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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    Good Night, Irene.

    Well, as the guy who ended your career... Nah, best not go there. But while we're on that subject, seriously, you asking me to be the guy to go out to was the biggest honour I've had in my entire time in the fed. Hands down. And I think King pretty much said it all as far as your standing goes. I remember when I was back in the JL, trying to read through the old and current SWF shows to try and get a feel of where to aim for. And I remember going straight for your matches. Or Ejiro's, but that's besides the point. Keep dropping in man, and good luck with the law stuff. I ever need a lawyer, I'll call you. I doubt any of the others would know what a Yakuza Kick is. Oh, and hey, maybe this time next year, eh. I never did get that singles match against you.
  2. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card, September 24th

    Uhm, yeah, I'd best do something then.
  3. King Cucaracha

    Genesis V comments

    Well, to Edwin, I was down too and didn't get much done personally, so credit from me to Grand Slam...to add to your credit to me and GS...yeah. Then again, I have an excuse for not writing that much which may or not be anemia (sp?). Yippee. Anyway...when I get some spare time (and any sort of energy) then I'll try and give actual comments, but for now a big salute to Taamo on an awesome 'career'.
  4. King Cucaracha

    Brian Clough passes away

    Well, legend is a much over-used word but in this case it's totally justified. A true legend. Good player, great manager...never afraid to speak his mind. He'll be much missed. RIP Brian Clough.
  5. King Cucaracha

    The Ryder Cup tees off

    Nice to see Monty getting the deciding putt too.
  6. King Cucaracha

    New Smackdown GM?

    Off topic, but what they hay. Am I the only one who thinks Teddy looks unhealthily skinny? Seriously...re-watching Smackdown, it looked like his suit was hanging off him.
  7. Phff, c'mon Czech...that's not very sensible now, is it?
  8. King Cucaracha

    The Rise and Fall of ECW

    Actually it was Samu and Rosey I believe. I forget their exact names during the era, but I think Rosey was "Night Train". Samu might have been "Sammy Slick" or something similar. Yeah, the other guy wasn't Jamal. 'Sammy Slick' rings a bell and Samu makes sense, so it was likely them.
  9. King Cucaracha

    Worse no sell of all time

    I still can't remember what Nitro this was from, but I'm assuming some time in late 2000. Jarrett versus Sting and Jarrett puts Sting through a table, only for Sting to get straight back up. A little hazy on details but I still remember thinking 'what the fuck' when Sting got up.
  10. King Cucaracha

    Why is it I can watch crappy wrestling

    Nostalgia I guess. Plus now, with the journalistic side of kayfabe so damaged, the bad parts of wrestling are so much more open, the whole backstage situation...where as the older wrestling, you know that for example Hogan changed the Rumble '90 ending...it's, just not that big of a deal when you're watching it. But now, it becomes a big deal because people have a place to discuss/rant. But, yeah, mainly nostalgia. EDIT: It's like adults who still watch Sesame Street, because it brings back childhood memories I guess. If you liked it at one point in your life, chances are you'll remember it fondly.
  11. King Cucaracha

    The Rise and Fall of ECW

    Not certain, but wasn't Rosey one of the Samoan Gangsta Party? If it wasn't him, then one of them looked damn like him.
  12. King Cucaracha

    The OAO Fantasy League Thread

    Team mediocrity picks... *shock horror* ...a good worker, in Bryan Danielson.
  13. King Cucaracha

    Hilarious Wrestling Moments

    Sting vs. Scott Hall from Uncensored 98 (I think), Hall hits a chokeslam and then starts mocking The Giant by doing a lumbering 'monster' walk. I'm pretty sure he did it more than once during that time too.
  14. King Cucaracha

    Eddie's DVD

    Yeah, if you've got the SurSer 02 DVD, they have a post-match interview with the Guerreros and they both seem totally dejected about the match. I guess it's only on there as it focuses on all parts of the SD Six, rather than other matches with just 2 or 4 in.
  15. King Cucaracha

    WWE concerned over Raw rating

    I just re-watched Vengeance '01, to see how Jericho's title reign started and to everyone moaning about Triple H's involvements in Jericho's title reign, the problem starts here. He needs Vince's help to beat The Rock, Vince AND Booker's help to beat Austin. The crowd just die when he wins the final match...apart from a couple of audible fans. Hell, Austin/Jericho starts with a Triple H chant even though he wasn't in the company. Jericho got the title too early. You can blame Triple H and whatever all you want. Austin/Rock was the Vengeance money match, Jericho was about the fifth star on the rankings at the time. The way he won did nothing to help, but Jericho was given the belt about 3 or 4 months too early anyway. And while we're on the subject of transitional champions...Orton had the belt for about a fifth of the time Y2J did. If we're talking transitional champions, Orton is right up there which MAY just have something to do with any drop of overness that may or may not have happened.
  16. King Cucaracha

    WWE concerned over Raw rating

    So, a 3 on 1 'OMG, BISCHOFF IS EVIL, HOW CAN RANDY DEFEAT EVOLUTION!?!' match, where you just knew here'd be a post match run in from every face on the roster that's had something to do with Evolution in the past month didn't draw a good rating? Well, colour me surprised. I agree Orton was turned too quick though. Plus, Vince seems to have forgotten how to handle face turns nowadays. It seems like every over heel that gets a face turn suddenly becomes dull and predictable. It's happened with Eddie and Cena on Smackdown, Orton, Jericho and I guess Rhyno on Raw...hell, you can go even further back. 2001 Angle. Most recent Rock turns. Lesnar's turn in 2002 to some extent. Almost every Big Show face turn. If someone gets over as a heel, they instantly get hot-shotted into a face...without thought for the fact that they're over as a heel because something is being done right. Why fix what isn't broke?
  17. If how grabs Angle around the throat and shoves him against a wall, what is Angle gonna do exactly? Show doesn't need quick hands to punch Angle in that position, and I'd wager that if Show punched someone that they wouldn't be getting up any time soon. I could see Angle taking him by the legs, but it'd be hard for Angle to get as good of a grip on Show as he would anyone else to do any damage...and if Show landed on Angle, then it'd be fight over. As for the 'Show getting blown up' arguement, if it goes more than 5 minutes then I'd consider it. But he's not going to get winded any quicker than that. 500 pounds or not, he's not THAT badly conditioned.
  18. I'd imagine that Big Show could beat Angle. Angle could obviously take him in an amateur style fight once Show is blown up. But he's not going to just reach up and grab Show in a front facelock, is he? Show is a damn powerful guy and if he knows how to throw a punch, he'd do serious damage to Angle. Olympic medallist or not, if Show grabbed you by the throat up against a wall I'd imagine you wouldn't be able to much before he punched your face in.
  19. King Cucaracha

    Ahem, Frisco, we need to talk...

    Well, yeah, I was meaning more 'Original' Blazenwing rather than 'Changed Blazenwing But Still, Do You Remember That Time We Threatened To Sue Him' Blazenwing. Plus they both have their own feds. Or, something.
  20. King Cucaracha

    2004 Departure Thread

    I guess you could add Linda 'Shaniqua' Miles to the list.
  21. Man, Eddie would kick Angle's ass in a fight. When Angle gets him and a front facelock, all Eddie needs to do is pull Angle's tights down. Angle'll get embarrassed, release the facelock...BAM, powder to the eyes and Eddie's got Angle right where he wants him. I bet Angle never dealt with THAT in the Olympics.
  22. King Cucaracha

    Booking for 9/16 HeldDown: Australia!

    Wow, I should really read this stuff. If you're posting the show mid-todayish then Rodez/Drek may be a little late, as I didn't see the "get everything to me by Wednesday" line. It should be done by about 8 GMT, maybe earlier...just a warning.
  23. King Cucaracha

    Ahem, Frisco, we need to talk...

    Frisc...has anyone ever introduced you to a Mr. Blazenwing? I think you'd get along swimmingly.
  24. King Cucaracha

    Riots in London and people force their way into

    British Parliament is funny enough when everyone's there. You've got PM Blair and the other guy, leader of the opposition or whatever, basically trading snide jabs. And after every one, you've got all the other ministers in the background cheering them on. It's like a playground arguement half the time. And as if all this wasn't bad enough, the real farce is the security. There are armed police in the House (Word.), but the people who ran in got chased and grabbed by a bunch of ex servicemen wearing tights and carrying swords in their pockets. It's great to be British.
  25. King Cucaracha

    English Football

    United only manage a draw, while Liverpool beat last year's runners up 2-0, leaving United as the only English team not to win their opening tie. I still have faith though. As long as there's such a thing as 'injury time', we'll be getting points.