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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    Smackdown Spoilers

    ...not to mention the launchings of "Joey" (i.e. the "Friends" spinoff) and the new season of "The Apprentice". Smackdown will almost certainly do worse in ratings than two weeks ago. "Joey" will bomb. -=Mike Which is a shame. Drea rules. The thing is, Joey was never even close to interesting enough to warrant a spinoff. With the exception of Ross, everyone else would have been a better choice. Eh, I dunno. Depends if you count Monica as a single spin-off, or if she'd naturally be with Chandler. If not, I'd say watching a spin-off solely about her would probably prompt me to tear my eyes from their sockets and plug them in my ears.
  2. King Cucaracha


    Rumble '95 isn't, but '91 is as a double DVD with '92's Rumble. Not sure which you were referring to. However, the way these double DVD's are coming out here in the UK, '93 and '94 Rumbles should be out before the end of the year...which would mean '95 and '96 first quarter of next year. If they continue bringing them out, which they probably will, as they've now got IYH 1 and 2 and Battle Royal at the Albert Hall/UK Rampage '91 coming out.
  3. Yep, funny to see the paper (Mirror, right?) got worked by this too.
  4. King Cucaracha

    Unforgiven this Sunday

    Other than the Diva Search, I can't see what else would make it on...apart from maybe a Tomko squash, or maybe another Coach/Eugene match. Or Coach and Cade as a team.
  5. King Cucaracha

    English Football

    The question after Austria/England is, how long until Carlo Cudicini gets a call-up for the England squad. Apparantly he officially qualifies now, as he's been living in the country for five(?) years and has no Italy caps. Of course, he needs games for Chelsea first, as Cech has proved to be a great signing and pushed him onto the bench. But I say he's worth a try. Newcastle hiring Souness was a surprise in a way, as they seemed so dead-set on a Geordie like Brucie. Not sure if it's a good decision or not really...Souness always seems to have bad relationships with players (see Cole, Yorke) and that was Bobby's biggest problem.
  6. King Cucaracha

    The OAO Fantasy League Thread

    First pick: Jeff Jarrett
  7. King Cucaracha

    Yknow how I do stuff...

    So, what's this red x guy like in real life. He always seems like such an enigma when you see him on the 'net...so mysterious.
  8. King Cucaracha

    Favourite All Time

    I like it went he was lost for words on commentary after a big move replay, so would resort to busting the "OOOH....NOOOOOOOOO!"
  9. King Cucaracha

    Hi-Ho, it's off to University I go!

    Good luck man and here's hoping your back soon to tear my matches apart again.
  10. King Cucaracha

    Hilarious Wrestling Moments

    Hurricane trying a double chokeslam on Hunter and Austin at the 02 Rumble. And during Benoit/Rey/Angle from one Smackdown, watch for the spot where Benoit runs at Rey who avoids him...Benoit looks to be heading for Angle but puts the brakes on, and pulls THE WORST excuse for a 'shocked' facial expression ever. Funny stuff.
  11. King Cucaracha

    Dress code continues to be annoying

    No, but jeans are 'comfort wear', where as most of the people who don't like the dress code likely only wear smart shirt and pants when they actually have to. It's a mental thing probably. They associate shirt and pants with 'work' and it makes going to the arena seem like 'work, maybe. That and the fact they're no longer free to choose what to wear. I see your point though.
  12. King Cucaracha

    Dress code continues to be annoying

    I'm not pro-dress code, but AS does have a semblance of a point. It doesn't hurt for members of the roster to look slightly smarter than they usually would. It does create a good first impression to fans, even if they don't 'care' about it they'll notice it. Then again, if they're too strict on the dress code then obviously it's gonna cause problems, considering it's a new thing. It would have been smarter for Vince, who correct me if I'm wrong IS still a 'business man', to have been smarter in trying to keep his workers contented. Bringing in a strict dress-code instantly after so many years of not having one is going to cause more of a problem than introducing one gradually. Now, if they were smart, they'd be enforcing a dress code where the roster have to wear their merchandise 24/7. That way, it's always on display and fans are more likely to notice Trips' new shirt and think "hey, I want one of those!"
  13. King Cucaracha

    ecw rise and fall dvd

    Ok, am I right in thinking the 'main' part of the DVD is going to be in the same sort of style as "The Monday Night Wars", as in it's a a mini-documentary...and then, the matches are bonuses. If so then I'll be getting it regardless of the matches, just to see how they play this. Seriously...the matches aren't supposed to be the selling point of this DVD. Monday Night Wars had 4 matches and a bunch of skits. I already own the last four matches, but the matches aren't really what the DVD is being brought out for. If that makes any sense.
  14. King Cucaracha

    Booking for the 9/9 show, from the MOON!

    I'll probably do some Rodez promo fun, unless that conflicts with anything anyone else has planned (i.e the RR thingy).
  15. King Cucaracha


    Kewl show, kewl beans. Possibly more feedback when I get off my sickbed. Until then, Zack's character, COD and Shirley's madness are particular highlights.
  16. King Cucaracha

    I am make a comic!!

    *remembers when I used something like that as a visual aid in a match* *remembers it was booked by Thoth* Good times.
  17. King Cucaracha

    How about a Mega Fantasy "Competition"?

    Eh, count me in too.
  18. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card - September 3rd!

    Don't worry, I'm not showing let alone promoing. I feel ROUGH as hell and it's enough for me just browsing the site before my head starts spinning. I did have a half-assed comedy match planned involving a banana, a golf club and Irwin R.Schyster...but I don't even have the energy to do that, so congrats to Mask I guess.
  19. King Cucaracha


    Am I the only one who doesn't get why everyone's connecting this to e-feds when it's totally different. Seriously, it's no different from most fantasy sports things. It has nothing to do with e-feds. It's totally different from an e-fed. You don't create storylines as it's TOTALLY DIFFERENT FROM E-FEDS.
  20. King Cucaracha

    SD! Spoilers

    Point to jfscjrjseiswhatever. Besides, there's plenty more than 2:00 worth of cruiserweights on most of the shows recently. Point against. Everything Angle has been doing recently has been making me switch off. Comedy feuds I can deal with. BAD comedy feuds, maybe. BAD comedy feuds in the main event position? Bad for Smackdown. He has been de-pushed though. He's looked like pure crap one way or another in the way he's been booked recently. Batista, no he isn't and no it wasn't. Feuding with KENZO!?! Uhm, I think you could call that 'avoiding the issue' there. Nobody said Kenzo on his own made Smackdown bad. They just said he sucks. Which he does. True, and Bubba plays an excellent heel still. Doing something different though? Like, what? True. Taker is not the the best part of Smackdown as he's seemingly only on every other week (on average). What does he bring to the table? The same 'Everyone fears the Undertaker' storyline we've been having since 1991? It's NOTHING, not nonthing. But, yeah, you have a point here. Aside from Kenzo's character the bad on Raw is worse than the bad on Smackdown.
  21. King Cucaracha

    SD! Spoilers

    Fitting, eh? Sad thing is, Luther/Eddie will likely be a better feud because I can't see Luther playing the comedic heel goof. Then again, that's all anyone in the WWE thinks Eddie can do now, so who knows. Seriously? I agree that I'm finding it better than Raw, but 'can't miss'? I think my fast forward button will disagree with you. Kidman/London looks promising. Forgive me for bringing this old chestnut up again, but it's the perfect for London to do the Shooting Star. Have Kidman keep being hesitant to use it, until eventually London says 'fuck this' and does it himself. Of course, then we'll probably get a fake injury angle and London not caring about the opponent to turn him heel. London, bump machine, and the prospect of seeing Cole running for his life could be passable. CCC looks like it could work. But, Kenzo is officially the worst heel on Smackdown as of this moment. It's like the lamest cheap heat and laziest booking ("I hate you because you're a Mexican pretending to be American". Didn't we do that last month?) rolled up into one, untalented goof with your generic Oriental gimmick. Oh, but with a twist. He SMILES! Only, it's not a good smile. It's a STUPID SMILE! Genius!
  22. King Cucaracha

    Needed: Five Characters for a month's period

    Uhm, I'm likely not doing anything so...yeah, if you need someone then you can consider Rodez.
  23. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card - September 3rd!

    And I officially feel like shit. Which either means I have more time to write or no energy to write. Huzzah.
  24. King Cucaracha

    Quick WWE survey

    1) The WWE product is better now than it was one year ago: True. 2) The WWE product is better now than it was three years ago: False. 3) The WWE product is better now than it is five years ago: False. 4) I believe the in-ring product has improved in the last three years. False. 5) I believe the storylines/feuds/angles have improved in the last three years. False. 6) I wish WCW and ECW were still in existence. Certainly, but not 'Vince's WCW' and 'Vince's ECW'. 7) The WWE will have no real competition in the next five years: False. 8) It was smart for the WWE to go to a "less is more" in ring style: False. 9) I believe the RAW brand is superior to Smackdown: Undecided. Smackdown has a different vibe to it recently and I'm actually enjoying JBL. 10) If I could convince Vince Macmahon to push one guy on either roster to the moon, it would be: RAW: Batista. SmackDown!: Rey Mysterio.
  25. King Cucaracha

    Count Spacing

    Spaced out counts for me. I'm guilty of it more than most, especially over in the WF. In the right situations though, i.e big matches and PPV. It kinda takes away from the appeal if you use long-drawn out counts in jobber squashes and the like.