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B. Brian Brunzell

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Everything posted by B. Brian Brunzell

  1. B. Brian Brunzell

    Melissa Stark leaves MNF

    Bonnie Bernstein would be a nice addition. Of course, anyone but Dickerson(unless he busts out the goggles) would be a nice addition.
  2. B. Brian Brunzell

    Jerseys you own?

    NFL: Ricky Williams-Dolhpins and New Orleans Mike Alstott- Tampa Bay Andy Katzenmoyer-former New england LB Brian Urlacher-Bears Drew Bledsoe- Bills Arena: Kurt Warner- Iowa Barnstormers There's more, but I'm not in the mood to walk upstairs and rummage through my closet.
  3. B. Brian Brunzell

    Reading any books right now

    Vyce, the book is about as vile and filthy as it gets. Carpophegia(sp?)and pedophile priests(well, that's not hard to imagine now, is it?) are just the tip of the iceberg in that book. You'll feel dirty after reading it. As of now, I'm reading a book by James Michener about the Kent State massacre. It's interesting.
  4. B. Brian Brunzell

    What are you listening to right now?

    "The Guns of Brixton(Live)"- Dropkick Murphys
  5. B. Brian Brunzell

    Best Vocalist Of All Time, Period?

    Fallon is the man. Very cool voice indeed. Maynard still has perhaps the most unique voice I've heard in quite some time. I can't believe no on ehas mentioned Steve Pery. That guy is a vocal GOD. And props go out to the guy who said Paul Rogers.
  6. B. Brian Brunzell

    Best Vocalist Of All Time, Period?

    Freddie Mercury blows everyone away when it comes to vocal capabilities. He's simply the G.O.A.T. My other personal favorites are Mike Patton, Chris Cornell, Scott Weiland, and Rob Halford.
  7. B. Brian Brunzell

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Whiter Shade of Pale"- Procol Harum
  8. B. Brian Brunzell

    Hendrix Bassist Noel Redding passes away...

    Noel Redding was a fine bassist and will be truly missed by those who enjoy good musicianship. Rest in peace, Noel.
  9. B. Brian Brunzell


    Seconded, thirded and quadrupled! The man has an amazing body of work, all with amazing, inventive, song writing, and great variety in his guitar playing, how could you go wrong? I'm with you and Corey. Devy all the way. Oh, Paul Simonon wrote "The Guns of Brixton."
  10. B. Brian Brunzell

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Rape Song"- Strapping Young Lad
  11. B. Brian Brunzell

    Phil Anselmo says he "done" with Pantera

    So yo utook the album title literally, eh Lethargic? You used it once and destroyed it, which is for the better.
  12. B. Brian Brunzell

    Who is more talented...

    Oysterhead fucking OWNS. Pure musical brilliance there. I worship them.
  13. B. Brian Brunzell

    Bruce Dickinson slams Limp Bizkit

    Bizkit is from Jacksonville, Florida, KERRANG! magazine. But Nu-Metal is Nu-Metal, so I guess it doesn't really matter where they're from.
  14. B. Brian Brunzell

    WWE Tidbits

    Ultimo and Eddie teaming up? That's like a smarks wrestlng wet dream come to life.
  15. B. Brian Brunzell

    SCSA showing signs of Drinking problems

    Yeah they do!
  16. B. Brian Brunzell

    Commercials In The Middle of Matches

    I guess the WWF feels that taking a break adds to a match, makes it more dramatic, if you weeeeeeeeeel. Cole and Tazz are usually pretty good at selling the actions that took place during the break, so I don't mind it.
  17. B. Brian Brunzell

    Dave DeBusschere Dead at 62

    Former NBA great Dave DeBusschere died today of a heart attack at age 62. He was named one of the NBA's 50 Greatest Players at the league's 50th anniversery. I just saw this news and didn't have much time to post anything else on DeBusschere.
  18. B. Brian Brunzell

    Reading any books right now

    Recently(as in about a month ago), I started reading a biography on the Marquis du Sade which contained The 120 Days of Sodomy. I got through the biography part and the beginning of The 120 Days, but after 4 or so stories in the book, I had to put it down. It was the most vile, nasty, downright dementedly perverted piece of literature I had ever read. I seriously felt like I needed to go to Confession after readng the book.
  19. B. Brian Brunzell

    Who is the most overrated by smarks?

    I've always been a fan, but Booker T, I feel is overrated, and my feelings have already been explained by humongous. Most of his matches *DO* suck, but he's always appealed to me somehow.
  20. B. Brian Brunzell

    Who was the better no-seller?

    Gotta go with 'Taker back in the day. How does one hurt a dead dude? Before we all smartened up, every one of us(most likely) loved the sit-up when a nuclear warhead was dropped on him.
  21. B. Brian Brunzell

    Who has been HHHeld down the worst?

    Jericho and RVD come to mind, as does Booker T.
  22. B. Brian Brunzell

    Chavo Guerrero Out 6 Months

    That's a damn shame for Chavo. He was really starting to shine in his pairing with Uncle Eddie. Get well soon, Chavo.
  23. B. Brian Brunzell

    British Music or American Music

    Well, England gave me The Clash, Pink Floyd, and David Bowie. America gave me the Blues, KISS, TOOL,Metallica, Chris Cornell, and Mike Patton. Canada gave me Devin Townsend and Rush. Boy, that's a toughie. But, since The Clash and the Floyd are my two favorite groups of all-time, I gotsta go with England.
  24. B. Brian Brunzell

    New Alblum releases...

    I just got home from my Sam Goody raping, and I must say, that the new SYL disc FUCKING ROCKS HARD. I haven't listened to the new BLS yet, as Devin's manic screaming and guitar playing has captivated me to the point where no other music matter for now.
  25. B. Brian Brunzell

    Megadeth news

    Then, when the crowd doesn't respond to his liking, he can throw bottles at them like the bitch he is.