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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    Wrestling Quirks

    Wrestling pregnancy angles ALWAYS end in something retarded.
  2. Maztinho

    Greatest African American Wrestlers

    Aja Kong is half black. Which makes her success in Joshi wrestling all the more impressive since rarely do "halves" get a shot at being a star.
  3. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I liked the tag teams as a unit rule though. 30 was just about right for a full fledged roster though, at least the way I was building it with a solid womens division and a Cruiserweight one. Drury's roster was something else.
  4. Maztinho

    What would your biography be called?

    Idle Threats and Feigned Interest
  5. Maztinho

    A challenge for BruiserBrody.

    If I had a webcam I'd be on this like white on rice.
  6. Maztinho

    Christian's Re-debut in WWE has occurred!

    Jericho would be the optimal comparison, (Vitamin C anyone?) but I think alot of fans don't really see Christian as a Go To Guy. He could be built as one, but he's going to go down as a guy who tops out at the IC level in the WWE barring a year where every Main Eventer goes down to injury.
  7. Maztinho

    Val Venis to New Japan

    That and they actually push their weight divisions so a stable of like 5 heavies, and then the same amount of Juniors isn't outrageous.
  8. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    I say I'm from Cedar City, Utah. Best of both worlds.
  9. Maztinho

    TSM posters who look like things

    bob barron
  10. Maztinho

    TSM posters who look like things

    We are missing the obvious... Tiaga/Retard Girl
  11. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

  12. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    I don't see it. I can't think of any amazing match that Taker has had that really blows Cena away. Cena was pretty bad for a while, but got better around 2004-2005. I think working with Angle a lot helped him. Some of Taker's late 90's stuff is pretty damn awesome. Plus I'm a blind mark for his dive over the top rope he busts out everyonce and awhile. Taker's best is better than Cena's best at this point, but he also has lower lows, and a larger selection of matches to pull from. I'd say Taker/Foley Hell in the Cell is beyond anything Cena's really done at this point, but Cena will more likely than not have an iconic match like that in his career.
  13. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    Yeah... that's the stuff.
  14. Maztinho

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    goldengreek wanting bob banned for saying Cena is a better wrestler than Taker. Might be one of the highlights of the night, right up there with the idiots in the chat thingy on the place I watched the stream one of which who threatened to urinate on his neighbors car if who ever he didn't like won the match.
  15. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    Correction Taker _can_ work circles around Cena, but is also more likely to be lazy as fuck in the ring and be bland and boring. Taker's matches are just as formulaic as Cena's are, if not more so. Add to the fact that Taker no sells a ton (it's his gimmick I know) and Cena has yet to have a God awful match in his career of which Taker has plenty (not his fault, you can't drag a good match out of Giant Gonzalez). You don't like Cena, we get it. And bob? I'm issuing you a "bad" for your statement. Bad bob.... bad.
  16. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    If Austin wrestles again in any way I think they should use it like they should if Taker's streak ever ends. Put over someone who can be a major player for the next decade or so. Jericho doesn't need the rub. Plus I don't really buy anti-establishment Austin going to bat for the guy who fired him from WCW all those years ago.
  17. Maztinho

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    korndog123 is bringing the stupid quite a bit recently, he's a rising star in the shit spewing business that is the WWE folder.
  18. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    No, and honestly the bit is old, but Rey made me care. Edge being an asshole and snaking his way to a title will never get old. Challenge the champ after a grueling match? Check. Beatdown an inferior competitor and take their spot? Check. It's always awesome. It was awesome tonight because of Cena and Rey. It wasn't awesome at Survivor Series or The Rumble.
  19. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    No, and honestly the bit is old, but Rey made me care. Edge being an asshole and snaking his way to a title will never get old. Challenge the champ after a grueling match? Check. Beatdown an inferior competitor and take their spot? Check. It's always awesome.
  20. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    Yeah, it was almost at WCW level of being overly contrived booking, but Edge taking initiative and blasting the shit out of Kofi and then quickly rushing into a pod and closing the door worked so well on so many levels.
  21. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

  22. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    I don't think he's moving to smackdown, they'll just do a cross brand storyline. Yeah this is the time of year Brands get blurred anyways.
  23. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    Edge hit a spear after Jericho saved him from a FU with the Codebreaker and Rey hit the 619.
  24. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    Edge's reaction after pinning Cena.... Made. The. Show.
  25. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    Sunset flip German suplex three man spot out of hte corner!