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Everything posted by IllustriousOne

  1. IllustriousOne

    Choken One..........banned?

    I told you beforehand that I wasn't looking for a long-term relationship. You still didn't have to make me cry.
  2. IllustriousOne

    Choken One..........banned?

    AoO made me cry once.
  3. IllustriousOne

    Choken One..........banned?

    Furthermore, from Grandmastah Dames's rules: 6. Don't disobey the mods. This does not mean you cannot disagree with them and voice your opinion, but you must still adhere to the decisions they make. 7. Mods have full discresion to warn or ban posters they feel are out of line and acting like twits.
  4. IllustriousOne

    Choken One..........banned?

    Apparently I have to go through and bold things.
  5. IllustriousOne

    Choken One..........banned?

    I'll even find them for you, to bring you up to speed: That was Sass. And here's Tom's, which was more of a general explanation than anything else. EDIT: Things bolded for importance.
  6. IllustriousOne

    Choken One..........banned?

    Yes, but ALL of you are equipped with eyes, minds, and the ability to read. TOM and SASS BOTH have posted LENGTHY explanations. GO FIND THEM.
  7. IllustriousOne

    Choken One..........banned?

    You know what *I* think is getting out of line? The fact that people are STILL asking for an explanation, even though one has been provided over and over again.
  8. IllustriousOne

    WWE Folder stupidity.

    Actually, that was a perfect response. It illustrates things well.
  9. IllustriousOne

    WWE Folder stupidity.

    For further insight into future matters, please direct your questions to RavishingRickRudo. He's clearly above and beyond the rest of the mods as it pertains to making decisions using a rational thought process, so he'll fit the bill well, I think. -Josh
  10. IllustriousOne

    WWE Folder stupidity.

    Tell you what, Rudo. I'm going to give you my job. Have fun.
  11. IllustriousOne

    WWE Folder stupidity.

    Actually, it's better to ban people on the mods precedent. Not the fickle posters precedent. And personally, I haven't seen anyone walking on eggshells. EDIT: Oh and as a reminder... Dames installed the "imperial regime that has castrated the board." Don't forget that.
  12. IllustriousOne

    WWE Folder stupidity.

    Except for the fact that every minute decision is constantly under ridiculous scrutiny by people who play both sides of the fence. For every "OMG BANNING CHOKEN WAS EVIL YOU ADMINS ABUSE POWER" we get, we also get a "Why hasn't so and so been banned yet? You guys are sooo lazy"... So you've GOT to understand that it's a bit ridiculous to us to justify every decision, when we know that even when the explanation is perfectly valid, the posters STILL get a stick in their ass. We as mods can't win, so we're tired of trying to win. And Rudo.. When exactly was the last time you saw Dames? I'm running out of time to redo the front site, so if you've got some "insider information" I don't have, please do pass it along. Otherwise, get off your "OMG WE NEED DAMES NOW" kick. -Josh
  13. IllustriousOne

    WWE Folder stupidity.

  14. IllustriousOne

    Choken One..........banned?

    I let Sass have the ban because I couldn't figure out something clever to lead to the banning. I was thinking about doing the countdown, but decided against it. Besides, Sass was so willing.
  15. IllustriousOne

    The OAO "Which PBPs are Birds and Jew2K1?" Thread

    Mmm, I like the influx of PBPs. Gives me something fun to do. Hey AoO... I'm thinking a ban spree without any reason is coming soon. You?
  16. IllustriousOne

    Why was Repo Man Reborn Banned?

    PBP + troll = banned
  17. I'm highly underappreciated.
  18. IllustriousOne

    How about that TNA mod?

    Hahahahaha. See... Now y'all have gone and fucked up now. Good luck TNA regulars.
  19. IllustriousOne

    How about that TNA mod?

    To be perfectly honest, I personally don't see the need for a puro mod either.
  20. IllustriousOne

    How about that TNA mod?

    So much so that the belligerent little rubes who inhabit this messageboard feel the need to point that out every time something doesn't go their way. I'll let you in on a secret. When the TNA Mod thread popped up in the Staff folder, you were my choice. Now? Now you've made an immature ass out of yourself in a situation where you could have become the catalyst for that folder, and I rescind my choice for you as TNA mod. Good work.
  21. IllustriousOne

    How about that TNA mod?

    I pretty much agree with Mike on this, scarily. It just seemed like needless berating of this guy, to the point where it degenerated to just picking on him.
  22. IllustriousOne


    That's IMPOSSIBLE.
  23. IllustriousOne

    You bastards.

    We delete them.
  24. IllustriousOne

    You bastards.

    And so far, disabling the guests has caused the board to run MUCH smoother.