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Your Paragon of Virtue

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Everything posted by Your Paragon of Virtue

  1. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Who changed my name?

    Matt, I wasn't connecting that with you, just making an observation. I don't care what you do. Starting a thread about this is pretty low, even for you.
  2. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Who changed my name?

    Couldn't you have just changed it back yourself?
  3. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Who changed my name?

    Hey, it got Marney to leave.
  4. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Thread where we listen to N.E.R.D's In Search Of...

    Pharrell did a good job with Clipse' Hell Hath No Fury, which was only a little over a year ago, so I'd say he was still relevant at the time you heard that news. I'm guessing the thread starter didn't like it though. This album was pretty good, but album of the year is pushing it for me. I didn't like it as much as Yankee Hotel Foxtrot or Turn On The Bright Lights.
  5. Your Paragon of Virtue

    I banned Choken One.

    I went grocery shopping while all of this happened. I missed the best part of the chat, apparently.
  6. Unknown by most, but Karelin's undefeated streak in International competition for thirteen years. The last six years he went undefeated without even giving up a point. I've never seen that kind of dominance out of any other athlete ever. If we're going by the major team sports, then Johnny U's streak of a TD in forty-seven straight games. EDIT: Forgot to ask a question. Do you think Dwayne Wade will ever return to the form he had when he won the NBA championship, or will injuries cause him to fade too soon? He's still very young, but the guy takes a helluva lot of punishment, and already has more miles than most guys his age.
  7. I wouldn't count Bush in my top five either, making Simmons' assertion that drafting Williams first was a bigger draft blunder than Bowie over Jordan (before the 2006 season started mind you) really asinine. But we know Simmons is an idiot already. The Vince Carter trade is the worst in the history of the NBA. I would have done ANYTHING else. Toronto has let a lot of good draft picks go, but that is hardly our choice. Many of these guys just didn't want to play here. I was thinking maybe Roy over Bargnani, but I haven't given up on him yet. Something I've always wondered; what percentage of athletes in any of the four major sports use recreational drugs, say coke, pills, anything other than marijuana? Also, how can they play at a high level in a professional setting while destroying their bodies like that?
  8. The olympics are a lot older and from a different time. The sports weren't organized mega-leagues with games that had a number of rules and skills to be implemented, say, football. They were very specific skills, very simple rules that involved feats of athleticism for bragging rights for the countries involved. Running, rowing, jumping will never be as popular as hockey or football, because why the fuck would I care to see someone run, jump or row? It's impressive, but from an entertainment aspect there's not much to it. At the same time, this country went pretty crazy after Bailey broke the world record about a decade ago. Knowing what you know now, what is your top five for the 2006 NFL Draft?
  9. Just skimming through the thread, why the hell would anyone think Tyson was the best P4P boxer of all time? ESPN put him at #50 on their list, and that was bad enough. If we're talking boxing, I don't see how it can be anyone other than Sugar Ray Robinson. If by fighter you were talking about MMA, well I think it's too young a sport to really pick one, but at this point the safe answer is BJ Penn.
  10. Although it's before my time, I want to say Lawrence Taylor. I don't think teams game-planned as much for any one player than they did LT. Who, in their prime, was more dominant at their sport, MJ or Gretzky? I was arguing about this with someone else recently, and I was inclined to say MJ because of the fact that he was amazing defensively as well.
  11. Your Paragon of Virtue

    UFC 81: Breaking Point

    http://www2.sportsnet.ca/video/latest/2007...hes_in_February Brock on Sportsnet.
  12. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Low Carb Dieting....what are rules?

    I've been interested in doing the pesco-vegetarian thing, but the issue is finding meals that don't taste bad (the only time I eat vegetables are when I make a salad) and in my opinion, more than any other food, fish not cooked properly is horrible.
  13. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Ultimate Fight Night 12

    He just seemed overly cautious and defensive. That fight should have been a draw, if anything. Nobody really won the fight.
  14. Your Paragon of Virtue

    MMA Playground: TSM Fight Camp?

    It just seemed like the minute he got hit he folded mentally. He had a big smile on his face and didn't even seem to try and fight out of it. I'm not one to question a fighter's heart (most of the time) so I won't, but it looked to me like the guy didn't like the fact that Cote took his shot, didn't like the fact that Cote could hit him back, and he pretty much just gave up.
  15. Your Paragon of Virtue

    MMA Playground: TSM Fight Camp?

    I expected McFedries to fight, that was my mistake.
  16. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Boxing Thread

    HBO PPV or just regular HBO? Wouldn't they lose a boatload of money by not putting a fight like Calzaghe-Hopkins on PPV?
  17. Your Paragon of Virtue

    UFC 80: Rapid Fire

    On the flip side of BJ looking great, Gonzaga looks a little soft.
  18. Your Paragon of Virtue

    MMA Playground: TSM Fight Camp?

    I'm realizing how little I know about this card due to the fact that I'm picking half the fights with next to no insight.
  19. Your Paragon of Virtue

    How to Not Throw Up When You Have Drank Too Much

    Also heard the rumour about Lil Kim as well. It pops up every few years or so I guess, and enough people believe it.
  20. Your Paragon of Virtue

    MMA Playground: TSM Fight Camp?

    I'm in, ypov is my name.
  21. Your Paragon of Virtue

    UFC 80: Rapid Fire

    Not to mention Joe Stevenson doesn't respond well to pressure from strikes, as the fight with Josh Neer suggests.
  22. Your Paragon of Virtue

    AFC Championship: The San Diego Chargers vs.

    MajorMayhem represents his side well.
  23. Your Paragon of Virtue

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Apparently Canadian fighters pay 40% tax on their American purses. Insane.
  24. Your Paragon of Virtue

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    I don't know Georges personally so I don't know who that lady is, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a current lady, and that he just likes to have fun. He used to have a crazy batshit insane(not in a good way) girlfriend, but that ended awhile ago, like a couple of years back. I have no idea about the government thing, but a lot of the excuses he gave about training was crap. He blamed it on poor training places but the reality was that he just had family issues that caused him to miss training. This government thing could be along those lines. What's up with this Couture North btw? I might be in Toronto for the summer so I might go train there for a few months. I know Couture's gyms are normally crazy expensive, and a lot of times these new gyms that boast all these great trainers tend to not pan out in delivering because they might come once in awhile while students tend to do most of the teaching. That might not be the case here, because of the name value that comes with a Couture gym, but it wouldn't surprise me if say, Hominick came a couple of times then never really showed up again. I helped that Bocek student guy by having a worked fight on display at this drag show in the summer to promote a new gym he was involved in. If he's really gonna be working with Randy, what happened to that one? Did he just get up and leave? How is he gonna divide his time between all the gyms and actually show up when he's supposed to? It's not uncommon for these guys to state their involvement with something only to half-ass it. I'm skeptical, but then again that's just my nature. At the end of the day, sparring partners are most important, and if good guys go to this gym then that's all that matters really.
  25. Your Paragon of Virtue

    AFC Championship: The San Diego Chargers vs.

    Yeah, about Bill>Norv, I would have said the same thing with Dungy and even Fisher. I'm really happy for the guy though.