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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho


  2. Maztinho

    The Bruiser Brody Thread

    The highlight of the fight was the soothing ringtone after, "Are you both going to tap out to homosexuality?"
  3. Maztinho

    The NEW TSM

    Hurrah! I'm still under LeeLee's radar.
  4. Maztinho


    I think MMA is sorta up to Mik's call since I doubt any of the other mods really check it out at all. You can't flame bait anywhere else on the board, but a good natured, "Fuck off" isn't bannable.
  5. Maztinho

    Things that Amuse or Please You

    I don't know if anyone told you this, but it's not 1999 anymore. My MSN contact said Blink died.
  6. Maztinho

    Christian's Re-debut in WWE has occurred!

    eJournalism... HA! Pretty much if you are willing to write on a regular basis and are something beyond NetSpeak you can write a wrestling article on-line.
  7. Maztinho

    Fla. Doctor Investigated in Badly Botched Abortion

    For me I think once it hits the stage of survivability outside the womb it should be considered a person. Like Tyler said this is completely subjective and my own personal opinion on the matter. So that's sometime in the second trimester it's beyond being tissue mass. With my own son, around that time he could actually react to stimulus he'd kick if there was a loud noise or if I had my hand where he was kicking he'd keep kicking in that spot and he'd stop after a few kicks when I'd move it. I'm generally against abortion (there are some instances where it's acceptable, ie rape, incest, mother at severely high risk) and loathe people who use it as a form of birth control when there are so many couples out there who want children and can't get pregnant.
  8. Maztinho

    When TNA closes...

    Tenay has a legacy of what exactly? Horrible commentary that deserves to be mocked? Yeah, Tenay doesn't even have the cult following Joey Styles had. At best Mike was a good third guy in the booth to spout off some random fact about someone or something, but he's a tolerable play-by-play guy at best. (Being paired with West makes him seem worse than he is, with a heel color guy Tenay would be okay)
  9. Kim, I'm sorry. I apologize in behalf of the board, we are naught but assholes and deviants, I won't say this won't happen again, in fact I can assure you it will. Over time you'll get used to us, or question life itself. Your eFriend, Drew
  10. This is only made better by, "We're going to get us some banana puddin' motherfucker" beneath it.
  11. Maztinho

    Suggest Word Filters

    See what happens when we ban EHME? All the MMA guys start running loose all over the board.
  12. Maztinho

    Suggest Word Filters

    Marvin = Powder
  13. And _never_ do _this_. bob_barron will have a come apart.
  14. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    You could suicide bomb them, that would probably do some good in the world Why in the world would the Department of Children and Families need to be firebombed? Well I was saying that she should kill herself, but I imagine that she is angry that the DCF tried to take away her children after she mistook them for food for the hundredth time. ***** Seconded.
  15. Maztinho


    I'm down.
  16. Maztinho


    To be fair it was EHME that was giving me the Owen Hart spot, I was suspecting he would be Farooq and KOAB's Rock would overthrow the group and replace me with you, so basically I'd be both halves of PG-13. And I am Mormon, religious minority is a go!
  17. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

    Daikon Radish
  18. Maztinho


    Yo Maz- you want to take the late EHME's spot in The King Kamala Krew? We need one oppressed minority to replace another, yo! Yes, the white boy from Utah. I'm a total minority. I was going to be the Owen Hart. My caucasian grandfather was technically born in Mexico, so the cholos in high school left me alone. Close enough?
  19. Maztinho

    Louisiana Needs Money

    Los Santos... do it.
  20. Maztinho

    The MagicJack Offseason Bowl

    Making it a live infraction call would be the STUPIDEST thing they could possibly do. You are the underdog and you score the go-ahead touchdown with under a minute left, massive party breaks out. Oh wait, you get penalized your touchdown comes off the board. They should in no way give a celebration penalty the ability to take points off the board. Now I could see them enforcing repeat offenders with sitting them down a game for multiple offenses or something of that sort, but you can't take points off the board.
  21. Maztinho

    Christian's Re-debut in WWE has occurred!

    The same one from Dragon Gate? Yes CIMA!!!! :wub: Anywho, I don't have cable, so I watched the link Obi Chris dropped... Man, Swagger managed to lisp on the word Threat, that's awesomewrong.
  22. Maztinho


    And I was getting all ready for EHME to start a Nation of Domination with KOAB and I was going to be the Owen Hart. Damnit.
  23. Maztinho

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    Hero's style wouldn't work well in the E. He's more of a protracted storytelling guy, but then again that was the perception of Punk too, so he might work, but I doubt they let him use his million cravats. And I don't see him pillaging NOAH for neat moves that most of the E's audience hasn't seen like Punk did either. The more surprising thing to me is that they haven't taken a look at Claudio.