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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Birds in the Hotel.
  2. Adam

    TSM Veterans vs The New Breed

    Well he kinda has your hair Chave.
  3. Adam

    TSM Veterans vs The New Breed

    Oh no you di'int.
  4. Adam

    Ultimate Fight Night VI

    Just saw the fight on YouTube, and even though I'm a fan of Karo, I have no problem with the decision, apart from the aformentioned 30-26, which was fucking bullshit. At a stretch I would have almost given it Karo 10-9, 10-9, 8-10 to make it 28-28, but I can see how the judges came to their decision. Now I just want GSP to win the belt, beating Hughes and then beating Diego.
  5. Adam

    TSM Veterans vs The New Breed

    Har de har har.
  6. Adam

    TSM Veterans vs The New Breed

    This place needs another Gang Warz, as long as I'm not on Team GheyGlow again.
  7. Adam

    GSP not fighting in September???

    If they put Diego in GSP's place, they'd need another major bout on the card. Hughes-Diego wouldn't be enough of a draw, IMO. Although if this UFN fight was as good as everyone is saying, maybe he would draw a good buyrate.
  8. Adam

    Fantasy Football

    One more spot in the ESPN League.
  9. Adam

    Fantasy Football

    Two spots available in the ESPN League, which I'm hoping to make a Keeper League if they give me the option. I'll leave it another two days, after the weekend if nobody else is interested I'll leave it at six teams.
  10. Adam

    Who Called Admin Bot?

    I think he just got over it.
  11. Adam


    We didnt hear from him for a couple months, he came back for a week or two, left again. He'll be back, eventually. They all come back.
  12. I would, but I'm in Australia.
  13. Adam

    PRIDE in USA, October 21st!

    Since he's fighting on 9/10 at Final Conflict Absolute, I doubt he'll be at the 10/21 event.
  14. Adam

    PS3 .VS. Wii .VS. Xbox 360?

    My plan as well. I want a PS3, but I'm not going to spend $1000 AUD on the top line system straight out. I'll give Sony a year to work out any bugs.
  15. Adam

    State Of The OAOAST Address.

    Okay, I realise I haven't shown my face around here for a while, and that was a bad plan. I also realise that I fucked over a few people with my lack of action a couple of weeks ago. I thought this would be the best place to right a few wrongs. Firstly, I'd like to apologise to the following people: NYU, Tony, KC, Alf, PFL, PK, and PRL. I'd like to apologise to you for ruining Syndicated, and basically ignoring it and hoping it would go away. Life got all too hectic for me, which, while it is a familiar story around here, its one that I thought I could always combat, and I'd never fall prey to the dreaded no-show. Unfortunately, we're all human, and we all fuck up. I just happened to do so in a larger fashion than most fuckups around here. I'm dissapointed with myself, and I'm dissapointed that it went down that way, so I'm sorry. Secondly, individually I'd like to apologise to both NYU and Tony, who helped me with this angle, and were the main brains behind it. NYU, I fucked you over a lot more than most, because this angle was another aspect of your AS angle. Alf also deserves an apology for that. To Tony, you and I have become friends over the last few months and have worked together for a while, so I'd like to apologise to you also. Both of you are friends, and I hope it stays that way, despite my lack of communication to you both. To KC, I apologise for dampening what should have been a coming out party for one of your characters. I know you'll recover, and I know you'll maintain all your characters in incredible fashion, but I still feel an apology is needed. To PK and PRL, I once again apologise for ruining your Syndicated matches. In summation, a massive apology for all who were looking forward to the angle and the show. I've realised in the last couple of weeks that even when you think you've got time for everything, 24 hours in a day sometimes just isn't enough to devote your attention to everything you enjoy, and everything you need to do. To Zack, I agree with your points above. I screwed up in not planning for the worst, and in just kinda waiting for Hoff to magically show up and help me out. I don't know what's up with the big man's life right now, but I hope we hear from him more regularly than once every couple months. I really don't know where this leaves me now. I want to stick around, but I don't know how to go about that, or how to go about repairing whatever bridges I've burned in the last couple of weeks. I'm sorry, and I hope that I once again can write the kinds of segments that you would all enjoy reading.
  16. Adam

    dear nhb:

    I want to be just like you Banky.
  17. Adam

    Fantasy Football

    Fucking alcohol. That's my excuse for missing the draft. I slept through it, and I paid big time. Not a good start at all. Fuck. The Chosun Ones 1. (11) S. Smith WR 2. (30) D. Davis RB 3. (51) T. Bell RB 4. (70) J. Walker WR 5. (91) B. Favre QB 6. (110) New York DEF 7. (131) N. Kaeding K 8. (150) M. Lewis TE 9. (171) L. White RB 10. (190) S. Gado RB 11. (211) Buffalo DEF 12. (230) R. Lindell K 13. (251) B. Griese QB 14. (270) C. Fauria TE
  18. Adam

    Fantasy Football

    I'll be up at the crack of dawn for the draft. Damned if I'm letting Yahoo pick people for me.
  19. Adam

    PRIDE Openweight GP

    Just saw Critical Countdown Absolute, my very first PRIDE show ever. To say I was excited would be accurate, because I really wanted to see Wandy, Cro Cop, Barnett, Hunt and Nog. My thoughts... - I want to kill the ring announcer at the beginning. He/she sounds like someone is choking her throughout the introduction of all the fighters. Expect an example if we ever do another radio show. - heh, Frank Trigg on commentary. His entire commentary schtick includes acting as if someone just died after every knockdown. - Vitor with the KO in 2 seconds. I'd like to see him back in the LHW mix again in the UFC. There's still money to be made. - Nog was the least impressive in victory out of all the final four, but he was probably in the toughest fight. As I say, I don't know much about any of these guys, but from what I saw, these two were quite evenly matched. - That Wanderlei Silva video was fucking awesome. The fight was great too. Fujita is a tough mofo. - I'd only heard about Hunt and Barnett before, and I wasn't sure what to expect. Impressive victory to Barnett, he was money on the ground. - And then, there's Cro Cop. I saw the sig, and I wanted to see the fight for myself. That guy made me want to learn how to do leg kicks. Damn. I've never seen a guy win a fight purely on leg kicks before. In summation, I'll definitely be downloading more PRIDE very shortly.
  20. Adam


    I have no idea what's going on right now.
  21. Adam

    A look at cheating through the ages

    My first thought as well.
  22. Adam

    Fantasy Football

    Someone registered as Team Haverstick on the ESPN one without actually joining the league. Fuck if I know how. Still one spot available, two if no one claims Team Haverstick.
  23. Adam

    AngleSlam booking thread

    5 Assignments says you go ahead Tony.
  24. Adam

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Good choice for the UFN, and a nice gesture to all the fans who paid for a great fight and got a fizzer.
  25. Adam

    Fantasy Football

    The Chosun Ones, mafucker.