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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    A ROH diary.

    Yay...a good show. Just keep those Special K'ers off the mic and you'll be getting some great ratings.
  2. King Cucaracha

    Lockdown Comments

    In my defence, I stole the use of the 'T' from someone else. So...you know who NOT to blame.
  3. King Cucaracha

    SmackDown from JHawk's Beak

    He wants to embarrass Eddie personally, and on the grandest stage of them all. Plus he already said, he did a deal (or words to that effect) with Chavo. So why would he want to fight a guy he was doing a deal with? I think the better question is does anyone realise Eddie has given up the drugs? He changed his life around. So why is Angle still holding a grudge against someone over it?
  4. King Cucaracha

    Lockdown Comments

    Deliberate mistake.
  5. King Cucaracha

    Lockdown Comments

    OOOH!!! The picture is up in my match now. So...you know...look at it.
  6. King Cucaracha

    CM Punk v. Teddy Hart

    Final Final Question: If it's all a work between Punk and Hart, why is Steve Corino just as hateful towards Punk? Is he in on all this. And is Sabu in on the work, because he broke up a worked fight. He'd have to be...who knows, he may have helped Punk out. They couldn't risk that. So he'd have to be in on it. hunger4unger...not everything is a conspiracy in wrestling. I can't see any reason for this to be a work. If, on the very unlikely chance, it is...then why?
  7. King Cucaracha

    Lockdown Comments

    Oh... Ichiban... Well then, someone added an unneccessary T to it. If it would've been I-CHI-BAN, then I would've gotten it easily then. Well Flikster, it's spelt Ichiban, but pronounced Itchiban...I guess you could say there's a silent 'T'. The - marks in the chant are for the seperate sylablles, which is why the T is added...so it isn't pronounced 'Eyechiban'. And the stip was thought up by Thoth. Believe me, that was a tame stip by his standards.
  8. King Cucaracha

    CM Punk v. Teddy Hart

    We've been over this. If it's a work between Hart and Punk, then their first match would draw huge money, no? Then who'd get it? ROH right? Then why would the NWA:TNA help the feud along, why would MLW help the feud along? I seriously doubt it's a work, otherwise they're going awful far for no real reason. Hart's not stupid enough to try and advance his career by getting the wrestling community to hate him. He is stupid enough to think he's some sort of wrestling God however. On the subject...could you imagine the buyrate TNA would get if they booked Teddy/Punk in a shoot fight. I know it's beyond the realms of fantasy, but still...if they could get them to do it, that'd bring in a hell of a lot of money. Teddy'd be dumb enough for it, Punk would be up for it...put that on the undercard of "Bound For Glory...As Soon As We Get Hogan", and that'd help sell the show to the internet community.
  9. King Cucaracha

    Lockdown Comments

    While I'm here...Alan...that was one AWESOME promo. Great stuff man. That just made me your biggest fan...
  10. King Cucaracha

    Lockdown Comments

    Thoth, you'd better get that picture working...and fast. As you'll see, I spent a lot of time and effort on that... ...*sniggers*... ...I assumed you just put the URL in image tags, but maybe my doing hat in the PM screwed things up. ...anyway, HOLY FUCK I WON!?! Well...color me shocked. I guess the lure of Mr Bukkake was too great. Seriously though, I'm thankful for the wacky stip because eitherwise I most probably would have been destroyed by Annie. Looked a decent show from what I skimmed through, so I'll be re-reading that now more in-depth.
  11. King Cucaracha

    Brock Lesnar Getting Heat For Big Ego

    Brock and all vehicles have a bad history. What about the boat? And the road rage incident.
  12. King Cucaracha

    Misery Date

    Ejiro's dream date eh? K...but I'm not blowing her up.
  13. King Cucaracha


    Do you think this could be Mike Bucci, the name the wrestler formerly known as Nova is using at houseshows? It would explain why he came across well in the ring. I wouldn't be surprised by that at all. And since when was it a law for Cruiserweight matches to have Japanese wrestlers in? Booking the Cruiserweight Open sits well with me, but cancelling a match mid-match because there's no Japanese wrestlers in it? If that's what Heyman specified as the reason for the cancellation, it seems a little weird.
  14. King Cucaracha

    Raw from JHawk's Beak

    Well, exactly what Goodear said. Chanting Foley at Orton is designed to rile up Orton. I know bashing Orton is the 'in' thing to do, but if you're going to mention that why not mention all the other times it happens. It happens whenever Chavo's around, only with 'Eddie' instead of 'Foley'. It happened with Brock, on Smackdown with the 'Goldberg' chants. It's not like it's the first time a heel has had the face he's feuding with's name chanted at him. But, it's Orton, so let's bash him. He gets heat...but it's for imitating someone he's feuding with, so really, it's Foley's heat. So let's bash Orton. I realise he's not anywhere near upper midcard overness to match his upper midcard push, but still...the fact this hate is still going on is bad enough. The fact that it's obviously coming as second nature to people is sad...because whatever Orton does from now, he'll never get credit for it.
  15. King Cucaracha

    The OAO Raw Thread, 2/23/04

    Bold Prediction: Vince wins by count-out when Bischoff doesn't show up to the arena.
  16. King Cucaracha

    SWF Lockdown Card February 25

    I second that...
  17. King Cucaracha

    Wrestling Link Game....

    Sandman had a tendancy to wrestle drunk before ECW went under...something SCOTT HALL had to portray in WCW.
  18. King Cucaracha

    Update On Goldberg's WMXX Status & Beyond

    Let's be honest, if GB did that, Brock would wipe the mat with him. GB THINKS he can fight. Lesnar KNOWS he can. -=Mike If Brock went All American on Goldberg's ass, that's be worth the money they're expecting us (well, you Americans, not me) alone.
  19. King Cucaracha

    Thoughts on Sabu returning to TNA?

    The words 'Hell No' spring to mind.
  20. King Cucaracha

    Shawn Michaels tears ACL...

    This wasn't even remotely good. So many dumb, illogical 3-way spots that made no sense at all. Such as...
  21. King Cucaracha

    Most Obvious and Ridiculous No-Sells

    Ok, these aren't WWE but bear with me... Rhyno no selling a guitar shot from New Jack and Goring him right through a table. Tanaka taking a german suplex right on his neck from Awesome at HH99, and getting right back up. And does anyone remember Sting going through a table on Nitro, and popping right back up afterwards. I think it was against Jarrett, not sure. Either way...that was gold.
  22. King Cucaracha

    So, Why did Angle turn on Eddie?

    Well, come on A...Angle was starting a 'Hip Hip Hooray' chant. If that's not dorky I don't know what is. Yeah, and "You say "Latino", you guys say "Heat" is cool. Ah, but...Cena wears his cap backwards...that's always a sure fire sign that someone's 'kewl'.
  23. King Cucaracha

    TNA News

    Well, if TNA want top stars, they should go for stars that fit in with the whole 'Total Nonstop Action' philosophy and the current fan base. Lyger, Scorpio...hell, if they're dead set on this whole Jarrett/Hogan thing, bring in Chono...he was there to save Hogan at that press conference.
  24. King Cucaracha

    So, Why did Angle turn on Eddie?

    Well, come on A...Angle was starting a 'Hip Hip Hooray' chant. If that's not dorky I don't know what is.
  25. King Cucaracha

    NWA:TNA- Revolution
