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Everything posted by Maztinho
I did an awkward Charleston if anyone cares. LA PARKA~! :wub:
Like I said in the Poster Tourney, I'd go WWE, Other, General (as Historical), MMA. Bob can point out all TNA's stuff, but really the folder itself doesn't generate much action outside of show threads. It's not like there's really a ton of avid discussion about angles for the most part, like there is in the WWE folder. Why not just have the occasional ROH thread, or Puro thread in there as well? A lot of TNA's roster doubles up in ROH, other indies, and does tours in Japan. TNA itself cross-promoted with New Japan, it's a logical merger. Vince has his world, then there's the rest of the wrestling world at large. Do eet. Although I'd get up and dance if it all became La Parka.
Goatboy... I mean the one with the Goat, not the one who likes like a Goat. K-Tic.
The Things That Anger You Thread.
Maztinho replied to Man Who Sold The World's topic in General Chat
A lady wasted an hour of my time yesterday over a dollar twenty. I'm just working along, doing my thing, and I get a page from the Front Desk. I answer, get asked how much Avocados are, I ask which kind since we have two sizes, small. I tell her, Buck fifty, she relays this to the customer, and then says the customer on the phone said that it said they were fifty cents. I told her I'd check the sign real quick because sometimes numbers get knocked off. I go out, and the sign says 1.50, however the 1 is a little bit behind the 5, still visible, but I could see how from a particular angle or a quick glance you'd miss it. I fix the 1, and tell this to the Front End girl. She says thanks, and I hang up, going back to my business. About ten minutes later I come out of the back with a cart of stuff to fill shelves with an a lady rushes over to me. "Are you the manager?" "No, but I can help you with whatever you need." She asks me about the avocados. I tell her, that the 1 was there, but kind of hidden, so I could see how she would be mistaken, and tell her if she brought the avocados back she could get a refund. "I already used them, I had a salad I needed to make for a bookclub meeting, there wasn't a 1 there earlier." I point out again that it was somewhat hidden, but it was there. And I tell her that if she has her receipt then I'd vouch that the sign was slightly messed up and we'd give her the difference. "I don't have my receipt here." And then she goes and retells her whole story again about how great a price she thought 50 cents each was. And that she tried pushing the sign over a bit thinking a number might be hidden or something, and she didn't feel anything when she slid the sign over. I tell her again, that I could see how she would think they where 50 cents, and all she has to do is bring back her receipt and we would be happy to make up the difference. "Fine, I'll go get my receipt, and I guess I'll do my shopping elsewhere from now on out." I apologized for the inconvenience and she stormed off. My boss called and asked if I could get to the price changes since he didn't have time in the morning, so I headed up to the office to get the print out, when I get a call. I answer, it's the freakin' Avocado Lady. "Are your Avocados on sale?" "No." "Your sign is wrong, how come if it's marked 1.50 I got charged 1.29? You are trying to trick people. This is against the law, I'm going to call the Better Business Bureau." So I explain that on Wednesdays some prices change in the system and later in the day we get a print out because it takes some time to make sure they all go through, I checked the list I had in my hand and sure enough Avocado's dropped from 2/3 to 1.29 each. I tell her this, and she still freaks out saying she doesn't like being called a liar, so I repeat that I believe her when she said she saw Avocado's .50 cents. The price dropped on them that day so she got charged 1.29 for them. Then she went on this tangent about how everything is so expensive and she's never going to shop our store again because she feels embarrassed that she got over charged and we all think she's a liar. I try to calm her down, saying that I believed her, and it was just an unfortunate series of events, and repeat that if she simply brings in her receipt we will gladly refund her money that she "over-paid" despite her getting it cheaper than the shelf-price. "How will they know? They'll just think I'm lying to them." I explain that I'd leave a note for the front end, and I restate my name and tell her if they need to they can call me at home to confirm she's telling the truth. "I don't have time for all of this, you think I'm a liar. I don't like the way this makes me feel, I'm never shopping there again. You think I'm crazy." Then she hung up the phone. I forgot to ask if she ever came back in for her 1.20. -
Actually at my store they have returned to reasonable prices (basically the same before the gas skyrocket), but people still think everything is too expensive. Not that I think you are doing that Mike, but people that come in to where I work look at the price for a semi-exotic apple and go, 2.49 a pound? Yeah, Pacific Rose Apples run that much, that's how much they like always are. But the pricing people did keep things a touch high milking it for a bit though, that was definitive.
This sounds painful. I'm sad I can no longer get the Chicken Pizziola, they'd make it for me for a bit after the promotion (charging the equivalent of a Roasted Chicken + Meat for the pepperoni), but I guess one of their supervisors told them to stop. Bastard. They'll also vary on putting other toppings on the sammich before toasting it. Some of them will, some of them won't. I've been filling my face with Spicy Italian instead.
Combine Indy, Japan and TNA as Non-Titan Wrestling (only with a better name), keep general for historical analysis and discussion.
Nobody's hair is prettier than Troy Polamalu's.
Hey Everybody... Got beef? Come to the chat!
Maztinho replied to Lt. Al Giardello's topic in No Holds Barred
Show me a match with Cena in it that is god awful. I mean, like, holy shit I can't watch another second of this match. Ones like Taker had with Giant Gonzalez. You might hate Cena's style and call it repetitive, but none of his matches are BAD. They might lack rewatching value, he might be overpushed, but that's not his fault. He's told to go make the Rocky Balboa comeback, so he does. Vince wants the title on him as much as possible and so it is. But you can't say that Cena has bad matches. If anything you could criticize him for being the quintessential WWE worker of the new milenium, he has is few spots, he works them well. But nearly everyone in the WWE works like that now, they have their 5-6 moves that show up every match, on a PPV someone will throw in something a little different now and again, and they have a false finish, then the true finish. Blame the overall WWE style, not Cena, who does what he does well.
Mars bar. The only thing I really dig out of Hershey is the Peanut Butter cups.
BlackStar needs his weapon. Tsubaki
• Tastefully decorated with modern décor • Approximately 650 square feet • There is even a window! Security bars installed for your safety and to prevent unauthorized activity A window!
Agent of Oblivion; Agent's a fucking warrior. Like I'm sure he's wearing the skin of some animal he killed with his bare hands and then skinned with his teeth. Vitamin X is an awesome poster, and that's why he's here, but Agent... I dunno. He's fucking Agent. Kinetic; Czech's right, the phantom ACL he pulled on Porter was one of the highlights of the year. Like, it was so funny, I was laughing about it at work, and had to explain the thing to a coworker who asked what was so funny. Then I got a strange look. Needless to say, Venk didn't do that. Although I'm sure he will at some point.
I have manic depressive/bipolar disorder type 2.
Maztinho replied to Matt Young's topic in General Chat
Bah! The Smug facial expression I say! -
I have manic depressive/bipolar disorder type 2.
Maztinho replied to Matt Young's topic in General Chat
We naming his facial expression now? Cause that'd be a freakin' kickass name for his smug one. "I am Matt Young, behold... The Guns." *half-smirk* -
Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan
Freya vs Eddie Izzard. Awesome.
Should I ever make it into EHME's Hall, I want to be known as "The Mormon Nigga." Also late to the ball with this, and correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a contextual difference between Nigga, and Nigger? Nigga being used in the context of, "bro" or "dude" and nigger (note the r) as a direct inflammatory word.
Even though Caldwell is Black, dont they have to interview a minority coaching candidate anyway just because? I don't see why they would. Hey, we have to interview a minority, to hire a minority. Unless since they are looking at a black guy, they have to go interview a latino or Norm Chow.
Indeed. Where's the "proof"? I hate people who toss media as the blame for violence. "Halo made me do it!" It's the same retarded argument that Doom or whatever caused Columbine. A handful of kids happen to do something violent with a video game/movie/TV show somehow attached to the story it's automatically the medium's fault. What about all the murders in the late 80's over Air Jordan shoes? Micheal Jordan causes kids to murder one another! No, this is one kid who was wired, or bred to violence anyways, and a video game happened to be the thing that made him snap. If this wasn't now, it would be in a couple of years killing his girlfriend over something minor too.
I vote that should the Raven's lose Marvin have to change his name to WB, because HOLY SHIT that is a lame nickname. This is going to be old school football, and it's going to come down to one of the quarterbacks making a key mistake in the 4th that breaks it for the other team. I'm rolling against the rookie here and say that QB will be Flacco. 21-17 Steelers. Edit: Nice censor.
Comments which don't warrant a thread.
Maztinho replied to Giuseppe Zangara's topic in No Holds Barred
After making a Yakov Shmirnoff joke in Brody's Russian Bride thread about three seconds after posting it dawned on me that would have been an awesome gimmick. Then again, Venk's C&P Bandit probably was funny in theory too. But the sweater alone would have made it work. Alas. -
You'll be fine, I'm sure you can find 16 year old pre-op trannys on hormone treatment to jerk to easy enough.