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Everything posted by Markme123

  1. Markme123

    The Office Season 5

    Hulu or NBC.com. Justin.tv has a couple of 24/7 Office channels with every season's episodes, including the most recent one. If I ever need background noise, I click on one and listen to whatever episode it on. It's one of those shows I can watch forever.
  2. Markme123

    Jay Leno to remain with NBC

    Ferguson - Ferguson has been on a roll, which is well deserved. Although he doesn't get the bigger guests, he often has a better show than Conan. There is also something just so simple, honest, and working man about the show. I hope he gains viewers not impressed by Fallon's show. Conan - What a slap in the face for Conan. The Tonight Show is his in name only. As long as Jay is still on NBC, Conan will play second fiddle; not just on NBC as I see many viewers getting their fix at 10 and going to sleep after the news. The fact that there will be 3 shows taped in the L.A. vicinity is crazy. Leno - I've always liked Jay, not because he is the best host/interviewer but because I enjoy his monologue. I did think it sucked that they were getting rid of him, whilst being the most popular show on the air. Realistically, it seems like the Tonight Show moves down to 10. And although he may not admit it, this has to make him feel like a million bucks. The issue will be doubling the rating, as at the moment he only averages 6 million viewers. Letterman - The possibility that he may ride off into the sunset atop the 11:35 rating is pretty much guarranteed. I've believed Conan would have to rebuild his show and his viewer-base at the new timeslot to compete against Letterman, but with the Jay Leno Show, I presume some of Jay's fans will not want to stay up. Fallon - I can't say that I'm a fan of Jimmy, but his Behind-the-Scenes video blog is pretty cool. Late Night w/ Jimmy Fallon The Roots (yay), the MTV-type set(boo), and the BIG CURTAIN (yay) makes for an interesting mix. I'll give it a shot. I don't think the addition of a new show will affect his show's rating- the 12:30 audience is the differnet from the 10pm one- this does take attention away from his show. "Jay goes on for an hour. And then the news. Then Conan for another hour. and then we are wrapping it up. People are going to be ready for another hour of talk." NBC - The good news is that Jay's older audience will most likely join him at the earlier time, but that's only about 6 million which is about half of what they would like at that timeslot. Will the positiveness of the cost-cutting outweigh the harsh vibes that must be brewing on Conan's end?
  3. Markme123

    De La Hoya vs Pacquiao

    Considering the ego, his propensity for spending and gambling, and that if he demands it, he could make his biggest payday ever- I would say chances are above 50%.
  4. Markme123

    Attacks in Mumbai

    British, American, and Canadian allegedly. But there's just so much history between Islamic radicals (both Pakistani and homegrown) and India that one shouldn't assume that this is jihadists using India to get at the west, as is being suggested by a lot of places in the media right now. There's a lot of drama being spun up to make the story seem sexier (I mean, 'Thanksgiving connection?' Really?). It could be part of a larger, more nefarious plot, but unfortunately terrorism like this has been a fact of life in that city for a while. Why shouldn't one when they were targeting British, American, and Canadian passport holders? I feel you on the Thanksgiving connection, though.
  5. Markme123

    Attacks in Mumbai

    This is insane. India, a country that has constantly had to deal with extreme terrorism over the last 20 years- maybe even more so than any non-Muslim country, was taken completely by surprise by this enormous attack. The head of their anti-terrorism unit was killed along with members of their police department, which just goes to show that no country with ties to the West can ever be too confident in its security. Tonight, I am overcome with the reminder that the country in which I live in will never feel safe again. This is such a tremendous setback for this important nation. Watching the coverage, you can just feel the complete fear, panic, and sorrow exuded from the officials and reporters, let alone the civilians. It's times like these that I wish that every terror-targeted country (Spain, Britain, US, India, Australia ect.) and those who rely so strongly on them (China, Brazil, Japan) would coordinate finances and resources to eradicate all known terrorist organizations. al-Qa'ida, Deccan Mujahideen, PKK- all of them. Fucking sucks.
  6. Markme123

    Campaign 2008

    I really enjoy this ad. I have a soft spot for ads that utilize actual footage and soundbites as their body rather than quotes or cliches like "Change We Can Believe In" or whatever. The viewer retains the message better. Sidenote: Isn't this the biggest douche on television today? "He's the load his mother should have swallowed."
  7. Markme123

    The Office Season 5

    Holly is a great character that just forces me to smile. I hadn't been aware of Amy Ryan until this show, but those eyes her's, the face of her's, makes it impossible not to want to find more of her work. The Michael/Holly story is just great in a totally didn't way. Other than politcs, Everybody Loves Chris, and reruns of King of the Hill, this is the only show I watch on TV. And I love this show SO MUCH. *YEAH*
  8. Markme123

    Campaign 2008

    I'm do not have confidence in my writing ability to accurately pen how I feel about this campaign 3 weeks out of election day, so I will borrow the words of another: MLive.com
  9. With a TiVo, at least, you can transfer them to a computer, then stream it back on the TiVo using their Home Media Center (or something) software. The media would be stored in the computer, though.
  10. Markme123

    The Business Side of WWE

    I think today's WWE wrestlers make a bit for television. For example, Lance Storm, one Figure4 Daily, stated his Royal Rumble '03 pay was 18,000. Today, I'm sure PPV pay isn't as high, considered buyrate predictions effect the pay-outs. Also, according to Dave Meltzer most upper level guys, like Rey, Batista, Jericho, Edge, made well over 1 mil.
  11. Markme123

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    Fuck all this noise about fiscal apocalypse. This is great for me. I, who at 22 has nothing, can look forward to a day where I can actually buy a home in California, AND because I have learned way more about financial responsibiliy over the last month than I would have otherwise, I will be forever be paranoid like a fucker about my money. Whee!!! Oh, forget about the Yen, let's work on bringing the Euro down. Daddy wants a yearly vaction to Europe by the time he's 26. *shoots himself*
  12. Markme123

    Campaign 2008

    Let me just reiterate this point: THIS IS THE GREATEST PRESIDENTIAL RACE EVER! I may sound like Tim Russert, but regardless if you're a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, you gotta love this stuff. ...probably not so much if you are an Independent.
  13. Markme123

    Campaign 2008

  14. Markme123

    Campaign 2008

    Yeah. I don't give a fuck what party you are, people are people, its just...that these people don't seem very likable.
  15. Markme123

    Campaign 2008

    As an independent without any loyalty to one single party... I'm watching this and thinking, "Is it just me or does this whole convention sound way more angry and hateful than the DNC?". Maybe I've been watching too much MSNBC and not enough Fox News, but this whole thing sounds kind of asshole-ish.
  16. Markme123

    Campaign 2008

    "SHUT IT, CUNT!!". Awesome. Seriously this is the great election EVER! You've got a black candidate humbling a woman candidate, igniting psycho-hate from the many of her female supporters. Then you've got the old, war veteran, who many feel doesn't have a chance against the historic campaign of his opponent, makes a go of it by pandering to the disgruntled females by choosing a woman. And please, let's not give the morons that will be voting this November. There are going to be some that vote for her cuz she's HOT. ***** Presidential race.
  17. Markme123

    Ken Shamrock vs. Kimbo Slice on CBS

    A few updates: Rogers has been told he will be fighting the winner of this fight in the next couple of months. He has been invited to sit ringside, ala Carano, during the Cyborg/Bazler fight. Dave Meltzer made a terrific point on Monday's WO Radio show; if Kimbo wins, huzzah, but if Ken somehow pulls it off, it sets the foundation for a Ken/Frank fight both have wanted to set up. It really is a win/win for EXC in a time when all they've gotten are bad news.
  18. Markme123

    UFC 86: Jackson vs Griffin

  19. Markme123

    WEC: Faber vs. Pulver

    My thoughts exactly. Torres/Maeda was better than anything else this weekend, while the opener was worse than anything else this weekend. Fight or the year for me. Also, EXC is more comparable to TNA. Production is second rate, but there is some gems there somewhere. I'll freely admit that I've been brainwashed though, as I think I had more fun last night than I did tonight. What is wrong with me?!
  20. Markme123

    Campaign 2008

    I only say that because I honestly feel she is fucking her party over for her own personal gain. Not that personal gain is foreign to politics, but when the world knows you are disingenuous... come on. I can't, in good conscience, vote for someone I know is so self-serving. That's my own reasoning.
  21. Markme123

    May 31: EliteXC on CBS

    I thought this was a tremendously fun show. The first hour was boring with only 4 minutes of action the whole 60 minutes. Women's fight was great drama and great back and forth drama. Title match was a great, GREAT fight, but the BS stoppage was unbelievably unfortunate. Why they wouldn't give Smith his 5 minutes and then check on him is beyond me. Blame the commison for that. Kimbo fight is probably my favorite heavyweight fight in a long while. I was divided at the end of R2: for one Kimbo was not answering at on the ground for a full minute. On the other hand, Thompson's blows had almost nothing behind them as he was dead tired. I don't think the stoppage was that bad because a) James looked practically out on his feet b) he was bleeding an awful lot from the ear and c) he would have been knocked out within the next 10 seconds I think. Examples of the announce team being awesome: -Gus on his feet with his hands behind his head the whole main event. -Mauro mentioning a DDT~! -Frank, Mauro, and Gus not stepping, interrupting, or contradicting the each other like I see in the Showtime shows and in the UFC. -Gus not being a company shill, becoming livid, and railing against the bad stoppage in the main event. Having said that, UFC is a WWE, while EXC is a TNA in terms of putting a show together. EDIT: Hey, Elite XC results on the local news!! Cool "A Slice of Pain" says the cyron. Clever.
  22. Markme123

    Campaign 2008

    I'm 22. I'm a college student. I'm Latino. I'm a Democrat. I love Bill Clinton. I will never vote for Hilary in any sort of election ever. A few weeks ago when someone joked that Hilary was still in the race not because she could win but because she wants McCain to win, I laughed. Now, I'm not so sure that isn't her motivation. She is destorying her party, and i have to believe she knows that. Ironic considering millions of young, Barack supporters will feel similarly if Hilary is the reason for the Dems losing in November.
  23. Markme123

    UFC 84 - Ill Will

    That was shit. If Mario really thought it was over, he would have stopped it without BJ egging him on.
  24. Markme123

    UFC 84 - Ill Will

    That was tight. Funny how I actually want to watch the WEC show, now... You should want to. It's going to be a good card. Sean is busted up all over his face right now. Too bad I don't have Versus. For real. This isn't showing who the best MMA lightweight, it's only showing who the best striker is.
  25. Markme123

    UFC 84 - Ill Will

    That was tight. Funny how I actually want to watch the WEC show, now...