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Everything posted by RHR

  1. RHR

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    Son of a.... Dammit...
  2. RHR

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    My first hip hop selection was the release of one of the best MCs of all time and cutting edge production techniques (and don't sweat that!)...I remember the first time I heard it I was amazed at how smooth the flow was...how new it sounded. Without a doubt, my fourth pick, fulla hip hop goodness....ERIC B AND RAKIM-PAID IN FULL And just for fun:
  3. RHR

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    Okay...I went personal on the first pick, critical on the second, back to personal on the 3rd pick... This is the debut album of a criminally overlooked band. Of the 11 tracks on the album, there isn't really a dog among them. And, Mean To Me, World Where You Live, Don't Dream It's Over, and Something So Strong are examples of why Neil Finn is one of the best POP songwriter's of all time. Since we can't use GREATEST HITS albums (which...btw...their's is called RECURRING DREAM:THE VERY BEST OF...pick it up if you don't know this band), I picked this as their best album. Could've presented any of them, I guess. Plus, the idea of Don't Dream It's Over playing on a Desert Island is fun. My third pick is Crowded House-Crowded House
  4. RHR

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    Not to mention a pretty cool cover concept...not as cool as my fav (ZepIII) but cool nonetheless...
  5. RHR

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    I could live on an island forever with the images this album puts in my mind. From the driving opening track, to the haunting middle track, to the beautiful end, this is, in my opinion, the greatest album ever recorded. It's tough, it's imperfectly perfect. The first time I listened to it all the way through over 15 years ago, I thought I had discovered some secret. And it stays with me still. And the fact that he left nearly 45 songs OFF the album that are every bit as good as the ones on it, make DARKNESS ON THE EDGE OF TOWN my first pick.
  6. RHR

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    Thanks to the dandy Clearwire I have now...I can actually use the Net at home...so...I'm in. My goal for 2008 is to have more posts this year than in the previous 5.
  7. I read the comic pretty much from Issue one to the final issue...favorites being the Snake Eyes origins (26 and 27), the creation of Cobra Island and finding out the rest of Snake Eyes/Storm Shadows past into Serpentor...then dropped off after the ninja crap...picked up again with the Cobra Civil War....and faded out when BattleForce2000 came along....mostly because I got all of BattleForce2000 for Xmas one year...when all I wanted was the freakin' Terrordrome. Which I finally got at 25 5 years ago. Instead of the plane popping out, it pops out a bottle of booze now. Quite the convo piece. I thought we should put the Rex thing in spoilers...but...it's a year and a half til the movie...so...maybe it'll change....I just think they should follow with the way Joe got put together...but...with Hama on board...it could be very, very good...the Wade Collins story-line in the comic was amazing (it dealt with Vietnam ALOT), and, could definetly use today's world (Iraq, terrorism, corporate greed) to make COBRA verry, very interesting.... All I know is that I am a waaaayyyy bigger JOE fan boy than Transformers...and I was critical about that movie...so....anything less than 60% of my vision is gonna suck. Because that's the way I am. A big whiny asshole. Now back to hating John Cena and loving Ronald McFondle.
  8. Ok.... As for the casting...it is mostly crap.... Quaid, Park, and the Storm Shadow guy are just fine... Miller as Baroness? No way...I think Famke's name was mentioned...that's perfect... Duke? As a skinny no talent guy? No way...remember... I have tons of opinions for this...as I used to fantasy cast a new Joe movie every two years as a kid...I once had Tom Cruise/Nicole Kidman for Flint/Lady Jaye and Michael Jackson as a slithery creepy Cobra Commander...
  9. RHR

    Box Office Report 2/08-2/10

    Eh...I hear the movie is sort of a "GI Joe Begins" type of thing...hence the younger crew to start....not sure when/where I should spoiler tag other things I've learned....
  10. Game 7. Wrigley Field. Cubs vs. Yankees, bottom of the 9th. 6-3. Bases loaded. Two outs. 3-2 count. 100 years, gone with one mighty swing. Yeah. I could die after that moment.
  11. is it wrong that a discussion about men taking a footlong or 6 inch or 12 inch in one sitting is making me chuckle like an 8th grader?
  12. RHR

    Wrestlemania 24

    Wait, I get to use my imagination? Ok...cool...let's pretend.... WWE Championship JOHN CENA vs. JEFF HARDY Cena wins the title at NWO. Hardy wins the Chamber. Cena needs to start turning NOW...slowly..at NWO, he cheats to win, bringing back the Lock N' Chain, and, after hitting Orton with it, does the YOU CAN'T SEE ME, to the crowd. Crowd will pummel him. Do the Elimination Chamber after the Orton/Cena match. Jeff wins, and while he celebrates, Cena comes out and attacks him. He bloodies Jeff up, and we get the run up to Wrestlemania. During the run-up, Hardy loses IC belt to Umaga. World Heavyweight Title UNDERTAKER vs. EDGE This is kind of a no-brainer. Only thing is, I want Taker to win, with a rematch at Backlash. At Backlash, have CM Punk interfere, costing Edge the match. This would set up a May-June-July-August feud blowing off at Summerslam. Elevates Punk, and Edge is big enough to not be brought down by the loss. Keep Edge/Taker close by though, setting up WMXXV, where Edge should beat Taker, and Taker retires. ECW Title CM PUNK vs. CHAVO GUERRERO vs. TOMMY DREAMER w/ winner facing CHAMP SHELTON BENJAMIN RIGHT AFTER Give Punk/Chavo/Dreamer about 8-10 minutes. Edgeheads come out and cost Punk the win, and Burke/Benjamin come out to rough up Dreamer, since Guerrero/Edge/Edgeheads/Shelton/Burke have formed a quasi-alliance. But, Dreamer fights out of it, Double DDT to Burke/Guerrero to pick up the win. Benjamin, who while watching Dreamer get pummeled was lying across the corner ropes, has to spring into action, agains the "Rocky-lite"Dreamer. Crowd pops when Dreamer wins the ECW Title at Wrestlemania. The shot of him bleeding all over it and holding it in the air, could make the title mean something again. Basically, a replay of the first ECW PPV, with Funk/Richards/Sandman w/ winner going after Raven. I'm telling you, this would be great. FLAIR vs. HHH C'mon HHH. You always speak of Ric as your idol, now, in a respect match, let Flair bow out with a win. A crying Flair and HHH embrace after a good 10 minute match, where HHH barely escapes the Figure Four, which HHH reverses, then wrestling to set up a Pedigree. But Flair kicks out of it, and a stunned HHH stands up, smiles, and goes to re-cover for the pin, Flair pokes him in the eyes, gives him a few chops with HHH falling to the mat. One last Flair strut, back to the Figure Four, HHH taps. Next night on RAW, Flair announces his retirement in one week, since last night (Wrestlemania) he beat the man. And he wants to go out on top. The RAW two weeks from WM turns into a celebration of Flair. (Shit, shotgun Sting for one night only on RAW). BATISTA vs. RANDY ORTON This comes from a Orton/Batista run in at NWO. Both men claim to be the best thing to come out of EVOLUTION. Bats basically goes with the whole "Nobody likes you, and people want to see you get destroyed. I'm gonna give everyone what they want" Attitude. I think its a good match that doesn't hurt either man. Again, MEventer vs. MEventer. Plus, they can go back to their own shows and start over. The top of the card is too busy, and neither man is lighting the house on fire right now. Just look at the MSG reaction when Bats was in there with HHH/Cena. WOMEN'S MATCH Who cares? Beth vs. a returning Candice or Mickie. Really. Don't. Care. US TITLE MATCH MVP vs. MATT HARDY I'm not explaining this one. This feud has been awesome. We all know it. This match could steal the spotlight despite the above matches. IC TITLE MATCH UMAGA vs. BIG SHOW vs. CODY RHODES You want to get Cody over WWE? Put him in there with two monsters. Have him sell his ass off, and somehow, someway, pick up the win. MONEY IN THE BANK MATCH Y2J vs. HBK vs. REY MYSTERIO vs. KENNEDY vs. KANE vs. BIG DADDY V. First off, ask me how Big Daddy gets up the ladder anyway? Easy, Matt Striker. Striker hops up on his shoulders to try to grab the case. HBK and Y2J hit the top ropes and do DOUBLE MISSLE DROP KICKS to BDV. Awesome spot. I don't care who wins, because first sign of injury, somebody's gonna steal it. RAW TAG TITLE MATCH CARLITO/SANTINO vs. JBL/RON SIMMONS (AKA APA) Yup. Sure. Why not? So that's: 1.CENA VS HARDY (20-30 mins) 2.UNDERTAKER VS EDGE (Taker's intro 5 min, match 15-20) 3.PUNK VS GUERRERO VS DREAMER leads to DREAMER/BENJAMIN (Part I 8-10 min. Part II 3-5 min) 4.FLAIR VS HHH (20 min.) 5.BATISTA VS ORTON (20 min) 6.MVP VS MATT HARDY (20 min) 7.Y2J/HBK/MYSTERIO/KENNEDY/KANE/BDV (20 min) 8.CARLIO-SANTINO/APA (10 min) 9. "Garbage" Women's Match 10. "Garbage" McMahon/Hornswoggle/Foley thing 11. "Garbage" Hogan and/or Austin and/or somebody else I am forgetting PLUS...PUT FLAIR/ARN ANDERSON/TULLY/ OLE/ WINDHAM in the HOFAME....HORSEMAN! If I was Vince, save any Austin/Hogan/Foley/Himself interplay for 25 so it's fresh then. This sets up HHH being face against a heel champ Cena (have McMahon get involved, save them for SS) Coming out of this, you get young guys over, old guys over, and a happy crowd. End the show with Edge/Taker or HHH/Flair after the Cena heel turn. Why HHH/Flair? Who in the locker room has the right to not be okay with Flair winning one last time and closing out Mania. Everybody can break kayfabe at the end and storm the ring to celebrate. It would be an awesome moment. Plus, you set up future SS matches: HHH (FACE) vs CENA (HEEL) PUNK vs EDGE TAKER vs ORTON vs. BATISTA and on and on... Anyways....just brainfarting...
  13. RHR

    A Presidential Quiz...

    Hmmm... Kucinich...21....likeable, but not electable Obama....21....and that would be who i decided to vote for back in 2003....if he ever got the chance to run... Richardson....21.....the one i hope ends up as Obama's VP.... Hilary and Edwards finished at 20....so....it's pretty aparrent who holds my viewpoints....at least party wise and then the bottom three... Romney....2.... Some guy named Duncan Hunter....2 and Fred Thompson at 1.... my highest Repub was 911 Rudy...but..i'm guessing that's just cause of abortion and gay marriage and stem cell research...and Ron Paul....both were a 9
  14. RHR

    The Mitchell Report

    Kerry Wood. Mark Prior. KERRY WOOD. MARK PRIOR. KERRY FUCKING WOOD AND MARK FUCKING PRIOR!!!!!!????????? What the fuck? Jesus, Bonds/Clemens/Canseco et al take roids and break records. Wood and Prior break Cubs fans hearts. Christ, even when we cheat we lose.
  15. RHR

    What makes for a good wrestling card?

    When I am putting together a card for our shows...I try this: Start off with a bang...good solid one on one match...taking a vet from our crew and have him work with a newer guy who is fresh and has some moves Promo time Set up match...this is a match that is a middle of the feud match...not a blowoff...but something that sets up the future Promo UNDERCARD MAIN EVENT....not the big advertised match...but a match between two well known performers Garbage match...calms the crowd after the first peak Set up match...sets up the next month's UNDERCARD ME... then the MAIN EVENT...
  16. RHR

    Worst Contracts Ever

    Ryan Leaf wants you to stay the fuck away from him. Do not mention his LARGEST (at the time) SIGNING BONUS EVER. 11 million? Shit...
  17. Wait...did somebody say B96? Oh...oh my god... I hated B96... I did, however, finish second at the Hades Haunted House Dance Off in 1993. Sponsored by... B96. Does anyone remember Shai? Man...the first half of that album helped me lose my virginity....
  18. RHR

    "Interstate Love Song" is the last great American rock and r

    The first thing I remember about STP was thinking..."Shit...why the hell did Eddie Vedder color his hair? " and "This song sucks.".... Then I realized it was a different band... That being said, by the time they were doing things like "Lady Picture Show", they had their own thing going...I liked them after that....
  19. RHR

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    This is funny to me...because the Indy fed I run, back when I was in the crowd, we started a "Pluto's a Planet" chant....gold i tell ya....gold...
  20. RHR

    Summer Box Office...

    I ended up getting 14 out of 15 right. My total for my original 15 was 2.9 Billion, they ended up around $3.060 Billion. I nailed 4 movies in the right spot ( Shrek 3, Bourne, Rush Hour 3, and Oceans 13) I got Box Office close on a few. I was WAYYYYYY OFF on Transformers (made way more) and Evan Almighty (made way less). I called SuperBad, although it made MORE than I thought it would. Overall, I think I should look to working in Hollywood. Except for movies with big friggin' robots....
  21. RHR

    Complete Raw spoilers

    Cena. What? I'm serious. Cena. In fact, if I was to play it off, I wouldn't announce the name until Unforgiven. Make it a THREE WAY between Cena/Orton/Kennedy....with everyone thinking it is gonna be Orton or Kennedy, then...swerve. Set up Shane/Cena for Cyber Sunday...a Shane-led team vs. a Cena led team at SurSeries...with Steph reconciling with HHH for the better of the company...leading to a blow off at WM XXIV. Just throwing spaghetti at the wall...
  22. THE SUCK---Any emo bands video. Period. Just the sight of Pete Wentz makes me want to commit murder. THE NOT SUCK---Jeremy. Pearl Jam. Althought I think it ruined the song for me a little, the whole song and images conveyed get creepier everytime some nut job goes and kills 20 people. The part where he Eddie is saying "Try to erase this...from the Black Board" is really well done.
  23. RHR

    The OAO Raw Thread for August 27th, 2007

    Slap me? That's why I started off with "Crap..." For some reason I could see them doing that so Cena can eventually J-O-B to our "beloved" HHHero. Trust me, I don't want to see it...
  24. RHR

    The OAO Raw Thread for August 27th, 2007

    Crap...you don't think Cena could end up being the son, do you? Think about it...it would explain the mega push, the movie, etc...as Vince actually knew about his "son" all along. This could lead to a Cena heel turn, as Vince makes Cena the "Heir" to the company...causing the family to rally behind their only HHHope...