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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    "Retirement" Announcement

    You're no son, you're no son.... of miiiiiiiiiiine!
  2. Maztinho

    The College Football Thread 12/3 - 12/6

    The Utah game is going to be ugly I think, they are a better team than Hawaii was last year, but they aren't scary good like they where under Urban. They'll play tough for a half, then Bama is going to woodshed them, and woodshed them good. I'm hoping for an upset though just because I hate the Mid-Majors not getting the credit they deserve, but growing up a mile from LaVell Edwards Stadium a Utes pounding would also make me giggle.
  3. Maztinho

    Cartoon Character Draft

    Can mold the world subconsciously to her whim? Check. Overpowering personality to bend other characters to doing stuff that they don't want to do? Check. Haruhi Suzumiya
  4. Maztinho

    Cartoon Character Draft

    Damnit... I had Vash on tap.
  5. Maztinho

    TSM 2008 Year-End Awards: The TSMmys

    It so was.
  6. Maztinho

    Country Draft

    SHIT! I was going to double up the awesomeness...
  7. Maztinho

    TV Character Draft

    I need a chick... Maybe someone who can get my boys out of trouble... Christine Sullivan
  8. Maztinho

    Christmas music 2008

    Brazilian Punk Y'all... Infeliz Natal- Raimundos I bust this out every year. And this thread would be amiss without my favorite little Christmas delight, "Santa, Baby"
  9. Maztinho

    Creat a folder for all the drafts

    I'm just waiting for the actual Draft the Draft draft comes. Circle of life, man, circle of life.
  10. Maztinho

    The Dark Knight

    I didn't think Bale underperformed at all. If I had to pick the underperformer, it was probably Maggie Gyllenhaal. I wouldn't say its her fault, as I don't think Rachel was a very good character. She was better than better than Katie Holmes, but then again, that was expected. I'm sorry, but Bale as super raspy smokers voice Batman annoyed the hell out of me. "You hear that? *cough... cough... cough* That's this city.... *GAEEAGGGHHHH!* Sorry hairball... this city showing you what kind of people live here" Yeah, I butchered the quote, but that's what I thought was going to happen during "Batman Talk" time.
  11. Maztinho

    I hope Frank Caliendo dies soon

    Dunham is decent. He's not really hate worthy like a Mencia, since he's quick on the trigger and often quite clever but his stuff doesn't really have any replay value. Usually even after I've watched a televised set if I go back like a year later I'll get another laugh out of it, Dunham didn't have that when I revisited some of his stuff because of this thread. *cranky old dude, and Achmed, I'm looking at you.* At least he does some standard stand up without the dummies which was a nice change of pace.
  12. Maztinho

    TV Character Draft

    Who could I follow BA up with? Thomas Magnum Private Investigator
  13. Maztinho

    TSM 646th most popular board of all time

    TSM more popular than PROBOARDS. And yet lower than Dungeons and Dragons... I smell forum raid.
  14. Maztinho

    I hope Frank Caliendo dies soon

    http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1892552/ This belongs here.
  15. Maztinho

    What sort of grill

    I went and saw my kid and we went to the North Carolina State Fair... I had a pulled pork sandwich for the first time in my life. I can attest that they are awesome.
  16. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

    This thread never fails to entertain me.
  17. Maztinho

    Country Draft

    Same rules no? Cran goes again, since he was the last pick.
  18. Maztinho


    This whole forum was initially a spin-off of the Wrestling Draft which was going to have supercards posted by the people who drafted, so they made a folder so that each supercard could have it's own thread without cluttering up the Old School Wrestling folder... aaaah, how such good plans go to waste.
  19. Maztinho

    Creat a folder for all the drafts

    He stole Sloan from me, what more can he want?
  20. Maztinho

    TV Character Draft

    I pity da foo' who messes with my draft. BA Baracus
  21. Maztinho

    Cartoon Character Draft

    CRAP... there goes Snidely's right-hand man.
  22. Maztinho

    Country Draft

    I know, I was pulling Das Jokenshire... hempft... yeah, I don't know German at all. JOGA PELADO!
  23. Maztinho

    Country Draft

    You are DAS WUNDERKIND and you take Italy? Helpless...
  24. Maztinho

    List Things That Bother You

    Nothing to see here.
  25. Maztinho

    Country Draft
