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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    booking for the 7/12 HD

    AngleSlam 2007 Main Event Contract Signing with Landon Maddix and Tha Puerto Rican! If you're not Ed Wood Caufield, DO NOT READ THIS! Plus, The South Central Militia in action, because a show needs matches.
  2. King Cucaracha

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Planet Stasiak?
  3. King Cucaracha

    The Old School questions thread

    That's probably it -- they gave a ton of time to the three title matches on that show. All of them went at least 15 minutes, and Bret and Diesel went about half an hour. Also, if they'd booked Shawn and Davey Boy to start and finish the Rumble all along, they probably had to shorten it so Davey Boy wouldn't keel over at the 50-minute mark. And the fact there were so many jobbers and no-hopers in the list of entrants, perhaps? It seemed like they just wanted to get to the ending ASAP that year and that they weren't that concerned with the rest of the Rumble. Hence there being maybe four guys with even a remote chance of winning and the likes of Well Dunn and Mantaur in the running.
  4. King Cucaracha

    OAO Raw Thread - July 9, 2007

    Judgment Day '06, King of the Ring finals. And every week for about a month on Smackdown, both before and after. I'm sorry. Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, but it had to be 'asked'. Plus JR didn't seem to remember their 50 one on one matches the other week either.
  5. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card - 7-12-2007

    MANSON is correct (obviously). It was like June 1-3, right? I guess they just forgot to take the stage down.
  6. King Cucaracha

    Let's talk about John Cena.

    There's my problem. Even JR seems to struggle to find reasons to explain Cena's amazing winning percentage. When the best adjectives he can come up with are "unorthodox" and "controversial", you know that something ain't right. It's obvious Cena isn't the best pure wrestler and they've brought that up on commentary before. That's not a problem, provided there is something they can put him over for. Angle was "an olympic gold medalist". HHH was the "Cerebral Assassin". Bret, "Excellence Of Execution". You go down the line, Savage, Shawn, Diesel, Yokozuna. What explanation have they actually offered up to people for WHY Cena is able to pull out the victory over and over and over again? They can't use the support of the crowd all the time. They can't put it down to just 'heart and determination', that's so hackneyed it's untrue. Why should anyone buy Cena, either in kayfabe or out of it, as the WWE Champion? Without the explanation, the natural conclusion is that he's just plain lucky, which worked for Honky Tonk Man but as a heel and with the secondary belt. I don't have a problem with John Cena the person. He obviously cares about the business and seems like a genuinely nice guy. But John Cena the character/wrestler is, no matter how much merchandise he sells, flawed. That's not neccessarily all Cena's fault. But it's what I as a viewer see.
  7. King Cucaracha

    Storm comments

    Except Jakey's only 160 pounds. For what it's worth, I read the match and disagreed with everybody saying it was one-sided (on here and on Skull Radio). That's how I plan on writing my match this week. Jakey's a- a heel, b- 160 pounds and c- still a rookie. And at a stretch, d- pissed off Spike earlier in a promo. The natural thing is for him to get beaten up at the beginning of the match, so long as he came back a little later, which he did. I thought the match was fine personally.
  8. King Cucaracha

    OAO Raw Thread - July 9, 2007

    "[goofy voice]So, they call you the Excellence Of Execution, huh?[/goofy voice] More like the Excellence Of Mastur-BATION!" *dead silence* Man, this stuff writes itself. Who needs a career in Hollywood? Also, Booker vs. Lashley? Have they ever faced each other one on one before?
  9. King Cucaracha

    What would it take to make you interested in the WWE again

    The spman speaketh truth. I still watch all the shows (albeit via taping them to watch later, and fast-forwarding past all the commercials and the crap I don't wanna watch to get to the 20 good minutes each week... 5 for ECW), but I'm definitely not interested in the WWE product. I damn sure haven't spent any money on it in years. If, oh, say, ROH, Chikara, IWA Mid-South, and NOAH had tv shows I could watch, I'd never bother going back to the WWE to get my fix again. Ditto. Well except for the 'spent any money' part, I did buy this year's Rumble. Also, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla. Obviously, we're talking quick fixes here. I'm going to have to go with the Jericho answer. I'm not even that big of a fan anymore (his last face run was staler than year old bread), but he's about the only guy they could find with name value, in-ring talent and potential interview talent for a quick-fix. The non-quick fix answer- just some sort of shake-up. Something. Anything. Just something different, it seems like the last three or four years are completely interchangeable. The company's in a comfort zone now and that's not entertaining EDIT: Also, pretty much everything 2GOLD says. They need to be willing to take a risk, even though they don't have to. The last big 'boom' in the WWF came from Austin and HBK in particular being allowed to go out and be more 'edgy'. Seems like nowadays, they're scared of a- being edgy and b- letting people be individuals in interviews.
  10. King Cucaracha

    WWE rebounding from WM 23

    And Angle/Lesnar was no great shakes either. Cena vs. Michaels is so over-rated though. Seems like people are rating it on length, like when Angle vs. Jannetty was everybody's MOTY simply because it was better than it had any right to be. Cena/Michaels isn't even the best free TV MOTY. Edge vs. Orton one/two weeks afterwards was a lot more entertaining.
  11. King Cucaracha

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    Yeah, the thing that always bugged me about Rey's title reign was that is wasn't presented properly. He needn't a big adjustment of his 'moveset' or I guess just his wrestling style, to be believable against the bigger opponents. There's no reason why someone Rey's size couldn't be a believable headliner. But everytime he'd hit that shitty Seated Senton, I'd just groan and long for the day he finally dropped the belt.
  12. King Cucaracha

    SWF Storm Card - 7-12-2007

    Uh, Jakey, slight edit to stats has been made.
  13. King Cucaracha

    Perfect time to make CM Punk champion?

    Come on anything would be better than watching the average Cena match as the main event! Superman Cena needs to find his Lex Luthor and that man might be CM Punk if he went full heel. They gave a little tease of Punk's mind games on ECW when he was feuding with Burke just think what he can do on the main show. Get lost in the shuffle? Be another Cena victim? Be exposed to the fact that he's not actually as popular with the casual audience as he is with the people on here who've seen him get OMG5***** from Dave Meltzer~! yet? Bringing Punk in to be the guy that John Cena just can't figure out just smacks of the way they brought Shelton Benjamin in with Triple H. And that didn't work that great. Punk beats Cena, gets some momentum, Punk doesn't become the champion because he's not ready yet, Punk drops to IC level, Punk loses steam, Punk ends up on Heat. Great idea! So now, he should have been hot-shotted yet earlier still!? Please can we get some perspective here people? I love Punk. I've followed him for pretty much 7 years now through the indies, TNA, ROH, now WWE. But he's FINE where he is. This isn't like Joe in TNA, his indy accomplishments don't mean shit to a good percentage of the audience, they need to take their time and capitalise when he really does catch on. That time isn't just yet.
  14. King Cucaracha

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    The gimmick was fine in the tag division. Hell, the gimmick was probably the reason they all got called up from OVW in the first place. It doesn't work now if they're trying to push him as a singles worker, it just reminds people of his tag career. Like if Austin had kept the Hollywood Blonde shtick his entire career. Well, it worked for Nitro, right? EDIT: The show Nitro obviously, not the wrestler.
  15. King Cucaracha

    The OAO TEW/EWR Thread of Fun!

    I've had a PWG game going for a year on EWR, which is rare for me. I rarely make it that far into a game. So far, I've spent about two weeks as a National fed before pretty much instantly dropping back down. Didn't help that a new National fed started up and raided me just as I'd started getting Colt Cabana and Claudio Castagnoli into the main-event. Is there anywhere where people post diaries anymore?
  16. King Cucaracha

    HD: Leon Rodez vs. Conquistador Uno

    But it says Maggie. Look! Don't try and make out like I don't know what I'm doing bitch.
  17. King Cucaracha

    HD: Leon Rodez vs. Conquistador Uno

    *Except the OAOAST. Hole's "Gold Dust Woman" hits and the lights dim into an forboding gold hue in the arena. A menacing steel cage rises from beneath the entrance stage. Behind it's rusted and dilapadated bars stand the brooding Conquistadors. A nearby stage hand releases the lock, letting the grapplers onto the floor. Uno typically replay this kindness by shoving the poor lackey to the ground, and Dos follows up this despicable act by hawking a gob of spit onto the poor man. The two warriors then pound their fists together and head out to the warzone. BUFFER The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by Conquistador Dos! He hails from Santa Fe, New Mexico by way of Tijuana, Mexico... weighing in at one hundred and sixty five pounds. "THE WILD CHICANO"... CONQUISTADOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRR UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COACH How come Uno gets a nickname and not Dos? COLE Maybe Theodore Moneymaker didn't have enough money in his makeover budget. By the way, that entrance? Creepy. Into the ring slides Uno, raising a gloved fist in the air as a sign of defiance. Dos applauds from the outside. COLE Well, singles action here with Conquistador Uno to take on Leon Rodez. And it would seem that Uno has been fed to the lions here by Theodore Moneymaker, after what we saw at The Great Angle Bash with Los Conquistadors getting involved in his tag team match. Los Conquistadors cost Leon and Alix Maria Spezia the match with the help of a pair of baseball bats and I've no doubt that their association with The Enterprise is like a red rag to a bull to The Silky Smooth One right about now. .:CUE: Trust Company, "Rock The Casbah":. The crowd suddenly come unglued as the music powers through the PA system and LEON RODEZ powers through the entrance way with similiar power (must. buy. thesaurus.)! Shuffling around in the ring, Uno bravely waves on Leon, despite the determined stride in his step. BUFFER And the opponent, from Grand Rapids, Michigan... two hundred, eighteen pounds... "SILKY SMOOTH" LLLEEEEEEOOOOONN RRRRROOOOOOODDEEEEEEEZZZZZZ!!! "YYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Buffer bails out of the ring just as Leon slides in, making a beeline straight for the golden Conquistador. The confident Uno doesn't back down. And he pays for it as Leon goes straight to work with some bodyshots, backing Uno up into a corner! COLE This may not last long. *DINGDINGDING!* Continuing to fire away with rights and lefts up under the ribs Leon has Uno holding up his hands, begging for the referee to force a break. Eventually he does, Chioda moving Leon out of the corner. Which allows Uno to come out of the corner with a cheapshot, catching Rodez cold with a big right hand! COACH Ah, don't count Uno out so fast Mikey. These Conquistadors are dangerous, fiery Latinos. Mr. Moneymaker doesn't associated himself with just anybody you know. As Leon goes staggering backwards, in moves Uno, picking out the legs a double leg takedown and mounting Leon with some more wild right hands. He only gets in a couple though before Rodez switches, mounting Uno and pounding him with some hard shots in return. COLE Coach, I think 'Mister' Moneymaker would have settled for anyone who could swing a baseball bat to help him at The Great Angle Bash. And it just so happened, Los Conquistadors were cheap and weren't exactly busy at the time. COACH That's cold man. COLE Come on Coach, usually when one of The Enterprise is in action, Theodore is out here with us pushing some sort of agenda. I doubt he's even watching this match on a monitor in the back. Eventually, having put out the Latino fire of Conquistador Uno, Rodez drags him up by his gold bodysuit. By that clothing he drags him into another right hand, keeping him on his feet as he executes an irish whip. Uno bounces out of the corner, into a second whip, into the opposite corner. Again Uno rebounds out of the turnbuckles and a third whip sends him back into the first corner he occupied, Leon following in this time with Double Knees up into the chest! Uno collapses to the canvas, as Leon glares in the direction of Dos to make him think twice about making any moves to help. COLE Got to watch these Conquistadors. There's no telling when they'll try and make a switch. Rodez drags Uno roughly to his feet and irish whips him across the ring, springing up to meet him on the rebound with a picturesque Standing Dropkick! With Uno laid out, Leon then turns his attentions back to Dos, who has jumped to the apron... ...knocking him to the floor with enough force to send Dos crashing into the steel barricade!! "YYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Again Uno is dragged back up... but the distraction seemed to have worked to some extent for Los Conquistadors as Uno goes to the eyes! A shoulder barge takes Leon all the way into the corner and The Wild Chicano continues to claw away at the face of Rodez, despite the protests of referee Mike Chioda. "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" Having broken just before a disqualification was called, Uno now whips Leon out of the corner. Getting his foot up to prevent a face-first meeting with the turnbuckles, Rodez quickly throws back his elbow, timed perfectly to catch Uno running in! Uno then stumbles right back into a jab! A jab! A jab! A jab! Rodez turns, blowing the kiss, before turning back on his heels... *SMACK!* ...and nailing the Conquistador upside the head with the enziguri, turning him inside out! "YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE MAMA SAID KNOCK YOU OUT! COACH Oh no! I hope there's a Tres somewhere, because that may be the end of Uno! Uno is out cold as Leon climbs back to his feet. Apparantly not done yet, off the ropes comes Rodez, dropping the forearm across the painted face of the Conquistador. A second time the forearm comes down. And a third, all measured to the forehead. Still that's not enough though and by the top of Uno's PVC bodysuit Leon pulls his opponent up. COACH Now, this is uncalled for! COLE Seeing as Leon Rodez took two baseball bats upside the head at The Bash, he's perfectly within his rights to make the most of this chance for revenge. Hauling Uno around so he's pinned into a corner, Leon reels back... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and cracks him across the chest with a knifedge chop! *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and a second, trying to force PVC and skin together into one! *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" A third chop connects and Uno, already limp, falls up against the bottom turnbuckle showing little signs of fight. So Leon, who is still showing plenty of signs of fight, asks the Tampa crowd if they want him to continue. "YYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" A no brainer. COLE The Conquistadors should have asked for more money while they had the chance. Danger money, perhaps. By the ears, Uno is dragged to his feet. An irish whip sends him into the opposite corner and once he settles, he finds himself in the firing line as Rodez comes soaring in, driving all of his 218 pounds into the gut of the Conquistador with the Superman Spear!! Uno collapses over Leon's shoulder, getting shrugged off and swept down by the arm. And quick as a flash, Leon locks up the arm, looking to apply a Cross Armbreaker. With what awareness he has left, Uno locks his hands together to block. Which doesn't last longer than two wrenches, Leon seperating the arms and getting the Cross Armbreaker... ...which gets a super-quick tapout!! "YYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" *DINGDINGDING!* BUFFER Your winner of the match... LEON RRRRROOOOOOOOODDEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZ!!! "YYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" COLE And that quickly it's over. One of the most deceptively dangerous holds in wrestling, that Cross Armbreaker. As soon as the hands seperated, the elbow began to hyperextend. And Uno decided to tapout before any serious damage could be done! Having released the hold, Leon has to make a quick 180 as Conquistador Dos returns, wielding a steel chair... ...which is ducked! Leon catches Dos on the way past, causing him to drop the chair. Quickly Leon retrieves it and sure enough... *CRACK!* "YYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" ...it's the hapless Conquistador who gets CREAMED with a vicious chairshot!! COLE OH MY! COACH Somebody call Quatro. Both Conquistadors are down, Uno clutching his arm and Dos seeing stars and cartoon birds floating in front of his eyes. Holding the majorly dented chair still, Leon looks around at the damage he's caused and surprisingly doesn't seem all that proud. Instead he drops the chair, shaking his head sadly as he bails out of the ring and marches back up the ramp much in the same manner as he came. COLE Loath as he was to do it, Leon Rodez just sent a message to The Enterprise here tonight. Los Conquistadors paid the price... uhm, okay... apparantly, Maggie Nerdly is stalking by... uh, standing by sorry. Maggie. Cut to behind the curtains where Melody is waiting. MAGGIE Hey ya'll, somebody told me this'd be a dope place to set up stall for interviews. Why they did it in mid-conversation I dunno but here I am and apparantly somebody's going to come through these curtains in a second. Why we need curtains [i]and[/i] sliding doors I dunno, but whatever... Leon finally makes it back at this point. MAGGIE Hey, Leon, can I get a few words... LEON You know what, Theodore Moneymaker, what you just saw was a placeholder my friend. Those two guys out there, the Conquistadors, I've got nothing against them. Sure, they cost me the match at The Bash. But they're two guys desperate for a break. They're yet another couple of innocent people being manipulated by you, your money and your stinking Enterprise! I'm not proud of that. And I'm not even proud of the fact that it was your arm I saw breaking in my hands. I'm not proud either that when that chair came down, it wasn't hitting any Conquistador's heads, it was crashing straight down on those blond locks of you Ned Blanchard! I'm not proud of any of that. I'm just sick and tired of this whole situation. Ever since AngleMania, there's this anger built up inside of me. And that's just not the way I am. This has to end and it has to end soon. Wiping a hand over his head, Leon tries to compose himself. LEON Moneymaker, you like to dictate who and what happens around here with your dirty money and it's getting old. I don't want Los Conquistadors. I don't want mis-matches little teams. What I want... what D*LUX want... what I'm sure Chicks Over Dicks want... is all five of you in one place, at one time, so we can dictate who [i]we[/i] want to deal with. So consider this a challenge. 5 on 5. Your Enterprise versus the five people who won't rest until we've convinced Jade the error of her ways. I don't know as this'll do that, but it'll damn sure give us a chance to take out some frustrations on the right people in the meantime. Leon storms off, leaving Maggie a little flustered.
  18. King Cucaracha

    OAO Raw Thread - July 2, 2007

    YES HE SHOULD No because he wasn't one of the eligible candidates. It was just Randy Orton, Ken Kennedy, King Booker and Bobby Lashley. Whoever won in the shortest time of the four got the title shot. It was never stated that if the opponent defeated one of the four, they'd replace that person in consideration, like the last time they did Beat the Clock. Actually, last time I think everyone entered had a shot. That was the one with London vs. Kendrick... actually, that was in January, right? The one Kennedy won. The only other one was the one I assume you're referring to, back in the Evolution days. Yeah, they made it pretty clear all night that it was between Kennedy, Orton, Lashley and (King) Booker. They didn't actually state it outright that I can remember, but it was clear enough to me.
  19. King Cucaracha

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Welcome to the Internet.
  20. King Cucaracha

    HD: Opening segment

    COLE Last week on this very program, history was made and the wrestling world was stunned by the crowning of a brand new OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion. Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix is your new World Champion, having cashed in his Money In The Bank contract against a vritually defenceless Zazk Malibu. Zack, having suffered a rib injury and then further complications surrounding the injury in recent weeks, was beaten down first by Vitamin X and Mr. Boricua of The Lightning Crew, then by The South Central Militia who it seemed were coming to his aid. And then, we witnessed the shocking turn of events. COACH I said it last week and it bears repeating Mikey, Landon played Zack like a fiddle. He played him all the way up until The Great Angle Bash... but he reserved the final encore for last week. COLE For those of you who missed it last week, this is the moment when history was made. The closing moments of the impromptu World Heavyweight Championship match, take a look... [QUOTE]Slowly walking over to Zack, Landon takes his sweet time. Again he drags Zack up by the hair, delivering another hard kick to the ribs. And in a final insult he then slides to Zack's side, struggling as he takes him up with the ANGLE SLAM~! Not the finest execution, but who cares? "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" COLE Damnit! COACH I think that's what they call 'poetic'. Megan raises her arms in the air, counting along in glee with Landon as he covers... ONE! TWO! THRE... NO, ZACK KICKS OUT! ZACK KICKS OUT~! "YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" COLE YES! COME ON ZACK, FIGHT, FIGHT WITH ALL YOU'VE GOT! "ZACK!" "ZACK!" "ZACK!" "ZACK!" Utterly shocked, Landon begins to get that sinking feeling. Zack is still in the fight, however barely. But before Zack can get back up, he takes a punch to the ribs. Again. Again. And again and again and again and again, with no end in sight, Maddix trying to turn Zack's internal organs into mincemeat! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Eventually Zack seems to go limp, and Landon is the one keeping him from falling, as he holds him by the collar of his shirt. Leading Zack away from the ropes, Landon hoists Zack up onto his shoulders, looking to deal the death blow. However, before Zack can Go 2 Sleep, he decides he wants to stay up a little while longer, and kicks himself off Landon's shoulders! Thinking quickly, Zack goes for the ANGLE SLAM~!, but can't lift Landon, dropping him to his feet! Favoring the ribs, Malibu keels over and winds up scooped up again, onto Landon's shoulders, before La Cucaracha decides to put him to bed. GO 2 SLEEP ON ZACK MALIBU~! COLE No, COME ON! This is robbery! This was a premeditated assault! Malibu, with blood dripping down his chin, is lifeless, as Landon Maddix makes a rather arrogant cover. ONE! TWO! THREE! DING! DING! DING! COLE NO! I don't believe it...this can't be happening! COACH It is, Mikey Cole, it most certainly is! We have a NEW World Heavyweight Champion, and it happened right here on live television! As "Personal Jesus" is cued up, Landon Maddix is given the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship, and he clutches it to his chest. Megan Skye rolls into the ring and rubs her mans shoulders as he stares into the gold center plate, then rises to his feet and unleashes a primal scream as he raises the belt in the air. COLE I...I'm in shock. I don't believe what we've just seen. The Millitia enter the ring as well, as Landon shakes both their hands and thanks them, before they take Landon and lift him onto their shoulders like a conquering hero![/QUOTE] COLE And now, we enter a new era here in the OAOAST. Zack Malibu has been ordered to take the week off to recuperate, both by his doctors and by the figurehead of the OAOAST AngleSault. But here tonight in Tampa, we will be graced with the presence of the new World Champion. Live in this ring, a celebration from the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion, Landon Maddix, later on in this broadcast. It certainly promises to be unmissable.
  21. King Cucaracha

    BOOKING 4 7/5/SHOW

    Leon Rodez vs. Conquistador UNO Plus, Landon Maddix's big in-ring celebration extravaganza party related segment!
  22. Congrats 'Drea. SMARTMARKS WRESTLING FEDERATION CHAMPIONSHIP HISTORY - June 25th, 2007 **** SWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP **** 1. RANE -- 9/18/00 -- NTD -- 1 Day (1) 2. NTD -- 9/19/00 -- N/A -- 4 Days (2) 3. G.O.A.T. -- 9/23/00 -- NTD -- 14 Days 4. RANE (2)-- 10/07/00 -- G.O.A.T. -- 58 Days 5. SPIKE -- 12/04/00 -- Rane -- 54 Days 6. RANE (3)-- 1/27/01 -- Spike -- 63 Days 7. PDS -- 4/01/01 -- Rane -- 12 Days 8. DIVEFIRE -- 4/13/01 -- PDS -- 21 Days (3) 9. STUBBY "POTS" MCWEED -- 5/27/01 -- Bobby Riley -- 44 Days (4)(5) 10. "GRAND SLAM" MARK STEVENS -- 7/22/01 -- N/A -- 28 Days (6) 11. CHRIS WILSON -- 8/19/01 -- "Grand Slam" Mark Stevens -- 28 Days 12. EL LUCHADORE MAGNIFICO -- 9/16/01 -- Chris Wilson -- 47 Days (7) 13. HVILLE THUGG -- 11/02/01 -- El Luchadore Magnifico -- 79 Days (8) 14. SUICIDE KING -- 1/20/02 -- Hville Thugg -- 28 Days 15. "GRAND SLAM" MARK STEVENS (2) -- 2/17/02 -- Suicide King -- 9 Days 16. HVILLE THUGG (2) -- 2/26/02 -- "Grand Slam" Mark Stevens -- 89 Days 17. EDWIN MACPHISTO -- 5/26/02 -- Hville Thugg -- 103 Days (9) 18. EL LUCHADORE MAGNIFICO (2) -- 9/6/02 -- Edwin MacPhisto -- 35 Days 19. SACRED -- 10/11/02 -- El Luchadore Magnifico -- 16 Days 20. EL LUCHADORE MAGNIFICO (3) -- 10/27/02 -- Sacred -- 140 Days 21. TNT -- 3/16/03 -- El Luchadore Magnifico -- 19 Days 22. TOM FLESHER -- 4/4/03 -- TNT -- 89 Days 23. THOTH -- 7/2/03 -- Tom Flesher -- 14 Days 24. BOSTON STRANGLER -- 7/16/03 -- Thoth -- 58 Days 25. TOM FLESHER (2) -- 9/12/03 -- Boston Strangler -- 95 Days 26. EJIRO FASAKI -- 12/16/03 -- Tom Flesher -- 22 Days 27. DANNY WILLIAMS -- 1/7/04 -- Ejiro Fasaki -- 15 Days 28. VA’AIGA -- 2/1/04 -- Danny Williams -- 35 Days 29. CHARLIE "GRAPPLER" MATTHEWS -- 3/7/04 -- Va’aiga -- 49 Days 30. “THE NOTORIOUS” JOHN DURAN -- 4/25/04 -- Charlie “Grappler” Matthews -- 10 Days 31. DANNY WILLIAMS (2) -- 5/5/04 -- “The Notorious” John Duran -- 9 Days 32. NATHANIEL KIBAGAMI -- 5/14/04 -- Danny Williams -- 10 Days 33. DANNY WILLIAMS (3) -- 5/24/04 -- Nathaniel Kibagami -- 20 Days 34. JANUS -- 6/13/04 -- Danny Williams -- 49 Days 35. TOXXIC -- 8/1/04 -- Tom Flesher (10) -- 19 Days 36. JOHNNY DANGEROUS -- 8/20/04 -- Toxxic -- 30 Days 37. TOXXIC (2) -- 9/19/04 -- Johnny Dangerous -- 93 Days 38. LANDON "LA CUCARACHA" MADDIX -- 12/21/04 -- Toxxic -- 24 Days 39. SACRED (2) -- 1/14/05 -- Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix -- 35 Days 40. TOXXIC (3) -- 2/18/05 -- Sacred -- 89 Days 41. EJIRO FASAKI (2) -- 5/18/05 -- Toxxic -- 74 Days 42. JOHNNY DANGEROUS (2) -- 7/31/05 -- Ejiro Fasaki -- 28 Days 43. DANNY WILLIAMS (4) -- 8/29/05 -- Johnny Dangerous -- 21 Days 44. EL LUCHADORE MAGNIFICO (4) -- 9/20/05 -- Danny Williams -- 175 Days 45. WES DAVENPORT -- 3/14/06 -- El Luchadore Magnifico -- 30 Days (11) 46. LANDON "LA CUCARACHA" MADDIX (2) -- 4/24/06 -- JJ Johnson (12) -- 50 Days 47. MICHAEL STEPHENS (4) -- 6/12/06 -- Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix -- 192 Days 48. "THE BEAST" GABRIEL DRAKE -- 12/22/06 -- Michael Stephens -- 97 Days 49. LANDON "LA CUCARACHA" MADDIX (3) -- 3/29/07 -- "The Beast" Gabriel Drake -- 66 Days 50. ALAN CLARK -- 6/3/07 -- Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix -- 22 Days and counting (1) Rane defeated NTD to become the first IGNWF Champ (2) Rane handed the title over to NTD (3) Divefire vacated the title upon becoming commissioner (4) Stubby won an eight man tournament, defeating Bobby Riley in the finals. (5) Stubby vacated the title due to a neck injury (6) This was Regenerate Rules match involving Mark Stevens, Bobby Riley, Mercury, Chris Wilson and Perfect Bo for the vacant title. (7) This was a six pack challenge involving King of Hearts, Neilsen of the Jungle, Axis, Chris Wilson, El Luchadore Magnifico and Stubby "Pots" McWeed. (8) Hville Thugg's ICTV Title was also on the line in this match. (9) This was a triple threat match also involving Perfect Bo. (10) Toxxic beat Tom Flesher and Janus in a triple threat match for the SWF World Heavyweight Title. (11) Wes Davenport vacated the championship on April 13th to pursue his revived movie career. (12) This was a Canadian Death Match for the vacant Championship. Longest Title Reign - Michael Stephens, 192 Days Most Title Reigns - Danny Williams, El Luchadore Magnifico and Michael Stephens, 4 Most Days with Title - El Luchadore Magnifico, 394 Days ****SWF INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP**** 1. JOHNNY DANGEROUS -- 3/30/05 -- Jay Hawke -- 25 Days (1) 2. LANDON "LA CUCARACHA" MADDIX -- 4/24/05 -- Johnny Dangerous -- 5 Days 3. "THE DEAN OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING" JAY HAWKE -- 4/29/05 -- Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix -- 29 Days 4. ARCH GRIFFON -- 5/28/05 -- Jay Hawke -- 15 Days 5. "THE DEAN OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING" JAY HAWKE (2) -- 6/12/05 -- 274 Days 6. WILDCHILD -- 3/14/06 -- Jay Hawke -- 50 Days 7. JJ JOHNSON -- 5/3/06 -- Wildchild -- 19 Days 8. AECAS -- 5/22/06 -- JJ Johnson -- 48 Days (2) 9. BRUCE BLANK -- 7/24/06 -- n/a -- 79 Days (3) 10. JOHNNY DANGEROUS (2) -- 10/12/06 -- Bruce Blank -- 39 Days 11. "THE DIVINE WIND" AKIRA KAIBATSU -- 11/20/06 -- Johnny Dangerous -- 32 Days 12. ALAN CLARK -- 12/22/06 -- Akira Kaibatsu -- 163 Days (4) (1) ICTV Champion Johnny Dangerous defeated USJL Champion Jay Hawke to unify the two championships on March 30th. (2) Aecas vacated the International Championship on July 5th. (3) Bruce Blank won the vacant title in a fatal fourway elimination match against Spike Jenkins, Akira Kaibatsu and Mike Cross (4) This was a triple threat match, also involving Mike Cross Longest Title Reign - Jay Hawke, 274 Days Most Title Reigns - Jay Hawke and Johnny Dangerous, 2 Most Days with Title - Jay Hawke, 303 Days **** SWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP **** 1. NTD & RANE -- 9/18/00 -- N/A -- 7 Days (1) 2. PIMP DADDY SARP & RANE (2) -- 9/25/00 -- Curry Man -- 12 Days (2) (3) 3. DANNY VIGILANTE & DIVEFIRE -- 10/29/00 -- Malignant Odium -- 49 Days (4) 4. ANGELOUS & MOLOCK -- 12/17/00 -- DVD -- 105 Days 5. CHRIS RAYNOR & CHRIS STORM -- 4/01/01 -- The Fallen -- 19 Days 6. CYCLONE COMET & RANE (3) -- 4/20/01 -- Y2Chris -- 42 Days 7. AXIS & CYCLONE COMET (2)-- 6/01/01 -- N/A -- 23 Days (5) 8. ANGELOUS (2) & MOLOCK (2) -- 6/24/01 -- Cyclone Comet and Axis -- 20 Days (6) 9. CHRIS WILSON & HVILLE THUGG -- 7/14/01 -- The Fallen -- 3 Days (7) 10. NEILSEN OF THE JUNGLE & PERFECT BO -- 7/22/01 -- HVille Thugg and Mistress Sarah -- 28 Days (8) 11. CHRIS RAYNOR (2) & SPARK -- 8/19/01 -- Neilsen of the Jungle and Perfect Bo -- 28 Days 12. "GRAND SLAM" MARK STEVENS & OUTCAST -- 9/16/01 -- Chris Raynor and Spark -- 35 Days 13. ANDREA MONTGOMERY & JOHNNY ROTTEN -- 10/21/01-- "Grand Slam" Mark Stevens and Outcast -- 23 Days 14. "GRAND SLAM" MARK STEVENS (2) & MISTRESS SARAH -- 11/12/01 -- Andrea Montgomery & Johnny Rotten -- 14 Days 15. HVILLE THUGG (2) & X -- 11/26/01 -- "Grand Slam" Mark Stevens & Mistress Sarah -- 27 Days 16. EDWIN MACPHISTO & "GRAND SLAM" MARK STEVENS (3) -- 12/23/01 -- Hville Thugg & X -- 47 Days 17. SPIDER NEKURA & THOTH -- 2/8/02 -- Edwin MacPhisto & "Grand Slam" Mark Stevens -- 79 Days 18. CHRIS RAYNOR (3) & EL LUCHADORE MAGNIFICO -- 4/28/02 -- Spider Nekura & Thoth -- 12 Days (9) 19. JAY DAWG & SACRED -- 5/10/02 -- Chris Raynor & El Luchadore Magnifico -- 28 Days 20. CHRIS WILSON (2) & STRYKE -- 6/7/02 -- Jay Dawg & Sacred -- 31 Days 21. CHRIS RAYNOR (4) & EDWIN MACPHISTO (2) -- 7/8/02 -- Chris Wilson & Stryke -- 35 Days 22. FROST & "TNT" TAYLOR NICHOLAS THOMPSON -- 8/12/02 -- Chris Raynor & Edwin MacPhisto -- 60 Days 23. CED ORDONEZ & THOTH (2) -- 10/11/02 -- Frost & "TNT" Taylor Nicholas Thompson -- 35 Days 24. FROST (2) & TOM FLESHER -- 11/22/02 -- Ced Ordonez & Mak Francis -- 114 Days (10) 25. EJIRO FASAKI & JUDGE MENTAL -- 3/16/03 -- Frost & Tom Flesher -- 117 Days 26. DACE NIGHT & VA'AIGA -- 7/11/03 -- Ejiro Fasaki & William Hearford -- 31 Days 27. QUIZ & SHOW -- 8/10/03 -- Dace Night & Va'aiga (11) -- 69 Days 28. EJIRO FASAKI (2) & JUDGE MENTAL (2) -- 10/18/03 -- Quiz & John Duran (12) -- 90 Days 29. JOHNNY DANGEROUS & WILDCHILD -- 1/16/04 -- Ejiro Fasaki & Judge Mental (13) -- 75 Days 30. TERRENCE 'JANUS' BAILEY & AECAS -- 3/31/04 -- Johnny Dangerous & Wildchild -- 14 Days 31. TODD CORTEZ & MIKE VAN SICLEN -- 4/14/04 -- Terrence 'Janus' Bailey & Aecas (14) -- 5 Days 32. JOHNNY DANGEROUS (2) & WILDCHILD (2) -- 4/19/04 -- Todd Cortez & Mike Van Siclen -- 6 Days 33. TERRENCE 'JANUS' BAILEY (2) & AECAS (2) -- 4/25/04 -- Todd Cortez & Mike Van Siclen (15) -- 19 Days 34. TODD CORTEZ (2) & MIKE VAN SICLEN (2) -- 5/14/04 -- Terrence 'Janus' Bailey & Aecas -- 128 Days 35. "HOLLYWOOD" SPIKE JENKINS & SEAN DAVIS -- 9/19/04 -- Todd Cortez & Mike Van Siclen -- 19 Days 36. CHRISTIAN FURY & DAVID CROSS -- 10/8/04 --"Hollywood" Spike Jenkins and Sean Davis -- 59 Days 37. TOXXIC & SEAN DAVIS (2) -- 12/6/04 -- Christian Fury and David Cross -- 31 Days 38. JOHNNY DANGEROUS (3) & WILDCHILD (3) -- 1/5/05 -- Toxxic and Sean Davis -- 134 Days 39. TODD CORTEZ (3) & LANDON MADDIX -- 5/18/05 -- Johnny Dangerous & Wildchild -- 40 Days (16) 40. JOHNNY DANGEROUS (4) & WILDCHILD (4) -- 6/27/05 -- Todd Cortez & Landon Maddix -- 97 Days 41. LANDON MADDIX (2) & JAY HAWKE -- 10/3/05 -- Johnny Dangerous & Wildchild -- 35 Days 42. KOJI KITANO & TORU TAKAHARA -- 11/7/05 -- Landon Maddix & Jay Hawke -- 77 Days 43. LANDON MADDIX (3) & "THE ICON" MAX KING -- 23/1/05 -- KOJI Kitano & TORU Takahara -- 50 Days 44. AKIRA KAIBATSU & MICHAEL CROSS -- 3/14/06 -- Landon Maddix & Max King -- 15 Days (17) 45. JJ JOHNSON & MANSON -- 3/29/06 -- Akira Kaibatsu & Michael Cross -- 44 Days 46. JJ JOHNSON (2) & SPIKE JENKINS -- 5/12/06 -- n/a (18) -- 19 Days 47. JIMMY THE DOOM & THE DOOMSTROYER -- 5/31/06 -- JJ Johnson & Spike Jenkins -- 30 Days 48. TOM FLESHER (2) & CHARLIE "GRAPPLER" MATTHEWS -- 6/30/06 -- Jimmy The Doom & The Doomstroyer -- 45 Days 49. MICHAEL STEPHENS (2) & LANDON MADDIX (4) -- 8/14/06 -- Tom Flesher & Charlie Matthews -- 218 Days 50. JOHNNY DANGEROUS (5) & WILDCHILD (5) -- 3/21/07 -- Michael Stephens & Landon Maddix -- 96 Days and counting (1) Claimed belts due to no competition (2) PDS won NTD's half on the belts, by defeating Curry Man (3) Rane/PDS handed over the titles at Genesis, as Jayson ruled no one could hold more than one belt. (4) Triple threat match, also involving FX for the vacant tag titles. (5) Rane retired, handing over his tag team belt to Axis (6) Triple Threat Casino Brawl, also involving Silencer/El Luchadore Magnifico (7) Mercury stripped Wilson and Thugg of the titles on July 17th, stating that Wilson couldn't hold more than one title. (8) This was for the vacant tag titles (9) This was a triple threat tag match also involving Erek Taylor & Munich. (10) Ced and Thoth were stripped of the titles on 11/15/02. This was a match for the vacant titles. (11) This was a triple threat tag match also involving CIA & Mak Francis. (12) John Duran was awarded half of the tag title belts on 10/03/03 following an injury to Show. (13) This was a four corners match also involving Janus & Dace Night and Va’aiga & John Duran. (14) This was a triple threat tag match also involving Tom Flesher & Ann Onita. (15) Terrence "Janus" Bailey & Aecas won the tag team titles in a four corners tag match triple fall match in which the third fall was for the tag team titles. The four teams involved were Toxxic & Jimmy "The Demon" Liston, Wildchild & Johnny Dangerous, Todd Cortez & Mike Van Siclen, and Terrence "Janus" Bailey & Aecas. (16) This was a three team TLC Match, also involving Manson & Arch Griffon. (17) This was a three team TLC Match, also involving Spike Jenkins & Zyon (18) Spike Jenkins defeated Manson to take over his spot as co-Tag Team Champion Longest Title Reign - Michael Stephens & Landon Maddix, 218 Days Most Title Reigns, team - Johnny Dangerous & Wildchild, 5 Most Title Reigns, individual - Johnny Dangerous and Wildchild, 5 Most Days with Title, team - Johnny Dangerous & Wildchild, 408 Days and counting Most Days with Title, individual - Johnny Dangerous & Wildchild, 408 Days and counting **** SWF HARDCORE GAMERS CHAMPIONSHIP **** 1. G.O.A.T. -- 09/20/00 -- N/A -- 3 Days (1) (2) 2. SPIKE -- 10/29/00 -- Mayor McCheese -- 17 Days (3) 3. NEILSEN OF THE JUNGLE -- 11/15/00 -- Spike -- 54 Days 4. GRIMEDOGG -- 01/08/01 -- Phoenix -- 60 Days (4) 5. PERFECT BO -- 03/09/01 -- Grimedogg -- 51 Days 6. SACRED -- 04/29/01 -- Perfect Bo -- 15 Days 7. GRUNGE -- 05/14/01 -- Sacred -- 4 Days (5) 8. CHRIS WILSON -- 05/18/01 -- Grunge -- 60 Days 9. SPARK -- 07/17/01 -- Chris Wilson -- 5 Days (6) 10. GRUNGE (2) -- 07/22/01 -- Spark -- 15 Days 11. FALLOUT -- 08/06/01 -- Grunge -- 13 Days 12. JOHNNY ROTTEN -- 08/19/01 -- Fallout -- 28 Days 13. GRIMEDOGG (2) -- 09/16/01 -- Johnny Rotten -- 12 Days 14. FALLOUT (2) -- 09/28/01 -- Grimedogg -- 23 Days (7) 15. MISTRESS SARAH -- 10/21/01 -- Fallout -- 27 Days (8) 16. X -- 11/16/01 -- Mistress Sarah -- 14 Days 17. MISTRESS SARAH (2) -- 11/30/01 -- X -- 14 Days 18. FALLOUT (3) -- 12/14/01 -- Mistress Sarah -- 31 Days 19. MUNICH -- 1/14/02 -- Fallout -- 6 Days 20. BOSTON STRANGLER -- 1/20/02 -- Munich -- 61 Days 21. MISTRESS SARAH (3) -- 3/22/02 -- Boston Strangler -- 9 Days 22. LONGDOGGER PETE -- 3/31/02 -- Mistress Sarah -- 28 Days 23. STRYKE -- 4/28/02 -- Longdogger Pete -- 28 Days 24. ASH KETCHUM -- 5/26/02 -- Stryke -- 9 Days 25. STRYKE (2) -- 6/4/02 -- Ash Ketchum -- 26 Days 26. ASH KETCHUM (2) -- 6/30/02 -- Stryke -- 8 Days 27. JAY DAWG -- 7/8/02 -- Ash Ketchum -- 83 Days 28. CED ORDONEZ -- 9/29/02 -- Mercury -- 8 Days (9) 29. FROST -- 10/7/02 -- Ced Ordonez -- 20 Days 30. ASH KETCHUM (3) -- 10/27/02 -- Frost -- 19 Days 31. ANNIE ECLECTIC -- 11/15/02 -- Ash Ketchum -- 25 Days 32. MICHAEL CRAVEN (4) -- 12/10/02 -- Annie Eclectic -- 34 Days 33. JUDGE MENTAL -- 1/13/03 -- Michael Craven -- 77 Days 34. MIKE VAN SICLEN -- 3/31/03 -- Judge Mental -- 4 Days (10) 35. WILDCHILD -- 4/4/03 -- Mike Van Siclen -- 5 Days 36. JANUS -- 4/9/03 -- n/a -- 9 Days (11) 37. BEEZEL -- 4/18/03 -- Janus -- 18 Days 38. JANUS (2) -- 5/4/03 -- Beezel -- 10 Days 39. DACE NIGHT -- 5/14/03 -- Janus -- 39 Days (12) 40. CIA -- 6/22/03 -- Dace Night -- 15 Days 41. VA'AIGA -- 7/7/03 -- CIA -- 18 Days 42. WILDCHILD (2) -- 7/25/03 -- Va'aiga -- 138 Days 43. JANUS (3) -- 12/10/03 -- Wildchild -- 58 Days 44. JOHN DURAN -- 2/6/04 -- Janus -- 14 Days 45. AECAS -- 2/20/04 -- John Duran -- 16 Days 46. TOXXIC -- 3/7/04 -- Aecas -- 49 Days 47. JIMMY "THE DEMON" LISTON -- 4/25/04 -- Mike Van Siclen (13) -- 10 Days 48. MIKE VAN SICLEN (2) -- 5/5/04 -- Jimmy “The Demon” Liston -- 54 Days 49. RYAN DUSTIN -- 6/28/04 -- Mike Van Siclen -- 19 Days 50. MARTIN "BIG COUNTRY" HUNT -- 7/17/04 -- Ryan Dustin -- 15 Days 51. SEAN DAVIS -- 8/1/04 -- Martin "Big Country" Hunt -- 64 Days 52. CHRISTIAN FURY -- 10/4/04 -- Sean Davis -- 10 Days 53. SEAN DAVIS (2) --10/14/04 -- Christian Fury -- 4 Days 54. CARNAGE -- 10/18/04 -- Sean Davis -- 20 Days 55. CHRISTIAN FURY (2) -- 11/7/04 -- Carnage -- 24 Days 56. SEAN DAVIS (3) -- 12/1/04 -- Christian Fury -- 20 Days 57. TODD CORTEZ -- 12/21/04 -- Carnage -- 80 Days (14) 58. INSANE LUCHADOR -- 3/11/05 -- n/a (15) -- 28 Days 59. JJ JOHNSON -- 4/8/05 -- Insane Luchador -- 16 Days 60. INSANE LUCHADOR (2) -- 4/24/05 -- JJ Johnson -- 34 Days 61. MANSON -- 5/28/05 -- Insane Luchador -- 5 Days 62. INSANE LUCHADOR (3) -- 6/2/05 -- Manson -- 10 Days 63. ZYON -- 6/12/05 -- Insane Luchador -- 49 Days 64. MARCUS WARD -- 7/31/05 -- Zyon -- 32 Days (16) 65. BRUCE BLANK -- 9/2/05 -- Marcus Ward -- 213 Days 66. AMY STEPHENS -- 4/3/06 -- Bruce Blank -- 53 Days 67. "HOLLYWOOD" SPIKE JENKINS -- 5/27/06 -- Amy Stephens -- 17 Days 68. SEAN DAVIS (4) -- 6/12/06 -- "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins -- 14 Days 69. JIMMY THE DOOM -- 6/26/06 -- n/a -- 365 Days and counting (17) (1) G.O.A.T. claimed the vacant belt. (2) G.O.A.T. dropped the title upon becoming World Champion (3) Match for the vacant title (4) This was a triple threat match also involving Neilsen of the Jungle (5) This was a Four way match, also involving Jay Dawg and Apostle (6) This was a Triple threat match also involving Grimedogg (7) This was a Triple threat elimination match also involving Chris Storm (8) This was a Triple threat match with Jamie Bjork and the Light Heavyweight Title on the line as well (9) Jay Dawg was stripped of the title at Genesis 3, and Mercury took his place, challenging Ced Ordonez for the vacant title. (10) This was a Triple threat match also involving Neilsen of the Jungle (11) Wildchild vacated the title on 4/9/03. This was a triple threat match for the vacant title, against Johnny Dangerous and Mike Van Siclen. (12) This was a Triple threat match also involving Jay Dawg (13) Jimmy "The Demon" Liston won the HCG title in a four corners tag match triple fall match in which the second fall was for the HCG title. The four teams involved were Toxxic & Jimmy "The Demon" Liston, Wildchild & Johnny Dangerous, Todd Cortez & Mike Van Siclen, and Terrence "Janus" Bailey & Aecas. (14) Todd Cortez won the HCG title in a 'Double The Titles, Double The Pleasure' match, pinning Carnage. Also involved were Sean Davis and Munich. (15) The Insane Luchador won the HCG Title in Calvinball 2, versus Todd Cortez, Toxxic, Alan Clark, Austin Sly and Scott Pretzler, despite not winning the match. (16) This was a Triple Threat, 'Lady Luck Is A Bitch' Match, also involving Nick "The Hitlist" Blum (17) This was a Match for the vacant title, after Sean Davis had left the company Longest Title Reign - Jimmy The Doom, 365 Days and counting Most Title Reigns - Ash Ketchum/Michael Craven and Sean Davis, 4 Most Days with Title - Jimmy The Doom, 365 Days and counting **** SWF CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP **** 1. WILDCHILD -- 2/1/04 -- Tom Flesher (1) -- 35 Days 2. ALAN CLARK -- 3/1/04 -- Wildchild -- 44 Days 3. JOHNNY DANGEROUS -- 4/14/04 -- Alan Clark -- 70 Days 4. AUSTIN SLY -- 6/23/04 -- Johnny Dangerous -- 19 Days 5. "HOLLYWOOD" SPIKE JENKINS -- 7/12/04 -- Austin Sly -- 14 Days 6. TOM FLESHER -- 7/26/04 -- Spike Jenkins -- 49 Days (2) 7. "THE REAL DEAL" RYAN DUSTIN -- 9/19/04 -- n/a -- 29 Days (3) 8. "HOLLYWOOD" SPIKE JENKINS (2) -- 10/18/04 -- Ryan Dustin -- 120 Days 9. "THE CRITIC" SCOTT PRETZLER -- 2/14/05 -- Spike Jenkins -- 49 Days 10. WILDCHILD (2) -- 4/4/05 -- Scott Pretzler -- 38 Days 11. THE INSANE LUCHADOR -- 5/13/05 -- Wildchild -- 37 Days (4) 12. "THE CRITIC" SCOTT PRETZLER (2) -- 6/27/05 -- n/a -- 49 Days (5) 13. JJ JOHNSON -- 8/15/05 -- Scott Pretzler -- 141 Days 14. ZYON -- 1/4/06 -- JJ Johnson -- 49 Days 15. "THE DIVINE WIND" AKIRA KAIBATSU -- 2/22/06 -- Zyon -- 60 Days 16. GRENDEL -- 4/24/06 -- Akira Kaibatsu -- 25 Days (6) 17. ZYON (2) -- 5/18/06 -- Akira Kaibatsu -- 25 Days (7) 18. "IRON" MIKE CROSS -- 6/12/06 -- Zyon -- 58 Days 19. TOM FLESHER (2) -- 8/9/06 -- Mike Cross -- 39 Days 20. MICHAEL STEPHENS -- 9/18/06 -- Tom Flesher -- 63 Days 21. ZYON (3) -- 11/20/06 -- Michael Stephens -- 25 Days 22. ALAN CLARK (2) -- 12/15/06 -- Zyon -- 33 Days 23. WILDCHILD (3) -- 1/17/07 -- Alan Clark -- 71 Days 24. JIMMY THE DOOM -- 3/29/07 -- Wildchild -- 35 Days 25. THE FABULOUS JAKEY -- 5/3/07 -- Jimmy The Doom -- 6 Days 26. WILDCHILD (4) -- 5/9/07 -- The Fabulous Jakey -- 25 Days 27. THE FABULOUS JAKEY (2) -- 6/3/07 -- Wildchild -- 22 Days and counting (1) This was a ladder match for the vacant title. (2) Tom Flesher was stripped of the title on 9/13/04, after walking out on a match with Ryan Dustin and the belt was held up. (3) This was a triple threat ladder match for the vacant title, also involving "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins and The Birdman. (4) During his reign, The Insane Luchador passed away and the title was declared vacant. (5) As the current #1 Contender, Scott Pretzler was awarded the vacant title by Smarkdown Commissioner Tom Flesher. (6) This was an Air Raid Match, also involving Austin Sly and Stryke (7) This was a triple threat match, also involving Grendel Longest Title Reign - JJ Johnson, 141 Days Most Title Reigns - Wildchild, 4 Most Days with Title - Wildchild, 166 Days **** SWF INTERCONTINENTAL TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIP **** (IN-ACTIVE) 1. NTD -- 9/18/00 -- N/A -- 19 Days (1) 2. PIMP DADDY SARP - 10/07/00 -- NTD -- 29 Days 3. STUBBY "POTS" MCWEED -- 11/15/00 -- PDS -- 19 Days 4. MR. GALATEA - 12/4/00 -- Stubby "Pots" McWeed -- 13 Days (2) 5. FALLOUT -- 12/17/00 -- Mr. Galatea -- 42 Days 6. NEILSEN OF THE JUNGLE -- 01/28/01 -- Fallout -- 8 Days (3) 7. OUTCAST -- 02/05/01 -- Neilsen of the Jungle -- 55 Days 8. MERCURY -- 04/01/01 -- Outcast -- 13 Days (4) 9. "GRAND SLAM" MARK STEVENS -- 04/29/01 -- Angelous -- 28 Days(5) 10. CHRIS STORM -- 05/27/01 -- Mark Stevens -- 5 Days (6) 11. "GRAND SLAM" MARK STEVENS (2) -- 06/01/01 -- Chris Storm -- 35 Days 12. CHRIS RAYNOR -- 07/06/01 -- Mark Stevens -- 16 Days 13. AXIS -- 07/22/01 -- Chris Raynor -- 28 Days 14. EDWIN MACPHISTO -- 08/19/01 -- Axis -- 19 Days (7) 12. CHRIS STORM (2)-- 09/07/01 -- Edwin MacPhisto -- 9 Days 13. HVILLE THUGG -- 09/16/01 -- Chris Storm -- 61 Days (8) 14. AXIS (2) -- 11/16/01 -- Hville Thugg -- 37 Days 15. X -- 12/23/01 -- Axis -- 34 Days 16. THOTH -- 1/25/02 -- Xstasy -- 23 Days (9) 17. EDWIN MACPHISTO (2) -- 2/17/02 -- Thoth -- 60 Days 18. THOTH (2) -- 4/18/02 -- Edwin MacPhisto -- 10 Days 19. SACRED -- 4/28/02 -- Thoth -- 28 Days 20. FALLOUT (2) -- 5/26/02 -- Sacred -- 5 Days 21. SACRED (2) -- 5/31/02 -- Fallout -- 30 Days 22. EREK TAYLOR -- 6/30/02 -- Sacred -- 36 Days (10) 23. FALLOUT (3) -- 8/5/02 -- Erek Taylor -- 7 Days 24. CHRIS WILSON -- 8/12/02 -- Fallout -- 39 Days 25. PERFECT BO -- 9/20/02 -- Chris Wilson -- 9 Days (11) 26. TOM FLESHER -- 9/29/02 -- Perfect Bo -- 63 Days 27. OROCHI (3) -- 12/1/02 -- Tom Flesher -- 47 Days 28. FROST -- 1/17/03 -- Orochi -- 58 Days (12) 29. NEILSEN OF THE JUNGLE (2) -- 3/16/03 -- Frost -- 0 Days 30. FROST (2) -- 3/16/03 -- Neilsen of the Jungle -- 5 Days (13) 31. JAY DAWG -- 3/31/03 -- Danny Williams -- 34 Days (14) 32. DANNY WILLIAMS -- 5/4/03 -- Jay Dawg -- 55 Days 33. STRYKE -- 6/28/03 -- Danny Williams -- 9 Days 34. BEEZEL -- 7/7/03 -- Stryke -- 4 Days 35. MAK FRANCIS -- 7/11/03 -- Beezel -- 79 Days 36. "THE SACRED ONE" ANDREW BLACKWELL (3) -- 9/28/03 -- Mak Francis -- 24 Days 37. XSTASY (2) -- 10/22/03 -- Andrew Blackwell -- 40 Days 38. DACE NIGHT -- 12/01/03 -- Xstasy -- 15 Days 39. CHARLIE "GRAPPLER" MATTHEWS -- 12/16/03 -- Dace Night -- 82 Days 40. INSANE LUCHADOR -- 3/7/04 -- Charlie "Grappler" Matthews -- 10 Days 41. TOXXIC -- 3/17/04 -- Insane Luchador -- 23 Days 42. TERRENCE "JANUS" BAILEY -- 4/9/04 -- Toxxic -- 16 Days 43. TOXXIC (2) -- 4/25/04 -- Wildchild (15) -- 29 Days 44. TERRENCE "JANUS" BAILEY (2) -- 5/24/04 -- Toxxic -- 30 Days 45. LANDON "LA CUCARACHA" MADDIX -- 6/23/04 -- Ace Lezaire (16) -- 24 Days 46. JOHNNY DANGEROUS -- 7/17/04 -- Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix -- 15 Days 47. LANDON "LA CUCARACHA" MADDIX (2) -- 8/1/04 -- Johnny Dangerous -- 59 Days 48. "THE ICON" MAX KING -- 9/29/04 -- Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix -- 39 Days (17) 49. LANDON "LA CUCARACHA" MADDIX (3) -- 11/7/04 -- "The Icon" Max King -- 138 Days 50. JOHNNY DANGEROUS (2) -- 3/25/05 -- Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix -- 5 Days (18) (1) NTD was the original champion, the belt was handed to him (2) Mr. Galatea defeated PDS, The Messiah, Fallout and Stubby in a Hide and Seek Match (3) Neilsen defeated Outcast and Fallout in a three way ladder match. (4) Mercury vacated the title due to various injuries (5) Mark Stevens defeated Angelous for the vacated title. (6) Chris Storm defeated Chris Wilson and Mark Stevens in a Last Man Standing Submission Match (7) Triple threat match also involving Xstasy (8) Triple threat match also involving Mistress Sarah (9) Triple threat match also involving Perfect Bo (10) Four way match also involving Fallout and Longdogger Pete (11) Triple threat Miami Mayhem match also involving Longdogger Pete (12) Triple threat match also involving Danny Williams (13) After winning the ICTV title from Frost, Neilsen rejected the belt, returning it to Frost and naming him the new champion. (14) Frost vacated the title on 3/21/03. This was a match for the vacant title. (15) Toxxic won the ICTV title in a four corners tag match triple fall match in which the first fall was for the ICTV title. The four teams involved were Toxxic & Jimmy "The Demon" Liston, Wildchild & Johnny Dangerous, Todd Cortez & Mike Van Siclen, and Terrence "Janus" Bailey & Aecas. (16) Ace Lezaire was Landon Maddix's opponent for the ICTV title after Janus vacated it earlier on the same night, having just won the SWF World Heavyweight Title on June 13th, 2004. (17) Max King was beaten in a Dumpster Match by Landon Maddix, for the title. However, due to a controversial decision in the match the title change was stricken from the records and King's title reign was deemed to have continued regardless. (18) ICTV Champion Johnny Dangerous defeated USJL Champion Jay Hawke to unify the two championships on March 30th. Longest Title Reign - Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix, 138 Days Most Title Reigns - Fallout, Orochi/Thoth, Sacred and Landon Maddix, 3 Most Days with Title - Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix, 220 Days **** SWF UNITED STATES / JUNIOR LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP **** (IN-ACTIVE) 1. OUTCAST -- 10/29/00 -- Spike -- 36 Days (1) 2. DIVEFIRE -- 12/04/00 -- Outcast -- 42 Days 3. MERCURY -- 01/15/01 -- Divefire -- 36 Days 4. AXIS -- 03/02/01 -- Mercury -- 45 Days 5. PERFECT BO -- 04/16/01 -- Axis -- 69 Days 6. EDWIN MACPHISTO -- 06/24/01 -- "Grand Slam" Mark Stevens -- 28 Days (2) 7. GRIMEDOGG -- 07/22/01 -- Edwin MacPhisto -- 28 Days 8. THOTH -- 08/19/01 -- Grimedogg -- 92 Days (3) 9. MERCURY (2) -- 11/19/01 -- Thoth -- 7 Days 10. BOBBY RILEY -- 11/26/01 -- Mercury -- 11 Days 11. SACRED -- 12/7/01 -- Bobby Riley -- 84 Days 12. XSTASY -- 3/1/02 -- Sacred -- 21 Days 13. JAY DAWG -- 3/22/02 -- Xstasy -- 9 Days 14. K-OS -- 3/31/02 -- Jay Dawg -- 5 Days (4) 15. JAY DAWG (2) -- 4/5/02 -- K-Os -- 8 Days 16. JAY DAWG (3) -- 4/28/02 -- Perfect Bo -- 33 Days (5) 17. TOM FLESHER -- 6/4/02 -- N/A -- 17 Days (6) 18. CHRIS RAYNOR -- 6/21/02 -- Tom Flesher -- 9 Days 19. TOM FLESHER (2) -- 6/30/02 -- Chris Raynor -- 36 Days (7) 20. "TNT" TAYLOR NICHOLAS THOMPSON -- 8/5/02 -- Tom Flesher -- 4 Days 21. TOM FLESHER (3) -- 8/9/02 -- "TNT" Taylor Nicholas Thompson -- 35 Days 22. TOD DEKINDES -- 9/13/02 -- Tom Flesher -- 49 Days 23. ANNIE ECLECTIC -- 11/1/02 -- Tod deKindes -- 30 Days 24. DANNY WILLIAMS -- 12/1/02 -- Annie Eclectic -- 68 Days 25. MAK FRANCIS -- 2/7/03 -- Danny Williams -- 16 Days 26. DANNY WILLIAMS (2) -- 2/23/03 -- Mak Francis -- 21 Days 27. MAK FRANCIS (2) -- 3/16/03 -- Danny Williams -- 15 Days 28. MICHAEL CRAVEN -- 3/31/03 -- Mak Francis -- 23 Days 29. MIKE VAN SICLEN -- 4/23/03 -- Michael Craven -- 11 Days 30. MICHAEL CRAVEN (2) -- 5/4/03 -- Mike Van Siclen -- 49 Days 31. MAK FRANCIS (3) -- 6/22/03 -- Michael Craven -- 10 Days 32. MICHAEL CRAVEN (3) -- 7/2/03 -- Mak Francis -- 19 Days 33. EJIRO FASAKI -- 7/21/03 -- Michael Craven -- 93 Days 34. JOHNNY DANGEROUS -- 10/22/03 -- Ejiro Fasaki -- 49 Days 35. LINCHPIN -- 12/10/03 -- Johnny Dangerous -- 28 Days 36. CHARLIE "GRAPPLER" MATTHEWS -- 1/7/04 -- Linchpin (8) -- 9 Days 37. "SACRED" ANDREW BLACKWELL (2) -- 1/16/04 -- Charlie Matthews -- 51 Days (9) 38. "COYOTE" COY WEST -- 3/7/04 -- "Sacred" Andrew Blackwell -- 24 Days 39. STRYKE -- 3/31/04 -- "Coyote" Coy West -- 14 Days 40. "WILD" COY WEST (2) -- 4/14/04 -- Stryke (10) -- 26 Days 41. LANDON “LA CUCARACHA” MADDIX -- 5/10/04 -- “Wild” Coy West -- 34 Days 42. ALAN CLARK -- 6/13/04 -- Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix -- 10 Days 43. THE MASKED MAN -- 6/23/04 -- Alan Clark (11) -- 28 Days 44. MANSON -- 7/21/04 -- The Masked Man -- 26 Days 45. "THE CORONA" VLADIMIR EVERHEART -- 8/16/04 -- Manson -- 9 Days 46. DAVID CROSS -- 8/25/04 -- "The Corona" Vladimir Everheart -- 9 Days 47. ACE LEZAIRE -- 9/3/04 -- David Cross -- 16 Days 48. DAVID CROSS (2) -- 9/19/04 -- Ace Lezaire -- 24 Days 49. ACE LEZAIRE (2) -- 10/14/04 -- David Cross -- 8 Days 50. TODD CORTEZ -- 10/22/04 -- Ace Lezaire -- 60 Days 51. SEAN DAVIS -- 12/21/04 -- Todd Cortez -- 29 Days (12) 52. LANDON "LA CUCARACHA" MADDIX (2) -- 1/19/05 -- Sean Davis -- 46 Days (13) 53. AUSTIN SLY -- 3/7/05 -- Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix -- 19 Days 54. "THE DEAN OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING" JAY HAWKE -- 3/25/05 -- Austin Sly -- 5 Days (14) (1) Outcast won a 20 Man Tournament for the US Title, defeating Spike in the final. (2) This was a two fall, two title match, involving Edwin MacPhisto, Mark Stevens, Perfect Bo and eXodus. (3) Thoth defeated Grimedogg, Alex Cross and Robert Steele, in a Last Blood Match (4) This was a triple threat elimination match also involving Lady Red. (5) Due to a controversial decision the title was held up on 4/13/02. This was a match for the vacant title. (6) Jay Dawg was stripped of the title on 5/31/02. This was a triple threat match for the vacant title also involving Annie Eclectic and Xero. (7) This was a triple threat match also involving Jay Dawg. (8) The Intercontinental Television Title was also on the line in this match. (9) Sacred defeated Landon Maddix on February 1st, 2004 to unify the United States and Smartmarks Junior League Championships. (10) This was a triple threat match also involving Todd Royal. (11) Alan Clark was involved in a four corners match with Todd Cortez and Aecas for the title where the first pin wins; Clark was the man pinned in the match. (12) Sean Davis won the USJL title in a 'Double The Titles, Double The Pleasure' match, by climbing the ladder and retrieiving Cortez's belt. Also involved in the match were Munich and Carnage. (13) The Intercontinental Television Title was also on the line in this match. (14) ICTV Champion Johnny Dangerous defeated USJL Champion Jay Hawke to unify the two championships on March 30th. Longest Title Reign - Ejiro Fasaki, 93 Days Most Title Reigns - Jay Dawg, Tom Flesher, Mak Francis and Michael Craven, 3 Most Days with Title - Sacred/Andrew Blackwell, 135 Days **** SWF WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP **** (IN-ACTIVE) 1. KELLY CONNELLY -- 10/13/04 -- n/a (1) -- 25 Days 2. MEGAN SKYE -- 11/7/04 -- Kelly Connelly -- 44 Days 3. KELLY CONNELLY (2) -- 12/21/04 -- Megan Skye -- 60 Days (2) (1) Kelly Connelly was given the belt as a present by Max King on October 13th. The first official defence of the belt occured on October 22nd, with Kelly retaining the title in a fourway dance against Ebony, Annie Eclectic and Megan Skye. (2) This was a Triple Threat, Christmas Tree Match also involving Jet. Longest Title Reign - Kelly Connelly, 60 Days Most Title Reigns - Kelly Connelly, 2 Most Days with Title - Kelly Connelly, 85 Days **** SWF LIGHT-HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP **** (IN-ACTIVE) 1. MAYOR MCCHEESE -- 9/18/00 -- NTD -- 19 Days (1) 2. CURRY MAN -- 10/07/00 -- Mayor McCheese -- 22 Days 3. "INSANE" JOE FLYER -- 10/29/00 -- Curry Man -- 28 Days 4. MAYOR MCCHEESE (2) -- 11/26/00 -- "Insane" Joe Flyer -- 19 Days (2) (3) 5. BOBBY RILEY -- 12/17/00 -- Exploding Chicken -- 82 Days (4) 6. NEILSEN OF THE JUNGLE -- 3/09/01 -- Bobby Riley -- 45 Days (5) 7. SACRED -- 4/23/01 -- Neilsen of the Jungle -- 6 Days (6) 8. ANDREA MONTGOMERY -- 5/27/01 -- eXodus -- 40 Days (7) 9. EL LUCHADORE MAGNIFICO -- 7/06/01 -- Andrea Montgomery -- 8 Days 10. ANDREA MONTGOMERY (2) -- 7/14/01 -- El Luchadore Magnifico -- 8 Days 11. EL LUCHADORE MAGNIFICO (2) -- 7/22/01 -- Andrea Montgomery -- 56 Days (8) 12. JAMIE "KID BULLET" BJORK -- 9/16/01 -- El Luchadore Magnifico -- 35 Days 13. FALLOUT -- 10/21/01 -- Jamie Bjork -- 152 Days (9) 14. EL LUCHADORE MAGNIFICO (3) -- 3/22/02 -- Fallout -- 42 Days 15. EREK TAYLOR -- 5/3/02 -- El Luchadore Magnifico -- 23 Days 16. EL LUCHADORE MAGNIFICO (4) -- 5/26/02 -- Erek Taylor -- 63 Days 17. TOM FLESHER -- 7/28/02 -- El Luchadore Magnifico -- 68 Days 18. ANNIE ECLECTIC -- 10/4/02 -- Tom Flesher -- 35 Days (10) 19. EL LUCHADORE MAGNIFICO (5) -- 11/8/02 -- Annie Eclectic -- 4 Days (11) (1) This was for the vacant title. (2) Triple Threat match, also involving Exploding Chicken (3) Mayor McCheese was thought to be "killed" and his title was vacated (4) Ladder Match for the vacant title. (5) Triple Threat match, also involving Spike (6) At From the Fire (4/29/01), in a three title, three fall match, Grimedogg won the Light Heavyweight Title fall, however, he was over the limit, and the title became vacated. (7) Ladder Match for the vacant title. (8) Four way ladder match also involving Chris Storm and Mayor McCheese (9) Triple threat match with Mistress Sarah and the Hardcore Title on the line as well (10) Triple threat match also involving Tod deKindes (11) Triple threat match also involving Mak Francis. The Light-Heavyweight Title was suspended on 11/12/02. Longest Title Reign - Fallout, 152 Days Most Title Reigns - El Luchadore Magnifico, 5 Most Days with Title - El Luchadore Magnifico, 173 Days **** OVERALL STATS **** Longest Title Reigns 1. Jimmy The Doom, 365 Days and counting (HCG) 2. Jay Hawke, 274 Days (INT) 3. Bruce Blank, 213 Days (HCG) Most Title Reigns 1. El Luchadore Magnifico, 5 (LHV) 1. Wildchild, 5 (Tag) 1. Johnny Dangerous, 5 (Tag) 2. Danny Williams, 4 (WHV) 2. El Luchadore Magnifico, 4 (WHV) 2. Toxxic/Michael Stephens, 4 (WHV) 2. Chris Raynor, 4 (Tag) 2. Landon Maddix, 4 (Tag) 2. Ash Ketchum/Michael Craven, 4 (HCG) 2. Sean Davis, 4 (HCG) 2. Wildchild, 4 (WCC) Most Days with Title 1. Wildchild, 408 Days and counting (Tag) 1. Johnny Dangerous, 408 Days and counting (Tag) 2. El Luchadore Magnifico, 394 Days (WHV) 3. Michael Stephens, 393 Days (WHV)
  23. King Cucaracha

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    It'll be an issue of exposure. Daniels, AJ, Lethal, Dutt, Shelley, those are the types that'll gain more in exposure in TNA than they'll lose in money. Aries, who I assume you're alluding to, was a bit of an anomaly because he wasn't being used by TNA. I doubt all the undercard guys will be leaving unless something changes. Business-wise, I'm sure most believe being in TNA is worth not being in ROH and PWG.
  24. King Cucaracha

    The Old School questions thread

    Don't forget "The Juice", Juvi Guerrera. And the ad nausem Montreal rip-offs. Okay, reading Death Of WCW finally... where the hell was the angle with Bagwell 'shooting' on people supposed to be leading or supposed to accomplish. I know the obvious answer (nothing), but I'll ask anyway. Apparantly he threw a match against La Parka and then he beat Scotty Riggs with a 'not in the script' small package after they were seen talking over their finish in the back. My head hurts just typing that.
  25. King Cucaracha

    Perfect time to make CM Punk champion?

    Well, that's certainly argueable about the Power Plant. I'd totally forgotten about Nitro being a part of Tough Enough. It just goes to show what a good gimmick can do for a guy's past.