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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    Nice hanging spot there.
  2. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    BOOOOOO... This match needed more Kane.
  3. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    She went to the hospital with Shane.
  4. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    Edge's smile of satisfaction warms my ice cold heart.
  5. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    You get a cookie.
  6. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

  7. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    Again with the wife... I like that Shawn got all fired up after his wife slapped JBL. That would have been more effective if she'd slapped him, Shawn was out of it, JBL goes to hit Rebecca has her by the hair ala Jake Roberts and Elizabeth and _then_ Shawn goes beserk.
  8. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    I'm sure Shawn's wife is a lovely person, but I dislike that they are relying on her acting skills to get the emotion of this match over by showing her every twenty seconds.
  9. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    That'd be a brilliant plan. Marty Janeatty needs money. And Shawn with the Child Killing Crossface early on.
  10. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    Again... the ankle got worked. It would be incredibly stupid for Orton to go for the punt on an injured ankle. It's not like he's the face with nothing to lose, he has a Wrestlemania title shot to worry about, why injure himself further? Re: Swagger. It's all about the Lisp.
  11. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    The crowd wants Christian. *clap-clap-clapclapclap*
  12. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    Multiple chair shots to the kicking ankle?
  13. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    Shane eating shit... beautiful.
  14. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    The cage did frequently take my lunch money back in Middle School.
  15. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    Satan's Vacation House in Hell? Comeon JR. COME ON!
  16. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    Swanton off the Pod! Three big moves and Showishi is out.
  17. Maztinho

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    Wow! That was a crazy ass counter.
  18. Maztinho

    Let's get to know naiwf

    I read it "Nay-wuf" myself.
  19. Maztinho

    Hey Czech, Fuck You Buddy!

    I don't recall KOAB ever threatening to fite anyone, posting illegible drunken nonsense, yes.
  20. Maztinho

    Let's Have a Christian Science Fair!!!!!!

    18. Is intelligence influenced by physical attributes. i.e. are blondes "dumb" or does skin color influence intelligence? You missed that one. I want to see that one done.
  21. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

    I want to play this game right now. Like right now. I'm going to close my eyes and imagine it's awesomeness.
  22. Maztinho


    I found that whole random woman related to you story interesting in a WTF is this? kinda way. Again, EHME's crap was going down in NHB, he was being slightly annoying, but it wasn't outright offensive, if we are banning for being annoying lemme start a list of WWE forum posters we can purge while we are at it.
  23. Maztinho

    13 year old Father.

    WTF ENGLAND? I mean... come on!
  24. The guy is on the road nonstop promoting WWE and his various projects. That's what makes him a hard worker. but hsi offense look WEAK he should turn HEAL~! My grandma could work a better STF. Actually she probably could, my gram is pretty badass. Also show me a Cena match that is BAD. Not repetitive, but actually "makes you want to turn the match off because it's a fucking trainwreck" bad. He doesn't have any, he's able to work the style that the WWE wants and get the story told. And on subject, London is just venting. I'm sure lots of guys get promised a spot on the card and then it gets changed so they get mad. Going into the WWE you have to know your moveset is going to be castrated, your ability to freelance in promos is gone. I know this, you'd expect someone in the business would.
  25. Maztinho


    I think this is mainly an issue that he gotten banned for behavior in the NHB section, which didn't include spamming up the place with scat porn, kiddie porn, or ogrish stuff. Sure it wasn't Grade A stuff and his act is old, but he's done nothing really wrong other than annoy the mods. Can you honestly say EHME is worse in NHB than Marv is in CE?