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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho


    But are they as annoying as Chazz? No... Yes.... No.... Yes...
  2. Maztinho

    Cartoon Character Draft

  3. Maztinho


    But he was referencing my link....
  4. Maztinho


    Moving from Breakfasts to deserts. Cake vs Pie. There can be only one.
  5. That is the best thing ever done in the Thanksgiving Day Parade.
  6. Maztinho


    Saw this on another board, had to share.... http://www.lulu.com/content/4956212
  7. Maztinho


    I'm with you on the frosting thing, people usually fight for a corner piece, I like a middle section since it's got less frosting on it, the one exception is like I mentioned earlier when I first made this thing is German Chocolate Cake since I love me some coconut. Pies can be hit or miss (as can cakes, but a bad cake is usually better than a bad pie) and I might be in a solid minority, but alot of typical pie fillings I don't care for... Granny Smith Apple being a major player in this. A Pink Lady Apple pie though? Hell yes.
  8. Maztinho


    I still say Cake.
  9. Eye for an Eye? It's like Court Show Meets Double Dare, it's awesome~!
  10. Maztinho

    Terrible Moments in TSM History

    Yeah, the spin-off actually took root on other boards, which was kind of funny seeing, CIVIL WAR, I'm with Paris on some random board.
  11. Maztinho

    Teen kills himself as online

    Saturn Devouring His Children by Goya. I think that's the title, I could be fuzzy on the wording. A quick Google search confirms this via USC's website.
  12. Maztinho

    Teen kills himself as online

    Honestly, I'd think they were popping sugar pills and faking it, but I'm jaded that way.
  13. Maztinho

    The Fred Phelps World Tour

    Wait... I see a Twilight shirt on the Phelps Granddaughter/Friend. Seriously that shit is worse than homosexuality. Time to clean the vessel WBC. Edit: Bob got the shot off before I did.
  14. Maztinho


    We just call them, The Boys.
  15. Maztinho

    List Things That Bother You

    I get that at work a lot. People ask how to pick let say, a cantaloupe, and then question the melon I hand them because I didn't do some arcane voodoo ritual they saw some third party do one time.
  16. Maztinho

    List Things That Bother You

    He already clarified that in the second post. I'll go with over annunciation. People in Utah do this all the time, they don't want to sound uneducated (Utahn's tend to have a South-Lite accent where we cut syllables) so they overcorrect the other way and sound even more uneducated because they are almost quickly sounding out every word. So I say "mount'un" at least I'm not going "moun-TAin"
  17. Maztinho

    What sort of grill

  18. Maztinho


    And it was totally worth this shit storm of collective suck and the promise of the impeding Sword of Damicles hung over his head to get to. We did get the Bohemian RHHHapsody though, so that was nice.
  19. Maztinho


    The best part is, I am not Ghettoman. I am Redux.
  20. Maztinho


    Listen, The Great Mazto isn't that much of a whiny bitch. Its just that its his time of the month. What are you talking about when you say bring back the guy that couldn't justify his existence? The Great Mazto never left man. Ghettoman is everywhere. The Great Mazto are you Ghettoman? You seem to be leaving clues that you are. If you are why the name change? I am Ghettoman Redux, I am I said. I am Maz, I am the Brave Sword Machine, I am the wind that reddens your ruddy cheeks, I'm the sand in your vagina, I am everywhere. I am an enigma wrapped in a puzzle lightly salted with kosher salt and deep fried to tasty perfection. I'm a sinner, I'm a saint, I'm wandering, but not lost. I'm part of the unheard of TSM Gestapo. I'm livin' on a prayer, livin' on the edge, I can't help myself... ...can't help myself. From falling. I'm the darkness in your light, the fly in your ointment, the hair in your burrito, the laundry detergent in your cocaine. Redux, is now, Redux is forever. I am me.
  21. Maztinho

    The Pit comments on TSM's misogyny

    What if I'm cripplingly horrified of the prospect of her running the country? Does that make me her bitch, or am I still a misogynist? I DON'T KNOW!!!! Also: Youth N Asia.
  22. Maztinho


    I'm kind of glad in hindsight that my home bleach job during high school failed and made me a sort of red-head which didn't look too atrocious on me since I have natural reddish highlights anyways.
  23. Maztinho

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    The Gulag, mang, the GUUUUUULAG!
  24. Maztinho

    What Would Be Your Theme/Entrance Music?

    AIDS? HOLY SHIT WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU LITTLE BITCH? Onto the show, my main e-fed guy had "5 Minutes Alone" by Pantera for AGES like for 7 years, then I've bounced around a bit and he's settled on a cover of The Rolling Stones "Street Fighting Man" by Rage Against the Machine. I had something by Black Label Society for awhile too. I have other e-fed gimmicks with a shitton of music, but I think I'd probably use the Rage cover if I was actually a wrestler. I'd do a Sandman entrance only with soda instead of beer though.
  25. Maztinho


    Listen, The Great Mazto isn't that much of a whiny bitch. Its just that its his time of the month. What are you talking about when you say bring back the guy that couldn't justify his existence? The Great Mazto never left man. Ghettoman is everywhere.