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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    Is it just me or...

    But he gave us this...
  2. Maztinho

    Halloween 2008

    I'm pretty sure pain exists, fear is not allowed.
  3. Maztinho


    This is true.
  4. Maztinho

    The OaO Misogyny Thread

    Might as well toss this in here instead of the things that anger you thread, since I'm... here. My ex called me yesterday bitching about the amount of the child support check I sent, which was less than I usually send, but more than legally required, saying that I need to get a better job if I can't send more money. She knows it's a down time at my work, she knows hours go in the shitter, and why would I go find a job working 40-50 hours a week making the exact dollar amount I do now working 20? If I went looking for another job, I'd be working McD drive thru for 5 bucks an hour since that's all that is available right now. Then she rightfully said I should go back to school, which I should, but she went off on me again when I mentioned that if I did go back to school I'd have to cutback even more on what I could send. She has a shitton of bills, yeah, I get that, I do to. She didn't _need_ a new car off the lot. I don't ever see my son, so I'm "not a part of his life" well who is the one who took him to fucking North Carolina after the divorce? She causes effects then wants me to fix them. Nah, that shits why we got divorced in the first place.
  5. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

    Good ol' Hello KKKitty.
  6. Chavito should actually bust out his Tornado DDT again, I loved that thing.
  7. Maztinho

    Super Crazy released

    Welcome to the 5th post in the thread. Lower card guys want out all the time, this isn't new, he likely burned a bridge if Johnny Ace wasn't happy about it though.
  8. Maztinho

    The official rape thread

    The Avatar makes it. I just shot Dr. Pepper out my nose.
  9. Maztinho

    The official rape thread

    must... not... change... username... to... something... other... than... mellow____ful.... mellowburningpirateshipsexful Done.
  10. Maztinho

    workers who get called great but you disagree

    Welcome to the internet. Manners are for eating at grandma's this is where shitcock-faggotfucker is a common word. Also you just said, Misawa, you didn't explain anything. People tried to figure out why you wouldn't be into him, and that's what we came up with. We can deal with your opinion, but you just tossed out a name seemingly arbitrarily, back up why you don't like him, and we might bother to respect your opinion. But this is TSM, so it's not likely. Back to the DDT. Every so often someone will start using it as the finisher again, but I can't help but think of an interview I read with Raven during the Monday Night Wars where he said that he was going out there using the DDT as a match ender then you'd have Buff Bagwell using it as a transition spot, or one of the luchadors would hit it two times a match, and it just _kills_ the move overall. My cousin who was into wrestling a little bit when we where kids and got back into it around the time of the roster split still doesn't see the DDT as a viable finisher because everyone and their dog does it. I showed him a Jake Roberts clip and then he just went. DAMN, and it clicked. I'm kinda glad that the piledriver got banned, because it was headed the same way. I think I recall a match between The King and Chief Morley where Lawler hit the piledriver and it didn't end the match, I was so upset at that. Although we did get the pretty swank fist drop off the middle.
  11. Maztinho

    they would never of worked as a heel/face

    And John Cena he can rap about how your ghey no matter who you are. Then he'll YOU CAN'T SEE ME and you can't. Chain Gang 4 Lyfe.
  12. Maztinho

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    One of Utah's Senators pointed out an interesting fact that rarely does a party in power of the Presidency keep power after an 8 year run, so it historically flip-flops, the notable exception being George Bush Sr. whose run was mainly seen as Reagan's third term. I'm too lazy to fact check that, but it's kinda neat. Fake Edit: I think he said since the first World War onwards that's been the case.
  13. Maztinho

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    People take things differently, they react differently to different situations. stillfly is filled with hope that things can change, maybe his perspective was one of desolation and thinking that eventhough he got lip service that he could be whatever he wanted that the reality of it was that he couldn't, and Obama's winning the Presidency opened the heaven's as it were. Zoo you might have been raised, or had experiences where you could see yourself doing whatever you put your heart and mind too. Like I've had two friends that had abusive relationships that they escaped from. One of them is now afraid of all men, and distrusts anything with a penis that isn't her own son, and now that he's getting to the ripe old age of 6 he's iffy too. The other is completely the opposite, she found inner strength and moved on. Individual circumstances and personalities build people, even those of similar backgrounds or upbringings on the surface.
  14. Maztinho

    workers who get called great but you disagree

    Didn't Windham do the float over superplex? That was some sexy shit.
  15. Maztinho

    workers who get called great but you disagree

    Throw in the DDT to that mix as well. It's a shame that until about 1996 the DDT was DEATH, now it's a transition move for models.
  16. Maztinho

    they would never of worked as a heel/face

    CM Punk is a great heel. He's straight edge, just go holier than thou, talk down to everyone who drinks and smokes, easy transition. I don't think Jeff could work as a heel, simply for the fact that his whole moveset is based around popping the crowd, and he's not solid enough on the mic to really give a money heel turn promo. So even if they tried turning him, his high risk moves would still keep him popular. Rey sucked at his failed heel turn for this very same reason. When did Rey work heel? Filthy Animals days? And Jeff Hardy would SO work as a heel at this point. All he'd have to do is blame the fans for popping for all the high risk moves he did, and then blame them for those said moves never getting him over the top. He'd generate heel heat instantly. Yeah, Rey was a heel for like a nanosecond in WCW, but nobody cared. Because his moveset still popped the crowd. Jeff doesn't have the acting chops to pull off the heel turn believably. Him trying to get intense on MVP awhile back was almost laughably bad, he's okay at talking in small portions, but a convincing heel turn would require more mic work than I think I could deal with from Jeff. Now Toxxic's Jeff going Kamikazee heel might work, but I still think he'd at most float tweener with the crowd because he'd still be overly aggressive instead of full out heel. JR's announce table was the Shit. Anyone who doesn't think so needs to go back and watch that shit again.
  17. Maztinho

    2008 HOF Finals

    Before Slayer's interlude that was a great series of posts between KOAB and Curry. Also, Yes on everyone listed.
  18. Maztinho

    TSM Presidental Election Voting Thread

    La Parka by one. You are welcome, America.
  19. Maztinho

    Campaign 2008

    You've got the Marvins Jerk, there is no cure. I should probably figure out where my voting place is and vote huh?
  20. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I don't think the roster size is too much since I really like what I have as a whole and think it could be very entertaining, but the concept of the super show was added mid-flow and I like everyone else is trying to get everyone on the big show which just doesn't happen in reality.
  21. Maztinho

    How I Met Your Mother

    Barney walking into the apartment with two hot chicks, and Ted going, I'm fine really, thanks. And Barney just responding, "I didn't think you'd be home, TO THE STAIRWELL!" had me laughing well through the commercial break.
  22. Worst Week is a horrible show, how can you screw up something with Kurtwood Smith involved? He's awesome, but he can't even save this show. I know that Murphy's Law is an old comedic bit, but some of the stuff is just insane. Babies eating the wedding ring, the secret fiance "capturing the neighborhood prowler" who is actually the adopted black brother of the family, he accidentally sets fire to the strict fathers portrait while trying to fix the power breaker, it's just unending, unfunny garbage. I've watched three episodes hoping to find something redeeming in it. There is nothing.
  23. Maztinho

    The College Football Thread 10/28 - 11/2

    Also Broward, you know how it goes. Who did you lose to lately? Losing early in the season to lower quality opponents isn't as bad as losing to a ranked team later on in the season. This isn't new to any of us. This shouldn't be a surprise at all. Michigan dropping a load to App State last year not withstanding.
  24. Maztinho

    This week in the NBA

    Taking the fact that they had to leave everything, they have no history (technically, wink-wink-nudge-nudge-say-no-more) to speak of. They are essentially a displaced expansion team records wise. With a horrible name. I'm sure I'll get to the point that I'll reach some point where I don't care anymore, but Judas Priest the Thunder?
  25. Maztinho

    I got a Robo-Call from John McCain, today

    Hahaha. Wanna bet, stud? Yeah, by abiding to a message board's terms of service at the time of registration, your first amendment right are in fact, not, protected. Yay for terms of service, but you didn't read them did you JN? DID YOU? You lied to the internet, your rights are stripped. And so you hung up on a Robo-call, that's not funny, that's not even marginally mentionable. Wanna know something funny? I get Wyoming political ads in Utah. That's a better story than you hanging up on a machine.