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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    Euro 2004

    YESSSSSSS!!!! Lampard has had a mare tonight, but thank God he was there!
  2. King Cucaracha

    Paul Bearer likely done with WWE after PPV

    They only book cops onto the show once a month and they've already reached their quota. Surely they could just use jobbers in those kinky cop outfits you can buy in joke/sex shops. 'Cop': Err...we've had a complaint that you've kidnapped someone. Heyman: You've got no proof London! 'Cop': ... Or even better, use Funaki.
  3. To be honest, the only London interview I've seen was the pre-First Anniversary Show, in which he looked and sounded very nervous and stumbled on his words more than Randy Orton used to. I'm sure he's done better since. But as the only time I've seen him talk, I wasn't impressed. Sure he's a great wrestler. But again, the WWE isn't ROH.
  4. King Cucaracha

    Paul Bearer likely done with WWE after PPV

    Nevermind the fact they've kidnapped the guy. Man. What a place the WWE must be to live.
  5. King Cucaracha

    Judge makes love to his hand

    Headline: Here Comes The Judge. Magnificent. His excuse is equally admirable as the act.
  6. King Cucaracha

    Euro 2004

    Well...I thought Terry was holding the keeper down, but the replays showed it wasn't. Like Hansen said, the ref totally bottled it. I really don't fancy a penalty shoot-out right now. The heart is going as it is.
  7. King Cucaracha

    Euro 2004

    Same here. It's just a matter of time I think. We haven't really attacked consitantly since scoring.
  8. King Cucaracha

    Euro 2004

  9. King Cucaracha

    6/28 Smarkdown BETTING NOW~! Thread

    RIDICULOUS DEBUT AGAINST TWO ESTABLISHED VETERANS!! Munich vs. Manson vs. Rob Gilbert Giiiiiillll...beeerrrtt. Giiiiiillll...beeerrrtt. Newbie makes the win. NEWBIE GETS CHANCE TO BOUNCE OFF OF LOSS BY FIGHTING A MAN IN A PENGUIN SUIT!! Heath Black vs. Petey the Irish Penguin I have nothing humourous to say. NEWBIE GETS CHANCE TO CONTINUE WINNING STREAK BY FIGHTING FORMER REFEREE! "The Icon" Max King vs. Ced Ordonez A longer match than on Lockdown (with all due respect) could see the upset. CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE DEFENSE ALREADY?? CRAAAAAZY!! Martin “Big Country” Hunt vs. Austin Sly© Do I have to make the Pretty Fly For A Sly Guy joke again? If not, we shall leave it at this. HARDCORE TITLE SHOT CASH-IN!! Ryan Dustin vs. Mike Van Siclen© Van Siclen is teh HaRdKoRe sukaaaaaaaaaa2222~~1!!1!1!! #1 CONTENDERSHIP FOR SWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE!! “Deathwish” Danny Williams vs. Toxxic Breaking down that ceiling baby...Orton style. Ya over-pushed limey. ICTV CHAMPION IS IMMEDIATELY SENTENCED TO DEATH IN BOILER ROOM BRAWL!! Jay Dawg vs. Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix© *weeps* TOM CASHES IN ON TITLE SHOT… JANUS SUSPENDED… FIGHTS JOHNNY DANGEROUS INSTEAD!! “The Superior One” Tom Flesher vs. Johnny Dangerous He IS Superior. Very tight one though.
  10. King Cucaracha

    Euro 2004

    1-0 at halftime. This going to be a hellish 45 minutes. On a side-note...that Six Of The Best competition. The winner has got to be Gasgoine. Suker and Van Basten's were top class, but Gazza's was sublime. And it was on my birthday.
  11. King Cucaracha


    If anyone's got a Boiler Room Brawl they can place in From The Vault, it'd be much appreciated. I'd look myself, but the search thing on this forum doesn't work for me. Ever.
  12. King Cucaracha

    Euro 2004

    Oh shit...not Rooney. Well, let's hope Darius' confidence from the Swiss game is enough. And hope Rooney's ok for the semi. If we get through.
  13. King Cucaracha

    Paul Bearer likely done with WWE after PPV

    OMG...so the really are going to fill the box with cement!!! Or...not.
  14. King Cucaracha

    Euro 2004

    YES! GET IN! 1-0 after 2 and a half minutes! The nerves are still doing me in, but that's a good of a start as any. And from Owen no-less.
  15. King Cucaracha

    Lockdown Comments

    I'll get some Dace-esque comments going tommorow. Busy watching the ENGERLAND~! Portugal game see. By tommorow though, we'll probably be out so I'll have time. Right now, I'll just say that I'm glad my 'fans' enjoyed my match. Personally, I wasn't quite sure where to go to be honest. So I just threw together the heel/heel out-wrestling stuff and the heel/heel out-cheating stuff. Luckily it doesn't look too bad.
  16. King Cucaracha


    You realise TNT, that I hate you. On an unrelated note, it's crazy to think that 5 months ago the only active heels in the fed were me, Duran, Todd and Toxxic. Now we're over-run by them! Crazy I tells ya.
  17. King Cucaracha

    Lockdown Comments

    Actually, he had to no-show unfortunately. So...yeah. Bit of an odd show. Not sure if it was just me, but it seemed a little...I dunno...just there. Congrats of course all the same to The Sexual Maskosaurus on winning the CROWN~ and to all other winners, especially the newbies. And by the looks of things, everyone who was able to show.
  18. King Cucaracha

    WWE going to implement changes?

    ...I'm not sure how and why he'd fire himself, but him leaving the top spot only leaves it wide open for the kids. Shane in control of the product may be a brief improvement, although that's not for certain. Steph? She's proven to be a bad creative influence.
  19. King Cucaracha

    SWF Lockdown Card

    Yay me. See ya'll in 10 hours.
  20. King Cucaracha

    Euro 2004

    The Germans are gone. Gone and forgotten.
  21. King Cucaracha


    there's nothing wrong with his wrestling skills by far...he just has a different kind of style that most folks aren't used to thus he comes across as boring...if they'd stop sticking him in useless fueds with stiffs, you'd really get to see how good he actually is...if they gave him and Benoit 15 minutes, sure the charisma would be low, but the actual wrestling would kick ass... No doubt. Hence the match at the Pillman Memorial Show. Trouble is, his style clashes with the majority of guys. His matches with Edge were all mediocre. His matches with Jericho weren't great either. Same for RVD. Tagging with Storm, most of his matches were the worst his opponents would have all year. I like the guy's wrestling, but it doesn't much click with the 'WWE style'. Didn't he wrestle as Doink around Vengeance time? Either that or he was a Conquistador.
  22. King Cucaracha

    PPVs to be PPV in UK from 2005

    Oh great. Perfect way to increase your viewing figures. Wrestling Channel it is I guess...quarter-hourly commercials and all. And DVD for any events that happen to be decent.
  23. King Cucaracha

    6/24 Smackdown Spoilers

    Wow. GAB is actually looking pretty darn horrible. Mordecai/Holly is so random it boggles the mind. Same goes for Gunn/Suzuki. Torrie/Sable? bleh. Chavo/Rey won't be the same without teh Classic~ at ringside. The rest pretty much speaks for itself. No way Box Office is getting my money for this one.
  24. King Cucaracha

    Euro 2004

    Not certain, but the way Des was talking, we get the winners of Sweden/Runners Up in the semis. Which could mean Germany. After that opening video, I SO want the Germans out...but to be honest, I'm half-hoping that Germany fluke through and we get a Germany/England semi. I fancy us more to beat Germany than I would Sweden or the Dutch.
  25. King Cucaracha

    An SWF Enhancement Discussion...

    If people don't think the full change is a good idea, what about maybe sticking (for example) Axis in Comet's place one show out of the three (Storm most likely), just to mix things up a touch. Really, that's all that's needed...a complete overhaul would probably cause more problems to more people than a slight change. And to be honest, I probably over-reacted slightly in the first place as to my problems. Plus I totally see Toxxic's problem, and to be honest half the names on that list are slightly alien to me. I'm also against face/face teams. Period.