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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    The College Football Thread 12/3 - 12/6

    This just made me spray Dr. Pepper over my monitor and I have a cramp from laughing so hard. Thanks...
  2. Maztinho

    You can't hold a good drafter down

    Serial Killers
  3. Maztinho

    The Pit comments on TSM's misogyny

    Post of the year. Good show old hat.
  4. Maztinho

    It's Not Funny, My Ass Is On Fire.

    We once paid a coworker 5 bucks each to bite a habanero to the stem and chew it for fifteen seconds before she could spit it out, she was throwing up for like half an hour. She never said if the 25 dollars was worth it.
  5. Maztinho

    What did/do your parents think of wrestling?

    NOAH would really fuck him over then since they'll do backdrop drivers, Burning Hammers, Ganso Bombs, and kick out of all of it and then finish with an elbow smash or a lariat.
  6. Are you surprised EHME didn't ask if you wanted to fite?
  7. Maztinho

    What did/do your parents think of wrestling?

    One of these things is not like the other... which one of these things just isn't the same?
  8. Maztinho

    What did/do your parents think of wrestling?

    My mom was pretty indifferent to it, she was like, "This is stupid," but didn't really care if I was watching it. Actually, when Maxx Payne first hit WCW she got really excited since he lived the next street over from us, "Is that Darryl?" And she got a little upset when Payne lost his guitar to Johnny B. Badd at one of the Clash of the Champions. Aside from that my grandpa always would make a big deal about me watching it, again with the it's fake baloney, but it's just become a running gag in my family and nobody really cares.
  9. Maztinho

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    Hmmm, I really thought you could pick them for the Rumble, then again it's been... fifteen years since I last played it. All I remember was my older cousin hooking me up with the key to the arcade games at the arcade he worked at so I could play free games endlessly when he was on shift and playing as Earthquake and smashing the hell out of my other cousin who would be Warrior until he'd cry.
  10. Maztinho

    So I guess this is my goodby for a good while.

    After reading your posts in the past about how illegal immigrants are vital for our low consumer prices, remember that also applies when dey turk ur job and give it to some guy named Babu Ralph in the New Delhi Utah call center/tech department. My nextdoor neighbor is named Ralph... and I live in Utah... odd, he didn't look Indian.
  11. Maztinho

    Cartoon Character Draft

    Yo Hawk... already grabbed him.
  12. Maztinho

    Cartoon Character Draft

    The stupid thing is like anime in general, but I can't get into the one show that seemingly has the most main stream American appeal (Pokemon, Naruto... excluded). I think it's my general dislike for shows that deal heavily in space or mecha shows. Shit I watched and throughly enjoyed the chaos that is FLCL. The Auto-Skip is a good rule, we wound up doing that with the wrestling draft. A suggestion being if someone misses 4 picks in a row eventhough we don't have a wait list we could kick their picks back into the pool.
  13. Maztinho

    My good friend died last night.

    Produce Monkey
  14. Maztinho


    As an outsider lookin' in, let him in. Since Round 2 got started about 14 minutes after you put the pick selection cut off deadline and Zoid wasn't on-line.
  15. Maztinho

    Cartoon Character Draft

    Am I the only one who thought Cowboy Bebop wasn't that great? I mean I've tried watching it several times on line, I get about 5 eps in and then just get bored with it.
  16. Maztinho

    My good friend died last night.

    Mr. Parker, are you Free?
  17. Maztinho

    The College Football Thread 11/25 - 11/29

    Naiwf if you look at it, the play happened with like a minute and a half left in the game, OU was just doing running plays to get down to a point where they could kneel it and the RB broke a long run going right up the middle of the field, honestly it was likely the last "real" play they were going to run before taking a knee and the guy broke a tackle and the rest of the defense was out of position to do anything and the kid ran it in. I dislike OU, but there wasn't anything untoward about that play. Could Stoopes just have taken a knee from that point on? Probably, but it's not like he was going for it on 4th down on the 1 here. He ran a basic quick draw from shotgun and his player made a play and OSU was just emotionally drained and nobody tackled the guy who ran right up the gut of the D. Honestly, I think the mere fact that OSU was ranked will move OU ahead of Texas at this point who got a solid win over middle of the pack team.
  18. Maztinho

    The College Football Thread 11/25 - 11/29

    Oh I know he runs up the score all the time, but today wasn't the time to start blowing that horn. It was a hand-off to the running back out of a shotgun formation who went right up the middle and he made a move on the middle linebacker and the secondary was just out of position and he ran untouched into the endzone.
  19. Maztinho

    The College Football Thread 11/25 - 11/29

    I don't see how running a play straight up the gut and OSU failing to tackle is "running up the score." It's not like he was throwing out some trick play, OSU just got worn down and the RB made a big play for the touchdown.
  20. Maztinho

    Cartoon Character Draft

    A good counter to Popeye... Snidely Whiplash!!!
  21. Maztinho

    Creat a folder for all the drafts

    Do it, right now there's three alone going on in Movies/TV (Cartoon characters, Movie Characters, Actors/Actresses). Then throw in the music tournament, and you could have a whole folder for drafts/tournaments.
  22. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

    I hate to reply to an old post, but seriously, what's the story here? A fat ugly chick married a skinny military dude. The End.
  23. Maztinho

    Chazz just sent me a private message.

    Chazz don't worry, you don't have any rep to ruin, he's just yanking your chain.
  24. Maztinho

    TV Characters that went from kind of dumb

    Initially that was likely the character, but now she's like a walking leper, even to the point that when she asked a random character out he shot himself in the stomach with a nailgun to avoid the date.
  25. Maztinho

    What was the best team ever?

    But if we were, I'd say the greatest team of any kind I've ever seen in my lifetime has to be the original Dream Team. There should be no argument to that, Christian Leattner getting in over Shaq was pure Duke favoritism though.