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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    Scott Hall arrested

    Yeah, I know what a roast is. I just like Owen Hart a lot. Plus you can't say that eventhough it's been ten years if one of your friends died in a tragic way you wouldn't react similarly. You can't compare Hart's death to Benoit's totally different situations. Owen didn't even have that self-destructive end that most wrestlers have.
  2. Maztinho

    Scott Hall arrested

    Good for Hall.
  3. Maztinho

    2008-2009 NBA Preseason

    I think the team blows up in his face around the All-Star break.
  4. Maztinho

    Carl's Jr. & Hardee's

    There's a local joint that's fast food that has Grape Soda on tap. Mucho sexy.
  5. John McCain getting BUTT Touched By an Angel.
  6. Maztinho

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    Oh my GOD at that Au Revoir over the top rope. IIRC, the Dudleys almost beat the shit out of the 2 of them in the back, after they screwed up that move. That made me cringe. That rolling Back Cracker is also pretty amazing! CIMA is Law.
  7. Maztinho


    I just saw a fat girl at Subway who was hairier than I am. And I dress up as a Wookie by putting on tan pants and taking off my shirt. The girl had a goatee... a GOATEE people. I nearly couldn't order my food.
  8. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    There is a side street near campus here that they all got together and voted to ban parking on the street unless you have a special tag that homeowners can get from the city. However the sign posted is in the schools colors and just reads, "No Parking Without a Permit" so inevitably incoming freshman get nailed for 75 dollar parking tickets because they don't know the rule. There's a tiny bit of school owned property there too, and you can fit a car in that spot, one day I got the money spot and parked. My BUMPER was slightly past the sign and the pedophile looking douchebag that has nothing better to do than call the cops when anyone under the age of 30 parks on this street ran out and stood in front of my car because he'd called the cops to come and write me a ticket for violating the parking rule. I'd been gone for less than five minutes to drop off a paper to a professor in the building across the street. I told the dude to move, and he foolishly sat on the hood of my car and when the cop came I told him I wanted to press charges for false imprisonment and kidnapping or something because he wasn't letting me leave and the dude nearly shat himself. The cop looked at where I was parked and proceeded to yell at the guy for wasting his time. The best part was when one of the frats bought the house across the street from this guy and would give anyone who wanted to pay 15 dollars an "Initiate" status parking pass to park on the street.
  9. Maztinho

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I demand proof that this folder had quality before the switch. Or ever...
  10. Maztinho

    Noah Fentz vs. The World

    Wait, I'm not a useless piece of shit, and he's threatening to talk to me again. What do I do? Suicide? Scream like a girl and run? Call up EHME? Just had to second this.
  11. Maztinho

    Noah Fentz vs. The World

    And then make an RPG about it and EHME's wicked d20 modifier damage.
  12. It's as relevant as Marvin's posts. AMIRITE? And I like Marv.
  13. Maztinho

    Campaign 2008

    I'm here to add nothing to the discussion, but this gif made me spit Mountain Dew on my monitor, so you get to share.
  14. Maztinho

    My name is...Adult Swim Thread

    I'd put Frisky Dingo above Morel Orel, but Orel's comedy just didn't ring with me. I got the jokes, but they weren't funny to me.
  15. Maztinho

    The worst rotten food ever.

    More work stories! HAHA! We get in deviled egg trays which I don't touch because shit, they are pre-cut egg things then we squeeze some shit out of a tube and pour paprika on them then sell them as trays. Well one day I was goaded into making them since, but since they are zip-sealed they trap some aroma in their and it smells like freakin' egg fart when you cut open the bag. At the same time, the Florist (who shares the backroom) found a bag of potatoes that had gone nuclear, and brought it into the back. On top of that we had some cinnamon pinecones in for the holidays which when they are in one little bag aren't too bad, but we'd just gotten 9 cases of them and the smell was over powering. Rotten egg + Rotten Potato + Cinnamon = Blinding headache.
  16. Maztinho

    Subway thread

    Chicken Pizziola sandwich. Get one, stick it in your face. NOW.
  17. Cutting in with a comment. Just saw Battle Royale. HOOOOOOOOOLY SHIT. That is all.
  18. Maztinho

    Greedy bitch sues Topheavy Studios

    Closest thing to a resolution that I could find in a half-assed Google search. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/12/22/to..._teen_game_ban/
  19. Maztinho

    Noah Fentz vs. The World

    He smoked pot with Hawk. He's peaked.
  20. Maztinho

    Noah Fentz vs. The World

    Or he'll make a RPG based off it.
  21. Maztinho

    Noah Fentz vs. The World

    I'm going to point to this thread as the downfall of humanity.
  22. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

    She's like what 7? I like little kids with spunk. Plus she has to be pure evil. You'll be sorry when she's the Master and Ruler of the World.
  23. Maztinho

    NFL Week 5

    I'd go with Atlanta, just because THERE WAS NO HOPE went Ron Mexico got busted. Miami is a surprise, but they showed some glimpses of being okay last year, they just didn't know how to win.
  24. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

    She's awesome. I'm going to vote for her instead of her mom.