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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    Why I respect Jim Cornette

    If Austin had put Jarrett over then he at least would have had the chance to be a main eventer. It's not like supreme wrestling skill mattered during that time-period and Jarrett had sufficient enough character. All he needed was a little rub. Not to say he'd have been a star if Austin had put him over/worked with him, but getting beaten up by Chyna didn't help his drawing power. Yeah...USWA and WCW's demises were solely down to Jeff Jarrett being a mediocre worker. Thanks for clearing that up.
  2. King Cucaracha


    Well, I wouldn't worry if I were you either. Or something. I'm not showing. I'd apologise I guess, but I did ask for the show off over a week ago so there ya go.
  3. King Cucaracha

    Best NA Tag Match

    1. Jericho/Benoit vs. HHH/Austin - May 01 RAW Not seen either of bracket two's matches. 8. Raven/Saturn vs Malenko/Benoit (Horseman) - Spring Stampede 99 24. Hart Foundation vs Demolition - SummerSlam 90 29. Team USA vs Hart Foundation - Canadian Stampede 13. Harts vs. Quebecers - Royal Rumble 94 28. Flair/Arn vs Hollywood Blondes Clash 6/93 21. Steiner Brothers vs. Money Inc - Cage Match, August 93 3. The Rockers vs. Oriental Express - Royal Rumble 90 19. Hart Foundation vs Brain Busters - SummerSlam 89 27. Daniels/Skipper vs. Storm/Harris- TNA Cage Match 11. Steiners vs Bret/Owen Hart - Wrestlefest 94 2. Edge/Rey vs Benoit/ Angle- No Mercy 15. TWGTT vs. Eddie Guerrero & Tajiri (Smackdown, May 22 03) 7. Edge/Rey vs Benoit/Angle vs 2 out of 3 falls, Smackdown Nov. 02 10. TWGTT vs. Mysterio & Kidman (Vengeance 2003),
  4. King Cucaracha

    McMahon Upset That SD! Drew Stronger Rating Than

    Let's put it this way...would you prefer Orton as champion or Triple H as champion. Cause those are the only two real choices at the moment internally. It's very early, yes. But Orton likely won't beat Benoit clean. HHH likely would. They could do a lot worse than Orton as champion at the moment. He's a heel and getting face pops, which is nearly always a good sign. He's improved drastically in the ring. He's got stories ready with Evolution. It gives Jericho a chance of a title shot. Hell, the title reign could be just what's needed to make him a real star. Then again, I like Orton so I'm slightly biased.
  5. King Cucaracha

    Most Blown Spots

    Yeah, it is. Really great match. And a Shooting Star Piledriver could technically be seen as a more deadly move than a regular piledriver, as Jody (in kayfabe of course) would have extra momentum coming down and also is more likely to spike the guy due to the angle of his rotation. Technically. It's still about 85% flash even in that case. Now, the Dragonrana...that's another matter.
  6. King Cucaracha


    Good job I just got back. Dunno whever I can show up with anything half decent seeing as I wasn't expecting to be booked...but I'll try.
  7. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card, July 17th!

    Oh...if anyone sees me booked next two shows, then a reminder to the booker that he's st00pd would be in order. Cheers.
  8. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card, July 17th!

    I do! But, I'm gone from tommorrow morning and saving the unlikely chance of finding an internet café somewhere, I won't be seeing if my match won for a week. By which time, no doubt the fed will have turned on it's head or something important will have gone down just to annoy me. Adios amigos and all that rubbish. Just try not to bash me too much in my absence.
  9. It's already been said wrestlers are marks for themselves in this worked business called professional wrestling. It's their characters and what they do in the ring that makes them money. You would be protective of how you came off on camera as well if your lively hood depended on it. You would think a lot differently if you spent years putting your body through Hell and living in some type of physical pain only to have your work be questioned and knocked. Doesn't matter if it's another wrestler or some kid on the 'net saying you didn't know how to work right or flat out saying you sucked. You would get offended and want to speak your mind. Yet Jericho was wrong for speaking his mind about his KOTR match with RVD and the comments he got from "some kid on the 'net" according to many people.
  10. King Cucaracha

    Eddie vs. Kurt

    Jericho would be good, but it's more that HBK/Angle is really one of the few new matches left for Angle that'd mean anything. As for Show/Angle, there's enough time between Summerslam and the Rumble to settle that, so that Eddie/Angle doesn't become too stale. Cena/Angle and Bradshaw/Eddie can be tied up pretty quickly on Smackdowns after Summerslam.
  11. King Cucaracha

    Eddie vs. Kurt

    To be honest, the only thing I ask from this is tha the match is different from the Mania match. It was a good match, don't get me wrong. But considering the heat the feud had, the heat that focused Angle had...the match they put on just didn't have the kind of passion or fire to make it work. Why would they technical wrestle each other when for the past weeks they wanted to tear each other apart? As long as they play the match to the feud, then I'm happy. As for where it's going...I could see it going to Mania, because the only other thing for Angle to do at the moment (storyline wise) is go after Cena, and he's busy with Suzuki, Booker etc. But I'm still for what we were talking about last year. Have Angle and Eddie feud through the rest of the year, without making it too reptitive. Give Taker the belt rather than Bradshaw, but probably not at Summerslam. Anyway, Eddie enters the Rumble and Angle then enters himself, vowing to take out Eddie once and for all and ruin his dreams of becoming champion again. Angle draws an early number, and basically plays the Flair role in that he's cowardly but not too cowardly. He makes it to just before number 26(ish) enters before finally Shawn Michaels dumps Angle out...right before Eddie enters. Eddie goes on and wins the Rumble to get the title shot. Angle obviously isn't happy, and wrangles a way to trade HBK to Smackdown before challenging him to a match at Mania. We then get a two month build, and the Angle/Shawn match that'd get people interested.
  12. King Cucaracha

    Booking for the 7/22 HD~!

    Well, I won't be here as I'm away from Saturday...but if anyone wants to use Rodez for a match then feel free.
  13. I dug out one of my old Coliseum Video tapes today...Invasion 1992, with (unsurprisingly, seeing as I'm posting in this thread) Bret Hart vs. Ric Flair. Pre Royal Rumble sometime...not sure if it's a match specifically spoken about in the article, although I don't think so as it ended in a cheap count-out. Anyway...I can see why Bret doesn't like Flair. In the ring, they're chalk and cheese. Flair's 'comedy spots' did drag the match down and halt any flow the match had. Plus, the Flair Flop (or one of them, I think there were a couple) came off of a Bret headbutt. You could kinda see Bret getting frustrated at times, and even Perfect looked almost frustrated after a Flair Flop. Also on the tape though, there's the Flair/Michaels match when Michaels was still a Rocker, and is so much better because Michaels wrestles the kind of flashy/fast-paced style that compliments Flair's usual doings. To be honest, a high percentage of Bret's gripe with Flair may be a personal thing. And I don't mean that in an anti-Bret way. Bret's matches with Flair don't flow because their styles are at total parallels. Wrestlers like Michaels and Steamboat will probably paint a better picture of Flair because they are the workers that compliment Flair's style. So, rather than Flair being a 'horrible' worker, I think it's more he's a 'bad worker' compared to Bret's style. Just my opinion.
  14. King Cucaracha

    What to Expect at Summerslam

    Eddie/Angle wasn't exactly mind-blowing at Mania XX. Unless they learn from their mistakes and make this match more like the Eddie/JBL matches (i.e, make it look like they actually hate each other) then it could be the great match we expected in March.
  15. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card, July 17th!

    Yeah...mine'll be kept secret.
  16. King Cucaracha

    Smackdown (*Spoilers*) for 07/15/04

    I'm actually kinda glad JBL won. As much as Eddie eclipses him in every way...except maybe promos right now, because the 'holmes' stuff is finally grating on me...hot-shotting the title back to Eddie wouldn't have done the belt that much good. Having JBL hold the title for a couple of months isn't neccessarily going to kill the brand, as there's Angle/Eddie above his reign in the card pecking order and the undercard is slowly been sorted out. Eddie's second reign can wait for a while.
  17. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card, July 17th!

    Advice to live by, I'm sure we all agree.
  18. King Cucaracha

    Smarkdown Comments

    MOTN? Wow, can't have been as bad as I thought. And, yeah, the reason I forgot about Johnny's face was because it was a total rush-job towards the end trying to throw in near-falls and stuff.
  19. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card, July 17th!

    I understand all that and have no problem with Janus writing the ending that he wants to write. And yeah, it's Rando's fault for no showing. I can still see why Rando wasn't happy though. Still, I don't wanna end up arguing over it so I'll leave it at that. *mugs for camera* Damn straight.
  20. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card, July 17th!

    ...seriously though, what does Janus hitting one of the most deadly moves in the fed kayfabe wise on Clark, who he has nothing to do with feud wise, do for either man really? Sure, Janus looks bad-ass and kewl because he can use big moves. Meanwhile, Clark gets booked in a submissions match the very next show and has everyone on his case about selling. Seems a little back-asswards to me. How the hell is Rando supposed to write himself to win the Submissions Match without everybody getting on his back (AGAIN) about how 'unrealistic' it is. Hell, I wouldn't have been too happy either if it was me. Then again, it's been 'bash Rando month' around here since that promo which everyone took to seriously, so I guess it's ok.
  21. Again...people say Flair wasn't a draw, yet back in the mid to late 80's he was the guy people would go to shows to see. He drew plenty of money and fans in relation to the fanbase the NWA had at the time.
  22. Because he's Ric Flair. Plus it pops the crowd. Oh, and nice to see an impartial view from the guy with "brethart" as his username.
  23. King Cucaracha

    Storm Forecasts

    MAIN EVENT SINGLES MATCH "The Superior One" Tom Flesher vs Toxxic (Special Guest Commentator: Janus) Tom nicks it in a close match. ICTV TITLE BOUT LANDON'S DISGRESSION STIP Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix© vs Johnny Dangerous Ho ho! That is all. TAG TEAM TITLE BOUT 42nd Street©* (Todd Cortez & The Masked Man) vs Spike Jenkins & Sean Davis * = Not 'official' champions Come on. If Spike has two title belts in his possession at once, the fed would likely go into a collective coma. Plus Todd and TMM is the most awesome team to form for a long time. SINGLES MATCH Ace Lezaire vs Dace Night Dace, Dace, Dace. SUBMISSIONS MATCH Jamie Drazon vs Alan Clark Come on Alan... FATAL FOUR WAY USJL TITLE #1 CONETENDERSHIP "The Icon" Max King vs Munich vs Manson vs Ced Ordonez The Icon to win, although it's just a guess. HARDCORE TITLE BOUT Ryan Dustin© vs Martin "Big Country" Hunt Dustin is teh win. SINGLES MATCH The Birdman vs Andrea Montgomery A guess, simply for the fact the word 'legend' is being thrown around. SINGLES MATCH Edward James vs "The Corona" Vladimir Everheart TAFKAA wins.
  24. King Cucaracha

    Bruno in the wwe?

    I'm not old enough to remember Bruno's reign, and unfortunately the only match I have of Bruno on video or DVD is the 'bored-me-to-sleep' Cage match with Koloff on the Bloodbath DVD. So I'm not as wary of the presence he had on the business as some people here. But from an impartial view, then he's no better than Foley, Sable or Piper in my book...perhaps worse, because he's been so outspoken. Wasn't he the guy who said "Vince McMahon made wrestling trash?" If he goes back and works for him then that isn't going to put him in a positive light. I still don't see it happening though.