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Everything posted by Markme123

  1. Markme123

    OAO 11/19 Raw Thread

    Yeah, that wasn't as good as I thought it would be...
  2. Markme123

    UFC 75

    A couple of notes: The Bisping decision was indeed ridiculous. i don't know if the title fight has begun on the East Coast yet, but if not, you are in for a treat. It is a good fight IMO.
  3. Markme123

    UFC 75

    UFC 75 Results as I watch them: The place looks good: Spoilers: Bisping vs Hamill This is great! In between every fight, they've been hyping the Bisping fight more than the Title fight for the UK crowd... ...and now Hamill is coming out to "Born in the USA"! Bisping is coming out to "London Calling". This is great. -------------------------- Title fight is up next, and I'm torn. On the one hand, I love Rampage. I loved him in Pride and I loved that he beat Chuck. He's great for the UFC and I wouldn't mind him holding the belt forever. But I also like Hendo, cuz he just seems like a likeable, talented, overlooked guy (and he killed Silva's ass). It would be pretty cool to see him hold 3 belts at one time (I know the belts will be unified but still). Man... -------------------------- One final note: During the end of the show recap I thought I heard Joe Rogan mentioned that they now had an undisputed UFC LHW champion, but then referred to Pride LHW as a seperate title belt. I wonder if that was just a slip of the tongue or not. Please pay attention to the post fight banter between Rogan and Goldberg to see if I heard correctly.
  4. Markme123

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I stated this on another message board, but: I have a bad fucking feeling that Chris or Nancy did something horrible last night. And I'm sure I'm not the only one. Hopefully, I am wrong. This is some rumblings on the Something Awful forums that Raw is cancelled tonight and that fans are filing out of the arena. It'll be a clip show, presumably.
  5. Markme123

    The WWE 2007 Hall Of Fame Thread

    This is the greatest shit ever.
  6. Markme123

    The WWE 2007 Hall Of Fame Thread

    That fucker, Cody, is so awesome. Holy shit, now i understand when they talk about wrestling being in your blood... Oh, and Dustin deserves a job in wrestling forever
  7. Markme123

    Saddam sentenced to death

    CNN.com I wonder if it will be broadcast on Iraqi TV...
  8. Markme123

    I need abs...

    Where I am: I'm 5'6, 158lb. I've lost about 12 lbs. in that last 4 months as I've started going to the gym. I still have a spare tire around the middle though. I'm kind of depressed right now and going to the gym is one of the only things that brighten my spirits nowadays. Current routine: I go to the gym about 5 days a week, but I don't work too hard. Usually 30-60 mins on a stationary bike, 500 ab crunchies, 50 situps using weights, a couple of dips and some bicep/tricep working out. Like I said I am depressed and I am not eating too well right now. I usually skip breakfast, eat a Powerbar or two through out the day, along with a bowl of frosted mini wheats late afternoon. Dinner (9pm usually) I eat whatever. Where I want to be: I think developing a "6 pack" would be a fun goal for me. What kind of routines do you recommend? What foods should i eat? Any suggestions/help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  9. Markme123

    The New Congress

    Do you have any sources you could point me to?
  10. Markme123

    I need abs...

    Right and wrong. You are right: I am doing this for looks. I want to be physically happy with how I look and developing some nice abs would give me a goal to strive for. You are wrong: I'm pretty confident that I won't quit. I am very determined and so hitting the gym regularly won't be a problem. The only reason I hadn't gone to the gym before in my life was because my family didn't think a gym membership was a good expense. Anyway, I know that my eating habits aren't very good. Again any suggestions on what I should stay away from and eat more of would be appreciated. I know my depression is the reason I don't eat much, but I will be seeing a psychiatrist starting this Tuesday, so hopefully I can start working on that while I work on my body. Good times?
  11. Quick hits: It's sad that Flair was the only legend that got any sort of real pop. There is something special about Mickie James. At WrestleMania she put on a memorable performance and tonight she probably has the best one showing at the PPV. The less said about the DX/RKO match the better. The reaction to Punk was the best, though First Blood was ok, but uneventful. Show/Cena SS match was embarrassing. Booker/Batista was boring.
  12. This crowd is embarrassing the WWE
  13. Shawn didn't even know who he eliminated
  14. And the crowd explodes. Wow they sure worked hard to get the people into it.
  15. Lita match is picking up, crowd is into it
  16. Wow this is the first time i've seen Vicki since WrestleMania and she actually is not that bad of an actor. Storyline is stupid, but...
  17. Everything is coming off as slow or messed up Flair is in there alone and EVERYTHING IS PICKING UP! Crowd loves Flair but didn't care about anyone else, it seems
  18. Team Flair vs Spirit Squad to open. Also, Set looks great and the building is packed and amped. Good sign EDIT: nevermimd, crowd 's pretty quiet...
  19. It's official: Booker vs Batista will finish the show
  20. Markme123

    Wrestlemania 23 at Ford Field Detroit

    This is the first time I've thought of and HBK/Cena match. Damn, that would be sweet...
  21. Markme123

    Survivor Series Match

    What i love about this match is that it is a throwback to the old-teams in that random heels and faces that don't have anything to do with each other teamed up. The other cool thing is that because the participants are so out there, chances are that you will never see this match again! Ever. And finally, I find it so cool that Punk, Helms and Nitro are main eventing. This is awesome, if all the other matches are wacky, Survivor Series matches like this, I will gladly order the PPV and mail Titan Towers a $20 bill in appreciation.