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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. True. Also anyone else notice that Show controls the double chokeslam? and Khali was like a second behind him in the motion? HA!
  2. Maztinho

    Spirit Squad has a new cheer

    )--> QUOTE( @ Jul 19 2006, 01:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I can't see any of them turning face, which means they'll have to be seperated by being moved to seperate brands (or back to OVW). I'd like to see Doane on Smackdown, Jeter on ECW and Nemeth/Mondo staying on RAW as a tag team under tweaked gimmicks. Did Meltzer say the group were being completely axed or that 1 or 2 were leaving? Face turn would be easy... just have Doane or Jeter join DX as freshmeat. Saying that he was a spy the whole time or something to that effect.
  3. Maztinho


    NHB... No Holds Barred... The Flame Room... Talk shit all you want, that's what this forums for... Leave your manners at the door, get nekkid, and fuck a goat... That's what this forums for. And if you are poppin' off people who used the internet to get famous? Dane Cook whored myspace like a teen in The Prague's red light district.
  4. Maztinho

    Sony is a bunch of assholes

    Did you just say colored people? "When I was born I was black,” “When I grew up I was black,” “When I'm sick I'm black,” “When I go in the sun I'm black,” “When I'm cold I'm black,” “When I die I'll be black.” “When you're born you're pink,” “When you grow up you're white,” “When you're sick, you're green,” “When you go in the sun you turn red,” “When you're cold you turn blue,” “And when you die you turn purple.” “And you have the nerve to call me colored!!!” You fuckin' cracker. That joke is funnier in Portugese... I don't know why, but it is.
  5. Maztinho

    I'm retiring from Pictures I like

    You'll be back... they _always_ come back.
  6. Is his finisher called the Rejection? It should be. NoCalMike is right, though, Show could/likely will come out of this looking weaker by a Khali interferance when it looks like Taker has it won. If Khali is to run-in, let it be sort of early in the match, but not directly involving the finish of the match.
  7. Maztinho


    Hell, get me a video camera. I'll be the YouTube Maddox, yelling at old people, kicking puppies... Brookers, funny, but not ha-ha funny.
  8. Maztinho

    8UTT 53X

    Who wouldn't get it unless their kids started laughing at it.
  9. Maztinho

    What program would you like to see ME Raw?

    They are playing up "controversial" when Cena is supposed to be the face and was getting booed out of the building. They blamed "rowdy" fans, and started calling Cena controversial. The boo-birds have subsided somewhat, but he still gets a mixed reaction from most crowds.
  10. Maztinho

    Hey TNA! Book Rhyno the RIGHT WAY, already.

    Best line from an interview ever was when Rhino won the ECW World title and said, "This is the belt they'll all die for? Well, this is the belt I'll KILL for!" Imagine the carnage of putting Rhyno and Abyss together under the tutelage of Mitchell. That deserves to be booked... RIGHT NOW~!
  11. Maztinho

    WON WWE News and notes - 7/17

    Except with less charisma and less awesome hair That's two strikes against it already. If Cena is Hogan, does that make Edge the Randy Savage of the group? Except, Edge has at least gotten one pin on Cena, and Savage hasn't pinned Hogan in his whole career. I miss Afro Thunder.
  12. Maztinho

    "Hi, my name is Iggy McFly."

    Good sound advice for all.
  13. Maztinho

    NBA Offseason Thread

    Wanna bet Eisley gets picked up by Utah for the 5th time just "because he knows the system?"
  14. I stopped watching an Alizee video for _that_? DAMN YOU GAP TOOTHED WHORE!!!!
  15. Maztinho

    Transformers The Movie

    Cobra-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la!!!! And was that Megatron smashing the crap out of the probe? Methinks it was.
  16. Maztinho

    Hey TNA! Book Rhyno the RIGHT WAY, already.

    You don't think that people will pay money to see a psychotic guy piledriving women, children, and farm animals?
  17. Ahhhh... they have like 8 threads on sex. Somebody is preoccupied.
  18. Maztinho

    Mark Henry injured at SNME

    Actually IIRC during a meeting with some indy talent they where told that "strong style" wrestling wouldn't be tolerated. Most wrestlers who come into the E soften their style (RVD I'm looking at you) I think it's just that there are more hoss style bodybuilder wrestlers who lack alot of flexibility than in the past.
  19. Maztinho


    I've heard a couple of their songs on an internet radio station and I really dig them, and I'm planning on getting Blast Tyrant (the album most played by said station) but is anyone here more familiar with their work and could spin me in the right direction of what other albums to look at? Thanks in advance mighty TSM Music peoples.
  20. Maztinho

    Get Well Soon Milky

    Yo Milky. You are one lucky son of a bitch, man. Get well soon, manobrao.
  21. I _still_ don't know why that guy got the nod over Shaq. Fuckin' Duke.
  22. Maztinho

    Good shows gone bad...

    Hot. I dig the holding the shoes while barefoot. Hmmmmmm.
  23. Maztinho

    Rocky VI Officially Greenlit

    I'll disagree that IV killed the franchise, I actually prefer it over III, but then again I'm a little Ivan Drago myself. V was okay, but a definite downturn in the series. Who cares about Stallone's reasonings? If people go and see it, why does it matter why? And yes, this isn't going to be Star Wars, or even Pirates level of viewership. But I like to say, "marked out" over something.
  24. Maztinho


    The guy getting dipped in the well in Tortuga? The dog with the keys getting tempted with a bone (first movie)? All that it was missing was the really fat lady chasing a pirate.
  25. Maztinho

    Hard Gay in HUSTLE

    Man... that stuff is messed up. I was crying with laughter through half of it. "Might have traumatized them..... HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"