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Everything posted by Maztinho
That's El Asso Wipe-o. I used to have that as a screen name on another board. I might have to bring it back. Put the Dudley-style glasses on him, and he'd be at least noticed by the casual fan. It sounds like a ploy to me. WWE wouldn't be interested in him more than they where with AmDrag.
That's too awesome for them to use. But I could see another version of 3MW with Sonny Siaki as Jamal's tag team partner. He's under a developmental contract isnt' he?
Trish would blade, and it would rule. Classic old school wrestling feud. Even better is Trish blading, then getting tied up in a submission and bleeding on the mat. Imagine Mickey slapping on a Camel Clutch with blood dripping down Trish's face... people would be talking about that for weeks. And the lay-fan that Vince loves will tune in to see what it's all about. It's perfect.
PD III he has their arm hooked across their own throat like a Cutthroat Driver and then Psycho Driver's them down. The lighting off the pale pasty white man makes it hard to see. I always thought that the Pumphandle Piledriver was the PD I and the Torture Rack was PD II, but I've been wrong before.
I don't get Sonjay either. Although he does pull out some nice spots, I don't find him interesting at all unless packaged in a Video Montage.
Exactly. Plus factor in all the Kane merch that is sold versus your Trevor Murdoch glue on sideburns. Hell, I'd buy some sideburns to support the guy.
Kenta Kobashi... he lost his first 63 matches. That would be qualified as a jobber.
Rodgers would play Shortstop, just so he can yell, GARCIAPARRA before making a play.
I'm the king of the No Post match. BOW DOWN! The ME rocked my cabeza. Pretzler/Buck was solid all the way. If only my matches would get put up... Alas.
Silly me, I thought that there would be boobs in here. *hangs his head in disappointment.*
(`·._ (`·._.:The New SWF Stats Thread:._.·`) _.·`)
Maztinho replied to the.weej's topic in Brandon Truitt
Preliminary Question: How did you find us/hear about us? Google Smarks Board Name: Massito Wrestlers Name: “Maniac” Bryan Rodgers Height: 6’2” Weight: 237 Hometown: Richmond, Viriginia Age: 31 Face/Heel: Face Stable: None Ring Escort: None Weapon(s): Poison Mist, (see Signature moves) Death Chair (Barbedwire wrapped steel chair), forks Quote: “See you on the Flipside.” “…the hell?” Taunts: Green mist (see Signature moves), “Too Much Evil for One Hand” (You remember Dr. Evil from Austin Powers? You know his pinky thing? That.) Random mannerisms of wrestlers. (note his in-ring style) Looks: Bryan isn’t roided out, but he’s got a well built frame, solid pectorals, good bicepts, and a hint of a six-pack if he is breathing heavily. He’s got visible scars on his chest, back and arms from barbed wire matches he’s fought in. He sports a dark brown Abe Lincoln beard (also known as a Chin-strap, beard all around, but shaved over the lip.) and shoulder length bleached blonde hair that he slicks back (Steve Corino style). His in-ring appearance is faded baggy jeans with a bullet studded belt and random t-shirts. His t-shirt preference is comics (PvP, Penny Arcade being faves), crap you can pick up at Hot Topic (Family Guy, Napoleon Dynamite, or retro 80’s stuff, but nothing overtly “gothic”) cartoons, self-promotion shirts or shilling the fed shirts. His feet are wardrobed in black combat “Nazi-stompin’” boots that he got from his mentor Jack Flack upon his retirement. Out of ring, he pretty much wears the same thing, but with Chuck Taylors instead of his Nazi-stompers. Ring Entrance: #The world is a vampire, [Pockets of fans pop, having heard of Bryan Rodger’s work.] #Sent to drai-ai-ain [A modestly built man appears at the entrance way. He pulls something out of his pocket and sticks it in his mouth. It’s a Marlboro. Another pocket produces a zippo, he lights up.] #Secret destroyers, hold you up to the flames #And what do I get, for my pain [He takes a long drag, and starts heading towards the ring, slapping hands with the occasional fan as he saunters to the ring.] #Betrayed desires, and a piece of the game #Even though I know-I suppose I'll show #All my cool and cold-like old job [He climbs up the ring steps, and wipes his Nazi-stompin’ combat boots off before stepping through the ropes.] #Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage #Then someone will say what is lost can never be saved #Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage Ring Entrance stuff…. [bryan heads from corner to corner, smoking the rest of his cigarette, and motioning to the crowd, pulling out his infamous “Too Much Evil for One Hand” pinky to the lips taunt that went out of style four years ago.] #Now I'm naked, nothing but an animal #But can you fake it, for just one more show #And what do you want, I want to change #And what have you got #When you feel the same #Even though I know-I suppose I'll show [He snuffs his cig out on the ring post, and checks his wrist taping.] #All my cool and cold-like old job #Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage #Then someone will say what is lost can never be saved #Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage Note: The song can end here or you can put in some extra mannerisms or whatever to the end of the song. I supply lyrics in case you want to. #Tell me I'm the only one #Tell me there's no other one #Jesus was the only son #Tell me I'm the chosen one #Jesus was the only son for you #Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage #And I still believe that I cannot be saved Stats: ¯¯¯¯¯ Strength: 3 [He’s solid against guys who weigh up to 280-290 in being able to pull off his move-set, but getting beyond that he’ll struggle to hoist big guys. Fortunately he’s got enough in his moveset that doesn’t require a ton of vertical lifts.] Speed: 5 [Quick striker, rifles hard fast punches, and some martial arts style kicks. He’ll dump people onto tables and leap off things to smash them through. He can do some sloppy quebrada or springboard stuff, but if he’s on a turnbuckle he nails things really pretty. He also will take dives to the outside like he’s on crack.] Vitality: 7 [Tough as nails, he’ll get up from things that no ordinary guy his size has the right to get up from. A real head drop finisher could put him out, but something like a standard Downward Spiral would need something more. Rarely taps out, he is more likely to let the pain cause him to pass-out than willingly surrender.] Charisma: 5 [bryan is definitely an acquired taste, but people are taking to him. He works the stick with deftness, however he really gets the fans rocking with his off-kilter shenanigans and willingness to bleed all over the arena.] Style: Extremist Jack of All Trades. Known for his Deathmatch capabilities, he is a top notch brawler for his size and bleeds like freakin’ old school Ric Flair. He loved The Great Muta as a kid and plays up most of Muta’s signature spots in homage to the Japanese great. Bryan is able to bust out some suicidal high spots, work a technical match, slap on some MMA style arm or leg locks. He just won’t excel at any of those if he is facing someone more trained in those styles, such as a luchador, a fantastic technician or Royce Gracie. Bryan also will slip comedy spots into matches, just because he’s a goof, and it can (and will) throw off more serious competitors. Signature moves: The Best Damn Brainbuster Ever. Period.- The name says it all. Brainstorm- Basically a Clawhold STO, but done Kaki Cutter style lifting the leg high and really strongly sweeping the legs out. As opposed to, Claw, weak looking leg trip. Tokyo Drifter- Pumphandle Spinning Michinoku Driver II Ass-punch- Straight up comedy spot, Bryan gets on the second or top rope, kisses his fist, jumps off and punches the opponent in the tailbone. (generally preceded with a Manhattan Drop) Viva La Muta!- Opponent is staggered in the corner, Bryan will cartwheel into a monsterous back elbow smash, he grabs the hair immediately and drives them face first to the mat with a one handed bulldog. (He will usually bust out a green mist taunt as well after the fact.) Ronin Mist- Like stated he’s a Muta mark, and he trained to develop Muta’s misting gland. Rodgers has in fact perfected the Mist, and uses it’s full psychology and meaning of the colors for the mist: 1- Green- Most common mist, purely to blind or as a taunt. 2- Red- Less common, but more effective as red mist burns the eyes of the victim, but it also hurts Bryan since it burns his throat to perform it. You could see it about every third match, or back to back matches that are getting really intense. 3- Black- ULTRA RARE, used only if Rodgers is really, really hating his opponent or desperate to end the match. Black mist is paralyzing (for a short period of time) if it hits the eyes, but it does a number on Bryan’s throat burning it more that the red mist does. The mist can come from anywhere and is frequently used as a counter to submissions or high flying moves. Side note, mist is magically flammable as well. Fireballs are fun! Also Rodgers should grab at or rub his throat preceding the mist or right after it if he busts it “out of nowhere.” Outlaw Choke- Straight out of the NES Pro-wrestling. Rodgers grabs opponent in a headlock, and smashes a weapon into their head (usually a fork he has in his pocket, but whatever works.) He then hides the weapon in his pants, and motions to the ref that “It wasn’t me.” This is to be done either on the floor, or in hardcore matches. Pulp Fiction Legdrop- Arabian Facebuster with a Death Chair. Again only to be used in hardcore matches or if the referee is knocked out. Retro-Revolution- Not a specific move per-say, but an embodiment of many moves. At any possible time Bryan will mimic a classic wrestler’s mannerisms and some of his big moves. Sort of the way that Eugene does, only less retarded and more as a cheap pop style. This can frustrate opponents if they are a serious type, or catch opponents off guard at times. He’ll actually yell out the wrestlers name and take on the mannerisms for an extended period of time. Shouldn’t ever really put a match away. Common moves: American Standard Wrestling (The basics, which every wrestler knows, but Bryan makes use of them more so.) Boxing style punches (can be done in a quick flurry) Oral Fixation (Thesz Press punch flurry, Austin style… it’s name comes from Mick Foley’s renaming it the Dick-to-mouth.) Flashing Elbow drops (Muta style o’course) Headsmash (grab the back of the head and smash it onto something. Basic, yet brutal) Cactus Clothesline Spinning back thrust kick/Rolling Koppou kick combo The DDT (Jake Roberts style, finger wave and all, that’s why “The” is always there) Russian Deathride (Russian Legsweep rolled back to a vertical base, then a Stroke style front sweep.) Snap German Suplex Saito Suplex Released Nothern Lights Suplex (also used as a over the top rope dump move) Lullaby; Cobra Clutch Uncle Joe’s Wild Ride; Camel Clutch Rare moves: Madness Combat Driver- Pyramid Vertibreaker (stands behind the victim, crosses their arms in front of them, Rodgers bends down putting his head between their legs and stands up, arching them backwards, headfirst towards the mat, and then sits down, busting their skull) The Best Damn Avalanche Brainbuster Ever. Period. –A standing on the top rope version of his classic awesome brainbuster. Tokyo Drifter Beta; Pumphandle Owendriver `97 (the piledriver that broke Austin’s neck) Killswitch Engaged; Kata-hajime suplex off the apron or done Spider style from the top rope. Finishers: Die Hard Driver- Cradle Nothern Lights Bomb (Hooks the head like he’s going for a suplex, but instead of grabbing the tights he reaches down and across his body grabbing the opponents opposite leg (i.e. he grabs the right leg with his left arm) and lifts them off the ground twisting them slightly and dumping them cabeza first with a sheer drop Snow Plow) Bad Moon Rising- Triple Jump Moonsault (set-up with the Brainstorm) Bastard Choke- Katahajime Camel Clutch it’s the least used of the finishers. Notes: He bleeds. Nearly every match (unless his opponent is really, really, really not into going to the floor AT ALL.) Bryan is a goof, but he won’t lack concentration in the ring, he uses goofy antics to throw his opponent off his game (and mainly to pop the crowd). He’s got a pretty high pain tolerance, and won’t go down easy. Rarely, rarely submits. Really try and have fun with the Retro-Revolution, Bryan does. Bio: Meh, if you want to know, I’ll make up some stuff -
Detectives release photos of girl in kiddy porn
Maztinho replied to Rob E Dangerously's topic in Current Events
And the victims usually grow up to be drug addicts, prostitutes or offenders themselves. It's a vicious, vicious cycle. -
At least he's changing up the repetoire. Man, I want someone to call me.
Or invent time machines and go back to 1995 when their stuff was cutting edge, and we'd watch them because it was better than stuff that WCW and WWF was giving us at the time.
"The Sandman might come out here and hit me with a Singapore Cane, well that's a pussy cane from a pussy country. If he came out here and hit me with a New Jersey cane... well, that'd be alright." -Chris Candido The sucky thing is that it wasn't drugs that did him in. If it was I'd be like, "Meh. Bound to happen." He died from a fluke injury and a fluke condition from that injury. That's what stings.
Plus sending some talent to indy shows can double as a scouting trip, maybe finding some talent that Vince could pick up.
WORK~! Although the Jailbait thing sort of fits. I like how he says he boffed her, then disses on her. Class act there.
Is it just me, or whenever a fight breaks out Arn Anderson is there? He's like flippin' Superman, or something. Too bad Sid wasn't there with some scissors. *same lame joke, twice in a day.* That's classic.
Or have JJ Dillion call for a rematch in a steel cage.
Batista could go for a few more years, but the real question is how big will his ears get? I mean, they are already a good size right now. If he gets into his 50 and is still going strong his ears will have grown to the size of a small country.
Brian Gewirtz to Take Leave of Absence from WWE
Maztinho replied to strummer's topic in The WWE Folder
Great with a guy who wrote Chips we'll get a Mexican version of the Mountie. SOY EL MOUNTIE! That's fan-freakin-tastic. -
Cena is over, but this thread is about Christian and his overness. Christian has been one of my little delights for years now. His humor is sort of underkeyed and goofy. Like when (the Dudleys?) jacked his gear and Jericho's and the two had to go out in towels, then the next week you see duffel bags suspended in lockers with like fifteen chains on them and all kinds of padlocks. They didn't even mention the bags or if it was it was in passing, but that visual image had me roaring with laughter. It's about time that people started getting in with the Christian Coalition.
The WWE should just wait it out. Like it's been said fans will forget soon enough... although Hebner still gets You Screwed Bret chants in Canada, so maybe this will force Lita into a heel turn, or at least a psychotic bitch tweener role.
Heh. Dan Morrow is one of my best friends, I wonder how he'll react when I tell him his match is apparently more important than Honkeytonk Man and Simon Diamond combined. If he doesn't say that Honky Tonk Man is THE F'N MAN you should pimp slap him. Back on track. Sid was a big muscley sweaty guy who had a sick powerbomb. At least he's back in the ring. Maybe he'll get drunk and go after Arn with some scissors again.
Not bad. Package Piledriver = Ouchies.