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Everything posted by janusd
I have sitting currently on my desk the complete graphic novels of both Watchmen and V for Vendetta As you're the only person I've ever seen mentioning either, I put all blame of my purchasing on you.
Lockdown has long since come to a close. All the inmates have been escorted back to their cells, and most of the superstars have already made their exit save for a few. One of these few is the figure of Landon Maddix, who is stalking through the cleared and secure hallways of the prison, on his way to the exit. His mind burns with the thought of eventually getting his hands on Toxxic and thus he pays no attention to his surroundings, not even as a hand lands on his shoulder. He brushes it off and continues on his trek... and the hand grabs his shoulder and bodily spins him around. Opening his mouth to give the person a piece of his mind, Maddix pauses only momentarily as he looks up the business-suited form of the Hell Machine. "Mister Maddix." the giant smiles. "And what do you want?" the irritated Cockroach asks. "We just want a few words, is all." Janus answers with that infuriatingly calm smile. "You don't care about the potential consequences of upsetting Joseph Peters?" "Did I say that? Yeah, I think I did. Fines, threats, consequences, Peters is hot air." The Hell Machine nods his head slowly, contemplatively, and then shoves Landon into the brick wall behind him. The surprised Cockroach yelps and brushes himself off, keeping his calm demeanour until the great right hand of the monster wraps around his throat and hoists him up off the ground. Landon kicks a few times, eyes bulging as he tries to sputter out something, but Janus simply holds him up for several moments, staring up at the Cockroach with that calm smile and those bright red eyes. His words are calm and dry as he addresses the suspended superstar. "However, we are not hot air, Landon Maddix. It would do you well to remember this." "Fuck off..." Landon sputters. "All I want is Toxxic..." Janus releases La Cucaracha's throat and lets him drop to the ground again, where he unsteadily falls back against the wall, holding his throat and wheezing. The shadow of the tall head of security looms over him, as the Hell Machine dusts his hands off and adjusts his tie as if he had not just indulged in a physical activity. When he speaks again, his dry voice contains a hint of malice as he addresses the Cockroach in the tone of voice most people remember the giant for using. "Do not make us intervene personally in your vendetta with Toxxic, Landon. We know what happens to people of no conscience and no remorse. Endangering other superstars is not something we will let slip under our attention again." Landon looks up, engulfed as he is in the shadow of the titan, and meets Janus' eyes. The red orbs glitter with the promise of malicious intent, before that calm smile slides onto his face again and he steps away, giving the Cockroach room in which to stand. La Cucaracha and the Hell Machine stare at each other for a long and undefined moment, before the giant turns away and walks off, leaving Landon to stare after him while rubbing his throat. The look in the giant's eyes had said it all - he would not tolerate the Cockroach threatening the life and livelihood of the SWF superstars, no matter for what reason. But as he watched the Hell Machine leave, Landon allowed himself to smile thinly. Bringing Michael Stephens more pain and guilt was worth the threat of the Hell Machine's wrath. It was all about Toxxic.
I nominate the return of Reggie, Aecas' pot plant.
I'm marking a main event? How foreboding~!
We're still waiting for that promo done entirely by a flashbacking Judge Mental action figure.
One of my most loved cameos involving Ebony ever. I still haven't forgiven you for that ridiculous kickout from a top rope screwdriver. Git.
Not sure if I find this odd, or if it actually makes sense. I think he is like 100lbs too IIRC. 104, actually.
Go through every stable and/or tag team name the SWF ever had.
Posterchild for writer vs character at 5'5.
Landon Maddix: "The consequences simply do not matter. Fines, suspensions, de-pushes. Not a problem." Hmmm..... consequences don't matter, eh?
We like Chinese. They're small and crunchy.
So after seeing two promos, it finally occurs to me your subtitles are quoting from Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen.... Very nice promo, though.
Don't make me screwdriver you off the turnbuckle Toxx! It's not like someone can kick out of that!
"Poor Peters. When he realised you were there he looked like a fish out of water..." "Consider us surprised, Hiroshi." "Why would that be?" "I didn't think he'd take your credentials so easily considering his blustering." "You will discover that being convincing without being too intimidating can be just as beneficial as scaring someone half to death. And when that fails, well, intimidation is a surprisingly useful thing." With the office of Joseph Peters now behind them, the figures known as the Inquisitor and the Hell Machine walk silently through the carpeted hallways of the SWF's Chicago offices. The latter walks with his hands in his pocket and a slight frown upon his features, a frown which the former notices and raises a slight eyebrow at as they approach the elevators - after all, what commissioner has his offices on the ground floor? Hojo pushes the call button and folds his arms while they wait, looking up at his monsterous associate. The giant notices this and without being prompted speaks in their rumbling Australian voice. "Enforcing security is a very broad job description. What exactly do we do now?" "It has probably crossed your mind, but this does not mean you can simply attack superstars left and right." "Heh." Janus favours the Inquisitor with a near-smile. "That's little more than wishful thinking on our part." "But at the same time..." Hiroshi continues "...we must ensure that outbursts such as Kevin Coyote's do not repeat themselves. Other than that let your mind, or would that be minds, run wild." "You have no concrete plans?" the giant asks almost incredulously, as the Inquisitor tsks lightly and wags his finger almost playfully. "Spontaneity is the order of the day, my dear Australians. It may look like I'm making this up as I go, but it simply makes it harder for people to figure out anything we're planning. Which is, as they say, a secret." The faint 'ding' of the elevator interrupts their dialogue, and the door opens to reveal the empty interior. The Hell Machine is the first to enter, moving to the back and folding his arms while Hiroshi enters and presses the button for the parking garage, followed by the door close button before anyone else who needs to go down spots the open elevator. Aside from the faint tinkling of the horrible elevator muzak, things are silent as Janus and Hiroshi consider their objective. It is the Inquisitor who speaks first this time, contemplatively. "You've been watching the shows lately, you two. What disruptive things have you seen that may need to be quelled? Aside from the seemingly ritual invasion of the commissioner's office and typical backstage violence, of course." "Hmm..." Janus rumbles, stroking their goatee. "The recent Lottery has thrown several teams together, several of which seem to dislike each other. The cross-gender teams most of all seem to have friction that may lead to trouble." "Your opinion on those two teams?" "Toxxic's sister and Bruce Blank seem to be sorting themselves out very quickly. The other two, Sarah and..." Here a slight change of tone comes over their voice, a sort of veiled curse. "Fury. Their actions may require us to stage a... how would you phrase it..." "An intervention. Especially considering Christian's... past influences." The giant nods his/their head at Hojo's words. There is another period of silence broken only by the elevator music and the loud ding that signifies their arrival at the parking garage. The door slides open and the Inquisitor is naturally first out, with the Hell Machine slowly on his heels. The two take a moment to survey the parking lot, perhaps remembering that vicious attack on Coyote, perhaps thinking of other things entirely. In an almost curiously casual tone, the Inquisitor speaks again as if something had just recently occured to him. "I told Joseph we may be very... hands on with our security. Just how involved do you wish to be?" "What do you mean?" the giant inquires. "Your background is a very storied one. Peace and tranquility partnered with violence and destructive force. With both of you working together like this you may be an even greater force than even Kibagami predicted. The question is do you wish to concentrate that force backstage or unleash it in the ring." "An... interesting observation, Hiroshi." they reply at last. "Something to be considered. Both will no doubt happen eventually, because someone will take issue with how we do our job and want to prove their point in the ring. Which brings me to a question I had been meaning to ask..." "That would be...?" "Do you have any sort of experience in the ring?" Fade to Black
Openingz promo get. *rubs hands together malevolently*
Apologies to Akira/Cross, I went to bed early and was typically annoyed over the seeming doublenoshow. So I just woke up and found your match in my inbox. Baaaaah.
For anyone who may be curious My username starts with a lower case 'j', not an uppercase 'J'. That is all.
Paraphrased from memory, on AIM earlier today. JJ Johnson: Wait, is it...? JJ Johnson: It is! Kingmas! JJ Johnson: *nutshot* Janus: Argh, you bastard! Merry Kingmas! Janus: *Ace of Clubs/Spades* JJ Johnson: *oversells like a true heel would* JJ Johnson: I don't know how you oversell a baseball bat, but I will, by Gumby!
Ebony approves of your compliment.
You know, eventually with how everyone is lining up to kill Blank.... he's gonna have a long list of people that caused him severe amounts of pain whether they beat him or not. IL/Janus/Akira vs Bruce. Just for the violence factor.
1) Who are you, and what have you done this year? Janus, or janusd if you just want the username. Besides becoming a fairly regular marker for CC, I haven't done much besides a brief return to *kayfabe* boost ratings */kayfabe* to wrestle against Blank, though there is a storyline in the works, nudge nudge wink wink. 2) What do you think of CC and their work at this time? Definitely have a good handle on things. Despite some of the somewhat snarky sounding reactions if someone needs their booking changed and is upset, CC's handled it well and tried to accomodate them without damaging the strength of the card. As cheesy as that one sounds. The growing involvement in shows and plotlines is also a plus, though I don't think you'll find many wrestlers who enjoyed Family Friendly Lockdown, guys. 3) What do you think this fed's strongest suit is? I'd have to agree with Judge and say we have the technical aspect of things down pat. We've got good psychology, and enough variance in our match types to suit anyone, from basic Hardcore to crazy and silly out there stips like Calvinball (may it rest in peace) and the ever great-fun-to-write Mall Brawl. 4) What do you think this fed's weakest suit is? People start taking the whole damn thing too seriously sometimes. I can't speak for the old days, but people throwing fits and losing their cool over stuff that happens is just ridiculous. Granted, I haven't seen much of it lately, but still. It may be a damn good e-fed, and damn good fun, but it's the internet people. Don't go killing yourself over somethimg going wrong, even if you'd like to kill someone for having an ego or writing your character incorrectly. 5) Do you have any suggestions for changes in how things are run? I can't really think of much to say here save of CC pooling their souls and selling out to get some form of omniscience so they can tell what everyone wants at any given time so there's no messups ever again. Others might have better ideas, but nothing comes to my mind. 6) Overall, do you like the direction the fed is headed in? We're still going strong, we have a good group of wrestlers that can be booked, and everyone's active and interested in where we're going. Looks like we're going to be marching in a lively manner all the way to 2007 and beyond.
J3 called, he wanted credit for the "JackDanielsHammer" but since he didn't get it he now places all guilt for the horrible move name on you.