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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    About fucking time. Was Selma your Tommy Dreamer 6foot9? For a main member of the family to last into the 130's is inconceivable. You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means...
  2. Maztinho


    The Great Mazto can be a whiny bitch but that doesn't mean he deserves to be banned. Lighten up. Oh... hilarity. You cut me to the core, I'm crying, I'm lost, I should just go Emo and slit my wrists right now because there is no coming back from your incredulous wit. I just shat myself and came simultaneously as you burned me like the heat of a thousand suns. I am nothing now. I am lost. I am less than the dust of the Earth itself. I taste death, it has an orangey aftertaste.
  3. Maztinho

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    Legion of Doom is in the Royal Rumble on Wrestlefest?! Yeah, I'm pretty sure they were. You just couldn't select them. You could if you did the Royal Rumble itself, but not the Tag side for obvious reasons.
  4. Maztinho


    *elephant noise*
  5. Maztinho


    Cause you are fagging everything up, it concerns me as a "citizen of TSM" therefore when someone is being retarded it's like someone calling me and going, "Hey some drunk dude is doing zany shit, come watch." You're futile rage against the Powers that Be amuses me. I'm not even angry, if you bothered to know anything before railing against the system that I frequently have unreasonable outbursts. It's like my thing. Any update on the kitten punching? Edit: I wish I could taunt you with e-peanuts like some sort of zoo exhibit.
  6. Maztinho

    Paging TSM Teachers....

    In theory No Child Left Behind solves that since you have to have a degree in the subject matter you are teaching, which in turn cripples small districts ability to hire since you can't have the chemistry teacher double as a lower tier math teacher. I didn't get my degree because the semester before my student teaching I had to fight with my professor (one of these pedagogy experts that had little in class experience) on every assignment. "How are you going to keep your class actively engaged?" "It's band, I'll tell them to play the music." "What about ESL kids?" "Music is it's own language." "You seem to be doing the same thing every day in your lesson plans." "Actually I'm being quite diverse. I'm working different parts of the pieces on different days." "This says Ghost Train everyday." "That's a 4 movement piece that's half an hour performance time, I'm working different sections which are totally different from one another each day." "But it's the same song." Then it hit me that I'd be having this conversation for most of the rest of my life, and just walked out of the classroom never to return.
  7. Maztinho


    One of the mods used to have a screen name of Tzar and you want a democracy? Also bob has a title... see his shiny shit brown name? COLORS ARE LAW! I will give you one thing, you are more amusing than KRF since he stopped being awesomely gimmicky and just got tarded. Your anger fills me. Go punch a kitten and I'll be filled.
  8. Maztinho


    THE FUCK DID EPIC FAIL ORANGE DO TO YOU? Do you not understand that you are out of nowhere for something as stupid as getting your group reassigned which means nothing you are starting shit? What is right? Your point of view? You're the one namecalling, you're the one instigating everything, go ahead and say I'm doing this to avoid banning, but guess what? Getting banned isn't a big deal, it doesn't matter. They can ban me tomorrow, I'd just find someplace else to kill my time with stupid ass comments on-line. But it's amusing that you think you have some sort of cause, or are trying to rally the troops when you are a Failed Army of One. The guy who is supposed to stand up for all the posters didn't stand up for you, because you are bringing up random grudges from internet baggage you had from other sites. You are the problem, you are the cause of your own demotion (again that MEANS NOTHING). Also you used the retarded ASSHOLE emotecon, can we get rid of that stupid thing? I hate it.
  9. Maztinho


    Ditto. Also... nice knowing you Zooman. You'll be dead of the Sub-AIDS by Wednesday.
  10. Maztinho


    I'd start another one, but you dropped the word that rhymes with Titler... also I was yanking your chain. Maybe you keep getting banned from places because you try and start revolutions, the revolution will not be YouTubed, it might be blogged though. I'm thinking of deflecting to Canada, any takers?
  11. Maztinho

    Let's Talk About...No Holds Barred

    Wait, is this the one where Hulk goes on a date with the chick to a French restaraunt and the waiter is making fun of him and Rip turns out to be a regular at the place? That made me laugh as a kid. I watched Gem as a kid though, so what the hell did I know.
  12. Maztinho


    Hey remember when Czech bitched me out for being a missionary and like nothing happened other than a spirited discussion? Abuse of power! No, wait, the exact opposite happened. Also Marvin still being around and EHME still being around is proof that TSM is some-what-lenient. Brody waves hello too. Here's what you can't do, make threads. Is that so freakin' horrible that you need to channel Che Guevra and try downing the Blue Mod Group and Operation Teal? You can still post anywhere, you can bitch in NHB which is technically a "bonus" since it's not available to non-members of the forum. So is there some magnificent thread you NEED made? I'll make it for you and you can post in it.
  13. Maztinho


    Gay porn is fine, idiocy is not. This is the new, better world. This is TSM. Chibberish isn't anything, unless there's something called a chibber and you are describing something else as it. I will say that bob needs to stop slacking in his duties, I mean, do your job. Also... All Hail Ghettoman (aka Pikachu).
  14. Maztinho

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    About fucking time. Was Selma your Tommy Dreamer 6foot9?
  15. Maztinho

    Things that Amuse or Please You

    There was a little girl (toddler) who was shopping with her mom, and she had a band-aid on her head. Her mom was looking at something and I was just filling something and the little girl kept pointing to the band-aid and saying "Owie" with a sad face to me. When they left she smiled brightly and waved saying, "Bye-bye" over and over. Adorable.
  16. Maztinho

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    Adding rounds to the Wrestling Draft kinda took it to a place it shouldn't have gone. We don't want that again.
  17. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

    Ours was all about the dance team as well. A couple of us got suspended for throwing Monopoly on the basketball court during halftime while they performed. "Endangering the Drill Team during a performance" was the official reason, but we all know the real reason. Side note, my Senior they won some National competition for their "Props Routine" which if it was the same one we got suspended during involved chairs, and lap-dances to invisible johns. Also, the Drill Team Captain was like the nicest girl in school, so I kinda felt bad because she gave me a dirty look when I got back from my day off. To this day I'm the only person I know of that got the Evil Eye from her.
  18. Maztinho


    In rod we trust?
  19. Maztinho


    I follow Pikachu.
  20. They flash The SHOCKER? That is awesome.
  21. Maztinho

    Things that Amuse or Please You

    Awesome~! After re-reading my last complaint in the anger thread I forgot I had balance. Mexi-Fries.
  22. Maztinho


    His response in my Pikachu > Kane was underwhelming. That saddened me.
  23. Maztinho

    Oh fuck guys... oh fuck...

    I'll hit you with this next time you post about being laid. If I don't forget. Dick. You'll forget, or be drunk.
  24. Maztinho

    I need to vent about Sarah Palin.

    Not alot but I do think that some groups of people do follow sheepishly after what the celebrities are doing. For example, in Brazil there's a television personality named Xuxa she hosts both a Saturday morning cartoon block for children, and then on Sunday afternoon a more adult centered talk show (basically all the kids who grew up watching her are now adults), she got pregnant and people told me they were trying to get pregnant to be like Xuxa. Teens, women in their twenties... women in their fourties, just to be like a celeb. I find people wandering around in the States that do the same thing to a point. They'll vote according to whatever group they've identified themselves as, and a small percent of people will follow a random celebrity. Not alot of people, but enough to be annoying.