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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    Matt Hardy to make JAPW Debut in June..

    Ask Brock Lesnar. Brock Lesnar would actually make an impact in Japan. I cant see Matt doing that... I wouldn't see Jamal or Bull Buchanan making an impact in Japan, but they are. Very strange times over there. Jamal beat Kobashi in a match. Yeah, Japan does some whacky stuff. Hell, Bart Gunn was over in Japan. They qualify what they like to watch differently than we do in the states. I could see Matt doing very well in Japan, play up his use of the Black Tiger Bomb, bill him as the American Tiger or something definatively Japanese. It would work. And the WWE can't stop Matt from showing up at shows, just from actively working a match.
  2. Maztinho

    The OAO What's this move thread

    The Pele kick is a bicycle kick for footie (soccer) fans, were a player would bounce the ball of his chest and then jump head over heels and kick the ball towards the goal. Just put someone's head in lieu of the ball and viola! Pele kick.
  3. Granted I'm not a Puroresu super fan like some of you guys, but I enjoy Jinsei. I mean sure compared to some other guys he's not great, but hell, I get a kick out of him.
  4. Maztinho

    WWE wants new Divas.....

    If they make it like Are You Hot? Then it will be worth it. Have Mae Young come out as a contestant. It's GOLD I tell you GOLD!!!!
  5. Maztinho

    What WAS Puro Wrestlecrap?

    Touche, but still she got Yakuza'd!!!
  6. Maztinho

    What WAS Puro Wrestlecrap?

    Anything where Chyna gets kicked in the face five or six times is NOT puro crap.
  7. Maztinho

    Heat Spoilers

    Yeah my unlce would just drop random knee drops on us kids. And Duggan isn't THAT much of an emberassment. I mean he was sort of a player in the wrestling business at some point.
  8. Or if it's "We did this back in 1978" Retro is fun!!!
  9. The pairing of Eddie and Tajiri will be classic and they will mix well together. Thus says the Great Dalmuti.
  10. Maztinho

    Favorite indy wrestlers

    Jodie Fliesch Kaos Messiah Doug Williams AmDrag
  11. Maztinho

    Could a mainstream star launch TNA

    Mick Foley could get them some recognition, maybe enough to get a TV deal. I'm surprised that USA hasn't gone after a fed for awhile. RAW was their main draw a few years back and they suck now, only showing a cool movie every once and awhile.
  12. Maztinho

    Who was the better no-seller?

    Taker... he used to sit up from getting a nuclear warhead dropped on him. It was cool shit, but still.
  13. Maztinho

    Velocity Spoilers

    Nah, I was talking Chris Nowitski, that dude rocks. Actually I was unaware that Benoit was booked yet, or I just flaked. Prolly, just flaked. Anyways, Dragon would be a nice Smart filler, but the average WWE fan would be like, who in the hell is this guy? Dreaming wise I'd kill to see them bring in Jerry Lynn for a run that was denied him earlier. Or with a guy that is wasting away on the SD roster, I think Jaime Noble would be a solid fill-in guy.
  14. Maztinho

    LOD interview

    They weren't as bad as I'd fear they'd be. I would keep them as Road Agents and have them help develop a tag team division. Tag Teams, actual teams, not just two singles guys tossed together like RVD and Kane. That's the one thing I like about La Resistance. They are a tandem, not Sylvan and Renee. Everything else is bad, but they have a fucking team name.
  15. Maztinho

    Velocity Spoilers

    Crowbar would be a sweet addition to the SD roster. I thought he was working in XPW though. Anyways, I feel for Chavito. Eddie and Chris vs Team Angle ladder stylee?
  16. Test gets the most flack. Sure he's acting isn't great, but in the ring he's pretty good. He has a wide array of moves and if the WWE let him go up top again, has some high flying stuff. His Big Elbow is as good as Savage's ever was, and the guy is 5 inches taller than Savage. Pair him with a person who works well on the stick and jsut let Test pipe in with a few sentances every once and awhile and he'll be fine.
  17. Maztinho

    What happened to Nash?

    I think that there is our answer. The fanbase which still watches wrestling is majorly the so called "smarts" (I still consider a real smart as someone in the business, not just a net-junkie like myself) and they are sick of the same old routine that Vince McMahon is trying to force feed down our throats. We are the equivalent of the "rebelling teenagers" when we where younger we'd cheer for who ever "daddy" aka Vince wanted us to, but now we are a little wiser, and cheer for who we want too. Ok, that analogy got way weird. Anyways, I concur with Kahran on this.
  18. I'd have to go with Booker T being the most held down if that's an arguement that you want to bring up. He was massive over and was primed to have a long needed face Champion run, and nada. Now where is he? Dropped back down the roster like RVD was after a semi-moderate push.
  19. Maztinho

    Goldberg not working the JD PPV

    Yeah, they could at least have him run some sort of low card heel gambit, squashing like Steven Richards, Rico, and some other guys. Just like the nWo B-squad.
  20. Maztinho

    10 Years in 10 Minutes

    I thought it was a pretty good tribute clip. XPW/CZW bickering aside.
  21. Maztinho

    M-Dogg 20 to Ring of Honor?

    Yeah, I have a few of the BW Tapes and the stuff they put on those tapes is all just garbage wrestling with some idiots jumping off of houses and stuff. No story telling at all. That's what M-Dogg is known for, not any wrestling skill.
  22. I would concur that Christian while very, very entertaining on the mic. He isn't as good as people make him out to be. He doesn't suck, but his offense is fairly bland minus the Unprettier, and he doesn't impress me with alot of his stuff.
  23. Maztinho

    A Black Tiger Review

    I liked the review, since I've only caught some of stuff off the Net from ROH. I noticed that you didn't rate the Title match though.
  24. Tino's right that alot of wrestling is lacking psychology in the matches. It's pretty much brawling, then one guy hits one of his signature moves, then maybe a rest hold then the other guy hits his signature moves. Then a finisher fake in longer matches then a break down of some sort and one guy hits his finisher. What happened to someone picking a body part and working it over like there was no tomorrow? Flair does it sort of but it's like work over the leg for like 2 minutes instead of like 15-20 and then slap on the Figure Four.
  25. Maztinho

    Possible Smackdown match at JD

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo Don't say shit like that. It scares me.