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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card, July 17th!

    I call 'opening promo but right after Toxxic and his band of merry men obviously'. I also have to re-write my promo, as I expected the stipped match to be at Ground Zero. And I have to change my planned stip, as I don't fancy a 6,000 word Ladder Match. No problems I guess.
  2. King Cucaracha

    Smarkdown Comments

    My board tags worked and Toxxic's didn't! HA! VICTORY~! ...and I won. Surprising but pleasing.
  3. Okay... Well, I kinda lost interest here with the 'WCW held me down' and 'Montreal...blah blah...Shawn Michaels...blah blah', because it's sadly what's associated endlessly with Bret nowadays. History lesson for Mr Hart please. Jim Herd perhaps? Ooh, ZINGA~! Who says wrestlers aren't mature. 'You stink'. 'No, you stink more'. 'No, you stink morea morea more!' Fact is, it worked though. Bret worked as a serious face/heel. Flair worked as the cocky, amusing face/heel. Maybe a bit over-exaggerated, but he's probably better positioned than me to have an opinion. So, Flair isn't/wasn't a draw. I'm sure I've read figures that disagree. I can see where the 'president of his own fan club' line Flair got comes from. He's probably right, but still. And he wasn't 300lbs. Besides that he makes a lot of good points. And obviously he has a reason to be angry. But you just know this'll turn into Foley/Flair too and we'll have endless, petty insults thrown back and forth for months.
  4. Didn't everyone say that about Dinsmore? Look where he is now. I agree though that Asai's either stupid or too deluded by his dreams to realise this won't work. But hey, you never know. By November, things might have changed enough for Asai to fit in. Plus, he won't be the ugliest man in the company anyway. Luther Reigns has already got that honor.
  5. King Cucaracha

    Smarkdown Card!

    Looks like a trademark Cucaracha rush-job for me.
  6. King Cucaracha

    The OAO Raw thread for 07.12.04

    "Chris Benoit is still the World Heavyweight Champion...but we're not going to give him an interview for obvious reasons, and we haven't announced a match for him either...but he'll be on the show, so all you smarks better set your VCRs!" Better?
  7. King Cucaracha

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    I just re-watched Edge/Orton, and it's a very solid match. Once you get past the long chinlock (which, of course was a '25 minute rest-hold' according one person), the match is good. Not **** good, but *** is pretty close. Right now, Orton's becoming one of my favourite wrestlers because he's got the little things down to a tee. The stuff like biting Edge's fingers while he was trying to escape the chinlock, the actual tightening of the chinlock...the little things. The attentions to the slightest details. He just looks natural out there now. Where-as Batista and Jericho looked awkward throughout their match, Orton seemed to flow through it. And it's the little things like he does that make him even better in my view. Might be just me, but there you go.
  8. King Cucaracha

    Update On Kurt Angle's In Ring Return

    Watch the Stone Cold/Angle fued from end of the Invasion to Summerslam. Angle was a great face, until the WWF writers basically f*cked up the whole fued. Then I thought he was a pretty damn good face, when he returned from surgey. He was clearly over with the fans, and I think he is the main reason why John Cena is so over right now because of their fued in October. He was over because he was Jim Duggan v2 rather than Kurt Angle. They played up the pro-American gimmick right around September 01 and he got the overness. Fact is, as a face, Angle is more often than not excruciatingly corny...and not in a funny way. He works matches as a face well enough, but not the mic.
  9. King Cucaracha

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    The rule of thumb for Benoit is no-one here will ever be happy with anything that happens. Benoit wins, but he doesn't win the right way so his title reign has been 'sabotaged'. He punches Eugene and his title reign has been 'sabotaged'. Hell, everyone was whining about Benoit being sabotaged on the Raw he made Kane tap clean.
  10. King Cucaracha

    Best North American Match Tournament

    Eddie/Rey. Aside from the ending, Austin/Bret doesn't do that much for me.
  11. King Cucaracha

    Update On Kurt Angle's In Ring Return

    Maybe so, but out of those five guys you mentioned I'd say Angle was the least charismatic. God push or not, Hogan had the charisma in-ring and out to carry the gimmick. Hogan got the people behind him during matches. It wasn't just the god push that did it. Hogan knew how to play his role well, and more times than not did so. I'd rather watch a Hogan promo than the majority of Face Angle promos. Hogan, Rock, Austin and Flair all worked great as both heels and faces. Angle has never been that great as a face.
  12. King Cucaracha

    7/7 SWF Lockdown HOLT Report

    Hey, I got most heat! w00t suckaz~! *loves the HOLT*
  13. King Cucaracha

    New Mattitude Commentary-- Be positive, guys.

    Yes, and my comments were directed to those people, not the entire board. There's more than one post with anti-Matt vibes. For example... I probably should have been clearer over the last point in my post... "Is it any fucking wonder wrestlers hate internet wrestling fans so much after comments like some of the ones in this thread?" ...would have been better.
  14. He headbutted Nunzio in the face I think.
  15. King Cucaracha

    New Mattitude Commentary-- Be positive, guys.

    Anyone see the irony here? Matt was one of the smarks wet dreams recently. He's been called underrated on here many times. Loads of people on here have been moaning that he hasn't been pushed. People insult his girlfriend ad nausem, so he gets pissed over it and writes an anti-internet rant, sticking up for his girlfriend (which, of course, he shouldn't do) Suddenly, his music sucks, his look sucks and he sucks. Suddenly he's a tool. Congratulations guys. You've just proved a lot of his points. Say something negative to the majority of internet fans and they'll get in a sulk and start a hate campaign against you. Jericho. Bradshaw. Flair. And now Matt. Is it any fucking wonder wrestlers hate internet wrestling fans so much after comments like the ones in this thread?
  16. King Cucaracha

    Booking for the 7/15 HD~!

    If anyone has a tag team spare, we could maybe go Crystal/Rodez vs that tag team, after what happened last week. If not, then if anyone's got another spare opponent then let me know.
  17. King Cucaracha

    When the Undertaker retires...

    Paul London. Or CM Punk, coz he is cool~!
  18. King Cucaracha

    ants in the house

    Yeah, chalk works. Or talcum powder should do the trick. Plus, any of them that eat it will probably be poisoned by it anyway.
  19. King Cucaracha

    English Football

    Sounds good.
  20. King Cucaracha

    Edge interview

    SSN are usually pretty good about wrestling interviews. I remember the Regal one was retty good too a few years back. I guess Sky have a reason to be good about it though. Sadly, there's a lot more of this stuff where that came from for Edge I bet. The programmes wrestlers end up going on in the UK don't usually have wrestling-friendly announcers. Still, he handled it well.
  21. King Cucaracha

    WWE to move some operations to the UK

    They're only really doing this to make sure people will be interested in the product and therefore won't mind too much about buying the PPVs from next year. Still...it's a good idea, as in England right now you're near enough guaranteed a hot crowd.
  22. He has a point about London not being well known. I remember watching Velocity the other week with a non-fan friend, who basically had no idea of anyone on the show except for The Dudleyz and 'Lex Jnr' (Jindrak). Then again, once the match was over he was impressed with London. The post-match celebration did more to make the belts seem important than yet another Dudley reign did. Where things go from here though is the crucial test. I'm holding out hope for something good to come of this, but only because there's not much else to do with the belts besides give London/Kidman a run. Saying that though, I doubt it'll be long before a turn and feud between the two that will rival Kidman/Cena in terms of apathy and poor execution.
  23. King Cucaracha

    Who's the Worst WWE Champion Ever?

    Comparing the business now with the business in 1995, of course today is better. That isn't what makes Diesel a bad champion. The WWE is making a profit today because of the success running over from the Austins and Rocks, along with today's stars...not just Eddie Guerrero. Exactly. But you forgot about the bit where Bradshaw is a horrible champion because Smackdown's house show attendance is down, but Eddie can't be blamed because the line-ups were poor for his reign.
  24. King Cucaracha

    Who's the Worst WWE Champion Ever?

    How can you vote for Bradshaw as worst Champion ever when his reign is still ongoing? 26 votes? Looks like the WWE folder drones were out in force for this one.
  25. King Cucaracha

    Anyone else get spammed by the piledriver

    I got it too. He nearly had me fooled with that 'this is not spam' line. Smart move.