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Everything posted by janusd

  1. Preface: Let's not forget the Janus/Aecas incarnation of the Trinity's tag team smoked the hell out of Wild & Dangerous for the tag titles (much to their chagrin) There's my ego trip for the day. So, Mike, they didn't beat -us-, we beat -them-. Unless you're referring to one of the numerous other tag incarnations of the Trinity.
  2. janusd

    Year-End Nomination Thread: Heel/Face

    Imagining if it were an official award night, and Janus got Face and Heel awards, how entertaining would it be to see the announcement?
  3. Feud of the Year: Landon Maddix/Alan Clark. Stable of the Year: Unholy Trinity, mainly because I have to pimp myself at least Once, right? Rookie Of The Year Award: Toxxic, if he still counts. Fastest rise EVER.
  4. janusd

    Year-End Nomination Thread: Heel/Face

    Heel: Toxxic and/or Tom Flesher Face: Dace Night.
  5. Most Improved - First person to come to mind is none other than perennial chat kickboy Spike Jenkins. Love you, man. Most Underappreciated - Me, if only for the reason that whenever I seemed to win it big, it was usually over a dominating person (or persons) and their response was always "My match was better!" Best Booker - Zed, hands down.
  6. On the advice of my lawyer, one Thomas F. Lesher, I have been advised to agree that Bo's hinted return that didn't happen is deserving of him winning the tool of the year award. Thank you.
  7. *HELL CRUSH!* I openly admitted I completely sucked after winning the title, but if I ever make returns (and god forbid I become Stryke and keep coming back and quitting), I never DID get pinned... silly Toxxic stealing the pin on Tom Anyway, back on topic! My nomination... Tom Flesher.
  8. janusd

    Smarkdown Predictions

    Split Personality Because Of Boredom Edition! MAIN EVENT CAPTAIN FALL TAG MATCH Revolution Zero (Toxxic © and "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins) and "The Icon" Max King v. Andrea Montgomery © and Hollywood Boulevard (Mike Van Siclen and "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez) ~ Janus: Toxxic's team loses... and loses hard. ~ Terrence: Toxxic's a very... very... VERY good competitor... I'll back his team. USJL TITLE MATCH David Cross© v. Danny Dagda ~ Janus: The Dagda runt. ~ Terrence: Cross to retain. CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE MATCH Ryan Dustin © v. Austin Sly ~ Janus: Whichever one of these two isn't the ex-alcoholic wins. ~ Terrence: ... the opposite of what he said. SINGLES MATCH Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix v. Stryke ~ Janus: Laaaaaaandoooooon.... ~ Terrence: Laaaaandoooooooon.... HARDCORE TITLE MATCH Sean Davis © v. Christian Fury ~ Janus: ... ... ... ... ~ Terrence: I'm backing Fury... I don't think Janus wants to comment. USJL TITLE #1 CONTENDERSHIP MATCH Uncle Filthy v. Evan Wolfe ~ Janus: The wolf to eat that ugly hobo alive. ~ Terrence: Seconded, but not so harshly... NEW GUY MATCH "Blind" Ryan Klein v. Carnage ~ Janus: Carnage. Who's going to argue with a psychotic heel? ~ Terrence: ....Klein, then.
  9. The cheque's in the mail for continually putting me over.
  10. janusd

    Storm predictions~!

    MAIN EVENT#1 SWF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Toxxic© vs Andrea Montgomery ~ I'd love to see an Andrea upset, but Toxx. The man marks for me, after all. MAIN EVENT #2 ICTV TITLE MATCH Landon Maddix© vs “The Icon” Max King ~ Much More Maddix! MAIN EVENT #3 TAG TITLE REMATCH Spike Jenkins & Sean Davis© vs Todd Cortez & Mike Van Siclen ~ Rev-0 to kick HB in the jimmies and retain. SINGLES MATCH Johnny Dangerous vs Manson ~ The power of MANSONOSITY > Johnny. USJL TITLE CONTENDERSHIP TRIANGLE MATCH Nathan Xavier vs Jamie Drazon vs Ryan Dustin ~ Mmm... Dustin. CRUSIERWEIGHT TITLE CONTENDERSHIP Austin Sly vs The Birdman ~ Caw caw, motherfuckers! HARDCORE TITLE CONTENDERSHIP THREE WAY LAST BLOOD Christian Fury vs David Cross vs Danny Dagda ~ Mister Fury. SINGLES MATCH Uncle Filthy vs Stryke ~ Filthy. How can you not like those stats?
  11. janusd

    My very own thank-you thread

    (Y) It's a pleasure, Toxx. In typical anti-self-praise writer style, I was surprised you marked for the character. But... one day, I'm going to come back and we're going to have an actual competitive match sometime...or did that already happen? Ah well. Either way - cheers, mate.
  12. Point conceded. But I still think you suck.
  13. janusd

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    Happy birthday to the creative yet incredibly lazy motherfucker responsible for Janus being linked to the Clan. May he continue to browbeat the less fortunate of #SWF until he gets sick and tired of us and leaves for good.
  14. Well, take comfort in the fact you made Ebony happy? ... not much of a comfort I know.
  15. janusd

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    *clears throat* I probably missed out a few... Happy birthday to His Royal Highness High Kaiser Head Booker Lord Zed The Necrosomething. Nemesis makes it necessary. Our Zed is an awesome Zed! He reigns from Canada above! With cable, hentai and brains Our Zed is an awesome Zed!
  16. janusd

    Greatest DNS match to have ever existed

    Hey, you offered her Annie and Allison before the former left and the latter went to Tom! How could she resist?
  17. janusd

    Smarkdown Comments

    *forwards resume for the Commissionership from the nearest mental asylum* Good showing by all, peeps.
  18. janusd

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    Wubs to the Muzzums, happy birthday mate!
  19. janusd

    8/11 SWF Lockdown HOLT Report

    Besides, Dub Cee, it can just be passed off as the 'fan' not knowing his stereotypes or something, not that you don't know the difference. And you're doing Ebony proud with her testicular mashings of people. Huzzah!
  20. janusd


    *drinks his tea* ..... what?
  21. *turns up "Feel Good Hit Of The Summer".*
  22. janusd

    The Finisher Thread

    I know one newbie out there (one David Cross) , also has the Steiner Screwdriver (aka, Janus' "Rage Unleashed") as a rare move. Oh, and props to the motherfucking bird Crow for being the one who got the Hell Crush OVER~