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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    You know, there's not that much extra I can say about the Jackass angle that hasn't been said already. Except, I just had a vision of one of them suddenly 'breaking script' mid-match and diving through the announce table, getting up like nothing happened and immediately going back to 'wrestling' again. And then my vision cut to Orlando, where Jim Cornette's head promptly exploded.
  2. King Cucaracha

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread- June 11, 2007

    Wow, John Cena vs. Edge! Never seen that before!
  3. King Cucaracha

    Sid Vicious update

  4. King Cucaracha

    ROH: 6/8 (Boston) and 6/9 (Philly)

    And the people who can't buy the PPVs?
  5. King Cucaracha

    Title Shakeup

    Nobody aside from me and Patty seems to remember the 24/7 Title is supposed to be the Attitude Era Hardcore Title, which is a gimmick belt. I only ever used the 24/7 Title as a secondary title begrudgingly. Again, as I've said to other people, Todd Pettingill and Mackenzie DeCenzo are on the title's lineage for crying out loud. The fact that it goes from 'comedy prop' to 'secondary title' and back again so many times has always secretly bugged the hell out of me, even if I've been responsible for it a couple of times, in the lack of an actual secondary title. I'm fine with it being the #2 belt. Some clarification would be nice though. If we're doing the 24/7 gimmick, it's not a 'proper' secondary title and shouldn't be treated as such. If we're not doing the 24/7 gimmick, which judging by Cross and EWC's last two 24/7 matches is the case, then it probably needs to be renamed. As far as the X-Division title... again, the name is all screwed up. We don't HAVE an 'X-Division'. We never really have. I'm more than happy to see it merged away. DDD is about #7 on my list of characters that interest me list right about now and I'm not going to get around to having him do anything with the belt anyway. Considering we have about 8 titles and 3/4 matches a show, we really need to get rid of at least one. And if the X-Title was worth using then it'd be used right now. Also, I'm torn on the HI-YAH belts. If there's any belts we can get away with being 'background' belts, then it's them. I know Patty's keen on doing the merger with the tag titles. I guess in theory, if the HI-YAH Tag Titles go then the 6-Man Titles can take their 'spot'. Having HI-YAH 'bought out' by OAOAST makes sense (I think that's what Patty pitched to me anyway), I'd be open to coming off the fence if there's enough support for it. Let's face it, like the X-Division Title, if the HI-YAH World Title was worth using then it'd be used right now. So, that leaves us with: OAOAST Championship One & Only World Tag Championships 24/7 Championship (pending renaming??) OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championships OAOAST Women's Championship WDW World Title Heartland Title WDW Tag Team Titles
  6. King Cucaracha

    ROH: 6/8 (Boston) and 6/9 (Philly)

    *head explodes*
  7. King Cucaracha

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    So, they're going to fill up THREE spots on the number 2 sho... ...you know what, halfway through typing that, I wondered why I was surprised they'd do something so stupid. It's not worth even getting 'outraged' anymore. One less show to buy, one less DVD to order. Thanks Vince!
  8. King Cucaracha

    If Wrestling Had a Draft...

    Man. I tried to put favouritism aside and do a 'realistic' list, taking into account certain 'factors'. This'd be my realistic list anyway. John Cena (Most marketable guy going at the moment, apparant passion for business) Edge (Best heel persona going, relatively 'fresh' but experienced) Brock Lesnar (Talent, plus the buzz that would accompany his return) Chris Benoit (Base for the younger guys, can fit in anywhere on the card) Christopher Daniels (All round ability and persona) In an ideal world: Brock Lesnar (See above, but has MMA commitments) Shawn Michaels (Hugely popular but age may be problem) The Undertaker (Hugely popular but age may be problem, plus injuries) Samoa Joe (Huge talent, the 'look' would need to be worked around, so not quite top 5) The Rock (Marquee star with credibility, thus steering clear of wrestling business)
  9. King Cucaracha

    SmackDown Spoilers for 6/8

    It was against Regal, I'm pretty sure. Maybe when Lashley was pulled from the three-way, whatever PPV that was, that time period.
  10. King Cucaracha

    Perspicacious annotations 4 6/7

    Ending to the m/e, in. Biff Atlas? Lick my scrotum buddy, you ain't nothin'!
  11. King Cucaracha

    SmackDown Spoilers for 6/8

    They tried to turn Finlay face before and it bombed. The fact everybody seems to think he needs Little Bastard to get the crowd behind Finlay should tell you all something.
  12. King Cucaracha

    SmackDown Spoilers for 6/8

    Wait... Deuce and Domino had a match that DIDN'T involve London and Kendrick!? And MVP had a match that DIDN'T involve Chris Benoit? Are you sure this is really Smackdown? Ah well, at least they made up for it with Edge and Batista's ongoing feud. What is it with the lack of actual title divisions now? Every 'division' seems to consist of the champion and a chosen challenger for X amount of months, then the identity of champion and challenger change. NOBODY else can be in contention during that period of time. See Batista/Taker. Edge/Batista. Benoit/MVP. Londrick/D&D. Chavo/Yang. Lashley/McMahon. Marella/Masters. Melina/Candice. It's just boring booking. The only actual division is amazingly enough the World Tag Team Title division, by virtue of The WGTT getting involved with Hardys and Cade/Murdoch.
  13. King Cucaracha

    RVD released early?

    I found it amusing that browsing the news sites, I saw the headlines "RVD out indefinately" and "WWE to make matches more realistic" pretty much side by side. Ba-dum.
  14. King Cucaracha

    OAO One Night Stand

    I get the feeling some bright-spark on the booking team saw the two together on a runsheet or something, thought "Tee hee, Maria Marella, that's a funny name" and justified his yearly salary by deciding they should pair them together. It either gets dropped within a month, or Marella turns into a sleazy Italian-stereotype heel off of it (Salvatore Sincere K7, don't act like you don't want it.)
  15. King Cucaracha

    CTDWAT: Indies/Overseas/General

    It's partly due to the PPV issue with ROH. TNA don't want their guys working for companies with DVD promotion, apparantly. Or DVD promotion through Highspots it would seem. They've been pulled from ROH and also Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, who are with Highspots. IWA:MS sells their DVDs through Smartmark Video, which apparantly isn't a problem to TNA seeing as SMV don't stock their DVDs.
  16. King Cucaracha

    Great Angle Bash booking thread

    OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship Zack Malibu © vs. Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix
  17. King Cucaracha

    booking for 6/7/07 HD

    Biff Atlas in action, you lucky lucky people! Also, I call main-event. Not for Biff you understand, an update to follow with what said main-event is.
  18. King Cucaracha

    OAO One Night Stand

    MVP winning the title should have been the blow-off to the feud. The fact they're still dragging it on beyond that doesn't really help anyone. Trying not to spoil anything, I don't get why they've taken 'Wrestler A' out of the storyline he had going, especially if it's just for this.
  19. King Cucaracha

    OAO One Night Stand

    I'm actually looking forward to the show. After the over-reliance on working bodyparts at Judgment Day, it's a relief that there'll be stips to work around to break the... I guess monotony is too strong of a word. Anyway, point is, I'm interested for this one.
  20. Waits for someone to make a joke about Cena's workrate. Was I the only one expecting this to involve Batista?
  21. King Cucaracha

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Briscoe's SSP looked painful as fuck. Did he seriously hurt himself with that one, cause that has broken neck or concussion written all over it. Concussion. Not sure to what degree, I know it took him out of at least a couple of subsequent shows. Could have been a whole lot worse though. Obviously, Paul London isn't Mark Briscoe. But Briscoe has hit the moves plenty of times safely enough, that doesn't mean the next time London does it he won't come close to crippling himself. The last time I remember the move being used on WWE programming, Kidman ended up headbutting Nunzio in mid-air during that Cruiserweight Open. If the move never saw the light of day again, I doubt it'd be missed. The risks don't out-weigh the rewards.
  22. King Cucaracha

    OAO RAW Thread for 5/28

    Amen. He sold that match with Trips at the Rumble in 2005. Yeah, but the point is Orton isn't interested in just getting the 3 count anymore. The interview with Maria was there to seem that Orton cared more about 'taking Michaels out' than defeating Michaels. Same with RVD. He's happy to go out and wrestle his usual match at first, sure. But as soon as RVD got 'concussed' you could see Orton's expression change too. He didn't care about pinning RVD, just hurting him. I'm not a big fan of Cena personally, but that interview was delivered perfectly.
  23. King Cucaracha

    SWF 13th Hour 2007!

    Oh, by the way, thanks to Alan and Johnny. If I hadn't listened to Skull Radio, I might not have noticed that rule about tagging in and out. I sure hadn't until then.
  24. King Cucaracha

    Bring back forums.thesmartmarks.com

    Well, the last post date is either May 27th or May 28th for both. So, I'll take a WILD guess at yes. That's because the mods seem to think everything should be condensed into one thread, Comments Which Don't Warrant A Thread, which has ironically lead to about two clean pages of people in "Comments Which Don't Warrant A Thread" debating whether comments in "Comments Which Don't Warrant A Thread" actually warrant a thread, instead of posting actual comments. What he said. I haven't seen any 'speed up'. Infact, if anything, it's slower than before. Plus I still get logged off every day instead of the board 'remembering me', except now instead of typing 'K' in the Username box and having it pop up for my convenience, I have to type out the whole darn thing. Why not do things when they actually need doing?
  25. King Cucaracha

    Best WWF/E Fued ROUND 2 VOTING

    32. Rock-Foley (who beat WWF vs. WCW & ECW Alliance 10-1) 16. Undertaker-Mankind 8. Jake-Savage 24. Mick Foley-Randy Orton (who beat Savage/Warrior 6-5) 20. HHH-Angle-Steph (who beat DX/Hart Foundation 7-4) 4. Bret-Michaels 12. Harts-Austin 5. Hogan-Andre 6. Austin-Rock 11. HHH-Foley 3. Austin-McMahon 19. Flair-Perfect (who beat Backlund/Bret 7-4) 26. Austin-Hart (who beat Virgil/DiBiase 10-1) 10. HHH-Rock 15. Piper-Hogan 34. Taker-Kane (who beat Rockers vs. Brainbusters 8-3)