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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    PWTorch notes on TNA

    Okay, and who signed Nash to a deal which included free reign over storylines? Yeah? Seriously. At least without his Clique pals around he's playing nice... so far.
  2. Nova is the front runner for the Tazz SD! Color position. And Edge was kayfaybing that qoute, he would have to be. Since like it was stated the man built his career on TLC matches.
  3. Maztinho

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! Now Samoa Joe won't connect on half of his wicked ass kicks.
  4. Maztinho

    Stupid stuff that pisses you off

    I came up with a few more. Heelies- I just want to decapitate kids wearing these things. Stupid half shoe/half skate things. Southern Utah drivers doing a left turn- EVERYONE comes to a full stop when making a left turn. Even if nobody is coming the other direction, and I'm the only car around and I'm stuck behind you, they block up the road, come to a full stop and THEN make their turn. Southern Utah drivers not using the right hand turn lane- Same shit as above, only from the right lane, NOT going into the freaking lane designated for right hand turns.
  5. Maztinho

    Stupid stuff that pisses you off

    Right she is too.
  6. Maztinho

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    Or will it? *poses for the camera* No, but Keibler is attractive, not HAWT, but cute.
  7. Maztinho

    New to the slow-cooker

    Just check it periodically and if the water is gone... add more?
  8. Maztinho

    New to the slow-cooker

    It's all dependant on everything, if you want something super primo. BUT, a basic rule of thumb is about two inches. I don't know why, but my grandma puts everything in about two inches and nothing seems to be overly spoilt. *shrugs*
  9. Maztinho

    This shit just speaks for its fucking self

    My soul still hurts from watching it.
  10. Maztinho

    Stupid stuff that pisses you off

    THOSE PEOPLE ARE THE FUCKING DEVIL!!! Seriously, what is wrong with people? Sandals are for BARE feet. Hence the lack of covering around the foot. Not to put your freaking gray ass socks and parade around in. Not really an everyday thing, but whenever anything rings up incorrectly where I work the cashier pages me and tells me that it's not ringing up correctly. It's not that they want me to tell them the price, they just want to let me know. One of them got pissed and wanted me written up for telling her to "Tell the front end manager, they are the ones that can change prices." Moo-bitch comes in on her days off... wearing socks and sandals.
  11. Maztinho

    Favourite Weird Al song and video

    Is that Drew Carey dancing with him in red? INDEED!!!!
  12. Maztinho

    Northeast Wrestling Danbury CT Report

    Why would Chris Daniels bust out his NJPW gimmick for Danbury, CT? Although that would rule.
  13. Maztinho

    NBA Offseason Thread

    Stupid homer GM. Araujo is decent, but come on... then again, Utah never used Humphries. The kid must have gotten in Sloan's doghouse, and nobody gets out of that baby.
  14. Maztinho

    NASCAR vs International Soccer

    When it's Salvador the third largest city in Brazil the feat is fairly impressive. Also the High school game is going to be played at night so it's not that big of a deal. World Cup games would come on in the middle of the afternoon, and still everything would shut down.
  15. Albright's already on SD! though.
  16. Maztinho

    NASCAR vs International Soccer

    The best part about being in Brazil was that whole TOWNS shut down for big games. Vasco/Flamengo would start a civil war, and try doing anything during the Copo Brasileiro and people literally would call you into their homes to watch the games. The skill level is so great because soccer is ALL the kids do. A 9 year old is already a capable header, can bicycle kick, and perform near perfect crossing passes. Once walking down the street all these kids kept jumping up and down from this stoop to build leg strength, because Ronaldinho did that as a kid.
  17. Maztinho

    Fuck Graduate School

    I went to North Dakota once... no wait, Mt. Rushmore is South Dakota isn't it? Still there ain't nothing there. NO-TING.
  18. Maztinho

    NASCAR vs International Soccer

    I loved catching a game in Brazil, because the announcers just embodied passion. I get back to the States and can't watch it. Brazilians are just so much more aggressive in their game. Like watching the Suns vs watching The Pistons.
  19. Maztinho

    Im going to need some advice..

    Indeed. Blow off work, use a sick day, catch a flick. DO IT~! I command thee from my keyboard in an authoritive voice.
  20. Maztinho

    Last Comic Standing?

    No, Ralphie had some good stuff. The whole I wish I was black schtick worked and he did it well, but it wasn't all he had.
  21. Maztinho

    MTV is starting a wrestling promotion

    But get motherfucking Riveira to do color. Watching my Baptized in Blood II VHS made me mark even more for AAE. I so mark for Spanish accents.
  22. Maztinho

    Last Comic Standing?

    Which is funny, because Nikki Payne is the last person I want to see there. I'd take Dat Phan in the house again over her. Speaking of Dat Phan, in the first episode, did anyone notice how they hyped how well Heffron and Bodden were doing, but didn't even mention Dat Phan? Because Dat was the least funny guy in that house, and shouldn't have won? His whole gimmick was looking Asian, cutting a few jokes in an accent, and then speaking un-accented English. I remember him pulling that on Leno right after winning, and like five people laughing at that bit. He killed his best joke by getting on TV.
  23. Maztinho

    NASCAR vs International Soccer

    I'm not totally sure, but it was a "pulled quote" from what appeared to be a badly photocopied article. He initally brought it to my attention based on my unrelenting hatred of all things NASCAR at work.
  24. Maztinho

    NASCAR vs International Soccer

    Actually he showed me the paper during the debate right before I dropped the "Closed" line, and it said, "Most watched in the world." See now isn't this a fun debate?
  25. Maztinho

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Bumping this from hell, but I never saw this before. I marked out for the usage of "Where Eagles Dare" by the Misfits... it's one of my e-fed characters themes.