Smarks Board Name: Atlas
Wrestlers Name: Sean Atlas
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 240
Hometown: Supposedly Chicago, Illinois. Read the Bio for more info.
Age: 22
Face/Heel: Heel, leaning towards tweener. Has a small but loyal following.
Stable: Magnificent Seven right now.
Ring Escort: None
Weapon(s): He's used ladders, tack filled light bulb tubes, a bat with nails driven through it, and a chainsaw... Go wild.
Quote: "It must make life unbearable for a man, to think as I did."
"A casual stroll through the insane asylum shows that faith does not prove anything."
"To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition."
Looks: The important thing is that Sean Atlas always wears a mask. It covers his entire face, and the area across the eyes is a black strip. Everything, including the black, is made of white leather. He's got on white pants, usually with some kind of design on them. Shirtless on top, but he's got a few scars on his back from previous matches. There's also a tattoo on his left shoulder of the letters "MS" creatively drawn, impaled with a dagger, all over an outline of the globe. White wrist tape and black boots with white laces accessorize the rest.
Ring Entrance: In a darkened arena filled with the anxious murmurs of a hostile crowd, the opening notes to Heaven's a Lie by Lacuna Coil chime in, carefully played by a piano while a background of electric guitars slowly builds. The SmarkTron displays Sean's Crucifix Entrance from his SWF debut, while a blinding white light shining from beneath the ramp grating flashes in accordance with the music. Then, as the guitars grow, the song comes to a climax and just before the expected heavy beass drums blast the roof off...
A colossal explosion goes off on the stage, leaving behind a thick plume of smoke. The light from underneath the stage illuminates the haze as Heaven's a Lie enters its first verse. inside the thick clous of white smoke, the silhouette of a man appears, slowly walking out with his head held low. One he steps out into plain sight, Sean Atlas looks up at the multitude of spectators, judging them with the dark, beady eyes underneath his mask. He walks down the ramp, focused on the match at hand while Funyon introduces him to the locals...
“Currently making his way to the ring, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 240 pounds... SEEEEAAAANNNN ATLAS!”
Continue as needed...
Strength: 7 (Well built, very storng. Has found a nice equilibrium as far as conditioning. Think Benoit with a bit of O'Haire thrown in.)
Speed: 5 (Very quick and agile, can often evade attacks from all but the speediest of opponents.)
Vitality: 5 (Good enough for ironman or clusterfuck, but needs a bit of luck to actually win one)
Charisma: 3 (Not overly charismatic, but speaks well enough to convey emotion believably.)
Style: Atlas' wrestling is more of a technical style than any other. He uses plenty of stylised Suplexes, in addition to some striking moves, concentrating on the legs. Most of the suplexes and takedowns used are executed from behind, showing that Sean will attack an opponent when he's not looking. Unless it makes sense to, he'll usually stay away from working a certain body part, choosing instead to pummel the opponent with high impact suplexes. He has proven himself more than capable in a hardcore environment, as demostrated in his late SJL days. Tends to work well with others, showing an ability to wrestle in tag team matches, but prefers to work on his own, relying on no one but himself.
Signature moves:
- Leg Capture Suplex (Done after catching opponent's leg after a kick. While holding the leg, Atlas puts on a face lock and flips over into a Suplex)
- Katahajime Suplex (Taz-Plex; Often done during or just before the victim escapes the Katahajime Choke)
- Wheelbarrow Suplex (Sometimes flips opponent over onto face ala flipover German)
- Tequila Sunrise (Belly to Back Half Nelson and Chicken Wing Suplex)
- Straightjacket Suplex (Belly to Back Crossed Arms Suplex)
- Texas Cloverleaf (Sean debuted the move at 13th Hour, then decided to keep it as a regular.
- Immaculate Neckbreaker (Arm Trap Shoulder Neck Breaker)
- Six Point Star Splash (Not exactly a five star, or a frog splash, but hey, he tried.)
- Stepover Legdrop (Opponent is doubled over, their arm stretched out to the side. Atlas steps over it, arm between his legs, facing away from the body. He flips forward, catching the opponent with his legs on the way, carrying them over onto their back. A pin can follow.)
- Cruise Kick (Performed when opponent catches Sean's leg after a kick. Instead of an Enzuguri, Atlas jumps and does a backflip, kicking the opponent in the face. Done rarely, and Sean will not always land back on his feet, especially if it's late in the match)
Common moves:
- German Suplex (Release, Rolling, Bridged, Flipover)
- Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
- Stretch Suplex (Pumphandle Suplex)
- Sweep Spinebuster (ala The Rock)
- Russian Leg Sweep
- Full Nelson Forward Russian Leg Sweep
- DDT (Normal, Reverse, Single Arm)
- Chops
- Leapfrog
- Thesz Press
- Spear (To the gut, back, legs, etc)
- Superkick
- Dragon Screw Legwhip
- Side Leg Trip (STO)
- Unreleased Irish Whip
- Rear Leg Takedown (the thing Angle does when he pulls your feet out from behind you)
- Baseball Slide (Often after recieving an Irish Whip)
- Kicks (Specifically to the knees, sometimes the midsection.)
- Jacknife Hold (Bridging Double Leg Pickup Pin)
- School Boy/Inside Cradle
Rare moves:
- Spinal Tap(Backdrop/Vertebreaker. When placed in a standing headlock, double arm DDT or other similar maneuver, Atlas typically counters out, hitting something between your regular back body drop and a vertebreaker. Thus, the Spinal Tap)
- Short Fuse (3/4 Facelock Bulldog into Inverted Facelock DDT. Pops the crowd huge. Atlas lands on his chest for the Inverted DDT. Often covers right after. Used very rarely.)
- Sharpshooter (Used as an alternate to the Katahajime when working the back/legs instead of the neck.)
- Belly-to-Belly Piledriver (Doesn't like attacking the neck this way, but will do it if necesarry. Uses only this variation)
- Knife Through The Heart (From the apron, he'll slingshot himself onto the top rope, not in the corner but in the middle of the rope (if it's late in the match he'll just climb to the top one) then dive and hit an elbow drop into the chest. This one is the rarest of the rare, used mostly for flair.)
- The Saint's Demise (Jumping Death Valley Driver)
- Katahajime Choke (Modified Tazzmission, applied with either arm.)
- Angel's Punishment (Cruifix Powerbomb DDT. Starts from a Crucifix position like the Razor's Edge, then flips the opponent forward and turns it into a DDT. Vertical position of opponent upon landing changes based on size. Used very sparingly and WILL finish off a match.)
Notes: To those writing matches against Atlas, never remove his mask. The mask stays on, period. If you try though, please do it VERY rarely. I don't want people going for the mask in every match. When someone does try, it'll just anger him further. Sometimes, the anger will cause a DQ, but it doesn't make him fearful. Again, please don't have him lose the mask. Not even if his face is covered with hands.
During the Mask vs Mask Angle with beezel, some of te above rules can be bent, but mostly by myself of Mr. B. If you feel like writing major mask-related stuff, let me know in advance.
Bio: Sean Atlas started out as a prick when he first came into the SJL. He was a bastard heel, and berated people for their religious beliefs. He even refused to speak to Ben Hardy until Ben took his cross off when interviewing him. Soon after, however, segments started airing about his past. One in new York, where he was distraught after recieving a poor crowd reacion, and one in Chicago that revealed his time spend at a mental institution.
Many of his promos out of the ring and out of the arena are done without the mask, but his face is never shown. He benefits from this, because fans never come up to him, asking for an autograph or anything. It allows him total anonymity out of the ring, even to fellow wrestlers. To hide his face and identity, he books his own flights and hotel rooms, so that even management doesn't find out. Hearing some of the sacreligios speeches he often makes, hiding his face benefits him greatly. Though he is identifiable by the tattoo of "MS" on his shoulder, he makes sure to hide it when not wearing the mask.
The main reason he's wrestling isn't known, but one can deduce, from past promos, that he's here because no other venue provides him with such a great audience on such a regular basis. He can spread his message to a great amount of people more efficiently. It helps that he is incredibly fit, physically. He also talks about a wrestling past, with a different organization, and mentions underachieving there. This is becoming a more prominent part of his character. Many factors seem to act as motivation for Sean Atlas.
Final SJL Record: 12-3-2 (W-L-Cowrites)
02.04.03 - W - SJL Metal - Sean Atlas vs Omega Storm vs Aecas (triple Threat Debut Match)
02.09.03 - W - SJL Wrath - Sean Atlas vs Aecas (Euro #1 Contendership)
02.14.03 - W - SJL Crimson - Sean Atlas vs Chris Card (European Title Match)
02.18.03 - W - SJL Metal - Sean Atlas vs Aecas (European Title Match)
02.23.03 - W - SJL Wrath - Sean Atlas vs Spike Jenkins vs Matt Myers (Cruiser-Triple Threat)
02.27.03 - L - SJL Crimson - Sean Atlas vs Spike Jenkins (Singles Match)
03.04.03 - W - SJL Metal - Sean Atlas vs Thor (Singles Match)
03.09.03 - W - SJL Wrath - Sean Atlas vs Manson (European Title Defense)
03.13.03 - W - SJL Crimson - Sean Atlas vs Spike Jenkins (European Title Defense Submission Match)
03.23.03 - L - SJL Wrath - Sean Atlas vs Tryst (European Title Defense Match)
03.27.03 - W - SJL Crimson - Sean Atlas vs Dace Night (Pinfall vs Submission Match)
04.01.03 - W - SJL Metal - Sean Atlas vs Crow vs Tryst (World #1 Contendership)
04.06.03 - W* - SJL Wrath - Sean Atlas vs Spike Jenkins (Dace on Commentary)
04.10.03 - W - SJL Crimson - Sean Atlas vs Dace Night (Barbed Wire Deathmatch for World Title)
04.20.03 - CWW** - SJL Wrath - Sean Atlas vs Va'aiga & Spike Jenkins (Handicap)
04.24.03 - L - SJL Crimson - Sean Atlas vs Crow vs Christian Blackwell (Three Minute Three Way World Title Defense)
04.29.03 - CWL*** - SJL Bringing' The Funk - Sean Atlas vs Crow (Hell in a Cell World Title Match)
* Winning match, Atlas attacking Spike with Dace's belt caused the DQ.
** Co-written with Va'aiga, Spike using a chair caused the DQ.
*** Co-written with Crow. Last Match in the SJL.
SWF Track Record: Last Updated July 31, 2003
05.04.03 - L - SWF Battleground - Sean Atlas vs Dace Night (Number One Contendership for US or HGC Title)
05.09.03 - W - SWF Storm - Sean Atlas vs Mike Van Siclen vs Johnny Dangerous (Number One Contendership for US Title)
05.14.03 - W - SWF Lockdown - Sean Atlas vs Longdogger Pete (Singles)
05.19.03 - NSL - SWF Smarkdown - Sean Atlas vs Michael Craven (Singles US Title)
05.23.03 - W - SWF Storm - Sean Atlas vs Beezel (Singles)
05.28.03 - W - SWF Lockdown - Sean Atlas vs Wildchild (No-DQ)
06.02.03 - TL* - SWF Smarkdown - Sean Atlas & Michael Craven vs Frost & Longdogger Pete (Tag)
06.11.03 - CW - SWF Lockdown - Sean Atlas vs Nathaniel Kibagami (Singles)
06.16.03 - W - SWF Smarkdown - Sean Atlas & Janus vs Mike Van Siclen & Nathan Kibagami (Tag)
06.22.03 - W - SWF 13th Hour - Sean Atlas vs Mike Van Siclen (Caged Fury)
06.27.03 - (NC)** - SWF Storm - Ten Man Battle Royal.
07.02.03 - W - SWF Lockdown - Sean Atlas vs Frost (Singles)
07.16.03 - W - SWF Lockdown - Sean Atlas vs Longdogger Pete (Singles)
07.21.03 - CWW*** - SWF Smarkdown - Sean Atlas vs Beezel vs Kibagami vs Stryke (ICTV #1 Cont. Gauntlet)
07.30.03 - NSL - SWF Storm - Sean Atlas vs CIA (Singles, Beezel on Commentary) (NS, L. CIA's Match)
* Tag Match, written separately. Counted as a Co-write
** Ten Man Batle Royal, won by Thoth. Not counted due to No Show and extremely low chances of even winning the fucker.
*** Co-write with Kibs. Wrote 85% of match. Counts as a win, dammit.