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B. Brian Brunzell

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Everything posted by B. Brian Brunzell

  1. B. Brian Brunzell

    Europe: The Final Countdown

    You ain't the only one, chief. I saw the video for "The Final Countdown" and "Carie" on VH1 Classic's Tueday Twoplay last week. If I owned spandex and a plethora of bandanas, I would've put them out and strutted like Joey Tempest used to do back in the day. Europe OWNS it.
  2. B. Brian Brunzell

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Mood for Trouble"-Soundgarden
  3. B. Brian Brunzell

    The One and Only Nash Injury Pool

    Dude, you didn't answer the question.
  4. B. Brian Brunzell

    Pink Floyd Albums

    **checks sig** Yep, I still like Piper... best. Syd is God.
  5. B. Brian Brunzell

    Great Band Names

    Great Band Names: Bootsauce Bongwater Impotent Sea Snakes Howard and the White Boys Three Dudes and a Dead chick A Few I've Made Up: Mr. Cop and the Bacon Fags Shindig Jackson and the Furious 61 Schlitzed
  6. B. Brian Brunzell

    did anyone else notice this...

    If only I didn't have to work, then i could add my two cents, but alas, I missed the show.
  7. B. Brian Brunzell

    The One and Only Nash Injury Pool

    He'll go down getting out the rental car before the May 5th RAW. Bet on it, yo.
  8. B. Brian Brunzell

    Table Question..

    And aren't they usually pre-cut?
  9. B. Brian Brunzell


    **throws brick at Rudo** ** accidentally hits Steviekick**
  10. B. Brian Brunzell

    Worst possible way to use a wrestler

    They don't even need to have Booker try to rape the white girls. Just have him try to pick them up and say the typical "white bitches" stuff.
  11. B. Brian Brunzell

    Would it be so bad if the WWE died ?

    That's very true. But I still think that fans will truly believe that no matter what Vince does, he's a genius and will be able to turn things around. The onyl problem, as you said, is that if his shareholders and sponsers lose all faith and bail, leaving him alone with no sponsers, no shareholders, and a small audience. Only at that point, I think, would the WWF actually cease operations.
  12. B. Brian Brunzell

    Would it be so bad if the WWE died ?

    But we've been so accustomed to being screwed thta if Vince keeps doing it to us, will it even matter? Will we all turn away, or will we keep watching anyway, in hopes of improvement. Ya know, kind of like what we're doign right now.
  13. B. Brian Brunzell

    Week 36

    Since I moved from Chicago to West Virginia to go to college(after a 4 year break), I haven't seen NWA. Dames' reviews are the only way I "see" the shows. My aunt and uncle whom I live with hate wrestling. Bastards.
  14. B. Brian Brunzell

    Zach De La Rocha - March of Death

    Shit man, there aren't too many folks out there that can equal or surpass Cornell's vocal prowess. He rocks my world and everyone else's.
  15. B. Brian Brunzell

    The thought just occured to me...

    Truer words have never been spoken about a man's wife.
  16. B. Brian Brunzell

    Uh Oh....

    That was his leg, again! That was hematoma, wasn't it? Back or no back, HHH's health is seriously on the decline.
  17. B. Brian Brunzell

    Banky's Bitchfest 03/20/02 Suckdown! Edition

    Could that something possibly be the contract signing?
  18. B. Brian Brunzell

    The thought just occured to me...

    Now, you have to choose one,and death is NOT an option: Who would you rather have sucking it up in te ring, Steiner, or Rodney Mack?
  19. B. Brian Brunzell


    DEAN: Always speakin' the truth.
  20. B. Brian Brunzell

    Post Your CD Collection

    I'm closing in on 500 cd's right now. I just don't have the will to type all of the cd's I own.
  21. B. Brian Brunzell

    Should they make Lawler a real heel announcer?

    **jumps on the Callis bandwagon**
  22. B. Brian Brunzell

    William Regal is a bloated parasite

    So, how long do we think it'll be until the WWF goes back to India?
  23. B. Brian Brunzell

    Most of us agree that WWE is stale right now...

    Well, having the "catfight" chicks iat WRESTLEFUCKINGMANIA isn't a good start now, is it?
  24. B. Brian Brunzell

    Miller Beer catfight girls to appear at WM

    Well, it seems as if Vince *STILL* thinks it's 1999.
  25. B. Brian Brunzell

    The 90's Thread

    I get a bit nostalgic when I hear "I'm not an Addict" and anything off of Mellow Gold. Let's see. When Nowell died I was at a friend's house. I didn't particularly care, as I was neverf a Sublime fan and thought Nowell was ghastly overrated. Iwas watching tv when I heard thta Hoon died. I was sad. I realy dug Blind Melon. I though Shannon had a unique voice. I was on spring break in 8th grade when I heard about Cobain. I turned on MTV when I woke upand saw the news. Back then, I was devastated. But now that I'm older, I realize that Cobain wsa an overrated songwriter and a horrid guitarist. I was crushed when Soundgarden broke up. They're one of my all-time favorites. Faith No More's breakup wsa equally crushing.