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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    Part of a Complete Breakfast

    Seconded. That's the best ad I've seen in awhile.
  2. Maztinho

    Cartoon Character Draft

    Whenever... Cran did the bottom pick and we are climbing back up the order. Cran-Kilroy-Gos-Me-Nighthawk, etc. Act as if the previous round was a full skip. Take someone at will.
  3. Maztinho

    Cartoon Character Draft

    ATTENTION! Due to inactivity, Maz, gave the thread a revival by picking again after like 4 days of nothing. BlackFlagg and Twisted Intestine you have two picks since you were the last of the round. Everyone between Timmy and Mazto take someone at random and check your lists. Make up picks BlackFlagg 2, TI 2, everyone else up to Mazto 1. The draft is continuing from here. Cran is up.
  4. Maztinho

    Cartoon Character Draft

    Nobody had picked in ages, so I just reset the draft going from me to Gos, so I'd just start the cycle from there, if you were in the space between the last pick and me, I'd just make them up or summat. I refuse to watch this aimlessly die.
  5. Venkman- Have you seen the PG13 thread? That was a thing of beauty. Kinetic- Surely, a king among men. Agent- If Kinetic is a king among men, Agent is a modern day viking ready to rape, pillage, and tear society a new hole in a painful fashion. Vitamin X- Indeed.
  6. Maztinho


  7. Maztinho


    As a fan of hilarious come upsmanship, I salute Warriorfan and welcome his idiocy into my sig, for all to bear witness to it, until I decide to put something else there.
  8. Maztinho

    Cartoon Character Draft

    I just dig Black Star. He's surpassed God you know.
  9. Maztinho

    Cartoon Character Draft

    Trying to give this draft CPR, I'll make another pick, since I highly doubt he was on anyone elses radar. Black Star Rotation should be going to Gos.
  10. Maztinho

    TV Character Draft

    Since Kilroy seemingly opened the can of Muppets. Or maybe not, screw it, I'm drafting him here. Animal
  11. I should swipe the Turtle kid av and really mess with your mind.
  12. Maztinho

    The 2009 NFL Offseason

    I could see that, but are there any real powerhouses out there that are looking to dump their coach after a subpar year? Tennessee filled their void, and no other school really seems like they are rebuilding or they already got their man. Boston College? Not a powerhouse, but Shanny could do some work there now.. So BC really shitcanned JJ? Yeah, then I could see Shanny going there, they are a big enough named school to be able to maybe pique his interest, and he could get them over that edge to a traditional powerhouse.
  13. Dan-Will Venk- Sure he’s self shillin’ but if I had any semblance of notoriety around here, I would to. Cheech- Nothing against Slayer, but Cheech has “it” whatever “it” is that makes me pick him. Sco-Ke Kinetic- Often makes me spit soda while scanning the TSM. Mellow- The Jeff Hornaceck or John Stockton of posting for me, sure, I can’t be a great poster, but here’s a guy I can somewhat relate to who is. Ste-Pop KOAB- I read it Ko-Ahb. Agent- Tough pick, because I generally like Kamala, but Agent is a force of nature. Like one of the bad ones like a fucking mudslide, or a fire tornado. MikeMc Sensei- I almost voted treble, who beat the guy who beat me, but then I remembered to sweep the leg. Vit X- Tough call, as at one point I too confused these two just like Smueser did, and I generally like both of them, but Vit’s cooking along with my natural hatred for all things Lakers gets the push here.
  14. *reaches for his gun with silencer attached* What do you know of secret posting groups?
  15. Maztinho

    The 2009 NFL Offseason

    I could see that, but are there any real powerhouses out there that are looking to dump their coach after a subpar year? Tennessee filled their void, and no other school really seems like they are rebuilding or they already got their man.
  16. Maztinho

    Byron, you're a fucking douche...

    This chat is epic. Ya'll missing out.
  17. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

  18. Voting D-Williams Venkman; Been boardin’ hard, he really came on in the last little bit as well. EHME; he loves to fite Cheech; He’s tremendous Slayer; I voted against both these guys in the first round, OS bothers me. Sco-K Kinetic; The Bob YouTube will lead him to victory Matt Young; Just because of his smug facial expression Mellow; His job is to freeze us. Edwin; Prince > Lodi, but not La Parka, alas… Popick KOAB; Been a favorite poster of mine since I started actually paying attention to the board. Smues; Although an odd lower ranking, could be a spoiler, I need an upset special. King Kamala; Pbone’s Super Sayain Hair doesn’t save him here, although this was the toughest choice in this round so far. Agent; He’d draft the best player available, he’s a goddamn genius. Mike Mc Sensei; There is no fear in this dojo Treble; I’m vindictive Milkhawk; Repeats rule. Vit X; Like he said, we’d likely get along until he annoyed me, but I’m hard to annoy so it’d just be getting along. I had a tough first round draw, but I didn't get killed as bad as I thought I was when I first saw it. Sure I got blown out, but I got more than I thought I would. I'm actually surprised I got a 12 seed, I figured if I got in at all I'd be 15-16, so I'll need to board hard and keep that up and comer status Czech gave me and maybe make some noise next year.
  19. Danny Williams Venkman Dandy Incandenza EHME Byron Brooklyn Zoo Brody Thoth (One of my early posting memories was scourging around the e-fed at the bottom of the board and reading, “Explosion, everyone dies but Thoth” so blame that for keeping me around because I laughed a lot) Scott Keith Kinetic Broward Matt Young Burning PSS Mellow Obi Chris Kenobi Edwin Fazzle (does not suck) Stephen Popick KOAB The Franchise Bob Barron (stripped of his title, he continues his ombudsman work pro bono, plus I gotta vote for a guy who harasses celebs) Mattdotcom King Kamala (in a closer choice that I thought it would be) Pbone (another closer pick than you’d think, Dama is annoying at times, but he’s like a guilty pleasure of mine) Luke-o (upset special with the chubby chaser) Agent Mike McKenzie Sensei (The devil whispered in my ear, Sweep the Leg, Johnny) CG Treble Massito (Hoping for the upset, gotta help my own cause) Milkhawk 909 Vit X Curry
  20. Maztinho

    The WWE PG 13 Philosophy

    Trick or Treating as Farooq in blackface?
  21. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Nah, for a couple of reasons. One, the price she quoted wasn't directly in front of the product she got, it was down a couple of spots. Two, the sign clearly said, Mangos 2/3. She obviously read the signs, because she didn't want them for 1.29 which was the price of the apples I had replaced the potatoes with and the price directly in front of the item she grabbed. She was just hoping the cashier would take her at face value and just give her the potatoes for 2/3. The main problem is that some of our cashiers are stupid or lazy and just ring up stuff for whatever the customer complains the price to be. I came back from lunch once as a person was trying to get a flat of strawberries for 5.99 instead of 13.99 because they "misread" the long-stem strawberries sign and the cashier had rung them up already, but the bagger had a brain and quickly asked me how much they where before the person got them out of the store. So because of our idiot cashiers people try and pull this shit all the time and screw us over. It doesn't help that my Store Director is a ball-less wonder, and 9 times out of 10 caves to whatever retarded ranting a customer is doing just to appease them even if what they are saying is completely and utterly wrong. I don't remember how many times the front desk has called me up to take back something someone bought a week prior and wanted to return because it didn't last, and the SD was going to give them their money back. The kicker being someone brought back some raspberry containers saying they'd bought them the day before and they were all moldy, and it was from a farm I'd never even heard of, so they didn't buy them at our store, and me pointing this out and the customer backing down was the only reason they didn't get their money back from our ball-less leader.
  22. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    People who want stuff free for any minor inconvenience they might have suffered. Our ads go from Wednesday to Tuesday, so our Ad Feature Table gets switched out on Tuesday setting up for the next days ad. I did the table change, and went up to the office to make signs for the new switched out product I just finished putting out. While the signs were printing I get a page from one of the checkers asking about the price of some bagged potatoes. I tell her, 3.99, and the cashier repeats that price to the customer, "She says there's a sign for 2 for 3." "That's for the mangoes, I just finished pulling." The cashier hangs up, and I head back down stairs, and the lady is still arguing that she should get the for free because the sign was wrong. And it's a lady that does this all the time, always trying to get free stuff because she gets "confused" at our signing. Jeez. People need to freakin' read.
  23. Maztinho

    So I've been sober for 3 days.

    They got bob_barron'd.
  24. Maztinho

    So I've been sober for 3 days.

    I'm 30 years sober, where's my gold watch?