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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    Factor in on-line buyers, ticket brokers, regular people... it's still going to take like ten minutes at the fastest.
  2. Maztinho

    I Hate You

    He's a BC guy. Homers... the lot of them.
  3. Maztinho

    Lashley's Dominator

    I think it would be cool if WWE guys used the Japanese style of finishing moves. Guys kick out of finishers so much nowadays, that it'd be nice to have moves you know will end it if they hit. Guys can have their basic finisher, and their super finisher. So going around the E. What would some of the guys Super Finishers be? John Cena kind of has one with the STFU, but that will soon go away. How about... The Real FU, which is an actual DVD as opposed to the Super Fireman's Carry. Mark Henry Worldest Strongest Splash a 747 off the top Big Show... bring back the Final Cut. I marked the shit for that. Taker/Kane have the Tombstone, so... Carlito... Not Cool Clash... Styles Clash here folks. Great Khali... Mongolian CHOP!!! It's two of them there for twice as deadly. HHH doesn't need one. Seriously. The Pedigree owns all. I'm going to keep thinking on this...
  4. Maztinho

    The Spelling bee

    My story was better.
  5. Maztinho

    Mission Impossible 3

    Movie ending here-- After reading that spoiler. I'm glad I didn't bother with this flick. Gayest ending... EVAH!!!!
  6. Maztinho

    The Spelling bee

    Like you wouldn't mark if that annoying screaming girl from New York the late 90's was back in it. That bitch was on Rosie, Lettermen, the Today Show, her mother was singing the praises of homeschooling. Way to go, your daughter can spell but has no social skills. YAY!!! I wasn't proud of that chick. The uptight bitch is from Jersey, so even if she wins she's still from the armpit of America. What's with the Canuck getting all these French words? The fix is in! J/K Good or I'd have to hunt you down and pimp slap you. Man, my hatred for that girl knows no bounds. Every time I hear the word Spelling Bee her screaming letters out like a banshee from a hellbound dimension pops into my head. She's probably doing cocaine someplace, and spelling words for crack money.
  7. Maztinho

    The Spelling bee

    Like you wouldn't mark if that annoying screaming girl from New York the late 90's was back in it. That bitch was on Rosie, Lettermen, the Today Show, her mother was singing the praises of homeschooling. Way to go, your daughter can spell but has no social skills. YAY!!!
  8. Maztinho

    The Spelling bee

    Come on UPTIGHT BITCH!!!! I got out of three hours of junior high by faking my way through five rounds of the spelling bee. My classmates that where in the Bee with me, kept cramming me with words after they got eliminated and could look at the list, just so they didn't have to go to class. Good times.
  9. k....ill get right on that. Rule one, don't listen to Leena. Rule two, We've Cena Nuff. Rule three, Rey wins after Sabu botches a move. Also, just a sidenote, while I think that Angle should win the ECW title eventually, I don't think he should be the guy to win it off RVD (who by all accounts should be the first Champion of the New Era) either. Rekindle the Sabu/RVD feud that was brewing for all of thier tag teaming, and let Sabu have a third run, only to be cut short by the new Taz, Angle.
  10. Hogan wasn't the greatest technician alive, but he at least was credible enough, and had enough knowledge in the ring for people to buy into. But yeah, the Rocky Balboa act isn't cutting it anymore. With Hogan he "Hulked Up" which got the crowd into it, and made for some logic behind his comeback. Cena just flips the switch, and BOOM. Match over with his Squeeze the Face U.
  11. Yeah they run the last three weeks in Dayton, Philly, and NY. The crowd reaction is exactly the opposite of what it was.
  12. It wouldn't be much of a stretch. Helms is a comic book fan, it wouldn't be too far to have him put on a glittered Stormtrooper helmet and fall through a hole in the wall for his entrance. Plus Gangrel would kick ass. He's a Vampire, and can wrestle well. Why do the SciFi people want something more along their lines of programming? It's already men in tights who can stand up from undue amounts of punishment.
  13. Maztinho

    Booker T's New T-Shirt

    In order to collect royalties you need to have your name somewhere on the shirt I'm calling bullshit. Chain Gang shirts don't all say Cena and I'm sure he gets royalties. Hogan got royalties from NWO shirts. His name was nowhere to be found...that was WCW though. Yet it could be argued that Hogan was the nWo so he would still get royalties. He was the face of the nWo... shoe polish beard and all. The Chain Gang thing could be because it's directly linked to that wrestlers persona, ala Hulkamaniacs, or whatever. Back onto the shirt itself. I'd buy it.
  14. Maztinho

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    BOOOOOOOOO! NEVER CUT THE FRO! I think that Coach is an entertaining character and should remain as RAW GM. If he refuses to get a haircut then he must dye it blond and grow some long sideburns and use the name BOBO-BO-BOBOBO Am I the only one who watches that show thinking that The Rock would be perfect for a Movie version of the show?
  15. Maztinho

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    Let me rephrase every worked shoot I've seen has sucked.
  16. Maztinho

    ECW gets a normal time slot

    Spock Dudley. BOOK IT!!
  17. Maztinho

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    Worked Shoots suck. That's not an unpopular opinion, just a statement of fact. I doubt that ECW is going to be some MMA worked federation, but Angle might be a blender of Taz/Malenko as a shooter type badass gimmick, which I would buy into. Here's an unpopular opinion for you. ECW is going to be forced to run a Sci-Fi gimmick/angle and it's going to be OVER HUGE!
  18. Maztinho

    WON News and Notes 5/29

    Yeah, how long has it been since a RAW change? Since the alteration from RAW is WAR? That's the last I remember. They should take a page from TNA a few weeks ago and start off a RAW with a fight (or the very beginning of a match) they generally do the 5 minute warning thing hyping that RAW is coming up next anyways, why not have someone start a fight? Jim Ross: OMIGOD!!! KANE JUST ASSAULTED CARLITO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!! Yeah, that was coming off the top of my head and sounded corny, but you get the point. Start something in that small amount of time, maybe you'll get some holdover viewership. ANYTHING but a promo to start the show. Hell have a Divas Wet T-shirt contest, something, but twenty minutes of setting up whats going to go down at the end of the show. Basically 40 minutes of RAW is wasted on one angle. You could split it down and get another angle working there. Is it really that hard?
  19. Maztinho

    TNA iMPACT! Taping Spoilers, Taped 29/05/06

    Remember when he was locked in a cage by the Horseman and was rescued by Robocop? Arn Anderson running scared from Robocop will haunt my nightmares for years.
  20. Maztinho

    I Hate You

    WHERE'S YOUR MESSIAH NOW?! Am I the only one who read this with Cheif Wiggum's voice in his head? Laughter abounds.
  21. Maztinho

    Hardest Soda to Chug.

    Root Beer depends. A&W goes down easy and fast, since I won the Orem High School Band Root Beer Chug four years in a row with said RB. Barq's is a little more difficult, and some of the generics out there can be damn near impossible. Dr. Pepper is tough, but I still say that Sprite is harder over-all.
  22. Maztinho

    8 yr old ods on heroin

    ^I concur. This is up there with Faces of Death, and the Iraqi prisoner torture videos of stuff I refuse to watch.
  23. Maztinho

    Great joke characters

    Best. Comic. Persona. Ever.
  24. Maztinho


    I always assumed it was "Big" Van Vader and Van was supposed to be his first name or something. But he is pretty wide I thought it stemmed from the fact that Van Vader was a Anime character that they based his gimmick off of, like Jushin Lyger, and put Big in front to distinguish him from said Anime.
  25. Maztinho

    What is your pro wrestling name?

    I laughed at that. It sooo fits.