 times will likely be cancelled out by people wise enough to delete cookies and impressionable enough to vote HBK 100 times. Because you know those sorts of people have plenty of time on their hands. Just saying as all. STEVIE~!
  4. King Cucaracha

    (`·._ (`·._.:The New SWF Stats Thread:._.·`) _.·`)

    The OAO "I Can't Believe I'm Doing This" stats... Smarks Board Name: King Cucaracha Wrestlers Name: Megan Skye Nickname(s): The Perfect 10 (or Landon's perfect 10 more specifically) Height: 5'10" Weight: 110lbs Hometown: Pawtucket, RI Age: 24 Face/Heel: Face Stable: None Ring Escort: Landon Maddix Weapon(s): Towel Quotes/Sayings: Looks: The 'generic blonde', I guess. Medium length blonde hair, big blue eyes, captivating smile and ample cleavage. They're real though. I guess the closest wrestling comparison would be Trish Stratus. In the ring, she'll generally wear some sort of leather pants. If you've got it, flaunt it, as the kids say. A favorite item of clothing is a more female suited 'Cheat To Win' top, to match Maddix...so that'll often be her clothing of choice. Wears elbow and knee pads just for safety's sake. Black fingerless gloves on the hands, and her choice of brand-name trainers. Out of the ring, with Card gone, Megan no longer wears the lavish dresses or expensive jewellery. She's seen the error of her 'greedy' ways and now dresses in more 'casual' attire. Jeans and fashionable tops are common, and she more often than not wears trainers. But even in the newer, casual style, she manages to look hot. Again, think Trish I guess. ---SINGLES INFO--- Basic Ring Entrance: Erm...for now, "All For You" by Janet Jackson plays and from there Megan walks out with Landon. Something more detailed to follow. Stats: ¯¯¯¯¯ Strength: 1 (Basic female strength of, say, Trish Stratus. She can wrestle and lift your average female/the really scrawny Cruisers. Above that though and she'll struggle, as she's only recently begun actual wrestling training.) Speed: 4 (Pretty quick, with a lot of her offense based on speed. Nimble too, as she's been working somewhat on footwork. Her Nike trainers help with mobility.) Vitality: 3 (Well, as said before, Megan has only just started actual wrestling training. So as yet, the developed cardio-vascular reserve isn't there. She's not used to take physical abuse either, so most moves will put her down.) Charisma: 8 (Over. Mega-over once she establishes herself a bit. For this, think of early Sable when she began to get involved in matches. She can talk, she can get entire crowds chanting in the blink of an eye. The fact she can kick ass doesn't hurt either.) Signature moves: Skye Dive- Top Rope Crossbody. The Skye Is The Limit- Sweet Shin Music. Rocker Dropper Kickboxing Offence- Yes, Megan can kickbox. Betcha didn't know that, eh? Yeah. Quick jabs and kicks are the staple of Megan's offence, as she can hit and move to hopefully avoid actually...you know, wrestling, more experienced opponents. Chick Kick- Not exactly kick-boxing. Hard roundhouse kick to the head which does considerable damage. Neckbreaker 'Common' Moves: Technical Basics- (The things any wrestler must know, like headlocks and armbars. Nothing really much more advanced than that.) DDT Variations- (From different positions at different times.) Armdrags Dropkick Vertical Suplex Woman's Scoop Slam Hairmare/Hairbeil Clothesline Short-Arm Clothesline Bulldog Headlock Knifedge Chops Forearms Slaps Rare moves: Skye Rocket- Top Rope Crossbody, only with Maddix throwing Megan from the top, Rocket Launcher style. The Wrath Of Megan- The Figure Four. So called, because anybody ever associated with Todd Royal called it the Wrath of whatever. Megancanrana- Top Rope Hurricanrana *THE SECRET, MYSTERY FINISHER*- You don't know what this is, because it's an actually wrestling move (shock horror) and when Megan does hit it, it will be match over and it will come as a major shock most likely. Think when Sable first hit the TKO. Finishers: Impact- Skye Lyte- Tornado DDT. Notes: Ever watched a WWE women's match? Megan has. Outside of the basics, she's still very much in the dark. A novice. However, she's learning. And to her credit, she has been watching and studying a lot of matches recently in an attempt to get a better grasp of ring knowledge. Having a two-time ICTV Champion guiding her isn't a bad thing either. Gets a high-flying style from Maddix, while she does know the basics of technical wrestling from her days with Todd Royal. Oh, and of course she can kick-box. Don't be fooled though, Megan is no Annie Eclectic or Andrea Montgomery. She's very much an untrained valet, trying to become a wrestler. Bio: Megan Skye is possibly the only person other than Todd Royal and Landon who believed/believes Royal's hype and was dubbed the one and only "Toddess". Yes, she's a face and yes she is a valet...but Skye will do still anything and everything to help her man win should she need to. She certainly won't think twice about interjecting herself in a desperate fix. Infact, recently, she has been in training with Landon and now knows the basic basics of wrestling. So, if she interjects herself, it may not simply be a lowblow anymore. It may be one of the above moves. Not just a pretty face, eh? The difference now is, she seems to be relishing the chance to play face. So far, she's been a heel all her career. But she's a pure attention seeker and isn't shy about getting chants or claps going. Infact, if it wasn't for Megan, it's likely Maddix wouldn't be a face anyway. It's amazing what fans will do when confronted with a nice pair of... ...eyes. SWF Record- 0-0-0
  5. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card, 10-22-04

    Is it bad that I'm actually excited about my match? And, since I'm unofficially handling the title histories now, I take it this means Kelly's title actually makes it onto the list now.
  6. King Cucaracha

    The OAO Raw is Interactive Thread for 10.18.04

    Well, you promised...
  7. King Cucaracha

    The OAO Raw is Interactive Thread for 10.18.04

    Hey, if the prospect of Jazz in a French maid outfit isn't revolutionary enough for you Rando, then damn it nothing is!
  8. King Cucaracha

    TSM Emerald Nuts

    TV's Sam Malone loves The Smart Marks
  9. King Cucaracha

    WWE to tape more RAW and SD in UK

    Yeah, but they were UK exclusive. And sucked. So the buyrates were very likely low enough not to warrant making shows that American fans wouldn't see 'live'. As for this news, that's all well and good, but now that WWE PPVs cost money over his in Britain as of next year, the casual fans are going to ditch the product and I can see WWE's popularity over here dropping pretty dramatically. After all, why should we pay £15.99 for a mediocre PPV when we already have the Wrestling Channel for three...and why will people follow the product when they're not watching the PPVs?
  10. King Cucaracha

    The OAO Raw is Interactive Thread for 10.18.04

    So, who's going to be the first guy to say 'Let's Have A Poll' tonight? My money's on Benoit. Or Scott Hall. "Survey Says..."
  11. King Cucaracha

    TSM Emerald Nuts

    Topless Sailor Men love The Smart Marks
  12. King Cucaracha

    "Monster Tag Team" Tournament...

    Well, Roma was pretty jakked back in the day. And Jacques was pretty chunky towards the end of their 98' run.
  13. King Cucaracha

    Girls aren't funny.

    i may have to rethink my position then. come to think of it, there IS something not-quite-right about her, and she was making placenta jokes at the diner the other night. hmm. Gotta love that female sense of humour, eh?
  14. King Cucaracha


    Welshmen taste funny?
  15. King Cucaracha

    Girls aren't funny.

    Well, for a start, teenage girls generally watch shitty T.V 'comedies'. From a young age, their sense of humour doesn't get above 'pie in the face'. So, you can blame Hilary Duff et all.
  16. King Cucaracha

    English Football

    Yeah, I've got it on rental ATM and the graphics are so much better than in 3 it's scary. Not that 3 was 'bad', but 4 eclipses it. Still a little iffy on the gameplay changes but it's certainly more pleasing to the eye.
  17. King Cucaracha

    A question to UK fans

    It's all there. I haven't got Mania 1/2 so I can't say on that, but the rest are certainly complete.
  18. King Cucaracha

    Build-A-Card #2

  19. King Cucaracha

    "Monster Tag Team" Tournament...

    Power and Glory Quebecers (Jacques and Pierre)
  20. King Cucaracha

    Hilarious Wrestling Moments

    That was the post Sep 11th Smackdown, right?
  21. King Cucaracha

    Debate on the worst PPVs of all time!

    Okey-doke. First, the opener. You have Jim Neidhart and Bulldog, both only employed because they're Bret's buddies and therefore have no actual storyline. No reason to be on PPV. So putting them in the opener, with Disco and Alex Wright who are pretty much comedy wrestlers...for over 11 minutes!?! Why!?! WCW's policy was generally to put hot matches on first to fire up the crowd. This killed them. The Jericho/Fake Goldberg incident is already infamous enough. Goldberg vs. Jericho would have done brilliant business as Goldberg was near the peak of his popularity still and Jericho was becoming a valuable heel. So having him squash a Goldberg impersonator instead of having an actual match was pure crap. Miller vs. Smiley? Boring. The Steiners match was terrible, but the ending was even worse. If I remember correctly, this was the one where they had Buff fake a repeat of his neck injury. I think that's about all that needs to be said, as it really speaks for itself. Disgusting. Distasteful. Crap. Silver King had no right to be in the Cruiser spot. The next two matches were ok, but certainly nothing special. Now, let's have some more distateful gimmicks! Scott Hall. In the middle of his 'addiction to drink' storyline which pretty much offended everyone who saw it. And Konnan was certainly no carry job expert, leading to another poor match. The War Games meanwhile was pure crap. First of all, the format was changed in the stupidest move in War Games history. Even worse thant he Dungeon Of Doom. There were no teams, you could win by pin, and you could win 'at any time'. So Bret and DDP started, and it could have ended before anyone else even got out. Yeah, right. Like that was going to happen. The line-up is pretty untalented really, the average age has to be sky high. Oh, and there's the small matter of Hogan, Stevie Ray, The Disciple, some weird smoke and two Warriors. Warrior breaking through the Cage was hilarious, especially when you take into account the fact he injured himself doing it. Just to top matters, DDP then wins it...to ZERO crowd reaction. When you think of the money the nine men were making at the time, it's an embarrassment.
  22. King Cucaracha


    Well, like I say, it's all been sorted out now so it's all cool. And believe me, I know how time consuming school can be, so it's all understood. But still...The Baldwins!?!
  23. King Cucaracha


    Ah, it's all sorted now. We're going to have The Baldwins make their debut with a four on two beatdown. Instant heel heat.
  24. King Cucaracha


    *tears hair out* King vs. Maddix, pre A2A = st00pid. Seriously, I'm drawing blanks as to how to make this work. Max, expect a PM soon.
  25. King Cucaracha

    Tony Hawk's Underground 2

    A few? There's about 6 or 7 actual skaters in the game now. But no problem. You can play as Benjamin Franklin and Shrek if you want! Rented it out, completed story mode in a few hours and the game is decent enough. Far too MTV though. It's alright if you want to play as Steve O on a mechanical bull, I suppose. But the shelf-life is pretty limited now. I got a little way through classic mode too, which seems decent enough. But again, after a while the game has lost it's appeal as there's not enough to actually do. And yeah, as someone said, the levels are surprisingly small now. Okay for a rental, but not much more.