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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    TV Character Draft

    Mr. Wilberforce Claybourne Humphries
  2. Maztinho

    A Small History of My Declined Interest

    Palumbo's pretty good, and was a solid midcard hand. I really enjoyed his feud with Noble and his mini-feud with Finlay. He was alright in the ring and his matches with Finlay were pretty good, but I hated his look, his personality, and how he stole Undertaker's motorcycle entrance. Chuck was awesome, did you see his punch man? It was a thing of beauty. Jungle Kick!
  3. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

    Noun 1. whoremonger - a prostitute's customer
  4. Maztinho

    Sonic and the Black Knight trailer

    Make it Zombie Pirate Vampires and I'm there.
  5. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

    One could argue that thieves is all encompassing since you'd be stealing a life. Rapists I guess are okay too. I still like Sports Fans being on the list though. HOW DARE YOU LIKE SPORTS!
  6. Maztinho

    TSM Talks

  7. Maztinho

    Titles or Talent: What's More Important?

    Like naiwf said, you don't blame Barry because he's the only reason the Lions were moderately decent during his years there. Overall, I think too much is put in winning a title. While it's important, you can't say that a player isn't as good as another just because of the ring. If that were the case Robert Horry would be one of the all time greats due to all the titles he's been apart of. (See mine and EHME's battle over John Stockton vs Isiah Thomas in the NBA Draft thread) Sometimes things just line up right, and sometimes they don't. Is Rothlisburger really a better quarterback than Marino (no), or even McNabb, just because his team was built a certain way that allowed him to not lose the game? Some players who are superstars do choke (Karl Malone, I'm lookin' at you), but others did everything they could and their team just wasn't the whole package to get it done. You can't belittle a career because the sum of another teams parts was greater than the sum of your teams parts.
  8. Maztinho

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    That offense just looks like an overly gimmicked spread. I'm sure you'll see someone use it as a package now and again, but not as a basis to run the whole offense through, since I don't see the three man line being that effective against college level talent.
  9. Yeah, I'd just woken up from two hours of sleep doing a closing-early opening turn-around at work. My apologies. It was funny in my head at the time.
  10. Maztinho

    Teens face child porn charges

    Again it's a case of the laws not catching up to the technology. Even ten years ago, when I was in high school cell-phones weren't common, camera-phones even less common. I was visiting some relatives over the weekend, and needed to look up another family members number while talking on my phone so I snagged my 16 year old cousins phone. She has over 300 contacts, most of which are friends at school. All of them had a picture attached to their number so she'd see them when they called. When the laws were put into place, the law makers couldn't have thought that one day teens (who have poor judgement skills) would have ready access to cameras, and have the ability to transfer the data so quickly. Legally, it's child porn. It is horrible and disgusting? No, because it's teens being stupid. In all actuality this is likely being used as a shock tactic to bring awareness to teens that sure your friends all think it's funny that you are posing in your skivvies, but your friends Uncle Joe could get ahold of that phone and send himself your pics and then put them on-line for all to see. I know I'm going down a slippery slope, but that's the mindset of some people.
  11. Maztinho

    A Small History of My Declined Interest

    Didn't Billy Graham start the Rocky Balboa face comebacks? Pretty sure Hogan just ripped his whole bit from The Superstar. I guess Cena's sloppiness (it's there, but he does what he can) is over shadowed because almost everyone else on the roster works similarly. Who in the WWE throws a good looking punch anymore? Is Palumbo still around? His punches looked wicked. The cut and paste matches kind of wore me down too. Everyone has their "five moves o'doom" that they showcase almost every match they have, and it just isn't enough to keep me interested. My cousin who just started rewatching a couple of years ago (I compelled his viewing when we were kids) always calls me, and tells me about something he's never seen before, then I point out where it happened in the Monday Night Wars and he's all, "Oh, they are recycling something else? At least it's new to me!"
  12. Maztinho

    NFC Championship Thread

    Steve Young had a standout career at BYU. As did Jim McMahon.
  13. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

  14. Maztinho

    List things that don't interest you

    I'm narcing you out to EHME.
  15. Maztinho

    TV Character Draft

  16. I'm going with Troy Palomalu's hair.
  17. It's like the kid is hoping Steeley is the Angel of Death. Look at that confused awe.
  18. Maztinho

    AFC Championship Thread

    Games they help or hurt your record! Also, why would Marvin have a hairdryer Slayer? Think man, think!
  19. Maztinho

    NHB posts

    Proof that you are wrong Slayer.
  20. Maztinho

    WWE / Low-Ki talk

    You made fun of our former government in your fake fighting show! Melt the world!
  21. Maztinho

    Teens face child porn charges

    There was a case similar to this in a small Utah town, basically it boils down to the laws not catching up to technology. Likely the charges will be dropped/worked down to something minimal.
  22. Maztinho

    TV Character Draft

    "Darnell, someone kicked me in the head in the bathroom again." Joy Turner
  23. Maztinho

    How I Met Your Mother

    Sesame Street with the Meta Humor. The world is ending.