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Everything posted by janusd

  1. janusd

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    Happy birthday to meeeeeeee.
  2. janusd

    PPV-Sized Predictions

    MAIN EVENT WORLD TITLE BOUT STREET FIGHT Toxxic© vs Annie Eclectic ~ Toxxic has been the man, and Annie can BE the man. Or woman, in this case. Toxxic's good, Annie's been steaming for this in all her comebacks, so regardless of who wins it's probably close. I'll back Annie, here. HELL IN A CELL "Grand Slam" Mark Stevens vs The Suicide King ~ The old school taking the spotlight off the new school! I'm hoping for a face defeats villainous heel victory, but I can't deny the King of Heels will try his worst to succeed. Hm. GO MARK! SINGLES MATCH Manson vs Nathaniel Kibagami ~ Manson vs Silent. MANSONOSITY vs River Dragon. Today, the warning came in the flood, and Manson will be washed away. Unless Silent no shows. TAG TEAM MATCH Todd Cortez & ??? vs Sean Davis & ??? ~ I'm going to harass Z about the question mark men right now. But, pending that... mmm... I'll back Davis. ICTV TITLE BOUT ROYAL BEATING MATCH "The Icon" Max King© vs Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix ~ This feud has been entertaining, but I'll pick the cockroach to kill the king. WOMEN'S TITLE SINGLES MATCH Kelly Connelly© vs Megan Skye ~ Ebony via write-in. Less of a contractual obligation and more of the fact I -will- do a write in if no one shows. And it will not be pretty. SINGLES MATCH Andrea Montgomery vs David Cross ~ Go the Dreaizzle with the mad photochop skizzles! ... or was it Sarah? Meh. CRUSIERWEIGHT TITLE MATCH "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins© vs Austin Sly ~ Hollywood Spunk Jenkins. HARDCORE TITLE MATCH Carnage© vs Christian Fury ~ Don Carnage. Or is that Karnage? Eh.
  3. janusd

    Speaking of meetings...

    Drea has the mad photo-chopping skillz. Though the use of a more recent photo would've been nice.
  4. janusd

    Smarkdown Predictions

    MAIN EVENT TAG TEAM EXTRAVAGANZA!!! Toxxic and Sean Davis vs Annie Eclectic and Todd Cortez ~ Toxxic strikes a deal with Ebony, who spends the match on commentary making lewd comments until Annie takes exception, and Ebony ends up chasing her to the back. Toxxic and Davis win. HARDCORE NON-TITLE MATCH Andrea Montgomery vs Carnage ~ I'll back the Dreaster. HARDCORE-GAMERS TITLE SHOT FREE-FOR-ALL!!! Austin Sly vs. Christian Fury vs. Manson vs. Mike Hall vs. Danny Dagda vs. Evan Wolfe ~ Mansonosity!
  5. janusd

    What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been

    Hey, the thread was a fitting place for these old pieces.
  6. janusd

    What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been

    Feel the love. I'm looking at you in chat right now yet I'm posting this here. Too lazy to switch windows, be I. For a friendship that started as bizarrely as ours, it's been fun. From the humble beginnings of anime and hentai like Magical Kanan, to doujins of skullfucking, to the monstrosities of Nemesis and Suma ("Oh, he's sucked her intestines out. Lovely."), we're somehow still friends. Shocking, really. As for the Dante Crane angle, well, you paid me off for it so there's no real need to apologise there. The Gladiators match was a hoot to write with the fucking bird anyway. And Ebony... well... she'll keep stalking her prize. I might even do that random piece of fiction involving Ebony and a furry Annie one day. I'll still see you in chat and on AIM, of course, considering I'm a retired bastard as well. ~Janus P.S Fuck you for Geki Teikoku Kagekidan, too.
  7. janusd

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    Happy birthday to my fellow Aussie mofo, the one who pissed away all his SWF talent putting me over. (@Crowe) Since I'm always happy cause I'm a stoner/hippy/tripper, I can take drugs anytime I want.
  8. janusd

    How to promo whilst insane

    I love this love for Janus. Or is it Terrence?
  9. janusd

    SWF Lockdown Card

    I hereby request that GOdrea dress Annie up in a fursuit for her Halloween outfit.
  10. (Flash of inspiration. No-sell it if you like. ) SWF Storm has gone off the air, but that does not necessarily mean that all the action has stopped as well. Superstars are busy resting and recovering in their locker rooms, celebrating wins and losses, and generally preparing to leave for the night. One such individual is Max King. And his lovely and primped-up companion, the SWF Women's Champion Kelly Connelly, who on this very night managed to defend her title. "The title looks good on me, don't you think?" Kelly asks. "You beat a Geisha reject, Maddix's slut of a girlfriend, and a mutant freak for it." King grins. "It only looks good on you." Both chuckling, King shoulders his bag as they step out of their locker room and head down the hallway. With Kelly on his arm, the ICTV Champion has a grin a mile wide on his face, at least until they turn the corner to the parking lot and see a figure lounging against the shadowed wall. In the darkness, most of Ebony's body is near invisible, save for her green eyes and the white of her sharp teeth. The shine of something metallic is also visible as she appears to sharpen her claws. "Oh, great. What do you want?" King mutters. "A good woman for one, and the belt yours is carrying for another... a shame I can't kill two birds with one stone." Ebony purrs softly, while Kelly tries to figure out if she should look pleased or offended. "She beat you and the others fair and square." King smirks. "I don't recall interference being 'fair and square'." the ferreasel answers, stepping out of the shadow. She's filing her claws with a sharp looking knife, and she runs her tongue around her muzzle with a deadly look, as blood trickles from a gash in her muzzle. "Being thrown into the barricade did not help my mood..." "Someone's a sore loser..." Kelly smirks, before being shut up by the look Ebony gives her. "Keep an eye on your gold, little girl... and you..." she points the knife in the direction of King's genitals. "Keep an eye on your little friends." With those calm words, Ebony steps back and allows the two to pass. Max struts past with a wary look, making sure Kelly is on the opposite side of him to the devilish looking ferret-weasel, who simply turns her head and runs her tongue over her muzzle almost tauntingly as she watches them go, running her eyes up Kelly's body. "No muscle, no stamina..." she shakes her head with a throaty chuckle. "The Ichiban woman is better suited to that title than her....oh, I would relish a fight over the gold with THAT woman..." A pause. "That reminds me..." With a sly grin on her face, Ebony sashays away from the parking lot, hoping to hunt down Ann Onita before she leaves for the night...
  11. janusd

    Promo: Aftermath

    I didn't write - I said I would to Z if I felt like it, and I didn't, so there you go. It's Ebony. A loathsome MALE smashed her face into a barricade. She likes the concept of revenge, you see. Good thing she's pretty much 'just' the no-show crusher - if she was on the active wrestling roster you might be in more trouble. And yeah, she should worry. Who knows if I'll promo Ebony stalking her sometime or something (kidding... or am I? )
  12. janusd

    SWF News and Notes

    ... *cheap shot #8663 on being furry* Nice newsletter as a whole, though.
  13. janusd

    Promo - "Post-Show Tirade"

    *PMs so no one else gets the full low down *
  14. janusd

    Promo - "Post-Show Tirade"

    I meant to actually point this old thing out if I was active when you returned, but... Promo: Scars Of The Body (And Scars Of The Soul)
  15. janusd

    Promo - "Post-Show Tirade"

    Makes me want to return and just up the chaos caused by Silent's return. Considering it seems to be bothering Fury quite a bit...
  16. janusd

    Storm Predictions

  17. janusd

    Storm Predictions

    MAIN EVENT NON-TITLE SINGLES MATCH Toxxic (SWF Heavyweight Champion) v. Alan Clark ~ The Straight Edge Sensation, natch. MAIN EVENT IN SPIRIT SWF WOMENS' CHAMPIONSHIP FOUR CORNERS MATCH Kelly Connelly (SWF Womens' Champion) w/"The Icon" Max King (SWF Intercontinental-Television Champion) v. Ebony v. Annie Eclectic v. Megan Skye w/Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix ~ I may or may not be pitching in as Ebony, but out of the others, I'll back Maddix if he writes. Or me, if I write. NON-TITLE TAG TEAM MATCH Team ANGER (David Cross and Christian Fury, SWF Tag Team Champions) v. Stryke and Jamie Drazon ~ TEAM ANGER~ MIAMI MAYHEM Andrea Montgomery v. Longdogger Pete w/Ian ~ Drea barely squeaks out the win after interference from the Shortdogger. Who marks for Tom Flesher. HARDCORE MATCH SWF HARDCORE GAMERS' CHAMPIONSHIP Carnage (SWF Hardcore Gamers' Champion) v. Austin Sly ~ Hmm... eh, I'll back Carnage. One incharacter psycho to another. SINGLES MATCH Manson v. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins (SWF Cruiserweight Champion) ~ MANSONOSITY THE OPENING MATCH SWF CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIP Ace Lezaire (SWF Canadian Champion) v. "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez ~ KICK WHAM ACE CRUSHAH
  18. janusd

    PROMO: Home Truths

    That quote about 'he who fights monsters should see that he himself does not become a monster' comes to mind. Fucked if I can remember it though. Showing the worry~ they have, and rightly so, over the nature of what makes Nathaniel Kibagami tick. And until you start doping up on painkillers and no-selling everything, you'll never be him.
  19. janusd

    PROMO: Champions Press Conference.

    I love King and Kelly's egos. They just come off as deliciously self-confident pricks. Or would that be pussies in Kelly's case... eh, I dunno. Have fun with your ideas~
  20. janusd

    PROMO: Sacremento Blues

    Seconded. Maybe I should make a return too just to add to the ex-Clannite goodness! ....maybe. Nice promo though, with Toxx worried - and rightfully so - that the Silent One is coming back and is not going to be a jolly camper. Bwahahahahaha.
  21. janusd

    Dream Teams

    I hate you soooo much. -Annie Aww, I you too, Annie.
  22. janusd

    So Now I'm Gone...

    You suck. But really, it's been fun. Enjoy holding everyone down while I continue to steal King's martinis or something in the SWF retirement home.
  23. janusd

    Dream Teams

    *watches Thugg break his neck. Again* Ebony and Annie, for HRADKROE LESBIAN HIJINKS!
  24. *meets Judge in a dark alley*