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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    What is going on with MNM?

    Pardon my ignorance but what's going on with Masters? Im guessing roids, although I want to believe its cause he sucks. Your first guess would be the correct guess. I thought juice myself. And his match with Cena in Vegas wasn't horrible... it wasn't. I'm serious.
  2. Maztinho

    WON News and Notes 5/29

    Melissa Anderson's Ooooooh oooooooh selling in her Victoria match was classic. I blame it on her time in Japan. Booker T, his generations Arn Anderson by beating up a muscle-headed oaf. God Bless The Book.
  3. Maztinho

    Shermer High loses Principal Vernon

    One of the most memorable high school authority figures in all of film. RIP.
  4. Maztinho

    Im The Juggernaut Bitch!

    It was fairly clever, but I cut it off after Xavier went out the window. And I too would talk like that if I had a powerful enchanted helmut.
  5. Maztinho

    Thomas Haden Church cast as villain for Spider-Man

    That Opie sure does breed well. Initially I was pissed that Topher was Venom, but as the "Evil Spidey" debate has unravelled. I dig it more and more. This should be a great film.
  6. Maztinho

    Spirit Squad

    Yeah, Kane X is one bad mother.
  7. Maztinho

    Spirit Squad

    Who are they going to lose the tag team belts to? I can see Vince getting pissed at the Spirit Squad for not getting the job done in getting revenge for Shane and forcing the squad to fight the army of KANE clones! Vince: SEND IN THE KANES!!! *Creepy organ music hits as Fat Kane, Mini-Kane, Super Kane Machine, The Hurricane, and Das und Kane hit the ring.*
  8. ^Pretty much that. I'd just mess with their minds and have them graduate in reverse alphabetical order, since all the whack jobs are Zambrano's or Ziluski's.
  9. Maztinho

    NBA Offseason Thread

    I don't think that Morrison is any better moving without the ball than Van Horn was in college. I watched all the Utah games when Van Horn was there, and he was hard-nosed and tough. He moved really well without the ball, and could pass exceptionally well. Morrison has a much better outside shot, as Van Horn was a mid-range type guy, but I don't see Morrison having any better a career than did Van Horn. He'll be a little bit more of an outside threat consistantly, and have worse facial hair, but that's about it.
  10. Maztinho

    NBA Conference Finals

    Scottie didn't say that. No one in there right mind would say that.
  11. Maztinho

    ECW gets a normal time slot

    That's a hilariously scary thing for Vince to say. Maybe RoboCop helps RVD beat Cena. They'd need Arn there to sell it properly though.
  12. Maztinho

    Red Hot Chili Plagerists?

    12 notes 7 chords, with 7ths tossed in. There's only so many combinations that can come down without repeating themselves. And bands that have every song sound the same? Everclear just came on my radio.
  13. Maztinho

    Grumpy Old Men

    You sir, are correct.
  14. Maztinho

    "Hello, my name is The Czech Republic."

    This killed me. I'm crying with laughter...
  15. WHY WON'T THIS THREAD DIE?!?!?!??!?!?! And I was marking because I thought NM was back.
  16. Maztinho

    What is your pro wrestling name?

    Labron James = Outlaw Cool Micheal Jordan = Lex Man Charles Barkley = Wild Hercules Dirk Nowitski = Horrific Satan Steve Nash = Killer Mysterio Raja Bell = Hercules Venus Ben Wallace = Nature Boy Jackass Rasheed Wallace = Ivan Animal Dwayne Wade = Mister Silver Damn this thing is addictive
  17. Agreed. Time limits are a lost artform these days. It was always fun to see a solid ten or fifteen minute match and have the face pull out all the stops in the last two minutes desperately trying to get a pinfall to beat the time limit. It definetly added a new atmosphere to the matches and made you pay attention to the belt because it seemed anyone could win it at any given time. Regal taking mid-card face X to a time limit draw only to have the face hit his primo move with like three seconds left and only get a two count was freaking priceless. Of course, how many matches on TV go even ten minutes now?
  18. Maztinho

    What is your pro wrestling name?

    Full first name= Mean Bear Shortened first name= Farmer Crusher All three names= Mean Pirate So I'm the Farmer Crushing Mean Bear Pirate. Where's my wench?
  19. Maztinho

    The Great Debate: Spirit Squad vs. UMAGA

    Ok, this is a horribly unfair judgment on Kenny. He botches one spot, and all of a sudden he no longer has any talent? Come on. Ric Flair has botched spots. Bret Hart has botched spots. Chris Benoit has botched spots. And the list goes on. When you're performing as much as wrestler's do, no one's going to bat 1.000. And I'd like to see Stephanie do a leg drop as well as Kenny. I said it in the Raw thread, I'll say it here. Kenny 'botched' the spinebuster to avoid landing on the sledgehammer. Go back and watch it again, if he took it right, he would have landed on the sledge and broke his fucking back. And I like both SS and Umaga. I find it funny that when a wrestler botches a move, people here turn their back on them so fast. You guys need to realize that wrestlers will botch a move from time to time and not all moves can be done or taken correctly every time. A move or a bump will be botched, get over it. Yeah, people botch moves, it's nature. Kenny hasn't done something horribly wrong, like make out with a Diva in front of Linda, so... get over it.
  20. Maztinho

    See No Evil

    I'd mark out if somewhere in the movie they played Blue Oyster Cult's "Harvester of Eyes"
  21. Maztinho

    Jesus Says...

    White kids can ball. No wait... It looks like he is playing "Keep Away" from them.
  22. Maztinho

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    True, it's more bad ass when he just slaps it on out of nowhere anyways.
  23. The Heart Punch sold properly and having the psychology explained isn't that weak. I'll have to second the Tongan Death Grip. It was just so... odd. I loved it, especially with Afro Thunder Meng.
  24. Maztinho

    NBA Offseason Thread

    So does the rest of this spoiled state. Larry Miller is wanting to shoot himself in the head at the losses the Jazz are raking in, he's 10 Million in the red because of the team. And actually I think that JJ would work well in Sloan's system. JJ wouldn't need to slash as Deron Williams is more than adequate in that role, JJ could just be a spot-up shooter on the wings. I doubt he'll fall to Utah though, and I don't see them trading up for him.