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Everything posted by Markme123

  1. Markme123

    On Benoit

    Do you mean the '2005'?
  2. Markme123

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    Wow. This is heartbreaking. But still very touching and wonderful.
  3. Markme123

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    Wrestling Families DVD was the first mention, I think.
  4. Markme123

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    YES!!!! This is so fucking classic.
  5. Markme123

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    Rock looks genuinely touched. The 'One more match' chant is nice.
  6. Markme123

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    Or because a limo driver and Pete Rose are it, while Bruno Sammartino and Bob Backlund aren't. Over the past few years, the WWE HoF has become more industry wide rather than WWE orientated, which makes it seem more credible. While criticism has died down over the years, and rightfully so, it's still a HoF that counts a limo driver and Pete Rose as members, when people who have made far greater contributions to the company still aren't invited. First off, it's not like the WWE hasn't reached out to Backlund or Sammartino. It's their choice that they are not in the Hall. I can't blame WWE for that, although having not having them in there is disappointing. Secondly, why is it that whenever someone brings up the crediblity of the Hall of Fame, they must alway bring up the 'limo driver' without mentioning that's how he broke into the business. Just saying 'limo driver' without stating his future accoplishments, is misleading, dude. Thirdly, I agree with you that having Pete Rose and The Fridge in the Hall is cheesy/"gimmicky".
  7. Markme123

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    I guess genes aren't always pass on
  8. Markme123

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    Bradshaw heels on Chris Colombus in the name of all Native Americans!
  9. Markme123

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    Very sweet shout-out to Heenan. This is actually the first I've seen of Jack (and Jerry as a tag team) in action. They look pretty badass. Were they as good a team as they were as singles wrestlers?
  10. Markme123

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    Here we go. Wow, huge place.
  11. Markme123

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    Considering Rock is one of the guys without a time limit, we could be in for a long wait.
  12. Markme123

    Jeff Hardy suspended

    re: Orton Like someone else said, Orton has been busted for attitude issues, steroids, and weed. Those are not at all comparable to meth, or coke, or whatever Jeff has/is doing. a) Steroids is something 98% of all pro wrestlers have been guilty of. b) I much as I hate weed and support the WWE's policy, it is in no way as damaging and dangerous as the harder drugs Jeff is accused of doing. re: Jeff The thing you have to remember is that Jeff is a drug addict. Once an addict, always an addict, but the goal is to be a sober one. The recitative rate is extremely high for all addictions, so saying, "What an idiot, he took drugs when on the brink of main event status" isn't fair. Maybe it overtook him and he couldn't help himself. It happens. With that said, the main criticism of Jeff is that he hasn't accepted professional help for his addictions. If he isn't remorseful and committed to staying sober he should be fired. He's had enough chances to help himself and he has failed. He needs a professional rehabilitation environment or else he will relapse again.
  13. Markme123

    Campaign 2008

    Obama's race makes it even more of a tricky situation. African American's make up a large base of the democratic base. A black man cheated out the nomination by a white elite? How would that look? Many would leave the democrats altogether and vote republican out of spite from this point foward. Anyway, it's not like Hillary is beloved enough to even warrant the effort of screwing Barack out the nomination. I have to think endorsing McCain must have pissed off a lot of Dems as well as her other dirty tactics. Part of why Ted Kennedy switched was because he was fed up with Bill's race baiting crap in South Carolina. I'm a 22 year old, Latino, college student Democrat. If Hilary ends up winning the nomination off the Super Delegates, I will leave the party. To think that the popular vote would get dismissed inside our own party (especially 8 years removed from the 2000 election) because of the Clintons, I can not tell you how damaging that would be for all of young Democrats, especially the young, college Latinos who have been rallying behind Barack. [...]these people who have the power to, well, take power away from us Would you go gay for Dan Abrams's eyes? I generally like his program. He does a good job of bashing the other news programs without coming off as Bill O'Reilly's stalker like Olbermann does. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiypKLr8oKA Come on, snuffer, he's an MSNBC guy. He's an Obama supporter too. Obama vs. the far-right smear machine! He's also against the Miami Sound Machine. I would never want to be in the same room, let alone party, as this douchebag.
  14. Markme123

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    Just something crossed my mind today. It's probably been discussed before, but...: HHH has been a main eventer from 99-2008: 9 years (ACTIVE) Rock from 98-03: 6 years (RETIRED) Austin from: 97-03: 7 years (RETIRED) Bret Hart from 92-97: 5 years (RETIRED) Shawn from 96-98, 02-08: 9 years (CLOSE TO RETIRING) Hogan from 84-93, 2002: 10 years (PRETTY MUCH RETIRED) Undertaker: 91, 97-99, 01-03, 06-08: ~ 9ish years (CLOSE TO RETIRING) Since barring an injury, HHH seems locked to be a main eventer for the next 10 years, he seems to be on track to be the longest main eventing wrestler in the WWF ever. That seems astonishing to me.
  15. Markme123

    Smackdown to leave the CW

    Interesting to say the least. One one hand, moving from network TV to cable is a bad change image-wise. The ability to say that he is on network television, I imagine, is a huge deal to WWE. The thing is, that if they don't secure a deal with NBC or even CBS or FOX, it'll be a huge step down. My guess is that Smackdown will end up on a cable station, probably USA. If I was Vince, though, I would try to set up a deal with a seperate channel; being able to say that you have programming on three seperate channels is just plain impressive.
  16. Markme123

    Campaign 2008

    1. Mexicans LOVE Bill Clinton. 2. A good amount of Mexicans are unsure of the brothers. It's nothing like the Jew/Black war of the 20th century, though...
  17. Markme123

    UFC 79: Nemesis

    GSP did mention something during that weigh-in that stuck with me. Something along the line of, "I didn't have a very good Christmas, but I'll have a good new year." It came off as superfluous to me. If, a few weeks down the road, we hear he was having problems at home, it wouldn't suprise me. Still my educated guesses are... SILVA over Liddell via TKO ST. PIERRE over Hughes via TKO MACHIDA over Sokoudjou via decision (though I wish for a SOKO win) PALELEI over Sanchez via sub plus MANNY over whoeverthefuck
  18. Markme123

    Script for Impact on 1/3/08 (with working link)

    How do you know? On one of his most recent radio shows, Bryan Alvarez said that someone in TNA had sent him an actual script and that he was thinking of posting it sometime. Earlier tonight, whoever it was that sent him the script uploaded it and posted it on the F4W message board. I expect it'll get talked about at some point on WOL tonight if someone wants to call in and check the veracity of the script. Oh that doesn't mean a damn thing. If I handed you a script and said "Someone from TNA gave this to me." would you believe it? Don't believe everything you hear/read, espically by a internet reporter. Also, since the script has been leaked, the show will be re-written. There's no reason for it to stay the same now, besides that, Pro Wrestling booking gets changed all the time, even right before a show happens. If anything the script (if real) just tells what was planned before hand, that's really it. First, knowing Bryan, he wouldn't [blatanly] lie like that. It would be suicide. Bob Ryder, yes. The WOL family over there, probably not. Secondly, the script was leaked after the show was taped, presumably for the reasons you stated.
  19. Markme123

    Script for Impact on 1/3/08 (with working link)

    Yeah, Bryan just confirmed on WOL that it is a real script. I wonder if TNA will ban guests from the show now.
  20. Wow. She used to be fuckable. Dude...
  21. Markme123

    WWE General Discussion - December 2007

    Actually, the theory is that Vince was told about this (presumably by Steph) many years later. Not that i believe it, though, since I can't recall this idea being anything other than gossip. Where did it, all start by the way?
  22. Markme123

    RAW XV

    I find the idea that Undertaker has to stay under the ring after the show and then get stowed away in t container very funny.
  23. Markme123

    Boxing Thread

    This is the only fight in MMA or boxing where I was confident to place my first-ever bet on, but I didn't. I regret this significantly. Still, Hatton battering-ramming the turnbuckle pad WAS classic.
  24. Markme123

    Boxing Thread

    Damn. The family is going to be watching the TUF finale on TV, but if anyone can PM a stream link for the fight, I would appreciate it immensely.
  25. Markme123

    Senshi Quits TNA

    Jesus Christ...